command('queue:flush') ->weekly(); // Restart processing queued jobs (just in case) $schedule->command('queue:restart') ->hourly(); $schedule->command('freescout:fetch-monitor') ->everyMinute() ->withoutOverlapping(); $schedule->command('freescout:send-monitor') // Every 10 minutes. ->cron('*/10 * * * *') ->withoutOverlapping(); $schedule->command('freescout:update-folder-counters') ->hourly(); $app_key = config('app.key'); if ($app_key) { $crc = crc32($app_key); $schedule->command('freescout:module-check-licenses') ->cron((int)($crc % 59).' '.(int)($crc % 23).' * * *'); } // Check if user finished viewing conversation. $schedule->command('freescout:check-conv-viewers') ->everyMinute() ->withoutOverlapping(); $schedule->command('freescout:clean-send-log') ->monthly(); $schedule->command('freescout:clean-notifications-table') ->weekly(); $schedule->command('freescout:clean-tmp') ->daily(); // Logs monitoring. $alert_logs_period = config('app.alert_logs_period'); if (config('app.alert_logs') && $alert_logs_period) { $logs_cron = ''; switch ($alert_logs_period) { case 'hour': $logs_cron = '0 * * * *'; break; case 'day': $logs_cron = '0 0 * * *'; break; case 'week': $logs_cron = '0 0 * * 0'; break; case 'month': $logs_cron = '0 0 1 * *'; break; } if ($logs_cron) { $schedule->command('freescout:logs-monitor') ->cron($logs_cron) ->withoutOverlapping(); } } $fetch_command_identifier = \Helper::getWorkerIdentifier('freescout:fetch-emails'); $fetch_command_name = 'freescout:fetch-emails --identifier='.$fetch_command_identifier; // Kill fetch commands running for too long. // In shedule:run this code is executed every time $schedule->command() in this function is executed. if ($this->isScheduleRun() && function_exists('shell_exec')) { $fetch_command_pids = \Helper::getRunningProcesses($fetch_command_identifier); // The name of the command here must be exactly the same as below! // Otherwise long fetching will be killed and won't run longer than 1 mintue. $mutex_name = $schedule->command($fetch_command_name) ->skip(function () { return true; }) ->mutexName(); // If there is no cache mutext but there are running fetch commands // it means the mutex had expired after self::FETCH_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME // and the existing command(s) is running longer than self::FETCH_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME. if (count($fetch_command_pids) > 0 && !\Cache::get($mutex_name)) { // Kill freescout:fetch-emails commands running for too long shell_exec('kill '.implode(' | kill ', $fetch_command_pids)); } elseif (count($fetch_command_pids) == 0) { // Make sure 'ps' command actually works. $ps_works = \Helper::getRunningProcesses('schedule:run'); if (count($ps_works)) { // Previous freescout:fetch-emails may have been killed or errored and did not remove the mutex. // So here we are forcefully removing the mutex. Otherwise mutex will live for 24 hours. if (\Cache::has($mutex_name)) { \Cache::forget($mutex_name); } } } } // Fetch emails from mailboxes $fetch_command = $schedule->command($fetch_command_name) // withoutOverlapping() option creates a mutex in the cache // which by default expires in 24 hours. // So we are passing an 'expiresAt' parameter to withoutOverlapping() to // prevent fetching from not being executed when fetching command by some reason // does not remove the mutex from the cache. ->withoutOverlapping($expiresAt = self::FETCH_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME /* minutes */) ->sendOutputTo(storage_path().'/logs/fetch-emails.log'); switch (config('app.fetch_schedule')) { case Mail::FETCH_SCHEDULE_EVERY_FIVE_MINUTES: $fetch_command->everyFiveMinutes(); break; case Mail::FETCH_SCHEDULE_EVERY_TEN_MINUTES: $fetch_command->everyTenMinutes(); break; case Mail::FETCH_SCHEDULE_EVERY_FIFTEEN_MINUTES: $fetch_command->everyFifteenMinutes(); break; case Mail::FETCH_SCHEDULE_EVERY_THIRTY_MINUTES: $fetch_command->everyThirtyMinutes(); break; case Mail::FETCH_SCHEDULE_HOURLY: $fetch_command->Hourly(); break; default: $fetch_command->everyMinute(); break; } $schedule = \Eventy::filter('schedule', $schedule); // If --no-daemonize flag is passed - do not run 'queue:work' daemon. foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] ?? [] as $arg) { if ($arg == '--no-interaction') { return; } } // Command runs as subprocess and sets cache mutex. If schedule:run command is killed // subprocess does not clear the mutex and it stays in the cache until cache:clear is executed. // By default, the lock will expire after 24 hours. $queue_work_params = Config('app.queue_work_params'); // Add identifier to avoid conflicts with other FreeScout instances on the same server. $queue_work_params['--queue'] .= ','.\Helper::getWorkerIdentifier(); // $schedule->command('queue:work') command below has withoutOverlapping() option, // which works via special mutex stored in the cache preventing several 'queue:work' to work at the same time. // So when the cache is cleared the mutex indicating that the 'queue:work' is running is removed, // and the second 'queue:work' command is launched by cron. When `artisan schedule:run` is executed it sees // that there are two 'queue:work' processes running and kills them. // After one minute 'queue:work' is executed by cron via `artisan schedule:run` and works in the background. if ($this->isScheduleRun() && function_exists('shell_exec')) { $running_commands = \Helper::getRunningProcesses(); if (count($running_commands) > 1) { // Stop all queue:work processes. // queue:work command is stopped by settings a cache key \Helper::queueWorkerRestart(); // Sometimes processes stuck and just continue running, so we need to kill them. // Sleep to let processes stop. sleep(1); // Check processes again. $worker_pids = \Helper::getRunningProcesses(); if (count($worker_pids) > 1) { // Current process also has to be killed, as otherwise it "stucks" // $current_pid = getmypid(); // foreach ($worker_pids as $i => $pid) { // if ($pid == $current_pid) { // unset($worker_pids[$i]); // break; // } // } shell_exec('kill '.implode(' | kill ', $worker_pids)); } } elseif (count($running_commands) == 0) { // Make sure 'ps' command actually works. $ps_works = \Helper::getRunningProcesses('schedule:run'); if (count($ps_works)) { // Previous queue:work may have been killed or errored and did not remove the mutex. // So here we are forcefully removing the mutex. $mutex_name = $schedule->command('queue:work', $queue_work_params) ->skip(function () { return true; }) ->mutexName(); if (\Cache::get($mutex_name)) { \Cache::forget($mutex_name); } } } } $schedule->command('queue:work', $queue_work_params) ->everyMinute() ->withoutOverlapping() ->sendOutputTo(storage_path().'/logs/queue-jobs.log'); } /** * This function is needed because every time $schedule->command() is executed * the schedule() is executed also. */ public function isScheduleRun() { if (!\Helper::isConsole()) { return true; } else { return !empty($_SERVER['argv']) && in_array('schedule:run', $_SERVER['argv']); } } /** * Register the commands for the application. * * @return void */ protected function commands() { $this->load(__DIR__.'/Commands'); // Swiftmailer uses $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] in transport_deps.php // to set the host for EHLO command, if it is empty it uses []. // G Suite sometimes rejects emails with EHLO []. if (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST); } require base_path('routes/console.php'); } }