self::PERSON_USER => 'user',
* Thread types.
// Email from customer
const TYPE_CUSTOMER = 1;
// Thead created by user
const TYPE_MESSAGE = 2;
const TYPE_NOTE = 3;
// Thread status change
const TYPE_LINEITEM = 4;
//const TYPE_PHONE = 5;
// Forwarded threads - used in API only.
const TYPE_CHAT = 8;
public static $types = [
// Thread by customer
self::TYPE_CUSTOMER => 'customer',
// Thread by user
self::TYPE_MESSAGE => 'message',
self::TYPE_NOTE => 'note',
// lineitem represents a change of state on the conversation. This could include, but not limited to, the conversation was assigned, the status changed, the conversation was moved from one mailbox to another, etc. A line item won’t have a body, to/cc/bcc lists, or attachments.
self::TYPE_LINEITEM => 'lineitem',
//self::TYPE_PHONE => 'phone',
// When a conversation is forwarded, a new conversation is created to represent the forwarded conversation.
// forwardparent is the type set on the thread of the original conversation that initiated the forward event.
//self::TYPE_FORWARDPARENT => 'forwardparent',
// forwardchild is the type set on the first thread of the new forwarded conversation.
//self::TYPE_FORWARDCHILD => 'forwardchild',
// Not used.
self::TYPE_CHAT => 'chat',
* Subtypes (for notes mostly)
const SUBTYPE_PHONE = 2;
* Statuses (code must be equal to conversations statuses).
const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
const STATUS_CLOSED = 3;
const STATUS_SPAM = 4;
public static $statuses = [
self::STATUS_ACTIVE => 'active',
self::STATUS_CLOSED => 'closed',
self::STATUS_NOCHANGE => 'nochange',
self::STATUS_PENDING => 'pending',
self::STATUS_SPAM => 'spam',
* States.
const STATE_DRAFT = 1;
const STATE_HIDDEN = 3;
// A state of review means the thread has been stopped by Traffic Cop and is waiting
// to be confirmed (or discarded) by the person that created the thread.
const STATE_REVIEW = 4;
public static $states = [
self::STATE_DRAFT => 'draft',
self::STATE_PUBLISHED => 'published',
self::STATE_HIDDEN => 'hidden',
self::STATE_REVIEW => 'review',
* Action associated with the line item.
* It is recommended to add custom action types between 100 and 1000
// Conversation's status changed
// Conversation's assignee changed
// The conversation was moved from another mailbox
// Another conversation was merged with this conversation
// The conversation was imported (no email notifications were sent)
// A workflow was run on this conversation (either automatic or manual)
// The ticket was imported from an external Service
// Conversation customer changed
// The ticket was deleted
// The ticket was restored
// Describes an optional action associated with the line item
public static $action_types = [
self::ACTION_TYPE_STATUS_CHANGED => 'changed-ticket-status',
self::ACTION_TYPE_USER_CHANGED => 'changed-ticket-assignee',
self::ACTION_TYPE_MOVED_FROM_MAILBOX => 'moved-from-mailbox',
self::ACTION_TYPE_MERGED => 'merged',
self::ACTION_TYPE_IMPORTED => 'imported',
// self::ACTION_TYPE_WORKFLOW_MANUAL => 'manual-workflow',
// self::ACTION_TYPE_WORKFLOW_AUTO => 'automatic-workflow',
self::ACTION_TYPE_IMPORTED_EXTERNAL => 'imported-external',
self::ACTION_TYPE_CUSTOMER_CHANGED => 'changed-ticket-customer',
self::ACTION_TYPE_DELETED_TICKET => 'deleted-ticket',
self::ACTION_TYPE_RESTORE_TICKET => 'restore-ticket',
* Source types (equal to thread source types).
const SOURCE_TYPE_WEB = 2;
const SOURCE_TYPE_API = 3;
public static $source_types = [
self::SOURCE_TYPE_EMAIL => 'email',
self::SOURCE_TYPE_WEB => 'web',
self::SOURCE_TYPE_API => 'api',
// Metas.
const META_MERGED_WITH_CONV = 'mwc';
const META_MERGED_INTO_CONV = 'mic';
// At some stage metas have been renamed.
public static $meta_fw_backward_compat = [
self::META_FORWARD_PARENT_CONVERSATION_NUMBER => 'forward_parent_conversation_number',
self::META_FORWARD_PARENT_CONVERSATION_ID => 'forward_parent_conversation_id',
self::META_FORWARD_PARENT_THREAD_ID => 'forward_parent_thread_id',
self::META_FORWARD_CHILD_CONVERSATION_NUMBER => 'forward_child_conversation_number',
self::META_FORWARD_CHILD_CONVERSATION_ID => 'forward_child_conversation_id',
protected $dates = [
protected $casts = [
'meta' => 'array',
* The user assigned to this thread (assignedTo).
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
* The user assigned to this thread (cached).
public function user_cached()
return $this->user()->rememberForever();
* Get the thread customer.
public function customer()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Customer');
* Get the thread customer (cached).
public function customer_cached()
return $this->customer()->rememberForever();
* Get conversation.
public function conversation()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Conversation');
* Get thread attachmets.
public function attachments()
return $this->hasMany('App\Attachment')->where('embedded', false);
//return $this->hasMany('App\Attachment');
* Get thread embedded attachments.
public function embeds()
return $this->hasMany('App\Attachment')->where('embedded', true);
* All kinds of attachments including embedded.
public function all_attachments()
return $this->hasMany('App\Attachment');
* Get user who created the thread.
public function created_by_user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
* Get user who created the thread (cached).
public function created_by_user_cached()
return $this->created_by_user()->rememberForever();
* Get customer who created the thread.
public function created_by_customer()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Customer');
* Get user who edited thread.
public function edited_by_user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
* Get user who edited thread (cached).
public function edited_by_user_cached()
return $this->edited_by_user()->rememberForever();
* Get sanitized body HTML.
* @return string
public function getCleanBody($body = '')
if (!$body) {
$body = $this->body;
if ($body === null) {
$body = '';
// Change "background:" to "background-color:".
// https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout/issues/2560
// Keep in mind that with large texts preg_replace() may return null.
$body = preg_replace("/(<[^<>]+style=[\"'][^\"']*)background: *([^;() ]+[;\"'])/", '$1background-color:$2', $body) ?: $body;
// Cut out "collapse" class as it hides elements.
$body = preg_replace("/(<[^<>\r\n]+class=([\"'][^\"']* |[\"']))(collapse|hidden)([\"' ])/", '$1$4', $body) ?: $body;
return \Helper::purifyHtml($body);
* Convert body to plain text.
public function getBodyAsText($options = ['width' => 0])
return \Helper::htmlToText($this->body, true, $options);
public function getBodyWithFormatedLinks(string $body = '') :string
if (!$body) {
$body = $this->body;
$body = \Helper::linkify($this->getCleanBody($body));
// Add target="_blank" to links.
$pattern = '//i';
$body = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($m){
$tpl = array_shift($m);
$href = isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : null;
if (preg_match('/target=[\'"]?(.*?)[\'"]?/i', $tpl)) {
return $tpl;
if (trim($href) && 0 === strpos($href, '#')) {
// Anchor links.
return $tpl;
return preg_replace_callback('/href=/i', function($m2){
return sprintf('target="_blank" %s', array_shift($m2));
}, $tpl);
}, $body) ?: $body;
return $body;
* Get sanitized body HTML.
* @return string
public function getCleanBodyOriginal()
return $this->getCleanBody($this->body_original);
* Get thread recipients.
* @return array
public function getToArray($exclude_array = [])
return \App\Misc\Helper::jsonToArray($this->to, $exclude_array);
public function getToString($exclude_array = [])
return implode(', ', $this->getToArray($exclude_array));
* Get first address from the To list.
public function getToFirst()
$to = $this->getToArray();
return array_shift($to);
* Get type name.
public function getTypeName()
return self::$types[$this->type];
* Get thread CC recipients.
* @return array
public function getCcArray($exclude_array = [])
return \App\Misc\Helper::jsonToArray($this->cc, $exclude_array);
public function getCcString($exclude_array = [])
return implode(', ', $this->getCcArray($exclude_array));
* Get thread BCC recipients.
* @return array
public function getBccArray($exclude_array = [])
return \App\Misc\Helper::jsonToArray($this->bcc, $exclude_array);
public function getBccString($exclude_array = [])
return implode(', ', $this->getBccArray($exclude_array));
* Set to as JSON.
public function setTo($emails)
$emails_array = Conversation::sanitizeEmails($emails);
if ($emails_array) {
$emails_array = array_unique($emails_array);
$this->to = \Helper::jsonEncodeUtf8($emails_array);
} else {
$this->to = null;
public function setCc($emails)
$emails_array = Conversation::sanitizeEmails($emails);
if ($emails_array) {
$emails_array = array_unique($emails_array);
$this->cc = \Helper::jsonEncodeUtf8($emails_array);
} else {
$this->cc = null;
public function setBcc($emails)
$emails_array = Conversation::sanitizeEmails($emails);
if ($emails_array) {
$emails_array = array_unique($emails_array);
$this->bcc = \Helper::jsonEncodeUtf8($emails_array);
} else {
$this->bcc = null;
* Get thread's status name.
* @return string
public function getStatusName()
return self::statusCodeToName($this->status);
* Get status name. Made as a function to allow status names translation.
* @param int $status
* @return string
public static function statusCodeToName($status)
switch ($status) {
case self::STATUS_ACTIVE:
return __('Active');
case self::STATUS_PENDING:
return __('Pending');
case self::STATUS_CLOSED:
return __('Closed');
case self::STATUS_SPAM:
return __('Spam');
return __('Not changed');
return '';
* Get text for the assignee in line item.
* @return string
public function getAssigneeName($ucfirst = false, $by_user = null)
if (!$by_user) {
$by_user = auth()->user();
if (!$this->user_id) {
if ($ucfirst) {
return __('Anyone');
} else {
return __('anyone');
} elseif ($by_user && $this->user_id == $by_user->id) {
if ($this->created_by_user_id && $this->created_by_user_id == $this->user_id) {
$name = __('yourself');
} else {
$name = __('you');
if ($ucfirst) {
$name = ucfirst($name);
return $name;
} else {
// User may be deleted
if ($this->user) {
return $this->user->getFullName();
} else {
return '';
* Get user or customer who created the thead.
public function getCreatedBy()
if (!empty($this->created_by_user_id)) {
// User can be deleted
if ($this->created_by_user) {
return $this->created_by_user;
} else {
return \App\User::getDeletedUser();
} else {
return $this->created_by_customer;
* Get creator of the thread.
public function getPerson($cached = false)
if ($this->type == self::TYPE_CUSTOMER) {
if ($cached) {
return $this->customer_cached;
} else {
return $this->customer;
} else {
if ($cached) {
return $this->created_by_user_cached;
} else {
return $this->created_by_user;
* Get action's person.
public function getActionPerson($conversation_number = '')
$person = '';
if ($this->type == self::TYPE_CUSTOMER) {
if ($this->customer_cached) {
$person = $this->customer_cached->getFullName(true);
} elseif ($this->state == self::STATE_DRAFT && !empty($this->edited_by_user_id)) {
// Draft
if (auth()->user() && $this->edited_by_user_id == auth()->user()->id) {
$person = __('you');
} else {
$person = $this->edited_by_user->getFullName();
} elseif ($this->created_by_user_cached) {
if ($this->created_by_user_id && auth()->user() && $this->created_by_user_cached->id == auth()->user()->id) {
$person = __('you');
} else {
$person = $this->created_by_user_cached->getFullName();
// https://github.com/tormjens/eventy/issues/19
$person = \Eventy::filter('thread.action_person', $person, $this, $conversation_number);
return $person;
* Get action text.
* $by_user - user who performed the action.
* $person must be already escaped.
public function getActionText($conversation_number = '', $escape = false, $strip_tags = false, $by_user = null, $person = '', $viewed_by_user = null)
$did_this = '';
// Did this
if ($this->type == self::TYPE_LINEITEM) {
if ($this->action_type == self::ACTION_TYPE_STATUS_CHANGED) {
if ($conversation_number) {
$did_this = __(':person marked as :status_name conversation #:conversation_number', ['status_name' => $this->getStatusName(), 'conversation_number' => $conversation_number]);
} else {
$did_this = __(":person marked as :status_name", ['status_name' => $this->getStatusName()]);
} elseif ($this->action_type == self::ACTION_TYPE_USER_CHANGED) {
$assignee = $this->getAssigneeName(false, $by_user);
if ($escape) {
$assignee = htmlspecialchars($assignee);
if ($conversation_number) {
$did_this = __(':person assigned :assignee conversation #:conversation_number', ['assignee' => $assignee, 'conversation_number' => $conversation_number]);
} else {
$did_this = __(":person assigned to :assignee", ['assignee' => $assignee]);
} elseif ($this->action_type == self::ACTION_TYPE_CUSTOMER_CHANGED) {
if ($conversation_number) {
$did_this = __(':person changed the customer to :customer in conversation #:conversation_number', ['customer' => $this->customer->getFullName(true), 'conversation_number' => $conversation_number]);
} else {
$customer_name = '';
if ($this->customer_cached) {
$customer_name = $this->customer_cached->getFullName(true);
if ($escape) {
$customer_name = htmlspecialchars($customer_name);
$did_this = __(":person changed the customer to :customer", ['customer' => ''.$customer_name.'']);
} elseif ($this->action_type == self::ACTION_TYPE_DELETED_TICKET) {
$did_this = __(":person deleted");
} elseif ($this->action_type == self::ACTION_TYPE_RESTORE_TICKET) {
$did_this = __(":person restored");
} elseif ($this->action_type == self::ACTION_TYPE_MOVED_FROM_MAILBOX) {
$did_this = __(":person moved conversation from another mailbox");
} elseif ($this->action_type == self::ACTION_TYPE_MERGED) {
if (!empty($this->getMeta(Thread::META_MERGED_WITH_CONV))) {
$did_this = __(":person merged with another conversation");
} else {
$merge_conversation = Conversation::find($this->getMeta(Thread::META_MERGED_INTO_CONV));
$merge_conversation_number = '';
if ($merge_conversation) {
$merge_conversation_number = $merge_conversation->number;
if ($merge_conversation) {
$did_this = __(":person merged into conversation #:conversation_number", ['conversation_number' => ''.$merge_conversation_number.'']);
} else {
$did_this = __(":person merged into conversation #:conversation_number", ['conversation_number' => $merge_conversation_number]);
} elseif ($this->state == self::STATE_DRAFT) {
if (empty($this->edited_by_user_id)) {
$did_this = __(':person created a draft');
} else {
$did_this = __(":person edited :creator's draft", ['creator' => $this->created_by_user_cached->getFirstName()]);
} else {
if ($this->isForwarded()) {
$did_this = __(':person forwarded a conversation #:forward_parent_conversation_number', ['forward_parent_conversation_number' => $this->getMetaFw(self::META_FORWARD_PARENT_CONVERSATION_NUMBER)]);
} elseif ($this->first) {
$did_this = __(':person started a new conversation #:conversation_number', ['conversation_number' => $conversation_number]);
} elseif ($this->type == self::TYPE_NOTE) {
$did_this = __(':person added a note to conversation #:conversation_number', ['conversation_number' => $conversation_number]);
} else {
$did_this = __(':person replied to conversation #:conversation_number', ['conversation_number' => $conversation_number]);
$did_this = \Eventy::filter('thread.action_text', $did_this, $this, $conversation_number, $escape, $viewed_by_user);
if ($strip_tags) {
$did_this = strip_tags($did_this);
if ($person) {
// This causes double escaping.
// if ($escape) {
// $person = htmlspecialchars($person);
// }
$did_this = str_replace(':person', $person, $did_this);
return $did_this;
* Description of what happened.
public function getActionDescription($conversation_number, $escape = true, $viewed_by_user = null)
// Person
$person = $this->getActionPerson($conversation_number);
$did_this = $this->getActionText($conversation_number, false, false, null, '', $viewed_by_user);
if ($escape) {
$person = htmlspecialchars($person);
$did_this = htmlspecialchars($did_this);
return __($did_this, [
'person' => ''.$person.'',
'did_this' => $did_this,
* Get thread state name.
public function getStateName()
return self::$states[$this->state];
public function deleteThread()
if ($this->isNote()) {
* Delete thread attachments.
public function deteleAttachments()
public function isDraft()
return $this->state == self::STATE_DRAFT;
* Get original body or body.
public function getBodyOriginal()
if (!empty($this->body_original)) {
return $this->body_original;
} else {
return $this->body;
* Get name for the reply to customer.
* @param [type] $mailbox [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function getFromName($mailbox = null)
// Created by customer
if ($this->source_via == self::PERSON_CUSTOMER) {
if ($this->getCreatedBy()) {
return $this->getCreatedBy()->getFirstName(true);
} else {
return '';
// Created by user
if (empty($mailbox)) {
$mailbox = $this->conversation->mailbox;
// Mailbox name by default
$name = $mailbox->name;
if ($mailbox->from_name == Mailbox::FROM_NAME_CUSTOM && $mailbox->from_name_custom) {
$name = $mailbox->from_name_custom;
} elseif ($mailbox->from_name == Mailbox::FROM_NAME_USER && $this->getCreatedBy()) {
$name = $this->getCreatedBy()->getFirstName(true);
return $name;
* Check if thread is a reply from customer or user.
* @return bool [description]
public function isReply()
return in_array($this->type, [\App\Thread::TYPE_MESSAGE, \App\Thread::TYPE_CUSTOMER]);
* Is this thread created from auto responder email.
* @return bool [description]
public function isAutoResponder()
return \MailHelper::isAutoResponder($this->headers);
* Is thread created from incoming bounce email.
* @return bool [description]
public function isBounce()
if (!empty($this->getSendStatusData()['is_bounce'])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Send status data mayb contain the following information:
* - bounce info (status_code, action, diagnostic_code, is_bounce, bounce_for_thread, bounce_for_conversation, bounced_by_thread, bounced_by_conversation)
* - send error message
* - click date
* - unsubscribe date
* - complain date.
* @return [type] [description]
public function getSendStatusData()
return \Helper::jsonToArray($this->send_status_data);
public function updateSendStatusData($new_data)
if ($new_data) {
$send_status_data = $this->getSendStatusData();
if ($send_status_data) {
$send_status_data = array_merge($send_status_data, $new_data);
} else {
$send_status_data = $new_data;
$this->send_status_data = \Helper::jsonEncodeUtf8($send_status_data);
} else {
$this->send_status_data = null;
public function isSendStatusError()
return in_array($this->send_status, \App\SendLog::$status_errors);
* Create thread.
* @param [type] $conversation_id [description]
* @param [type] $text [description]
* @param array $data [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public static function create($conversation, $type, $body, $data = [], $save = true)
$thread = new Thread();
$thread->conversation_id = $conversation->id;
$thread->type = $type;
$thread->body = $body;
$thread->status = $conversation->status;
$thread->state = Thread::STATE_PUBLISHED;
// Assigned to.
if (!empty($data['user_id'])) {
$thread->user_id = $data['user_id'];
if (!empty($data['message_id'])) {
$thread->message_id = $data['message_id'];
if (!empty($data['headers'])) {
$thread->headers = $data['headers'];
if (!empty($data['from'])) {
$thread->from = $data['from'];
if (!empty($data['to'])) {
if (!empty($data['cc'])) {
if (!empty($data['bcc'])) {
if (isset($data['first'])) {
$thread->from = $data['first'];
if (isset($data['source_via'])) {
$thread->source_via = $data['source_via'];
if (isset($data['source_type'])) {
$thread->source_type = $data['source_type'];
if (!empty($data['customer_id'])) {
$thread->customer_id = $data['customer_id'];
if (!empty($data['created_by_customer_id'])) {
$thread->created_by_customer_id = $data['created_by_customer_id'];
if (!empty($data['created_by_user_id'])) {
$thread->created_by_user_id = $data['created_by_user_id'];
if (!empty($data['action_type'])) {
$thread->action_type = $data['action_type'];
if (!empty($data['meta'])) {
if ($save) {
return $thread;
public static function createExtended($data = [], $conversation = null, $customer = null, $update_conv = true)
if (empty($data['type']) || empty($data['body'])) {
return false;
$is_customer = ($data['type'] == Thread::TYPE_CUSTOMER);
if (!$customer && !empty($data['customer_id'])) {
$customer = Customer::find($data['customer_id']);
if (!$customer) {
$customer = $conversation->customer;
// User which creatd the thread should be passed in created_by_user_id.
// user_id is check for backward compatibility.
$user_id = $data['created_by_user_id'] ?? $data['user_id'] ?? null;
// Check type.
if ($data['type'] == Thread::TYPE_CUSTOMER && empty($customer)) {
return false;
//return $this->getErrorResponse('`customer` parameter is required', 'customer');
if (($data['type'] == Thread::TYPE_MESSAGE || $data['type'] == Thread::TYPE_NOTE) && empty($user_id)) {
return false;
//return $this->getErrorResponse('`user` parameter is required', 'user');
// Create thread.
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// New conversation.
$new = !$conversation->threads_count;
$thread = new Thread();
$thread->conversation_id = $conversation->id;
$thread->type = $data['type'];
if ($is_customer) {
$thread->source_via = Thread::PERSON_CUSTOMER;
$thread->created_by_customer_id = $customer->id;
} else {
$thread->source_via = Thread::PERSON_USER;
$thread->created_by_user_id = $user_id;
$thread->edited_by_user_id = null;
$thread->edited_at = null;
$thread->source_type = Thread::SOURCE_TYPE_API;
$thread->state = $data['state'] ?? Thread::STATE_PUBLISHED;
$thread->customer_id = $customer->id ?? $conversation->customer_id ?? null;
$thread->body = $data['body'];
if (!$is_customer) {
$cc = \MailHelper::sanitizeEmails($data['cc'] ?? []);
$bcc = \MailHelper::sanitizeEmails($data['bcc'] ?? []);
$thread->imported = (int)($data['imported'] ?? false);
if ($thread->imported && !empty($data['created_at'])) {
$thread->created_at = self::utcStringToServerDate($data['created_at']);
if ($new) {
$thread->first = true;
// Assignee.
if (empty($data['user_id'])) {
$thread->user_id = $conversation->user_id;
// Process attachments.
if (!empty($data['attachments'])) {
$has_attachments = false;
foreach ($data['attachments'] as $attachment) {
$content = null;
$uploaded_file = null;
if (is_object($attachment) && get_class($attachment) == 'Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile') {
$uploaded_file = $attachment;
$attachment = [];
$attachment['file_name'] = $uploaded_file->getClientOriginalName();
$attachment['mime_type'] = $uploaded_file->getMimeType();
} else {
if (empty($attachment['file_name'])
//|| empty($attachment['mime_type'])
|| (empty($attachment['data']) && empty($attachment['file_url']))
) {
if (!empty($attachment['data'])) {
// BASE64 string.
$content = base64_decode($attachment['data']);
if (!$content) {
if (empty($attachment['mime_type'])) {
$f = finfo_open();
$attachment['mime_type'] = finfo_buffer($f, $content, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
} else {
// URL.
$file_path = \Helper::downloadRemoteFileAsTmp($attachment['file_url']);
if (!$file_path) {
$uploaded_file = new \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile(
$file_path, basename($file_path),
null, null, true
if (empty($attachment['mime_type'])) {
$attachment['mime_type'] = mime_content_type($file_path);
if (empty($attachment['mime_type'])) {
$attachment['mime_type'] = $uploaded_file->getMimeType();
if (!$has_attachments) {
$attachment = Attachment::create(
$embedded = false,
$user_id ?? null
if ($attachment) {
$has_attachments = true;
if ($has_attachments) {
$thread->has_attachments = true;
$conversation->has_attachments = true;
} else {
$has_attachments = $data['has_attachments'] ?? false;
$thread->has_attachments = $has_attachments;
$conversation->has_attachments = $has_attachments;
if ($new) {
if ($is_customer) {
$conversation->source_via = Conversation::PERSON_CUSTOMER;
$conversation->created_by_customer_id = $customer->id;
} else {
$conversation->source_via = Conversation::PERSON_USER;
$conversation->created_by_user_id = $user_id;
// BCC should keep BCC of the first email,
// so we change BCC only if it contains emails.
if ($bcc) {
$update_folder = false;
if ($thread->isReply()) {
$conversation->last_reply_at = $now;
if ($is_customer) {
$conversation->last_reply_from = Conversation::PERSON_CUSTOMER;
// Set specific status
if (!empty($data['status'])) {
if ((int)$conversation->status != (int)$data['status']) {
$update_folder = true;
$conversation->status = $data['status'];
} else {
if ((int)$conversation->status != Conversation::STATUS_ACTIVE) {
$update_folder = true;
// Reply from customer makes conversation active
$conversation->status = Conversation::STATUS_ACTIVE;
} else {
$conversation->last_reply_from = Conversation::PERSON_USER;
$conversation->user_updated_at = $now;
if (!empty($data['status'])) {
if ((int)$conversation->status != (int)$data['status']) {
$update_folder = true;
$conversation->status = $data['status'];
} else {
if ((int)$conversation->status != Conversation::STATUS_PENDING) {
$update_folder = true;
// Reply from customer makes conversation active
$conversation->status = Conversation::STATUS_PENDING;
// Reply from customer to deleted conversation should undelete it.
if ($data['type'] == Thread::TYPE_CUSTOMER && $conversation->state == Conversation::STATE_DELETED) {
$conversation->state = Conversation::STATE_PUBLISHED;
$update_folder = true;
if ($update_conv) {
$conversation->customer_id = $customer->id;
if ($is_customer) {
$conversation->customer_email = $customer->getMainEmail();
if ($update_folder) {
// Update conversation here if needed.
if ($is_customer) {
if ($new) {
$conversation = \Eventy::filter('conversation.created_by_customer', $conversation, $thread, $customer);
} else {
$conversation = \Eventy::filter('conversation.customer_replied', $conversation, $thread, $customer);
// save() will check if something in the model has changed. If it hasn't it won't run a db query.
// Update folders counters
if (!$new) {
// Update folders counters
// Events.
// Conversation customer changed
// Not used anywhere
// if ($prev_customer_id) {
// event(new ConversationCustomerChanged($conversation, $prev_customer_id, $prev_customer_email, null, $customer));
// }
if ($new) {
if ($is_customer) {
event(new CustomerCreatedConversation($conversation, $thread));
\Eventy::action('conversation.created_by_customer', $conversation, $thread, $customer);
} else {
// New conversation.
event(new UserCreatedConversation($conversation, $thread));
\Eventy::action('conversation.created_by_user_can_undo', $conversation, $thread);
// After Conversation::UNDO_TIMOUT period trigger final event.
\Helper::backgroundAction('conversation.created_by_user', [$conversation, $thread], now()->addSeconds(Conversation::UNDO_TIMOUT));
} elseif ($data['type'] == Thread::TYPE_NOTE) {
// Note.
event(new UserAddedNote($conversation, $thread));
\Eventy::action('conversation.note_added', $conversation, $thread);
} else {
// Reply.
if ($is_customer) {
event(new CustomerReplied($conversation, $thread));
\Eventy::action('conversation.customer_replied', $conversation, $thread, $customer);
} else {
event(new UserReplied($conversation, $thread));
\Eventy::action('conversation.user_replied_can_undo', $conversation, $thread);
// After Conversation::UNDO_TIMOUT period trigger final event.
\Helper::backgroundAction('conversation.user_replied', [$conversation, $thread], now()->addSeconds(Conversation::UNDO_TIMOUT));
return $thread;
* Get full name of the user who edited thread.
public function getEditedByUserName()
$name = '';
if (!$this->edited_by_user_id) {
return '';
if (auth()->user() && $this->edited_by_user_id == auth()->user()->id) {
$name = __('you');
} else {
$name = $this->edited_by_user_cached->getFullName();
return $name;
* Get thread meta data as array.
public function getMetas()
return $this->meta;
//return \Helper::jsonToArray($this->meta);
* Set thread meta value.
public function setMetas($data)
$this->meta = $data;
//$this->meta = \Helper::jsonEncodeUtf8($data);
* Get thread meta value.
public function getMeta($key, $default = null)
$metas = $this->getMetas();
if (isset($metas[$key])) {
return $metas[$key];
} else {
return $default;
* Set thread meta value.
public function setMeta($key, $value)
$metas = $this->getMetas();
$metas[$key] = $value;
public function getMetaFw($key, $default = null)
$meta = $this->getMeta($key, $default);
if (!$meta) {
$meta = $this->getMeta(self::$meta_fw_backward_compat[$key], $default);
return $meta;
* Unset thread meta value.
public function unsetMeta($key)
$metas = $this->getMetas();
if (isset($metas[$key])) {
* Get full name of the user who forwarded conversation.
public function getForwardByFullName($by_user = null)
if (!$by_user) {
$by_user = auth()->user();
if ($by_user && $this->created_by_user_id == $by_user->id) {
$name = __('you');
} else {
$name = $this->created_by_user->getFullName();
return $name;
* Is this a note informing that conversation has been forwarded.
public function isForward()
return ($this->subtype == \App\Thread::SUBTYPE_FORWARD);
* Is this a forwarded conversation.
public function isForwarded()
if ($this->getMetaFw(self::META_FORWARD_PARENT_CONVERSATION_ID)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Is this thread a note.
public function isNote()
return ($this->type == \App\Thread::TYPE_NOTE);
* Get forwarded conversation.
public function getForwardParentConversation()
return Conversation::where('id', $this->getMetaFw(self::META_FORWARD_PARENT_CONVERSATION_ID))
* Get forward child conversation.
public function getForwardChildConversation()
return Conversation::where('id', $this->getMetaFw(self::META_FORWARD_CHILD_CONVERSATION_ID))
* Fetch body via IMAP.
public function fetchBody()
$message = \MailHelper::fetchMessage($this->conversation->mailbox, $this->message_id, $this->getMailDate());
if (!$message) {
return '';
$body = $message->getHTMLBody();
if (!$body) {
$body = $message->getTextBody();
return $body;
public function parseHeaders()
return \MailHelper::parseHeaders($this->headers);
public function getMailDate()
$data = $this->parseHeaders();
if (empty($data->date)) {
return null;
return \Helper::parseDateToCarbon($data->date);
public function getActionTypeName()
if (!$this->action_type) {
return '';
$action_types = \Eventy::filter('thread.action_types', self::$action_types);
return self::$action_types[$this->action_type] ?? '';
public function isCustomerMessage()
return $this->type == self::TYPE_CUSTOMER;
public function isUserMessage()
return $this->type == self::TYPE_MESSAGE;
public static function replaceBase64ImagesWithAttachments($body, $user_id = null)
$body = preg_replace_callback("#(
function ($match) {
$attachment = null;
$data = base64_decode($match[3]);
if ($data) {
$attachment = Attachment::create(
$file_name = number_format(microtime(true), 4, '', '').'.'.$match[2],
$mime_type = 'image/'.$match[2],
$type = Attachment::TYPE_IMAGE,
$uploaded_file = null,
$embedded = true,
$thread_id = null,
$user_id = \Auth::id()
if ($attachment) {
return $match[1].$attachment->url().$match[4];
} else {
return $match[0];
}, $body
return $body;
public function getMessageId($mailbox = null)
if ($this->isCustomerMessage() && $this->message_id) {
return $this->message_id;
if ($this->isUserMessage()) {
if (!$mailbox) {
$mailbox = $this->conversation->mailbox;
return \MailHelper::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_REPLY_TO_CUSTOMER.'-'.$this->id.'-'.\MailHelper::getMessageIdHash($this->id).'@'.$mailbox->getEmailDomain();
return '';
// Sorts threads in desc order by created_at and ID.
// Threads has to be sorted by created_at and not by id.
// https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout/issues/2938
// Sometimes thread.created_at may be the same,
// in such cases we also need to sort by thread ID.
public static function sortThreads($threads)
return $threads->sort(function ($a, $b) {
$a_ts = $a->created_at->getTimestamp();
$b_ts = $b->created_at->getTimestamp();
if ($a_ts == $b_ts) {
if ($a->id < $b->id) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
return ($a_ts < $b_ts) ? 1 : -1;
public static function getLastThread($threads)
$threads = self::sortThreads($threads);
return $threads->first();
public function canRetrySend()
if (!in_array($this->send_status, [SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR, SendLog::STATUS_DELIVERY_ERROR])) {
return false;
// Check if failed_job still exists.
if (!$this->getFailedJobId()) {
return false;
return true;
public function getFailedJobId()
return \App\FailedJob::where('queue', 'emails')
->where('payload', 'like', '{"displayName":"App\\\\\\\\Jobs\\\\\\\\SendReplyToCustomer"%{i:0;i:'.$this->id.';%')