line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Fetching '.($this->option('unseen') ? 'UNREAD' : 'ALL').' emails for the last '.$this->option('days').' days.'); $this->extra_import = []; if (Mailbox::getInProtocols() === Mailbox::$in_protocols) { $this->mailboxes = Mailbox::get(); } else { // Get active mailboxes with the default in_protocols $this->mailboxes = Mailbox::whereIn('in_protocol', array_keys(Mailbox::$in_protocols))->get(); } // // Add small delay between connections to avoid blocking by mail servers, // especially when there many mailboxes. // Microseconds: 1 second = 1 000 000 microseconds. $sleep = 20000; foreach ($this->mailboxes as $mailbox) { if (!$mailbox->isInActive()) { continue; } $sleep += 20000; if ($sleep > 500000) { $sleep = 500000; } $this->info('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Mailbox: '.$mailbox->name); $this->mailbox = $mailbox; try { $this->fetch($mailbox); } catch (\Exception $e) { $successfully = false; $this->logError('Error: '.$e->getMessage().'; File: '.$e->getFile().' ('.$e->getLine().')').')'; } usleep($sleep); } // Import emails sent to several mailboxes at once. if (count($this->extra_import)) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Importing emails sent to several mailboxes at once: '.count($this->extra_import)); foreach ($this->extra_import as $i => $extra_import) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] '.($i+1).') '.$extra_import['message']->getSubject()); $this->processMessage($extra_import['message'], $extra_import['message_id'], $extra_import['mailbox'], [], true); } } if ($successfully && count($this->mailboxes)) { Option::set('fetch_emails_last_successful_run', $now); } // Middleware Terminate handler is not launched for commands, // so we need to run processing subscription events manually Subscription::processEvents(); $this->info('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Fetching finished'); $this->extra_import = []; $this->mailbox = null; $this->mailboxes = []; } public function fetch($mailbox) { $no_charset = false; $client = \MailHelper::getMailboxClient($mailbox); // Connect to the Server $client->connect(); $folders = []; // Fetch emails from custom IMAP folders. //if ($mailbox->in_protocol == Mailbox::IN_PROTOCOL_IMAP) { $imap_folders = $mailbox->getInImapFolders(); foreach ($imap_folders as $folder_name) { $folder = null; try { $folder = \MailHelper::getImapFolder($client, $folder_name); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Just log error and continue. $this->error('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Could not get mailbox IMAP folder: '.$folder_name); } if ($folder) { $folders[] = $folder; } } // try { // //$folders = $client->getFolders(); // } catch (\Exception $e) { // // Do nothing // } $unseen = \Eventy::filter('fetch_emails.unseen', $this->option('unseen'), $mailbox); if ($unseen != $this->option('unseen')) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Fetching: '.($unseen ? 'UNREAD' : 'ALL')); } foreach ($folders as $folder) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Folder: '.$folder->name); // Requesting emails by bunches allows to fetch large amounts of emails // without problems with memory. $page = 0; do { // Get messages. $last_error = ''; $messages = collect([]); try { $messages_query = $folder->query()->since(now()->subDays($this->option('days')))->leaveUnread(); if ($unseen) { $messages_query->unseen(); } if ($no_charset) { $messages_query->setCharset(null); } $messages_query->limit(self::PAGE_SIZE, $page); $messages = $messages_query->get(); if (method_exists($client, 'getLastError')) { $last_error = $client->getLastError(); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $last_error = $e->getMessage(); } if ($last_error && stristr($last_error, 'The specified charset is not supported')) { $errors_count = count($client->getErrors()); // Solution for MS mailboxes. // $messages_query = $folder->query()->since(now()->subDays($this->option('days')))->leaveUnread()->setCharset(null); if ($unseen) { $messages_query->unseen(); } $messages = $messages_query->get(); $no_charset = true; if (count($client->getErrors()) > $errors_count) { $last_error = $client->getLastError(); } else { $last_error = null; } } if ($last_error && !\Str::startsWith($last_error, 'Mailbox is empty')) { // Throw exception for INBOX only if ($folder->name == 'INBOX' && !$messages) { throw new \Exception($last_error, 1); } else { $this->error('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] '.$last_error); $this->logError('Folder: '.$folder->name.'; Error: '.$last_error); } } $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Fetched: '.count($messages)); $message_index = 1; // We have to sort messages manually, as they can be in non-chronological order $messages = $this->sortMessage($messages); foreach ($messages as $message_id => $message) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] '.$message_index.') '.$message->getSubject()); $message_index++; $dest_mailbox = \Eventy::filter('fetch_emails.mailbox_to_save_message', $mailbox, $folder); $this->processMessage($message, $message_id, $dest_mailbox, $this->mailboxes); } $page++; } while (count($messages) == self::PAGE_SIZE); } $client->disconnect(); } public function processMessage($message, $message_id, $mailbox, $mailboxes, $extra = false) { try { // From - $from is the plain text email. $from = $message->getReplyTo(); if (!$from // || !($reply_to = $this->formatEmailList($from)) || empty($reply_to[0]) || preg_match('/^.+@unknown$/', $reply_to[0]) ) { $from = $message->getFrom(); } // /*else { // If this is an auto-responder do not use Reply-To as sender email. // $headers = $this->headerToStr($message->getHeader()); if (\MailHelper::isAutoResponder($headers)) { $from = $message->getFrom(); } }*/ if ($from) { $from = $this->formatEmailList($from); } if (!$from) { $this->logError('From is empty'); $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); return; } else { $from = $from[0]; } // Message-ID can be empty. // if (!$message_id) { // Generate artificial Message-ID. $message_id = \MailHelper::generateMessageId($from, $message->getRawBody()); $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Message-ID is empty, generated artificial Message-ID: '.$message_id); } $duplicate_message_id = false; // Special hack to allow threading into conversations Jira messages. // // // Jira does not properly populate Reference / In-Reply-To headers. // When Jira sends a reply the In-Reply-To header is set to: // JIRA.$\{issue-id}.$\{issue-created-date-millis}@$\{host} // // If we see the first message of a ticket we change the Message-ID, // so all follow-ups in the ticket are nicely threaded. $jira_message_id = preg_replace('/^(JIRA\.\d+\.\d+)\..*(@Atlassian.JIRA)/', '\1\2', $message_id); if ($jira_message_id != $message_id) { if (!Thread::where('message_id', $jira_message_id)->exists()) { $message_id = $jira_message_id; } } if (!$extra) { $duplicate_message_id = Thread::where('message_id', $message_id)->first(); } // Mailbox has been mentioned in Bcc. if (!$extra && $duplicate_message_id) { $recipients = array_merge( $this->formatEmailList($message->getTo()), $this->formatEmailList($message->getCc()) ); if (!in_array(Email::sanitizeEmail($mailbox->email), $recipients) // Make sure that previous email has been imported into other mailbox. && $duplicate_message_id->conversation && $duplicate_message_id->conversation->mailbox_id != $mailbox->id ) { $extra = true; $duplicate_message_id = null; } } // Gnerate artificial Message-ID if importing same email into several mailboxes. if ($extra) { // Generate artificial Message-ID. $message_id = \MailHelper::generateMessageId(strstr($message_id, '@') ? $message_id : $from, $mailbox->id.$message_id); $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Generated artificial Message-ID: '.$message_id); } // Check if message already fetched. if ($duplicate_message_id) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Message with such Message-ID has been fetched before: '.$message_id); $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); return; } // Detect prev thread $is_reply = false; $prev_thread = null; $user_id = null; $user = null; // for user reply only $message_from_customer = true; $in_reply_to = $message->getInReplyTo(); $references = $message->getReferences(); $attachments = $message->getAttachments(); $html_body = ''; // Is it a bounce message $is_bounce = false; // Determine previous Message-ID $prev_message_id = ''; if ($in_reply_to) { $prev_message_id = trim($in_reply_to, '<>'); } elseif ($references) { if (!is_array($references)) { $references = array_filter(preg_split('/[, <>]/', $references)); } // Find first non-empty reference if (is_array($references)) { foreach ($references as $reference) { if (!empty(trim($reference))) { $prev_message_id = trim($reference); break; } } } } // Some mail service providers change Message-ID of the outgoing email, // so we are passing Message-ID in marker in body. $reply_prefixes = [ \MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_NOTIFICATION, \MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_REPLY_TO_CUSTOMER, \MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_AUTO_REPLY, ]; // Try to get previous message ID from marker in body. if (!$prev_message_id || !preg_match('/^('.implode('|', $reply_prefixes).')\-(\d+)\-/', $prev_message_id)) { $html_body = $message->getHTMLBody(false); $marker_message_id = \MailHelper::fetchMessageMarkerValue($html_body); if ($marker_message_id) { $prev_message_id = $marker_message_id; } } // Bounce detection. $bounced_message_id = null; if ($message->hasAttachments()) { // Detect bounce by attachment. // Check all attachments. foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if (!empty(Attachment::$types[$attachment->getType()]) && Attachment::$types[$attachment->getType()] == Attachment::TYPE_MESSAGE ) { if ( // Checking the name will lead to mistakes if someone attaches a file with such name. // Dashes are converted to space. //in_array(strtoupper($attachment->getName()), ['RFC822', 'DELIVERY STATUS', 'DELIVERY STATUS NOTIFICATION', 'UNDELIVERED MESSAGE']) preg_match('/delivery-status/', strtolower($attachment->content_type)) // 7.3.1 The Message/rfc822 (primary) subtype. A Content-Type of "message/rfc822" indicates that the body contains an encapsulated message, with the syntax of an RFC 822 message //|| $attachment->content_type == 'message/rfc822' ) { $is_bounce = true; $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Bounce detected by attachment content-type: '.$attachment->content_type); // Try to get Message-ID of the original email. if (!$bounced_message_id) { //print_r(\MailHelper::parseHeaders($attachment->getContent())); $bounced_message_id = \MailHelper::getHeader($attachment->getContent(), 'message_id'); } } } } } $message_header = $this->headerToStr($message->getHeader()); // Check Content-Type header. if (!$is_bounce && $message_header) { if (\MailHelper::detectBounceByHeaders($message_header)) { $is_bounce = true; } } // Check message's From field. if (!$is_bounce) { if ($message->getFrom()) { $original_from = $this->formatEmailList($message->getFrom()); $original_from = $original_from[0]; $is_bounce = preg_match('/^mailer\-daemon@/i', $original_from); if ($is_bounce) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Bounce detected by From header: '.$original_from); } } } // Check Return-Path header if (!$is_bounce && preg_match("/^Return\-Path: <>/i", $message_header)) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Bounce detected by Return-Path header.'); $is_bounce = true; } if ($is_bounce && !$bounced_message_id) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment_msg) { // 7.3.1 The Message/rfc822 (primary) subtype. A Content-Type of "message/rfc822" indicates that the body contains an encapsulated message, with the syntax of an RFC 822 message if ($attachment_msg->content_type == 'message/rfc822') { $bounced_message_id = \MailHelper::getHeader($attachment_msg->getContent(), 'message_id'); if ($bounced_message_id) { break; } } } } // Is it a message from Customer or User replied to the notification preg_match('/^'.\MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_NOTIFICATION."\-(\d+)\-(\d+)\-/", $prev_message_id, $m); if (!$is_bounce && !empty($m[1]) && !empty($m[2])) { // Reply from User to the notification $prev_thread = Thread::find($m[1]); $user_id = $m[2]; $user = User::find($user_id); $message_from_customer = false; $is_reply = true; if (!$user) { $this->logError('User not found: '.$user_id); $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); return; } $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Message from: User'); } else { // Message from Customer or User replied to his reply to notification $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Message from: Customer'); if (!$is_bounce) { if ($prev_message_id) { $prev_thread_id = ''; // Customer replied to the email from user preg_match('/^'.\MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_REPLY_TO_CUSTOMER."\-(\d+)\-([a-z0-9]+)@/", $prev_message_id, $m); // Simply checking thread_id from message_id was causing an issue when // customer was sending a message from FreeScout - the message was // connected to the wrong conversation. if (!empty($m[1]) && !empty($m[2])) { $message_id_hash = $m[2]; if (strlen($message_id_hash) == 16) { if ($message_id_hash == \MailHelper::getMessageIdHash($m[1])) { $prev_thread_id = $m[1]; } } else { // Backward compatibility. $prev_thread_id = $m[1]; } } // Customer replied to the auto reply if (!$prev_thread_id) { preg_match('/^'.\MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_AUTO_REPLY."\-(\d+)\-([a-z0-9]+)@/", $prev_message_id, $m); if (!empty($m[1]) && !empty($m[2])) { $message_id_hash = $m[2]; if (strlen($message_id_hash) == 16) { if ($message_id_hash == \MailHelper::getMessageIdHash($m[1])) { $prev_thread_id = $m[1]; } } else { // Backward compatibility. $prev_thread_id = $m[1]; } } } if ($prev_thread_id) { $prev_thread = Thread::find($prev_thread_id); } else { // Customer replied to his own message $prev_thread = Thread::where('message_id', $prev_message_id)->first(); } // Reply from user to his reply to the notification if (!$prev_thread && ($prev_thread = Thread::where('message_id', $prev_message_id)->first()) && $prev_thread->created_by_user_id && $prev_thread->created_by_user->hasEmail($from) ) { $user_id = $user->id; $message_from_customer = false; $is_reply = true; } } if (!empty($prev_thread)) { $is_reply = true; } } } // Make sure that prev_thread belongs to the current mailbox. // Problems may arise when forwarding conversation for example. // // For replies to email notifications it's allowed to have prev_thread in // another mailbox as conversation can be moved. // if ($prev_thread && $message_from_customer) { if ($prev_thread->conversation->mailbox_id != $mailbox->id) { // // Behaviour of email sent to multiple mailboxes: // If a user from either mailbox replies, then a new conversation is created // in the other mailbox with another new conversation ID. // // Try to get thread by generated message ID. if ($in_reply_to) { $prev_thread = Thread::where('message_id', \MailHelper::generateMessageId($in_reply_to, $mailbox->id.$in_reply_to))->first(); if (!$prev_thread) { $prev_thread = null; $is_reply = false; } } else { $prev_thread = null; $is_reply = false; } } } // Get body if (!$html_body) { // Get body and do not replace :cid with images base64 $html_body = $message->getHTMLBody(false); } $is_html = true; if ($html_body) { $body = $html_body; } else { $is_html = false; $body = $message->getTextBody() ?? ''; $body = htmlspecialchars($body); } $body = $this->separateReply($body, $is_html, $is_reply, !$message_from_customer); // We have to fetch absolutely all emails, even with empty body. // if (!$body) { // $this->logError('Message body is empty'); // $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); // continue; // } // Webklex/php-imap returns object instead of a string. $subject = $message->getSubject().""; // Convert subject encoding if (preg_match('/=\?[a-z\d-]+\?[BQ]\?.*\?=/i', $subject)) { $subject = iconv_mime_decode($subject, ICONV_MIME_DECODE_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR, 'UTF-8'); } $to = $this->formatEmailList($message->getTo()); $cc = $this->formatEmailList($message->getCc()); // It will always return an empty value as it's Bcc. $bcc = $this->formatEmailList($message->getBcc()); // If existing user forwarded customer's email to the mailbox // we are creating a new conversation as if it was sent by the customer. if ($in_reply_to // We should use body here, as entire HTML may contain // email looking things. //&& ($fwd_body = $html_body ?: $message->getTextBody()) && $body //&& preg_match("/^(".implode('|', \MailHelper::$fwd_prefixes)."):(.*)/i", $subject, $m) // F:, FW:, FWD:, WG:, De: && preg_match("/^[[:alpha:]]{1,3}:(.*)/i", $subject, $m) // It can be just "Fwd:" //&& !empty($m[1]) && !$user_id && !$is_reply && !$prev_thread // Only if the email has been sent to one mailbox. && count($to) == 1 && count($cc) == 0 && preg_match("/^[\s]*".self::FWD_AS_CUSTOMER_COMMAND."/su", trim(strip_tags($body))) ) { // Try to get "From:" from body. $original_sender = $this->getOriginalSenderFromFwd($body); if ($original_sender) { // Check if sender is the existing user. $sender_is_user = User::nonDeleted()->where('email', $from)->exists(); if ($sender_is_user) { // Substitute sender. $from = $original_sender; $subject = trim($m[1] ?? $subject); $message_from_customer = true; // Remove @fwd from body. $body = trim(preg_replace("/".self::FWD_AS_CUSTOMER_COMMAND."([\s<]+)/su", '$1', $body)); } } } // Create customers $emails = array_merge( $this->attrToArray($message->getFrom()), $this->attrToArray($message->getReplyTo()), $this->attrToArray($message->getTo()), $this->attrToArray($message->getCc()), // It will always return an empty value as it's Bcc. $this->attrToArray($message->getBcc()) ); $this->createCustomers($emails, $mailbox->getEmails()); $date = $this->attrToDate($message->getDate()); if ($date) { $app_timezone = config('app.timezone'); if ($app_timezone) { $date->setTimezone($app_timezone); } } $now = now(); if (!$date || $date->greaterThan($now)) { $date = $now; } $data = \Eventy::filter('fetch_emails.data_to_save', [ 'mailbox' => $mailbox, 'message_id' => $message_id, 'prev_thread' => $prev_thread, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'cc' => $cc, 'bcc' => $bcc, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'attachments' => $attachments, 'message' => $message, 'is_bounce' => $is_bounce, 'message_from_customer' => $message_from_customer, 'user' => $user, 'date' => $date, ]); $new_thread = null; if ($message_from_customer) { // We should import the message into other mailboxes even if previous thread is set. // //if (!$data['prev_thread']) { // Maybe this email need to be imported also into other mailbox. $recipient_emails = array_unique($this->formatEmailList(array_merge( $this->attrToArray($message->getTo()), $this->attrToArray($message->getCc()), // It will always return an empty value as it's Bcc. $this->attrToArray($message->getBcc()) ))); if (count($mailboxes) && count($recipient_emails) > 1) { foreach ($mailboxes as $check_mailbox) { if ($check_mailbox->id == $mailbox->id) { continue; } if (!$check_mailbox->isInActive()) { continue; } foreach ($recipient_emails as $recipient_email) { // No need to check mailbox aliases. if (\App\Email::sanitizeEmail($check_mailbox->email) == $recipient_email) { $this->extra_import[] = [ 'mailbox' => $check_mailbox, 'message' => $message, 'message_id' => $message_id, ]; break; } } } } //} if (\Eventy::filter('fetch_emails.should_save_thread', true, $data) !== false) { // SendAutoReply listener will check bounce flag and will not send an auto reply if this is an auto responder. $new_thread = $this->saveCustomerThread($mailbox, $data['message_id'], $data['prev_thread'], $data['from'], $data['to'], $data['cc'], $data['bcc'], $data['subject'], $data['body'], $data['attachments'], $data['message']->getHeader(), $data['date']); } else { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Hook fetch_emails.should_save_thread returned false. Skipping message.'); $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); return; } } else { // Check if From is the same as user's email. // If not we send an email with information to the sender. if (!$user->hasEmail($from)) { $this->logError("Sender address {$from} does not match ".$user->getFullName()." user email: ".$user->email.". Add ".$user->email." to user's Alternate Emails in the users's profile to allow the user reply from this address."); $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); // Send "Unable to process your update email" to user \App\Jobs\SendEmailReplyError::dispatch($from, $user, $mailbox)->onQueue('emails'); return; } // Save user thread only if there prev_thread is set. // if (!$prev_thread) { $this->logError("Support agent's reply to the email notification could not be processed as previous thread could not be determined."); $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); return; } if (\Eventy::filter('fetch_emails.should_save_thread', true, $data) !== false) { $new_thread = $this->saveUserThread($data['mailbox'], $data['message_id'], $data['prev_thread'], $data['user'], $data['from'], $data['to'], $data['cc'], $data['bcc'], $data['body'], $data['attachments'], $data['message']->getHeader(), $data['date']); } else { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Hook fetch_emails.should_save_thread returned false. Skipping message.'); $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); return; } } if ($new_thread) { $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Thread successfully created: '.$new_thread->id); // If it was a bounce message, save bounce data. if ($message_from_customer && $is_bounce) { $this->saveBounceData($new_thread, $bounced_message_id, $from); } } else { $this->logError('Error occurred processing message'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->setSeen($message, $mailbox); $this->logError(\Helper::formatException($e)); } } // Try to get "From:" from body. public function getOriginalSenderFromFwd($body) { // $body = preg_replace("/[\"']cid:/", '!', $body); // Cut out the command, otherwise it will be recognized as an email. $body = preg_replace("/".self::FWD_AS_CUSTOMER_COMMAND."([\s<]+)/su", '$1', $body); // Looks like email texts may appear in attributes: // // - // - // - <> preg_match("/[\"'<:;]([^\"'<:;!@\s]+@[^\"'>:&@\s]+)[\"'>:&]/", $body, $b); $email = $b[1] ?? ''; // $email = preg_replace("#.*<(.*)>.*#", "$1", $email); return Email::sanitizeEmail($email); } public function saveBounceData($new_thread, $bounced_message_id, $from) { // Try to find bounced thread by Message-ID. $bounced_thread = null; if ($bounced_message_id) { $prefixes = [ \MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_REPLY_TO_CUSTOMER, \MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_AUTO_REPLY, ]; preg_match('/^('.implode('|', $prefixes).')\-(\d+)\-/', $bounced_message_id, $matches); if (!empty($matches[2])) { $bounced_thread = Thread::find($matches[2]); } } $status_data = [ 'is_bounce' => true, ]; if ($bounced_thread) { $status_data['bounce_for_thread'] = $bounced_thread->id; $status_data['bounce_for_conversation'] = $bounced_thread->conversation_id; } $new_thread->updateSendStatusData($status_data); $new_thread->save(); // Update status of the original message and create log record. if ($bounced_thread) { $bounced_thread->send_status = SendLog::STATUS_DELIVERY_ERROR; $status_data = [ 'bounced_by_thread' => $new_thread->id, 'bounced_by_conversation' => $new_thread->conversation_id, // todo. // 'bounce_info' => [ // ] ]; $bounced_thread->updateSendStatusData($status_data); $bounced_thread->save(); // Bounces can be soft and hard, for now log both as STATUS_DELIVERY_ERROR. SendLog::log($bounced_thread->id, null, $from, SendLog::MAIL_TYPE_EMAIL_TO_CUSTOMER, SendLog::STATUS_DELIVERY_ERROR, $bounced_thread->created_by_customer_id, null, 'Message bounced'); } } public function logError($message) { $this->error('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] '.$message); $mailbox_name = ''; if ($this->mailbox) { $mailbox_name = $this->mailbox->name; } try { activity() ->withProperties([ 'error' => $message, 'mailbox' => $mailbox_name, ]) ->useLog(\App\ActivityLog::NAME_EMAILS_FETCHING) ->log(\App\ActivityLog::DESCRIPTION_EMAILS_FETCHING_ERROR); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Do nothing } } /** * Save email from customer as thread. */ public function saveCustomerThread($mailbox, $message_id, $prev_thread, $from, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $attachments, $headers, $date) { // Fetch date & time setting. $use_mail_date_on_fetching = config('app.use_mail_date_on_fetching'); // Find conversation. $new = false; $conversation = null; $prev_customer_id = null; if ($use_mail_date_on_fetching) { $now = $date; }else{ $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $conv_cc = $cc; $prev_conv_cc = $conv_cc; // Customers are created before with email and name $customer = Customer::create($from); if ($prev_thread) { $conversation = $prev_thread->conversation; // If reply came from another customer: change customer, add original as CC. // If FreeScout will not change the customer, the reply will be shown // as coming from the original customer (not the real sender) and cause confusion. // Below after events are fired we roll customer back. if ($conversation->customer_id != $customer->id) { $prev_customer_id = $conversation->customer_id; $prev_customer_email = $conversation->customer_email; // Do not add to CC emails from the original's BCC if (!in_array($conversation->customer_email, $conversation->getBccArray())) { $conv_cc[] = $conversation->customer_email; } $conversation->customer_id = $customer->id; } } else { // Create conversation $new = true; $conversation = new Conversation(); $conversation->type = Conversation::TYPE_EMAIL; $conversation->state = Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED; $conversation->subject = $subject; $conversation->setPreview($body); $conversation->mailbox_id = $mailbox->id; $conversation->customer_id = $customer->id; $conversation->created_by_customer_id = $customer->id; $conversation->source_via = Conversation::PERSON_CUSTOMER; $conversation->source_type = Conversation::SOURCE_TYPE_EMAIL; $conversation->created_at = $now; } $prev_has_attachments = $conversation->has_attachments; // Update has_attachments only if email has attachments AND conversation hasn't has_attachments already set // Prevent to set has_attachments value back to 0 if the new reply doesn't have any attachment if (!$conversation->has_attachments && count($attachments)) { // Later we will check which attachments are embedded. $conversation->has_attachments = true; } // Save extra recipients to CC, but do not add the mailbox itself as a CC. $conversation->setCc(array_merge($conv_cc, array_diff($to, $mailbox->getEmails()))); // BCC should keep BCC of the first email, // so we change BCC only if it contains emails. if ($bcc) { $conversation->setBcc($bcc); } $conversation->customer_email = $from; // Reply from customer makes conversation active if ($conversation->status != Conversation::STATUS_ACTIVE) { $conversation->status = \Eventy::filter('conversation.status_changing', Conversation::STATUS_ACTIVE, $conversation); } $conversation->last_reply_at = $now; $conversation->last_reply_from = Conversation::PERSON_CUSTOMER; // Reply from customer to deleted conversation should undelete it. if ($conversation->state == Conversation::STATE_DELETED) { $conversation->state = Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED; } // Set folder id $conversation->updateFolder(); $conversation->save(); // Thread $thread = new Thread(); $thread->conversation_id = $conversation->id; $thread->user_id = $conversation->user_id; $thread->type = Thread::TYPE_CUSTOMER; $thread->status = $conversation->status; $thread->state = Thread::STATE_PUBLISHED; $thread->message_id = $message_id; $thread->headers = $this->headerToStr($headers); $thread->body = $body; $thread->from = $from; $thread->setTo($to); $thread->setCc($cc); $thread->setBcc($bcc); $thread->source_via = Thread::PERSON_CUSTOMER; $thread->source_type = Thread::SOURCE_TYPE_EMAIL; $thread->customer_id = $customer->id; $thread->created_by_customer_id = $customer->id; $thread->created_at = $now; $thread->updated_at = $now; if ($new) { $thread->first = true; } try { $thread->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Could not save thread. // if ($new) { $conversation->deleteForever(); } throw $e; } $body_changed = false; $saved_attachments = $this->saveAttachments($attachments, $thread->id); if ($saved_attachments) { $thread->has_attachments = true; // After attachments saved to the disk we can replace cids in body (for PLAIN and HTML body) $thread->body = $this->replaceCidsWithAttachmentUrls($thread->body, $saved_attachments, $conversation, $prev_has_attachments); $body_changed = true; } $new_body = Thread::replaceBase64ImagesWithAttachments($thread->body); if ($new_body != $thread->body) { $thread->body = $new_body; $body_changed = true; } if ($body_changed) { $thread->save(); } // Update conversation here if needed. if ($new) { $conversation = \Eventy::filter('conversation.created_by_customer', $conversation, $thread, $customer); } else { $conversation = \Eventy::filter('conversation.customer_replied', $conversation, $thread, $customer); } // save() will check if something in the model has changed. If it hasn't it won't run a db query. $conversation->save(); // Update folders counters $conversation->mailbox->updateFoldersCounters(); if ($new) { event(new CustomerCreatedConversation($conversation, $thread)); \Eventy::action('conversation.created_by_customer', $conversation, $thread, $customer); } else { event(new CustomerReplied($conversation, $thread)); \Eventy::action('conversation.customer_replied', $conversation, $thread, $customer); } // Conversation customer changed // if ($prev_customer_id) { // event(new ConversationCustomerChanged($conversation, $prev_customer_id, $prev_customer_email, null, $customer)); // } // Return original customer back. if ($prev_customer_id) { $conversation->customer_id = $prev_customer_id; $conversation->customer_email = $prev_customer_email; $conversation->setCc(array_merge($prev_conv_cc, array_diff($to, $mailbox->getEmails()))); $conversation->save(); } return $thread; } /** * Save email reply from user as thread. */ public function saveUserThread($mailbox, $message_id, $prev_thread, $user, $from, $to, $cc, $bcc, $body, $attachments, $headers, $date) { // fetch time setting. $use_mail_date_on_fetching = config('app.use_mail_date_on_fetching'); $conversation = null; if ($use_mail_date_on_fetching) { $now = $date; }else{ $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $user_id = $user->id; $conversation = $prev_thread->conversation; // Determine assignee. switch ($mailbox->ticket_assignee) { case Mailbox::TICKET_ASSIGNEE_ANYONE: $conversation->user_id = Conversation::USER_UNASSIGNED; break; case Mailbox::TICKET_ASSIGNEE_REPLYING_UNASSIGNED: if (!$conversation->user_id) { $conversation->user_id = $user_id; } break; case Mailbox::TICKET_ASSIGNEE_REPLYING: $conversation->user_id = $user_id; break; case Mailbox::TICKET_ASSIGNEE_KEEP_CURRENT: // Do nothing. break; } $prev_has_attachments = $conversation->has_attachments; if (!$conversation->has_attachments && count($attachments)) { // Later we will check which attachments are embedded. $conversation->has_attachments = true; } // Save extra recipients to CC $conv_cc = $conversation->getCcArray(); $conversation->setCc(array_merge($cc, $to)); $conversation->setBcc($bcc); // Respect mailbox settings for "Status After Replying $prev_status = $conversation->status; $conversation->status = ($mailbox->ticket_status == Mailbox::TICKET_STATUS_KEEP_CURRENT ? $conversation->status : $mailbox->ticket_status); if ($conversation->status != $mailbox->ticket_status) { \Eventy::action('conversation.status_changed', $conversation, $user, true, $prev_status); } $conversation->last_reply_at = $now; $conversation->last_reply_from = Conversation::PERSON_USER; $conversation->user_updated_at = $now; // Set folder id $conversation->updateFolder(); $conversation->save(); // Update folders counters $conversation->mailbox->updateFoldersCounters(); // Set CC for the thread to send user reply to CCed emails also. if ($conv_cc) { $cc = array_merge($cc, $conv_cc); } // Thread $thread = new Thread(); $thread->conversation_id = $conversation->id; $thread->user_id = $conversation->user_id; $thread->type = Thread::TYPE_MESSAGE; $thread->status = $conversation->status; $thread->state = Thread::STATE_PUBLISHED; $thread->message_id = $message_id; $thread->headers = $this->headerToStr($headers); $thread->body = $body; $thread->from = $from; // To must be customer's email $thread->setTo([$conversation->customer_email]); $thread->setCc($cc); $thread->setBcc($bcc); $thread->source_via = Thread::PERSON_USER; $thread->source_type = Thread::SOURCE_TYPE_EMAIL; $thread->customer_id = $conversation->customer_id; $thread->created_by_user_id = $user_id; $thread->created_at = $now; $thread->updated_at = $now; $thread->save(); $body_changed = false; $saved_attachments = $this->saveAttachments($attachments, $thread->id); if ($saved_attachments) { $thread->has_attachments = true; // After attachments saved to the disk we can replace cids in body (for PLAIN and HTML body) $thread->body = $this->replaceCidsWithAttachmentUrls($thread->body, $saved_attachments, $conversation, $prev_has_attachments); $body_changed = true; } $new_body = Thread::replaceBase64ImagesWithAttachments($thread->body); if ($new_body != $thread->body) { $thread->body = $new_body; $body_changed = true; } if ($body_changed) { $thread->save(); } event(new UserReplied($conversation, $thread)); \Eventy::action('conversation.user_replied', $conversation, $thread); return $thread; } /** * Save attachments from email. * * @param array $attachments * @param int $thread_id * * @return bool */ public function saveAttachments($email_attachments, $thread_id) { $created_attachments = []; foreach ($email_attachments as $email_attachment) { $created_attachment = Attachment::create( $this->processAttachmentName($email_attachment->getName()), $email_attachment->getMimeType(), Attachment::typeNameToInt($email_attachment->getType()), $email_attachment->getContent(), $uploaded_file = '', $embedded = false, $thread_id ); if ($created_attachment) { $created_attachments[] = [ 'imap_attachment' => $email_attachment, 'attachment' => $created_attachment, ]; } } return $created_attachments; } public function processAttachmentName($name) { // Fix for Webklex/laravel-imap. // if (\Str::startsWith($name, '=?')) { $name_decoded = \imap_utf8($name); if ($name_decoded) { return $name_decoded; } } return $name; } /** * Separate reply in the body. * * @param string $body * * @return string */ public function separateReply($body, $is_html, $is_reply, $user_reply_to_notification = false) { $cmp_reply_length_desc = function ($a, $b) { if (mb_strlen($a) == mb_strlen($b)) { return 0; } return (mb_strlen($a) < mb_strlen($b)) ? -1 : 1; }; $result = ''; if ($is_html) { // Extract body content from HTML // Split by $htmls = []; preg_match_all("/]*>(.*?)<\/html>/is", $body, $htmls); if (empty($htmls[0])) { $htmls[0] = [$body]; } foreach ($htmls[0] as $html) { // One body. $dom = new \DOMDocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //$dom->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); //$dom->loadHTML(\Helper::mbConvertEncodingHtmlEntities($html)); $dom->loadHTML(\Symfony\Polyfill\Mbstring\Mbstring::mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); libxml_use_internal_errors(false); $bodies = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body'); if ($bodies->length == 1) { $body_el = $bodies->item(0); $html = $dom->saveHTML($body_el); } preg_match("/]*>(.*?)<\/body>/is", $html, $matches); if (count($matches)) { $result .= $matches[1]; } } if (!$result) { $result = $body; } } else { $result = nl2br($body ?? ''); } // This is reply, we need to separate reply text from old text if ($is_reply) { // Check all separators and choose the shortest reply $reply_bodies = []; $reply_separators = Mail::$alternative_reply_separators; if (!empty($this->mailbox->before_reply)) { $reply_separators[] = $this->mailbox->before_reply; } // If user replied to the email notification use only predefined reply separator. // if ($user_reply_to_notification && strstr($result, \MailHelper::REPLY_SEPARATOR_NOTIFICATION)) { $reply_separators = [\MailHelper::REPLY_SEPARATOR_NOTIFICATION]; } foreach ($reply_separators as $reply_separator) { if (\Str::startsWith($reply_separator, 'regex:')) { $regex = preg_replace("/^regex:/", '', $reply_separator); $parts = preg_split($regex, $result); } else { $parts = explode($reply_separator, $result); } if (count($parts) > 1) { // Check if part contains any real text. $text = \Helper::htmlToText($parts[0]); $text = trim($text); $text = preg_replace('/^\s+/mu', '', $text); if ($text) { $reply_bodies[] = $parts[0]; } } } if (count($reply_bodies)) { usort($reply_bodies, $cmp_reply_length_desc); return $reply_bodies[0]; } } return $result; } public function replaceCidsWithAttachmentUrls($body, $attachments, $conversation, $prev_has_attachments) { $only_embedded_attachments = true; foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { // webklex: // [type] => image // [content_type] => image/png // [id] => ii_l0krlfiu0 // [name] => 2.png // [disposition] => inline // [img_src] => ... // // php-imap: // [content] => ... // [type] => text // [part_number] => 3 // [content_type] => image/png // [id] => ii_l0krolw00 // [name] => 2.png // [disposition] => Webklex\PHPIMAP\Attribute Object // ( // [name:protected] => content_disposition // [values:protected] => Array // ( // [0] => inline // ) // ) // [img_src] => // [size] => 2326 if ($attachment['imap_attachment']->id && (isset($attachment['imap_attachment']->img_src) || strlen($attachment['imap_attachment']->content ?? ''))) { $cid = 'cid:'.$attachment['imap_attachment']->id; if (strstr($body, $cid)) { $body = str_replace($cid, $attachment['attachment']->url(), $body); // Set embedded flag for the attachment. $attachment['attachment']->embedded = true; $attachment['attachment']->save(); } else { $only_embedded_attachments = false; } } else { $only_embedded_attachments = false; } } if ($only_embedded_attachments && $conversation && $conversation->has_attachments && !$prev_has_attachments ) { $conversation->has_attachments = false; $conversation->save(); } return $body; } /** * Convert email object to plain emails. * * @param array $obj_list * * @return array */ public function formatEmailList($obj_list) { $plain_list = []; if (!$obj_list) { return $plain_list; } $obj_list = $this->attrToArray($obj_list); foreach ($obj_list as $item) { $item->mail = Email::sanitizeEmail($item->mail); if ($item->mail) { $plain_list[] = $item->mail; } } return $plain_list; } public function attrToArray($attr) { if (!$attr) { return []; } if (is_object($attr) && get_class($attr) == 'Webklex\PHPIMAP\Attribute') { $attr = $attr->get(); } return $attr; } public function attrToDate($attr) { if (!$attr) { return null; } if (is_object($attr) && get_class($attr) == 'Webklex\PHPIMAP\Attribute') { $attr = $attr->toDate(); } return $attr; } public function headerToStr($header) { if (!is_string($header)) { $header = $header->raw; } return $header; } /** * We have to sort messages manually, as they can be in non-chronological order. * * @param Collection $messages * * @return Collection */ public function sortMessage($messages) { $messages = $messages->sortBy(function ($message, $key) { $date = $message->getDate(); if ($date) { if (isset($message->getDate()->timestamp)) { return $message->getDate()->timestamp; } else { return (string)$message->getDate(); } } else { return 0; } }); return $messages; } /** * Create customers from emails. * * @param array $emails_data */ public function createCustomers($emails, $exclude_emails) { foreach ($emails as $item) { // Email belongs to mailbox // if (in_array(Email::sanitizeEmail($item->mail), $exclude_emails)) { // continue; // } $data = []; if (!empty($item->personal)) { $name_parts = explode(' ', $item->personal, 2); $data['first_name'] = $name_parts[0]; if (!empty($name_parts[1])) { $data['last_name'] = $name_parts[1]; } } Customer::create($item->mail, $data); } } public function setSeen($message, $mailbox) { $message->setFlag(['Seen']); \Eventy::action('fetch_emails.after_set_seen', $message, $mailbox, $this); } }