'.$mins_ago.' minutes ago. Please check fetching logs and make sure that the following cron task is running: php artisan schedule:run'; if (\Option::get('alert_fetch') && !\Option::get('alert_fetch_sent')) { // We send alert only once \Option::set('alert_fetch_sent', true); \MailHelper::sendAlertMail($text, 'Fetching Problems'); } $this->error('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] '.$text); } elseif (!$last_successful_run) { $this->line('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Fetching has not been configured yet'); } else { if (\Option::get('alert_fetch_sent')) { $text = 'Previously there were some problems fetching emails. Fetching recovered and functioning now!'; \MailHelper::sendAlertMail($text, 'Fetching Recovered'); } \Option::set('alert_fetch_sent', false); $this->info('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Fetching is working'); } } }