@extends('vendor.installer.layouts.master') @section('template_title') {{ trans('installer_messages.final.templateTitle') }} @endsection @section('title') {{ trans('installer_messages.final.title') }} @endsection @section('container')


{{ \Config::get('app.name') }} has been successfully installed, now you need to set up a cron task:

If you don't know how to configure cron jobs, contact your hosting provider. On some shared hostings you may need to specify full path to the PHP executable (for example, /usr/local/bin/php-7.0)

@if ($dbMessage && !empty($dbMessage['status']) && $dbMessage['status'] == 'error' && !empty($dbMessage['message']))

Database Migration Error

Error occurred migrating database:

{{ $dbMessage['message'] }}

Please configure database access in .env file and run the following console commands:

php artisan freescout:clear-cache
php artisan migrate

Admin Credentials

@php $admin = \App\User::where('role', \App\User::ROLE_ADMIN)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if ($admin) { $admin_email = $admin->email; } @endphp

Email: {{ $admin_email }}
Password: your chosen password


Installation Logs

@if ($dbMessage && !empty($dbMessage['dbOutputLog']))

Database Migration:

{{ $dbMessage['dbOutputLog'] }}

{{ trans('installer_messages.final.console') }}

{{ $finalMessages }}

{{ trans('installer_messages.final.log') }}

{{ $finalStatusMessage }}

{{ trans('installer_messages.final.env') }}

{{ $finalEnvFile }}