middleware('auth', ['except' => [ 'cron' ]]); } /** * System status. */ public function status(Request $request) { // PHP extensions. $php_extensions = \Helper::checkRequiredExtensions(); // Functions. $functions = \Helper::checkRequiredFunctions(); // Permissions. $permissions = []; foreach (config('installer.permissions') as $perm_path => $perm_value) { $path = base_path($perm_path); $value = ''; if (file_exists($path)) { $value = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path)), -4); } $permissions[$perm_path] = [ 'status' => \Helper::isFolderWritable($path), 'value' => $value, ]; } // Check if cache files are writable. $non_writable_cache_file = ''; if (function_exists('shell_exec')) { $non_writable_cache_file = shell_exec('find '.base_path('storage/framework/cache/data/').' -type f | xargs -I {} sh -c \'[ ! -w "{}" ] && echo {}\' 2>&1 | head -n 1'); $non_writable_cache_file = trim($non_writable_cache_file ?? ''); // Leave only one line (in case head -n 1 does not work) $non_writable_cache_file = preg_replace("#[\r\n].+#m", '', $non_writable_cache_file); if (!strstr($non_writable_cache_file, base_path('storage/framework/cache/data/'))) { $non_writable_cache_file = ''; } } // Check if public symlink exists, if not, try to create. $public_symlink_exists = true; $public_path = public_path('storage'); $public_test = $public_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.gitignore'; if (!file_exists($public_test) || !file_get_contents($public_test)) { \File::delete($public_path); \Artisan::call('storage:link'); if (!file_exists($public_test) || !file_get_contents($public_test)) { $public_symlink_exists = false; } } // Check if .env is writable. $env_is_writable = is_writable(base_path('.env')); // Jobs $queued_jobs = \App\Job::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); $failed_jobs = \App\FailedJob::orderBy('failed_at', 'desc')->get(); $failed_queues = $failed_jobs->pluck('queue')->unique(); // Commands $commands_list = [ 'freescout:fetch-emails' => 'freescout:fetch-emails', \Helper::getWorkerIdentifier() => 'queue:work' ]; foreach ($commands_list as $command_identifier => $command_name) { $status_texts = []; // Check if command is running now if (function_exists('shell_exec')) { $running_commands = 0; try { $processes = preg_split("/[\r\n]/", shell_exec("ps aux | grep '{$command_identifier}'")); $pids = []; foreach ($processes as $process) { $process = trim($process); preg_match("/^[\S]+\s+([\d]+)\s+/", $process, $m); if (empty($m)) { // Another format (used in Docker image). // 1713 nginx 0:00 /usr/bin/php82... preg_match("/^([\d]+)\s+[\S]+\s+/", $process, $m); } if (!preg_match("/(sh \-c|grep )/", $process) && !empty($m[1])) { $running_commands++; $pids[] = $m[1]; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Do nothing } if ($running_commands == 1) { $commands[] = [ 'name' => $command_name, 'status' => 'success', 'status_text' => __('Running'), ]; continue; } elseif ($running_commands > 1) { // queue:work command is stopped by settings a cache key if ($command_name == 'queue:work') { \Helper::queueWorkerRestart(); $commands[] = [ 'name' => $command_name, 'status' => 'error', 'status_text' => __(':number commands were running at the same time. Commands have been restarted', ['number' => $running_commands]), ]; } else { unset($pids[0]); $commands[] = [ 'name' => $command_name, 'status' => 'error', 'status_text' => __(':number commands are running at the same time. Please stop extra commands by executing the following console command:', ['number' => $running_commands]).' kill '.implode(' | kill ', $pids), ]; } continue; } } // Check last run $option_name = str_replace('freescout_', '', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '_', $command_name)); $date_text = '?'; $last_run = Option::get($option_name.'_last_run'); if ($last_run) { $date = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($last_run); $date_text = User::dateFormat($date); } $status_texts[] = __('Last run:').' '.$date_text; $date_text = '?'; $last_successful_run = Option::get($option_name.'_last_successful_run'); if ($last_successful_run) { $date_ = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($last_successful_run); $date_text = User::dateFormat($date); } $status_texts[] = __('Last successful run:').' '.$date_text; $status = 'error'; if ($last_successful_run && $last_run && (int) $last_successful_run >= (int) $last_run) { unset($status_texts[0]); $status = 'success'; } // If queue:work is not running, clear cache to let it start if something is wrong with the mutex if ($command_name == 'queue:work' && !$last_successful_run) { $status_texts[] = __('Try to :%a_start%clear cache:%a_end% to force command to start.', ['%a_start%' => '', '%a_end%' => '']); // This sometimes makes Status page open as non logged in user. //\Artisan::call('freescout:clear-cache', ['--doNotGenerateVars' => true]); } $commands[] = [ 'name' => $command_name, 'status' => $status, 'status_text' => implode(' ', $status_texts), ]; } // Check new version if enabled $new_version_available = false; if (!\Config::get('app.disable_updating')) { $latest_version = \Cache::remember('latest_version', 15, function () { try { return \Updater::getVersionAvailable(); } catch (\Exception $e) { SystemController::$latest_version_error = $e->getMessage(); return ''; } }); if ($latest_version && version_compare($latest_version, \Config::get('app.version'), '>')) { $new_version_available = true; } } else { $latest_version = \Config::get('app.version'); } // Detect missing migrations. $migrations_output = \Helper::runCommand('migrate:status'); preg_match_all("#\| N \| ([^\|]+)\|#", $migrations_output, $migrations_m); $missing_migrations = $migrations_m[1] ?? []; return view('system/status', [ 'commands' => $commands, 'queued_jobs' => $queued_jobs, 'failed_jobs' => $failed_jobs, 'failed_queues' => $failed_queues, 'php_extensions' => $php_extensions, 'functions' => $functions, 'permissions' => $permissions, 'new_version_available' => $new_version_available, 'latest_version' => $latest_version, 'latest_version_error' => SystemController::$latest_version_error, 'public_symlink_exists' => $public_symlink_exists, 'env_is_writable' => $env_is_writable, 'non_writable_cache_file' => $non_writable_cache_file, 'missing_migrations' => $missing_migrations, 'invalid_symlinks' => \App\Module::checkSymlinks(), ]); } public function action(Request $request) { switch ($request->action) { case 'cancel_job': \App\Job::where('id', $request->job_id)->delete(); \Session::flash('flash_success_floating', __('Done')); break; case 'retry_job': \App\Job::where('id', $request->job_id)->update(['available_at' => time()]); sleep(1); \Session::flash('flash_success_floating', __('Done')); break; case 'delete_failed_jobs': \App\FailedJob::where('queue', $request->failed_queue)->delete(); \Session::flash('flash_success_floating', __('Failed jobs deleted')); break; case 'retry_failed_jobs': $jobs = \App\FailedJob::where('queue', $request->failed_queue)->get(); foreach ($jobs as $job) { \Artisan::call('queue:retry', ['id' => $job->id]); } \Session::flash('flash_success_floating', __('Failed jobs restarted')); break; } return redirect()->route('system'); } /** * System tools. */ public function tools(Request $request) { $output = \Cache::get('tools_execute_output'); if ($output) { \Cache::forget('tools_execute_output'); } return view('system/tools', [ 'output' => $output, ]); } /** * Execute tools action. * * @param Request $request [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public function toolsExecute(Request $request) { $outputLog = new BufferedOutput(); switch ($request->action) { case 'clear_cache': \Artisan::call('freescout:clear-cache', [], $outputLog); break; case 'fetch_emails': $params = []; $params['--days'] = (int)$request->days; $params['--unseen'] = (int)$request->unseen; \Artisan::call('freescout:fetch-emails', $params, $outputLog); break; case 'migrate_db': \Artisan::call('migrate', ['--force' => true], $outputLog); break; case 'logout_users': \Artisan::call('freescout:logout-users', [], $outputLog); break; } $output = $outputLog->fetch(); unset($outputLog); if ($output) { // \Session::flash does not work after BufferedOutput \Cache::forever('tools_execute_output', $output); } return redirect()->route('system.tools')->withInput($request->input()); } /** * Ajax. */ public function ajax(Request $request) { $response = [ 'status' => 'error', 'msg' => '', // this is error message ]; switch ($request->action) { case 'update': try { $status = \Updater::update(); // Artisan::output() } catch (\Exception $e) { $response['msg'] = __('Error occurred. Please try again or try another :%a_start%update method:%a_end%', ['%a_start%' => '', '%a_end%' => '']); $response['msg'] .= '

'.$e->getMessage(); \Helper::logException($e); } if (!$response['msg'] && $status) { // Adding session flash is useless as cache is cleared $response['msg_success'] = __('Application successfully updated'); $response['status'] = 'success'; } break; case 'check_updates': if (!\Config::get('app.disable_updating')) { try { $response['new_version_available'] = \Updater::isNewVersionAvailable(config('app.version')); $response['status'] = 'success'; } catch (\Exception $e) { $response['msg'] = __('Error occurred').': '.$e->getMessage(); } if (!$response['msg'] && !$response['new_version_available']) { // Adding session flash is useless as cache is cleated $response['msg_success'] = __('You have the latest version installed'); } } else { $response['msg_success'] = __('You have the latest version installed'); } break; default: $response['msg'] = 'Unknown action'; break; } if ($response['status'] == 'error' && empty($response['msg'])) { $response['msg'] = 'Unknown error occurred'; } return \Response::json($response); } /** * Web Cron. */ public function cron(Request $request) { if (empty($request->hash) || $request->hash != \Helper::getWebCronHash()) { abort(404); } $outputLog = new BufferedOutput(); \Artisan::call('schedule:run', [], $outputLog); $output = $outputLog->fetch(); return response($output, 200)->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); } /** * Ajax HTML. */ public function ajaxHtml(Request $request) { switch ($request->action) { case 'job_details': $job = \App\FailedJob::find($request->param); if (!$job) { abort(404); } $html = ''; $payload = json_decode($job->payload, true); if (!empty($payload['data']['command'])) { $html .= '
'.print_r(unserialize($payload['data']['command']), 1).'
'; } $html .= '
'; return response($html); } abort(404); } }