'', self::OUT_ENCRYPTION_SSL => 'ssl', self::OUT_ENCRYPTION_TLS => 'tls', ]; /** * Incoming protocol. */ const IN_PROTOCOL_IMAP = 1; const IN_PROTOCOL_POP3 = 2; public static $in_protocols = [ self::IN_PROTOCOL_IMAP => 'imap', self::IN_PROTOCOL_POP3 => 'pop3', ]; /** * Incoming encryption. */ const IN_ENCRYPTION_NONE = 1; const IN_ENCRYPTION_SSL = 2; const IN_ENCRYPTION_TLS = 3; public static $in_encryptions = [ self::IN_ENCRYPTION_NONE => '', self::IN_ENCRYPTION_SSL => 'ssl', self::IN_ENCRYPTION_TLS => 'tls', ]; /** * Ratings Playcement: place ratings text above/below signature. */ const RATINGS_PLACEMENT_ABOVE = 1; const RATINGS_PLACEMENT_BELOW = 2; /** * Access permissions. */ const ACCESS_PERM_EDIT = 'edit'; const ACCESS_PERM_PERMISSIONS = 'perm'; const ACCESS_PERM_AUTO_REPLIES = 'auto'; const ACCESS_PERM_SIGNATURE = 'sig'; const ACCESS_PERM_ASSIGNED = 'asg'; public static $access_permissions = [ self::ACCESS_PERM_EDIT, self::ACCESS_PERM_PERMISSIONS, self::ACCESS_PERM_AUTO_REPLIES, self::ACCESS_PERM_SIGNATURE, ]; public static $access_routes = [ self::ACCESS_PERM_EDIT => 'mailboxes.update', self::ACCESS_PERM_PERMISSIONS => 'mailboxes.permissions', self::ACCESS_PERM_AUTO_REPLIES => 'mailboxes.auto_reply', self::ACCESS_PERM_SIGNATURE => 'mailboxes.update', ]; /** * Default signature set when mailbox created. */ const DEFAULT_SIGNATURE = '
'; /** * Default values. */ protected $attributes = [ 'signature' => self::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE, ]; protected $casts = [ 'meta' => 'array', ]; /** * Attributes fillable using fill() method. * * @var [type] */ protected $fillable = ['name', 'email', 'aliases', 'aliases_reply', 'auto_bcc', 'from_name', 'from_name_custom', 'ticket_status', 'ticket_assignee', 'template', 'before_reply', 'signature', 'out_method', 'out_server', 'out_username', 'out_password', 'out_port', 'out_encryption', 'in_server', 'in_port', 'in_username', 'in_password', 'in_protocol', 'in_encryption', 'in_validate_cert', 'auto_reply_enabled', 'auto_reply_subject', 'auto_reply_message', 'office_hours_enabled', 'ratings', 'ratings_placement', 'ratings_text', 'imap_sent_folder']; protected static function boot() { parent::boot(); // self::created(function (Mailbox $model) { // $model->slug = strtolower(substr(md5(Hash::make($model->id)), 0, 16)); // }); } /** * Automatically encrypt password on save. */ public function setInPasswordAttribute($value) { if ($value != '') { $this->attributes['in_password'] = encrypt($value); } else { $this->attributes['in_password'] = ''; } } /** * Automatically decrypt password on read. */ public function getInPasswordAttribute($value) { if (!$value) { return ''; } try { return decrypt($value); } catch (\Exception $e) { // do nothing if decrypt wasn't succefull return ''; } } /** * Automatically encrypt password on save. */ public function setOutPasswordAttribute($value) { if ($value != '') { $this->attributes['out_password'] = encrypt($value); } else { $this->attributes['out_password'] = ''; } } /** * Automatically decrypt password on read. */ public function getOutPasswordAttribute($value) { if (!$value) { return ''; } try { return decrypt($value); } catch (\Exception $e) { // do nothing if decrypt wasn't succefull return ''; } } /** * Get users having access to the mailbox. */ public function users() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\User'); } public function usersWithSettings() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\User')->as('settings') ->withPivot('after_send') ->withPivot('hide') ->withPivot('mute') ->withPivot('access'); } /** * Get users having access to the mailbox. */ public function users_cached() { return $this->users()->rememberForever(); } /** * Get mailbox conversations. */ public function conversations() { return $this->hasMany('App\Conversation'); } /** * Get mailbox folders. */ public function folders() { return $this->hasMany('App\Folder'); } /** * Create personal folders for users. * * @param mixed $users */ public function syncPersonalFolders($users = null) { if (!empty($users) && is_array($users)) { $user_ids = $users; } else { $user_ids = $this->users()->pluck('users.id')->toArray(); } // Add admins $admin_user_ids = User::where('role', User::ROLE_ADMIN)->pluck('id')->toArray(); $user_ids = array_merge($user_ids, $admin_user_ids); self::createUsersFolders($user_ids, $this->id, Folder::$personal_types); } /** * Created folders of specific type for passed users. */ public static function createUsersFolders($user_ids, $mailbox_id, $folder_types) { $cur_users = Folder::select('user_id') ->where('mailbox_id', $mailbox_id) ->whereIn('user_id', $user_ids) ->groupBy('user_id') ->pluck('user_id') ->toArray(); foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) { if (in_array($user_id, $cur_users)) { continue; } foreach ($folder_types as $type) { Folder::create([ 'mailbox_id' => $mailbox_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'type' => $type, ]); } } } public function createPublicFolders() { foreach (Folder::$public_types as $type) { $folder = new Folder(); $folder->mailbox_id = $this->id; $folder->type = $type; $folder->save(); } } public function createAdminPersonalFolders() { $user_ids = User::where('role', User::ROLE_ADMIN)->pluck('id')->toArray(); self::createUsersFolders($user_ids, $this->id, Folder::$personal_types); } public static function createAdminPersonalFoldersAllMailboxes($user_ids = null) { if (empty($user_ids)) { $user_ids = User::where('role', User::ROLE_ADMIN)->pluck('id')->toArray(); } $mailbox_ids = self::pluck('id'); foreach ($mailbox_ids as $mailbox_id) { self::createUsersFolders($user_ids, $mailbox_id, Folder::$personal_types); } } /** * Get folders for the dashboard. */ public function getMainFolders() { $main_folders = \Eventy::filter('mailbox.main_folders', [], $this); if ($main_folders) { return $main_folders; } return $this->folders() ->where(function ($query) { $query->whereIn('type', [Folder::TYPE_UNASSIGNED, Folder::TYPE_ASSIGNED, Folder::TYPE_DRAFTS]) ->orWhere(function ($query2) { $query2->where(['type' => Folder::TYPE_MINE]); $query2->where(['user_id' => auth()->user()->id]); }) ->orWhere(function ($query3) { $query3->where(['type' => Folder::TYPE_STARRED]); $query3->where(['user_id' => auth()->user()->id]); }); }) ->orderBy('type') ->get(); } /** * Get folder by it's type. */ public function getFolderByType($type) { return $this->folders() ->where('type', $type) ->first(); } /** * Get folders available for the current user. */ public function getAssesibleFolders() { $folders = $this->folders() ->where(function ($query) { $query->whereIn('type', \Eventy::filter('mailbox.folders.public_types', Folder::$public_types)) ->orWhere(function ($query2) { $query2->whereIn('type', Folder::$personal_types); $query2->where(['user_id' => auth()->user()->id]); }); }) ->orderBy('type') ->get(); return \Eventy::filter('mailbox.folders', $folders, $this); } /** * Update total and active counters for folders. */ public function updateFoldersCounters($folder_type = null) { if (!$folder_type) { $folders = $this->folders; } else { $folders = $this->folders()->where('folders.type', $folder_type)->get(); } foreach ($folders as $folder) { $folder->updateCounters(); } } /** * Is mailbox available for using. * * @return bool */ public function isActive() { return $this->isInActive() && $this->isOutActive(); } /** * Is receiving emails configured for the mailbox. * * @return bool */ public function isInActive() { $in_active = \Eventy::filter('mailbox.in_active', null, $this); if (is_bool($in_active)) { return $in_active; } if ($this->in_protocol && $this->in_server && $this->in_port && $this->in_username && $this->in_password) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Is sending emails configured for the mailbox. * * @return bool */ public function isOutActive() { if ($this->out_method != self::OUT_METHOD_PHP_MAIL && $this->out_method != self::OUT_METHOD_SENDMAIL && (!$this->out_server /*|| !$this->out_username || !$this->out_password*/) ) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Get users who have access to the mailbox. */ public function usersHavingAccess($cache = false, $fields = 'users.*', $sort = true) { $admins = User::where('role', User::ROLE_ADMIN)->select($fields)->remember(\Helper::cacheTime($cache))->get(); $users = $this->users()->select($fields)->remember(\Helper::cacheTime($cache))->get()->merge($admins)->unique(); // Exclude deleted users (better to do it in PHP). foreach ($users as $i => $user) { if (!$user->isActive()) { $users->forget($i); } } // Sort by full name if ($sort) { $users = User::sortUsers($users); } $users = \Eventy::filter('mailbox.users_having_access', $users, $this, $cache, $fields, $sort); return $users; } public function usersAssignable($cache = true, $exclude_hidden = true) { // Exclude hidden admins. $mailbox_id = $this->id; $admins = User::select(['users.*', 'mailbox_user.hide']) ->leftJoin('mailbox_user', function ($join) use ($mailbox_id) { $join->on('mailbox_user.user_id', '=', 'users.id'); $join->where('mailbox_user.mailbox_id', $mailbox_id); }) ->where('role', User::ROLE_ADMIN) ->remember(\Helper::cacheTime($cache)) ->get(); $users = $this->users()->select(['users.*', 'mailbox_user.hide']) ->remember(\Helper::cacheTime($cache)) ->get() ->merge($admins) ->unique(); if ($exclude_hidden) { foreach ($users as $i => $user) { if (!empty($user->hide)) { $users->forget($i); } } } // Exclude deleted users (better to do it in PHP). foreach ($users as $i => $user) { if (!$user->isActive()) { $users->forget($i); } } // Sort by full name $users = User::sortUsers($users); $users = \Eventy::filter('mailbox.users_assignable', $users, $this, $cache); return $users; } /** * Get users IDs who have access to the mailbox. */ public function userIdsHavingAccess() { return $this->usersHavingAccess(false, ['users.id', 'users.status'])->pluck('id')->toArray(); /*$user_ids = $this->users()->pluck('users.id'); $admin_ids = User::where('role', User::ROLE_ADMIN)->pluck('id'); return $user_ids->merge($admin_ids)->unique()->toArray();*/ } /** * Check if user has access to the mailbox. * * @return bool */ public function userHasAccess($user_id, $user = null) { if (!$user) { if ($user_id instanceof \App\User) { $user = $user_id; } else { $user = User::find($user_id); } } $filter = \Eventy::filter('mailbox.user_has_access', -1, $this, $user); if ($filter != -1) { return (bool)$filter; } elseif ($user && $user->isAdmin()) { return true; } else { return (bool) $this->users()->where('users.id', $user_id)->count(); } } /** * Get From array for the Mail function. * * @param App\User $from_user * @param App\Conversation $conversation * * @return array */ public function getMailFrom($from_user = null, $conversation = null) { // Mailbox name by default $name = $this->name; if ($this->from_name == self::FROM_NAME_CUSTOM && $this->from_name_custom) { $data = [ 'mailbox' => $this, 'mailbox_from_name' => '', // To avoid recursion. 'conversation' => $conversation, 'user' => $from_user ?: auth()->user(), ]; $name = \MailHelper::replaceMailVars($this->from_name_custom, $data, false, true); } elseif ($this->from_name == self::FROM_NAME_USER && $from_user) { $name = $from_user->getFullName(); } return [ 'address' => \Eventy::filter('mailbox.get_mail_from_address', $this->email, $from_user, $conversation), 'name' => \Eventy::filter('mailbox.get_mail_from_name', $name, $from_user, $conversation) ]; } /** * Get corresponding Laravel mail driver name. */ public function getMailDriverName() { switch ($this->out_method) { case self::OUT_METHOD_PHP_MAIL: return 'mail'; case self::OUT_METHOD_SENDMAIL: return 'sendmail'; case self::OUT_METHOD_SMTP: return 'smtp'; default: return 'mail'; } } /** * Get domain part of the mailbox email. * * @return string */ public function getEmailDomain() { return explode('@', $this->email)[1]; } /** * Get outgoing email encryption protocol. * * @return string */ public function getOutEncryptionName() { return self::$out_encryptions[$this->out_encryption]; } /** * Get incoming email encryption protocol. * * @return string */ public function getInEncryptionName() { return self::$in_encryptions[$this->in_encryption]; } /** * Get incoming protocol name. * * @return string */ public function getInProtocolName() { return $this->getInProtocols()[$this->in_protocol] ?? ''; } /** * Get incoming protocol display name for the UI. * * @return array */ public static function getInProtocolDisplayNames() { $display_names = self::$in_protocols; $display_names[self::IN_PROTOCOL_IMAP] = 'IMAP'; $display_names[self::IN_PROTOCOL_POP3] = 'POP3'; return \Eventy::filter('mailbox.in_protocols.display_names', $display_names); } /** * Get available incoming protocols. * * @return array */ public static function getInProtocols() { return \Eventy::filter('mailbox.in_protocols', self::$in_protocols); } /** * Get pivot table parameters for the user. */ public function getUserSettings($user_id) { $mailbox_user = $this->usersWithSettings()->where('users.id', $user_id)->first(); if ($mailbox_user) { return $mailbox_user->settings; } else { // Admin may have no record in mailbox_user table return self::getDummySettings(); } } /** * Create dummy object with default parameters * @return [type] [description] */ public static function getDummySettings() { $settings = new \StdClass(); $settings->after_send = MailboxUser::AFTER_SEND_NEXT; $settings->hide = false; $settings->mute = false; $settings->access = []; return $settings; } public function fetchUserSettings($user_id) { $settings = $this->getUserSettings($user_id); $this->after_send = $settings->after_send; $this->hide = $settings->hide; $this->mute = $settings->mute; $this->access = $settings->access; } /** * Get main email and aliases. * * @return array */ public function getEmails() { $emails = [$this->email]; if ($this->aliases) { $aliases = explode(',', $this->aliases); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { $alias = trim($alias); $alias = preg_replace("#\(.*#", '', $alias); $alias = Email::sanitizeEmail($alias); if ($alias) { $emails[] = $alias; } } } return $emails; } /** * Get mailbox aliases as an associative array. */ public function getAliases($include_mailbox_email = true, $check_aliases_reply = false) { if ($check_aliases_reply && !$this->aliases_reply) { return []; } if ($include_mailbox_email) { $emails = [$this->email => $this->name]; } else { $emails = []; } if ($this->aliases) { $aliases = explode(',', $this->aliases); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { $name = ''; $alias = trim($alias); preg_match("#[^\(]+\((.*)\)#", $alias, $m); if (!empty($m[1])) { $name = $m[1]; $alias = preg_replace("#\(.*#", '', $alias); } $alias = Email::sanitizeEmail($alias); if ($alias) { $emails[$alias] = $name; } } } return $emails; } /** * Remove mailbox email and aliases from the list of emails. * * @param array $list * @param Mailbox $mailbox * * @return array */ public function removeMailboxEmailsFromList($list) { if (!is_array($list)) { return []; } $mailbox_emails = $this->getEmails(); foreach ($list as $i => $email) { if (in_array($email, $mailbox_emails)) { unset($list[$i]); } } return $list; } /** * Get all active mailboxes. * * @return [type] [description] */ public static function getActiveMailboxes() { $active = []; // It is more effective to retrive all mailboxes and filter them in PHP. $mailboxes = self::all(); foreach ($mailboxes as $mailbox) { if ($mailbox->isActive()) { $active[] = $mailbox; } } return $active; } /** * Get mailbox URL. * * @return [type] [description] */ public function url() { return \Eventy::filter('mailbox.url', route('mailboxes.view', ['id' => $this->id]), $this); } /** * Fill the model with an array of attributes. * * @param array $attributes [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public function fill(array $attributes) { $this->fillable(array_merge($this->getFillable(), \Eventy::filter('mailbox.fillable_fields', []))); return parent::fill($attributes); } /** * Set phones as JSON. * * @param array $phones_array */ public function setInImapFolders(array $in_imap_folders) { $this->in_imap_folders = json_encode($in_imap_folders); } /** * Get list of imap folders. */ public function getInImapFolders() { $in_imap_folders = \Helper::jsonToArray($this->in_imap_folders); if (count($in_imap_folders)) { return $in_imap_folders; } else { return ["INBOX"]; } } public function outPasswordSafe() { return \Helper::safePassword($this->out_password); } public function inPasswordSafe() { return \Helper::safePassword($this->in_password); } public function getReplySeparator() { return $this->before_reply ?: \MailHelper::REPLY_SEPARATOR_TEXT; } public static function findOrFailWithSettings($id, $user_id) { return Mailbox::select(['mailboxes.*', 'mailbox_user.hide', 'mailbox_user.mute', 'mailbox_user.access']) ->where('mailboxes.id', $id) ->leftJoin('mailbox_user', function ($join) use ($user_id) { $join->on('mailbox_user.mailbox_id', '=', 'mailboxes.id'); $join->where('mailbox_user.user_id', $user_id); })->firstOrFail(); } /*public static function getUserSettings($mailbox_id, $user_id) { return MailboxUser::where('mailbox_id', $mailbox_id) ->where('user_id', $user_id) ->first(); }*/ public static function getAccessPermissionName($perm) { $access_permissions = [ self::ACCESS_PERM_EDIT => __('Edit Mailbox'), self::ACCESS_PERM_PERMISSIONS => __('Permissions'), self::ACCESS_PERM_AUTO_REPLIES => __('Auto Replies'), self::ACCESS_PERM_SIGNATURE => __('Email Signature'), ]; $access_permissions = \Eventy::filter('mailbox.access_permissions_list', $access_permissions); return $access_permissions[$perm] ?? ''; } public static function getAccessPermissionRoute($perm) { $route = self::$access_routes[$perm] ?? ''; $route = \Eventy::filter('mailbox.access_permissions_route', $route, $perm); return $route; } public function getMeta($key, $default = null) { if (isset($this->meta[$key])) { return $this->meta[$key]; } else { return $default; } } public function setMeta($key, $value) { $meta = $this->meta; $meta[$key] = $value; $this->meta = $meta; } public function setMetaParam($param, $value, $save = false) { $meta = $this->meta; $meta[$param] = $value; $this->meta = $meta; if ($save) { $this->save(); } } public function removeMetaParam($param, $save = false) { $meta = $this->meta; if (isset($meta[$param])) { unset($meta[$param]); } $this->meta = $meta; if ($save) { $this->save(); } } /** * Check if there is a user with specified email. */ public static function userEmailExists($email) { $email = Email::sanitizeEmail($email); $user = User::where('email', $email)->first(); if ($user) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function oauthEnabled() { return !empty($this->meta['oauth']['provider']); } public function oauthGetParam($param) { return $this->meta['oauth'][$param] ?? ''; } public function setEmailAttribute($value) { if ($value) { $this->attributes['email'] = Email::sanitizeEmail($value); } } }