overload(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Do nothing } if (!empty($_ENV['APP_KEY'])) { return $_ENV['APP_KEY']; } else { return ''; } } function clearCache($root_dir) { if (file_exists($root_dir.'bootstrap/cache/config.php')) { unlink($root_dir.'bootstrap/cache/config.php'); } } function showError($msg) { echo << FreeScout Installer

FreeScout Installer

HTML; } function showPermissionsError() { $root_dir_no_slash = realpath(__DIR__.'/..'); showError('Web installer could not write data into '.$root_dir_no_slash.'/.env file. Please give your web server user ('.get_current_user().') write permissions in '.$root_dir_no_slash.' folder:

If it does not help, please follow Manual installation instructions.'); } function getSubdirectory() { $subdirectory = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $filename = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) === $filename) { $subdirectory = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; } elseif (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === $filename) { $subdirectory = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } elseif (basename($_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']) === $filename) { $subdirectory = $_SERVER['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']; // 1and1 shared hosting compatibility } else { // Backtrack up the script_filename to find the portion matching // php_self $path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $file = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; $segs = explode('/', trim($file, '/')); $segs = array_reverse($segs); $index = 0; $last = \count($segs); $subdirectory = ''; do { $seg = $segs[$index]; $subdirectory = '/'.$seg.$subdirectory; ++$index; } while ($last > $index && (false !== $pos = strpos($path, $subdirectory)) && 0 != $pos); } $subdirectory = str_replace('public/install.php', '', $subdirectory); $subdirectory = str_replace('install.php', '', $subdirectory); if (!$subdirectory) { $subdirectory = '/'; } return $subdirectory; } $app_key = getAppKey($root_dir); // Generate APP_KEY if (empty($app_key)) { // Copy .env.example if (!file_exists($root_dir.'.env')) { // Check if .env.example eixists if (!file_exists($root_dir.'.env.example')) { showError('File '.$root_dir.'.env.example not found. Please make sure to copy this file from the application dist.'); exit(); } copy($root_dir.'.env.example', $root_dir.'.env'); if (!file_exists($root_dir.'.env')) { //echo 'Please copy .env.example file to .env and reload this page.'; showPermissionsError(); exit(); } } // Add APP_KEY= to the .env file if needed // Without APP_KEY= the key will not be generated if (!preg_match('/^APP_KEY=/m', file_get_contents($root_dir.'.env'))) { $append_result = file_put_contents($root_dir.'.env', PHP_EOL.'APP_KEY=', FILE_APPEND); if (!$append_result) { //showError('Could not write APP_KEY to .env file. Please run the following commands in SSH console:
php artisan key:generate
php artisan freescout:clear-cache'); showPermissionsError(); exit(); } } writeNewEnvironmentFileWith(generateRandomKey(), $root_dir.'.env'); // Clear cache // We have to clear cache to avoid infinite redirects clearCache($root_dir); $app_key = getAppKey($root_dir, false); } if (!empty($app_key)) { // When APP_KEY generated, redirect to /install header('Location: '.getSubdirectory().'install'); } else { showPermissionsError(); } exit();