var fs_sidebar_menu_applied = false; var fs_loader_timeout; var fs_processing_send_reply = false; var fs_processing_save_draft = false; var fs_send_reply_allowed = true; var fs_send_reply_after_draft = false; var fs_autosave_note = true; var fs_connection_errors = 0; var fs_editor_change_timeout = -1; // For how long to remember conversation note drafts var fs_keep_conversation_notes = 30; // days var fs_draft_autosave_period = 12; // seconds var fs_reply_changed = false; var fs_conv_editor_buttons = {}; var fs_conv_editor_toolbar = [ ['style', ['attachment', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'lists', 'removeformat', 'link', 'picture', 'codeview']], ['actions', ['savedraft', 'discard']], ]; var fs_in_app_data = {}; var fs_actions = {}; var fs_filters = {}; var fs_body_default = '

'; var fs_prev_focus = true; var fs_checkbox_shift_last_checked = null; var FS_STATUS_CLOSED = 3; // Ajax based notifications; var poly; // List of funcions preparin data for polycast receive request var poly_data_closures = []; var fs_select2_config = { //containerCssClass: "select2-multi-container", // select2-with-loader dropdownCssClass: "select2-multi-dropdown", //dropdownParent: $('.modal-dialog:visible:first'), multiple: true, //maximumSelectionLength: 1, //placeholder: input.attr('placeholder'), minimumInputLength: 1, tags: true, createTag: function (params) { return { id: params.term, text: params.term, newOption: true } }, templateResult: function (data) { var $result = $(""); $result.text(data.text); if (data.newOption) { $result.append(" ("+Lang.get("messages.add_lower")+")"); } return $result; } }; // Default validation options // window.ParsleyConfig = window.ParsleyConfig || {}; $.extend(window.ParsleyConfig, { // select2-search__field is the additional input created by select2 excluded: '.note-codable, .parsley-exclude, .select2-search__field', errorClass: 'has-error', //successClass: 'has-success', // Return the $element that will receive these above // success or error classes. Could also be (and given // directly from DOM) a valid selector like '#div' classHandler: function(ParsleyField) { return ParsleyField.$element.parents('.form-group:first'); }, errorsContainer: function(ParsleyField) { var element = ParsleyField.$element; var help_block = element.parent().children('.help-block:first'); if (!help_block.length) { // Show error after select2 field if (element.hasClass('select2-hidden-accessible')) { return element.parent(); } } return help_block; }, errorsWrapper: '
', errorTemplate: '
' }); // Push notifications /*Push.config({ serviceWorker: './customServiceWorker.js', // Sets a custom service worker script fallback: function(payload) { // Code that executes on browsers with no notification support // "payload" is an object containing the // title, body, tag, and icon of the notification } });*/ // Configuring editor var EditorAttachmentButton = function (context) { var ui = $.summernote.ui; // create button var button = ui.button({ contents: '', tooltip: Lang.get("messages.upload_attachments"), className: 'note-btn-attachment', container: 'body', click: function () { var element = document.createElement('div'); element.innerHTML = ''; var fileInput = element.firstChild; fileInput.addEventListener('change', function() { if (fileInput.files) { for (var i = 0; i < fileInput.files.length; i++) { editorSendFile(fileInput.files[i], true, true); } } });; } }); return button.render(); // return button as jquery object } var EditorSaveDraftButton = function (context) { var ui = $.summernote.ui; // create button var button = ui.button({ className: 'note-btn-save-draft', contents: '', tooltip: Lang.get("messages.save_draft"), container: 'body', click: function () { saveDraft(true); } }); return button.render(); // return button as jquery object } var EditorDiscardButton = function (context) { var ui = $.summernote.ui; // create button var button = ui.button({ contents: '', tooltip: Lang.get("messages.discard"), container: 'body', click: function () { discardDraft(); } }); return button.render(); // return button as jquery object } var EditorInsertVarButton = function (context) { var ui = $.summernote.ui; var vars = { mailbox: { '': Lang.get(""), '': Lang.get(""), 'mailbox.fromName': Lang.get("messages.from_name") }, conversation: { 'conversation.number': Lang.get("messages.number") }, customer: { 'customer.fullName': Lang.get("messages.full_name"), 'customer.firstName': Lang.get("messages.first_name"), 'customer.lastName': Lang.get("messages.last_name"), '': Lang.get("messages.email_addr"), '': Lang.get(""), }, user: { 'user.fullName': Lang.get("messages.full_name"), 'user.firstName': Lang.get("messages.first_name"), 'user.lastName': Lang.get("messages.last_name"), 'user.jobTitle': Lang.get("messages.job_title"), '': Lang.get(""), '': Lang.get("messages.email_addr"), 'user.photoUrl': Lang.get("messages.photo_url"), }, }; vars = fsApplyFilter('editor.vars', vars); var contents = ''; // create button var button = ui.button({ contents: contents, tooltip: Lang.get("messages.insert_var"), container: 'body' }); return button.render(); // return button as jquery object } var EditorRemoveFormatButton = function (context) { var ui = $.summernote.ui; // create button var button = ui.button({ contents: '', tooltip: Lang.get("messages.remove_format"), container: 'body', click: function () { context.invoke('removeFormat'); } }); return button.render(); // return button as jquery object } var EditorListsButton = function (context) { var ui = $.summernote.ui; // create button var button = ui.buttonGroup([ ui.button({ className: 'dropdown-toggle', contents: ui.dropdownButtonContents(ui.icon('note-icon-unorderedlist'), {icons:{'caret': 'note-icon-caret1'}}), tooltip: Lang.get("messages.list"), data: { toggle: 'dropdown' } }), ui.dropdown([ ui.button({ contents: ui.icon($.summernote.options.icons.unorderedlist), tooltip: $.summernote.lang[$.summernote.options.lang].lists.unordered /*+ $.summernote.representShortcut('insertUnorderedList')*/, click: context.createInvokeHandler('editor.insertUnorderedList') }), ui.button({ contents: ui.icon($.summernote.options.icons.orderedlist), tooltip: $.summernote.lang[$.summernote.options.lang].lists.ordered /*+ $.summernote.representShortcut('insertUnorderedList')*/, click: context.createInvokeHandler('editor.insertOrderedList') }) ]) ]); return button.render(); // return button as jquery object } $(document).ready(function(){ triggersInit(); // Submenu $('.sidebar-menu-toggle').click(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); $(this).parent().children('.sidebar-menu:first').toggleClass('active'); $(this).toggleClass('active'); if (!fs_sidebar_menu_applied) { $('body').click(function() { $('.sidebar-menu, .sidebar-menu-toggle').removeClass('active'); }); } }); // Floating alerts fsFloatingAlertsInit(); // Editor (function($) { if (typeof($.summernote) != "undefined") { // DIV instead of P // // // This causes TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of undefined //$.summernote.dom.emptyPara = "

"; $.summernote.lang['en-US'].image.dragImageHere = Lang.get("messages.drag_image_file"); $.summernote.lang['en-US'].image.dropImage = Lang.get("messages.drag_image_file"); } })(jQuery); polycastInit(); webNotificationsInit(); initAccordionHeading(); initMuteMailbox(); // Search button $('#search-dt').click(function() { var dt = $(this); setTimeout(function() {'.form-control:first').focus(); }, 100); }); $('#logout-link').click(function(e) { $('#logout-form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }); //applyVoidLinks(); $('ul.customer-contacts').click(function(e) { copyToClipboard($(this).text()); e.preventDefault(); }); // Dirty JS hack because there was no way found to expand outer container when sidebar grows. if ($('#conv-layout-customer').length && $(window).outerWidth() >= 1100 && $('.conv-sidebar-block').length > 2) { adjustCustomerSidebarHeight(); setTimeout(adjustCustomerSidebarHeight, 2000); } }); /*function applyVoidLinks() { $('a.void-link').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); }*/ function initMuteMailbox() { $('.mailbox-mute-trigger, .mailbox-mute-trigger span').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); if (!button.hasClass('mailbox-mute-trigger')) { button = button.parent(); e.stopPropagation(); } button.button('loading'); var mute = parseInt(button.attr('data-mute')); fsAjax( { action: 'mute', mailbox_id: button.attr('data-mailbox-id'), mute: mute }, laroute.route('mailboxes.ajax'), function(response) { button.button('reset'); if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { setTimeout(function(){ button.children('span').addClass('hidden'); var new_mute; if (mute == 1) { new_mute = 0; button.children('.glyphicon').removeClass('glyphicon-volume-off').addClass('glyphicon-volume-up'); button.parents('.dash-card:first, .sidebar-2col:first').children().find('.mailbox-name').prepend(' '); } else { new_mute = 1; button.children('.glyphicon').removeClass('glyphicon-volume-up').addClass('glyphicon-volume-off'); button.parents('.dash-card:first, .sidebar-2col:first').children().find('.mailbox-name').children('.glyphicon:first').remove(); } button.attr('data-mute', new_mute); button.children('.mute-text-'+new_mute).removeClass('hidden'); }, 100); } else { showAjaxError(response); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }) } // Initialize bootstrap tooltip for the element function initTooltip(selector) { $(selector).tooltip({container: 'body'}); } function initTooltips() { initTooltip('[data-toggle="tooltip"]'); } function triggersInit() { // Tooltips initTooltips(); var handler = function() { return $('body [data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip('hide'); }; $(document).on('mouseenter', '.dropdown-menu', handler); $(document).on('', handler); $(document).on('', handler); // Popover $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({ container: 'body' }); // Modal windows initModals(); } function initModals(html_tag) { if (typeof(html_tag) == "undefined") { html_tag = 'a'; } $(html_tag+'[data-trigger="modal"][data-modal-applied!="1"],.fs-trigger-modal[data-modal-applied!="1"]').attr('data-modal-applied', '1').click(function(e) { triggerModal($(this)); e.preventDefault(); }); } function editorProcessInsertVar(editor) { editor.parent().children().find('.summernote-inservar:first').on('change', function(event) { editor.summernote('insertText', $(this).val()); $(this).val(''); }); } function mailboxUpdateInit(from_name_custom) { var selector = '#signature'; $(document).ready(function(){ summernoteInit(selector, { insertVar: true, disableDragAndDrop: false, callbacks: { onInit: function() { $(selector).parent().children().find('.note-statusbar').remove(); editorProcessInsertVar($(selector)); }, onImageUpload: function(files) { if (!files) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { editorSendFile(files[i], undefined, false); } } } }); $('#from_name').change(function(event) { if ($(this).val() == from_name_custom) { $('#from_name_custom_container').removeClass('hidden'); } else { $('#from_name_custom_container').addClass('hidden'); } }); $('#before-reply-toggle').change(function(event) { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('#before_reply').removeAttr('readonly').val($('#before_reply').attr('data-default')); 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} else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); } // Init summernote editor with default settings // // // // // function summernoteInit(selector, new_options) { if (typeof(new_options) == "undefined") { new_options = {}; } var buttons = { removeformat: EditorRemoveFormatButton, lists: EditorListsButton }; if (typeof(new_options.insertVar) == "undefined" || new_options.insertVar) { buttons.insertvar = EditorInsertVarButton; } options = { minHeight: 120, dialogsInBody: true, disableResizeEditor: true, followingToolbar: false, disableDragAndDrop: true, toolbar: [ // [groupName, [list of button]] ['style', ['attachment', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'color', 'lists', 'removeformat', 'link', 'picture', 'codeview']], ['actions-select', ['insertvar']] ], buttons: buttons, callbacks: { onInit: function() { // Remove statusbar $(selector).parent().children().find('.note-statusbar').remove(); // Insert variables if (typeof(new_options.insertVar) != "undefined" || new_options.insertVar) { $(selector).parent().children().find('.summernote-inservar:first').on('change', function(event) { $(selector).summernote('insertText', $(this).val()); $(this).val(''); }); } // Hide some variables if (typeof(new_options.excludeVars) != "undefined" || new_options.excludeVars) { $(selector).parent().children().find('.summernote-inservar:first option').each(function(i, el) { for (var var_i = 0; var_i < new_options.excludeVars.length; var_i++) { if ($(el).val().indexOf(new_options.excludeVars[var_i]) != -1) { $(el).parent().hide(); break; } } }); } } } }; $.extend(options, new_options); var $el = $(selector); // Maybe uncomment /*if (!$el.val()) { $el.val('div>
'); }*/ $el.summernote(options); // To save data when editing the code directly fsFixEditorCodeSaving($el) } // To save data when editing the code directly function fsFixEditorCodeSaving($el) { $'.note-codable').on('blur', function() { if ($el.summernote('codeview.isActivated')) { $el.val($el.summernote('code')); } }); } function permissionsInit() { $(document).ready(function(){ $('.sel-all').click(function(e) { $("#permissions-fields input").prop('checked', true); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.sel-none').click(function(e) { $("#permissions-fields input").prop('checked', false); e.preventDefault(); }); }); } function mailboxConnectionInit(out_method_smtp) { $(document).ready(function(){ $(':input[name="out_method"]').on('change', function(event) { var method = $(':input[name="out_method"]:checked').val(); $('.out_method_options').addClass('hidden'); $('#out_method_'+method+'_options').removeClass('hidden'); if (parseInt(method) == parseInt(out_method_smtp)) { $('#out_method_'+out_method_smtp+'_options :input[data-smtp-required="true"]').attr('required', 'required'); } else { $('#out_method_'+out_method_smtp+'_options :input').removeAttr('required'); } }); $('#send-test-trigger').click(function(event) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'send_test', mailbox_id: getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id'), to: $('#send_test').val() }, laroute.route('mailboxes.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { showFloatingAlert('success', Lang.get("messages.email_sent")); } else { showAjaxError(response, true); } button.button('reset'); }, true ); }); }); } function mailboxConnectionIncomingInit() { $(document).ready(function(){ let changeProtocol = function() { let in_protocol = $('[name="in_protocol"]').val(); // Only show default connection settings for IMAP/POP3. $('[data-in-protocol]').hide(); let specific = $('[data-in-protocol="' + in_protocol + '"]'); if (specific.length >= 1) {; } else { $('[data-in-protocol="default"]').show(); } }; $('[name="in_protocol"]').on('change', function(event) { changeProtocol(); }); changeProtocol(); $('#check-connection').click(function(event) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'fetch_test', mailbox_id: getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id') }, laroute.route('mailboxes.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { showFloatingAlert('success', Lang.get("messages.connection_established"), true); } else { showAjaxError(response, true); } button.button('reset'); }, true ); }); $('#retrieve-imap-folders').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'imap_folders', mailbox_id: getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id') }, laroute.route('mailboxes.ajax'), function(response) { var select = $('#in_imap_folders'); var options_html = ''; if (typeof(response.folders) != "undefined" && response.folders.length) { for (i in response.folders) { var imap_folder = response.folders[i]; if (select.find("option[value='"+imap_folder+"']").length) { continue; } options_html += '' }; } // Add retrieved folders to the list if (options_html) { select.append(options_html) .select2() .trigger('change'); } showAjaxResult(response); button.button('reset'); }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); $("#in_imap_folders").select2(fs_select2_config); }); } function mailSettingsInit() { $(document).ready(function(){ $(':input[name="settings[mail_driver]"]').on('change', function(event) { var method = $(':input[name="settings[mail_driver]"]').val(); $('.mail_driver_options').addClass('hidden'); $('#mail_driver_options_'+method).removeClass('hidden'); if (parseInt(method) == 'smtp') { $('#mail_driver_options_smtp :input').attr('required', 'required'); } else { $('#mail_driver_options_smtp :input').removeAttr('required'); } }); // Test Email $('#send-test-trigger').click(function(event) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'send_test', to: $('#send_test').val() }, laroute.route('settings.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { showFloatingAlert('success', Lang.get("messages.email_sent")); } else { showAjaxError(response); } button.button('reset'); }, true ); }); }); } function userCreateInit() { $(document).ready(function(){ $('#send_invite').on('change', function(event) { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('.no-send-invite').addClass('hidden'); $('#password').removeAttr('required'); } else { $('.no-send-invite').removeClass('hidden'); $('#password').attr('required', 'required'); } }); }); } function logsInit() { $(document).ready(function() { $('#table-logs').DataTable({ "ordering": false, "paging": false, "info": false, "searching": false }); } ); } function multiInputInit() { $(document).ready(function() { $('.multi-add').click(function(e) { var clone = $(this).parents('.multi-container:first').children('.multi-item:first').clone(true, true); var index = parseInt($(this).parents('.multi-container:first').children('.block-help:last').attr('data-max-i')); if (isNaN(index)) { index = 0; } index++; clone.find(':input').each(function(i, el) { var name = $(el).attr('name'); name = name.replace(/^([^\[]+\[)([0-9]+)(\])/, "$1"+index+"$3"); $(el).attr('name', name.replace(/^([\[]+\[)([0-9]+)(\])/, "$1"+index+"$3")); }); clone.find(':input').val(''); clone.find('.help-block').remove(); clone.removeClass('has-error'); clone.insertAfter($(this).parents('.multi-container:first').children('.multi-item:last')); $(this).parents('.multi-container:first').children('.block-help:last').attr('data-max-i', index); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.multi-remove').click(function(e) { if ($(this).parents('.multi-container:first').children('.multi-item').length > 1) { $(this).parents('.multi-item:first').remove(); } else { $(this).parents('.multi-item:first').children(':input').val(''); } e.preventDefault(); }); } ); } function fsAjax(data, url, success_callback, no_loader, error_callback, custom_options) { if (!url) { console.log('Empty URL'); return false; } // Setup AJAX ajaxSetup(); // Show loader if (typeof(no_loader) == "undefined" || !no_loader) { loaderShow(true); } if (typeof(error_callback) == "undefined" || !error_callback) { error_callback = function() { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.ajax_error")); ajaxFinish(); }; } // If this is conversation ajax request, add folder_id to the URL if (url.indexOf('/conversation/') != -1) { var folder_id = getQueryParam('folder_id'); if (folder_id) { url = addQueryParam('folder_id', folder_id, url); } } var preserve_xembed = false; if (window.location.href.indexOf('x_embed=1') != -1) { url = addQueryParam('x_embed', 1, url); preserve_xembed = true; } var override_success_callback = function(response) { if (typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined") { if (preserve_xembed && response.redirect_url.indexOf('x_embed=1') == -1) { response.redirect_url = addQueryParam('x_embed', 1, response.redirect_url); } } return success_callback(response); }; var options = { url: url, method: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: data, success: override_success_callback, error: error_callback }; if (typeof(custom_options) == "object") { options = {...options, ...custom_options}; } $.ajax(options); } // Show loader function loaderShow(delay) { if (typeof(delay) != "undefined" && delay) { fs_loader_timeout = setTimeout(function() { $("#loader-main").fadeIn(); }, 1000); } else { $("#loader-main").fadeIn(); } } function loaderHide() { $("#loader-main").hide(); clearTimeout(fs_loader_timeout); } // Display floating alerts function fsFloatingAlertsInit() { var alerts = $(".alert-floating:hidden"); alerts.each(function(i, el) { // Stack alerts var top = 0; $(".alert-floating:visible").each(function(sub_i, sub_el) { top = top + $(sub_el).position().top + $(sub_el).outerHeight(true); }); if (top) { $(el).css('top', top+'px'); } $(el).css('display', 'flex'); if (!$(el).hasClass('alert-noautohide')) { var close_after = 7000; if (!$(el).hasClass('alert-danger')) { // This has to be less than Conversation::UNDO_TIMOUT close_after = 10000; } setTimeout(function(){ el.remove(); }, close_after); } }); if (alerts.length) { setTimeout(function(){ $('body').click(function() { alerts.remove(); }); }, 2000); } } function showFloatingAlert(type, msg, no_autohide) { var icon = 'ok'; var alert_class = 'success'; if (type == 'error') { icon = 'exclamation-sign'; alert_class = 'danger'; } if (typeof(no_autohide) != "undefined") { alert_class += ' alert-noautohide '; } var html = '
'+ '
'+ '
'; $('body:first').append(html); fsFloatingAlertsInit(); } function initConversation() { $(document).ready(function(){ // Change conversation assignee jQuery(".conv-user li > a").click(function(e){ if (!$(this).hasClass('active') && !$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { if (fsApplyFilter('conversation.can_change_user', true, {trigger: $(this)})) { $(this).trigger('fs-conv-user-change'); } } e.preventDefault(); }); jQuery(".conv-user li > a").bind('fs-conv-user-change', function(e){ //if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { fsAjax({ action: 'conversation_change_user', user_id: $(this).attr('data-user_id'), conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { if (typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined") { window.location.href = response.redirect_url; } else { window.location.href = ''; } } else if (typeof(response.msg) != "undefined") { showFloatingAlert('error', response.msg); loaderHide(); } else { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.error_occurred")); loaderHide(); } }); //} //e.preventDefault(); }); // Change conversation status jQuery(".conv-status li > a").click(function(e){ if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { if (fsApplyFilter('conversation.can_change_status', true, {trigger: $(this)})) { $(this).trigger('fs-conv-status-change'); } } e.preventDefault(); }); jQuery(".conv-status li > a").bind('fs-conv-status-change', function(e){ //if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { var status = $(this).attr('data-status'); // Restore conversation button does not have a status if (!status) { return; } fsAjax({ action: 'conversation_change_status', status: status, conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'), folder_id: getQueryParam('folder_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { if (typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined") { window.location.href = response.redirect_url; } else { window.location.href = ''; } } else if (typeof(response.msg) != "undefined") { showFloatingAlert('error', response.msg); } else { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.error_occurred")); } loaderHide(); }); // } // e.preventDefault(); }); // Restore conversation jQuery(".conv-status li > a.conv-restore-trigger").click(function(e) { if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { fsAjax({ action: 'restore_conversation', conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { if (typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined") { window.location.href = response.redirect_url; } else { window.location.href = ''; } } else { showAjaxError(response); } loaderHide(); }); } e.preventDefault(); }); // Reply jQuery(".conv-reply").click(function(e){ // We don't allow to switch between reply and note, as it creates multiple drafts if ($(".conv-reply-block").hasClass('hidden') /* || $(this).hasClass('inactive')*/) { // Show prepareReplyForm(); showReplyForm(); } /*else { // Hide $(".conv-action-block").addClass('hidden'); $(".conv-action").removeClass('inactive'); }*/ e.preventDefault(); }); // Add note jQuery(".conv-add-note").click(function(e) { var reply_block = $(".conv-reply-block"); if (reply_block.hasClass('hidden') /*|| $(this).hasClass('inactive')*/) { // To prevent browser autocomplete, clean body // We have to insert this code to allow proper UL/OL setReplyBody('

'); showNoteForm(); } /*else { // Hide $(".conv-action-block").addClass('hidden'); $(".conv-action").removeClass('inactive'); }*/ e.preventDefault(); }); // Forward jQuery(".conv-forward").click(function(e){ forwardConversation(e); e.preventDefault(); }); // Follow/Unfollow jQuery(".conv-follow").click(function(e){ followConversation($(this).attr('data-follow-action')); e.preventDefault(); }); // View Send Log /*jQuery(".thread-send-log-trigger").click(function(e){ var thread_id = $(this).parents('.thread:first').attr('data-thread_id'); if (!thread_id) { return; } e.preventDefault(); });*/ // Edit draft jQuery(".edit-draft-trigger").click(function(e){ editDraft($(this)); e.preventDefault(); }); // Discard draft jQuery(".discard-draft-trigger").click(function(e){ discardDraft($(this).parents('.thread:first').attr('data-thread_id')); e.preventDefault(); }); // Chat mode // Show details in chat mode var conv_top_blocks = $('#conv-top-blocks'); var is_chat_mode = false; if (conv_top_blocks.length) { if (!conv_top_blocks.children('.conv-top-block:first').length) { conv_top_blocks.prev().hide(); } is_chat_mode = true; } // Delete conversation jQuery(".conv-delete,.conv-delete-forever").click(function(e){ var confirm_html = '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ ''+ ''+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'; var action = 'delete_conversation'; if ($(this).hasClass('conv-delete-forever')) { action = 'delete_conversation_forever'; } showModalDialog(confirm_html, { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.delete-conversation-ok:first').click(function(e) { modal.modal('hide'); fsAjax( { action: action, conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response) && typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined" ) { window.location.href = response.redirect_url; return; } else { showAjaxError(response); } loaderHide(); } ); e.preventDefault(); }); } }); }); // Edit thread jQuery(".thread-edit-trigger").click(function(e){ editThread($(this)); e.preventDefault(); }); // Delete thread jQuery(".thread-delete-trigger").click(function(e){ deleteThread($(this)); e.preventDefault(); }); // Show original thread jQuery(".thread-original-show").click(function(e){ threadShowOriginal($(this)); e.preventDefault(); }); // Hide original thread jQuery(".thread-original-hide").click(function(e){ threadHideOriginal($(this)); e.preventDefault(); }); // Edit subject jQuery(".conv-subjtext").click(function(e){ $(this).addClass('conv-subj-editing'); }); // Save subject jQuery(".conv-subj-editor button:first").click(function(e){ var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); var value = $('#conv-subj-value').val(); fsAjax( { action: 'update_subject', conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'), value: value }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { $('.conv-subjtext > span:first').text(value); } else { showAjaxError(response); } button.parents('.conv-subj-editing:first').removeClass('conv-subj-editing'); button.button('reset'); }, true ); }); // Retry failed thread jQuery("#conv-layout-main .btn-thread-retry").click(function(e){ var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'retry_send', thread_id: button.parents('.thread:first').attr('data-thread_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { reloadPage(); } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); // Print if (getQueryParam('print')) { window.print(); } starConversationInit(); maybeShowStoredNote(); maybeShowDraft(); processLinks(); initConvSettings(); // Show reply form in chat mode if (is_chat_mode && !$('.conv-action.inactive:first').length) { $(".conv-reply").click(); } // Send reply on ENTER press in chat mode if (is_chat_mode) { // Accept chat - assign to yourself $('').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'conversation_change_user', user_id: getGlobalAttr('auth_user_id'), conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxResult(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); // End chat - close conversation $('').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'conversation_change_status', status: FS_STATUS_CLOSED, conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'), folder_id: getQueryParam('folder_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxResult(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); // Automatically refresh chat list $(document).on('keydown', function(e) { // Skip inputs and editable areas. if (! || e.which != 13 || $(':input') || e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey || $('.modal:visible').length //|| $('').length ) { return; } if (e.which == 13 && !e.shiftKey && $('contentEditable') == 'true' ) { if (!$(':focus').hasClass('note-editable')) { return; } var body = $('#body').val(); if (!body || body == '

') { return; } var button = $('div.conv-block:not(.conv-note-block) div.conv-reply-body:visible .btn-reply-submit:first'); if (button.length) {; // Does not work e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } } }); } }); } // Create new email conversation function switchToNewEmailConversation() { $('#email-conv-switch').addClass('active'); $('#phone-conv-switch').removeClass('active'); $('.email-conv-fields').show(); $('.phone-conv-fields').hide(); $('#field-to').show(); $('#name').addClass('parsley-exclude'); $('#to').removeClass('parsley-exclude'); $('.conv-block:first').removeClass('conv-note-block').removeClass('conv-phone-block'); $('#form-create :input[name="is_note"]:first').val(0); $('#form-create :input[name="is_phone"]:first').val(0); $('#form-create :input[name="type"]:first').val(1); } // Create new phone conversation function switchToNewPhoneConversation() { $('#email-conv-switch').removeClass('active'); $('#phone-conv-switch').addClass('active'); $('.email-conv-fields').hide(); $('.phone-conv-fields').show(); if ($('#to_email').val().length) { // Show Email $('#field-to_email').show(); $('#toggle-email').hide(); $('#field-to').hide(); } else { // Hide Email $('#field-to_email').hide(); $('#toggle-email').show(); $('#field-to').show(); } $('#field-to').hide(); $('#name').removeClass('parsley-exclude'); $('#to').addClass('parsley-exclude'); $('.conv-block:first').addClass('conv-note-block').addClass('conv-phone-block'); $('#form-create :input[name="is_note"]:first').val(1); $('#form-create :input[name="is_phone"]:first').val(1); $('#form-create :input[name="type"]:first').val(Vars.conv_type_phone); // Customer name initRecipientSelector({ maximumSelectionLength: 1, allow_non_emails: true, use_id: true }, $('#name:not(.select2-hidden-accessible)')).on('select2:select select2:unselect', function(e) { // If customer selects a customer with email, hide Email field. var data =; if (typeof(data.newOption) == "undefined" && data.selected) { // User added custom name, so hide Email $('#conv-to-email-group').hide(); } else { // User selected existing customer or unselected, so show Email $('#conv-to-email-group').show(); // Reset customer_id on unselect if (!data.selected) { $('#form-create :input[name="customer_id"]:first').val(''); } } }); // Email initRecipientSelector({ maximumSelectionLength: 1, search_by: 'email' }, $('#to_email:not(.select2-hidden-accessible)')); // Phone initRecipientSelector({ maximumSelectionLength: 1, allow_non_emails: true, search_by: 'phone', show_fields: 'phone', }, $('#phone:not(.select2-hidden-accessible)')); } // Add target blank to all links in threads. function processLinks() { $('.thread-content a').attr('target', '_blank'); } // Get current conversation assignee function getConvData(field) { if (field == 'user_id') { return $('.conv-user:first a:first').attr('data-user_id'); } return null; } function showNoteForm() { var reply_block = $(".conv-reply-block"); if (reply_block.hasClass('hidden') /*|| $(this).hasClass('inactive')*/) { // Show hideActionBlocks(); reply_block.removeClass('hidden') .addClass('conv-note-block') .removeClass('conv-forward-block') .children().find(":input[name='is_note']:first").val(1); $('#conv-subject').addClass('action-visible'); reply_block.children().find(":input[name='thread_id']:first").val(''); reply_block.children().find(":input[name='subtype']:first").val(''); //$(".conv-reply-block").children().find(":input[name='body']:first").val(''); // Note never changes Assignee by default reply_block.children().find(":input[name='user_id']:first").val(getConvData('user_id')); // Show default status var input_status = reply_block.children().find(":input[name='status']:first"); input_status.val(input_status.attr('data-note-status')); $(".attachments-upload:first :input, .attachments-upload:first li").remove(); $(".conv-action").addClass('inactive'); $(this).removeClass('inactive'); //$('#body').summernote("code", ''); $('#body').summernote('focus'); maybeScrollToReplyBlock(); } } // Prepare reply/forward form for display function prepareReplyForm() { // To prevent browser autocomplete, clean body if (!$('.conv-action.inactive:first').length) { // We have to insert this code to allow proper UL/OL setReplyBody('

'); } // Set assignee in case it has been changed in the Note editor var default_assignee = $(".conv-reply-block").children().find(":input[name='user_id']:first option[data-default='true']").attr('value'); if (default_assignee) { $(".conv-reply-block").children().find(":input[name='user_id']:first").val(default_assignee); } // Show default status var input_status = $(".conv-reply-block").children().find(":input[name='status']:first"); input_status.val(input_status.attr('data-reply-status')); // Clean attachments $(".attachments-upload:first :input, .attachments-upload:first li").remove(); } function showReplyForm(data, scroll_offset) { hideActionBlocks(); $(".conv-reply-block").removeClass('hidden') .removeClass('conv-note-block') .removeClass('conv-forward-block') .children().find(":input[name='is_note']:first").val(''); $('#conv-subject').addClass('action-visible'); $(".conv-reply-block :input[name='thread_id']:first").val(''); $(".conv-reply-block :input[name='subtype']:first").val(''); // When switching from note to reply, body has to be preserved //$(".conv-reply-block").children().find(":input[name='body']:first").val(body_val); $(".conv-action").addClass('inactive'); $(".conv-reply:first").removeClass('inactive'); if (typeof(data) != "undefined" && data) { for (field in data) { $(".conv-reply-block form:first :input[name='"+field+"']").val(data[field]); if (field == 'body') { // Display body value in editor $('#body').summernote("code", data[field]); } // Happens when opening draft or after Undo if (field == 'to_email' || field == 'cc' || field == 'bcc') { if (data && typeof( != "undefined") { // Clean previous values. // Also allows to avoid duplicating emails - for example // when restoring a draft in a conversation with CC. cleanSelect2($("#"+field)); for (var i in data[field]) { var email = data[field][i]; addSelect2Option($("#"+field), { id: email, text: email }); } } else { // It's not clear when this is supposed to happen. $("#"+field).children('option:first').removeAttr('selected'); } } } // Show attachments showAttachments(data); // Show Cc/Bcc if ( || data.bcc ) { $('#toggle-cc').click(); } } $("#to").removeClass('hidden'); $("#to_email").addClass('hidden').addClass('parsley-exclude').next('.select2:first').hide(); if (!$('#to').length) { $('#body').summernote('focus'); } // Select2 for CC/BCC initRecipientSelector(); if (typeof(scroll_offset) == "undefined") { scroll_offset = 0; } maybeScrollToReplyBlock(scroll_offset); } function cleanSelect2(select) { select.children('option').remove(); select.val('').trigger('change'); } // Add an option to select2 // var data = { // id: 1, // text: 'Barn owl' // }; function addSelect2Option(select, data) { if (! || !data.text) { return; } var new_option = new Option(data.text,, true, true); select.append(new_option).trigger('change'); } // Show attachments after loading via ajax. function showAttachments(data) { if (data && data.attachments && data.attachments.length) { var attachments_container = $(".attachments-upload:first"); for (var i = 0; i < data.attachments.length; i++) { var attachment = data.attachments[i]; // Inputs var input_html = ''; input_html += ''; attachments_container.prepend(input_html); // Links var attachment_html = '
  • '' ('+formatBytes(attachment.size)+')
  • '; attachments_container.find('ul:first').append(attachment_html); // Delete attachment $('li.attachment-loaded .glyphicon-remove').click(function(e) { removeAttachment($(this).attr('data-attachment-id')); });; } } } function getGlobalAttr(attr) { return $("body:first").attr('data-'+attr); } function setGlobalAttr(attr, value) { return $("body:first").attr('data-'+attr, value); } // Initialize conversation body editor function convEditorInit() { $.extend(fs_conv_editor_buttons, { attachment: EditorAttachmentButton, savedraft: EditorSaveDraftButton, discard: EditorDiscardButton, removeformat: EditorRemoveFormatButton, lists: EditorListsButton }); var options = { placeholder: $('#body').attr('placeholder'), minHeight: 120, dialogsInBody: true, dialogsFade: true, disableResizeEditor: true, followingToolbar: false, toolbar: fsApplyFilter('conversation.editor_toolbar', fs_conv_editor_toolbar), buttons: fs_conv_editor_buttons, callbacks: { onImageUpload: function(files) { if (!files) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { editorSendFile(files[i], undefined, true); } }, onBlur: function() { onReplyBlur(); }, onChange: function(contents, $editable) { // Return if reply body is empty and never changed before if (!contents && !fs_reply_changed) { return; } onReplyChange(); } } }; // Allow to insert only plain text in chats if (convIsChat()) { options.callbacks.onPaste = function (e) { var bufferText = ((e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('Text'); e.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('insertText', false, bufferText); }; } options = fsApplyFilter('editor.options', options); $('#body').summernote(options); fsFixEditorCodeSaving($('#body')); $('#editor_bottom_toolbar a[data-modal-applied="1"]').removeAttr('data-modal-applied'); var html = $('#editor_bottom_toolbar').html(); $('.note-statusbar').addClass('note-statusbar-toolbar form-inline').html(html); // To init new modal links initModals(); // Track changes to save draft $("#to, #to_email, #cc, #bcc, #subject, #name, #phone").on('keyup keypress', function(event) { onReplyChange(); }).blur(function(event) { onReplyBlur(); }); // New conversation: load customer info $("#to").on('change', function(event) { // Autosave to be able to populate customer placeholders in the body autosaveDraft(); var to = $('#to').val(); //var clean_customer = true; // Do not clean customer info if customer has not changed /*if (Array.isArray(to) && to.length == 1 && typeof(to[0]) != "undefined") { if (to[0] == $('#conv-layout-customer li.customer-email:first').text()) { clean_customer = false; } } if (clean_customer) {*/ $('#conv-layout-customer').html(''); // Load customer info if (Array.isArray(to) && to.length == 1 && typeof(to[0]) != "undefined") { fsAjax({ action: 'load_customer_info', customer_email: to[0], mailbox_id: getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id'), conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response) && typeof(response.html) != "undefined") { $('#conv-layout-customer').html(response.html); } }, true, function() { // Do nothing }); } }); // select2 does not react on keyup or keypress $(".recipient-select, .draft-changer").on('change', function(event) { onReplyChange(); onReplyBlur(); }); fsDoAction('conv_editor_init'); // Autosave draft periodically autosaveDraft(); } // Automatically save draft function autosaveDraft() { if (!isNote() || isPhone()) { saveDraft(false, true, true); } setTimeout(function(){ autosaveDraft() }, fs_draft_autosave_period*1000); } function ajaxSetup() { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': getCsrfToken() } }); } function onReplyChange() { // Mark draft as unsaved if (fs_editor_change_timeout && fs_editor_change_timeout != -1) { return; } fs_editor_change_timeout = setTimeout(function(){ // Do not save note /*if ($(".form-reply:first :input[name='is_note']:first").val()) { return; }*/ $('.form-reply:first .note-actions .note-btn:first').removeClass('text-success'); fs_editor_change_timeout = null; fs_reply_changed = true; }, 100); } // Save reply draft or note on form focus out function onReplyBlur() { $('#body').summernote('editor.saveRange'); // If start saving draft immediately, then when Send Reply is clicked // two ajax requests will be sent at the same time. setTimeout(function() { // Do not save if user clicked Send Reply button if (fs_processing_send_reply) { return; } // Save only after changing //if (!fs_editor_change_timeout || fs_editor_change_timeout == null) { if (isNote()) { // Save note rememberNote(); } else { saveDraft(false, true, true); } //} }, 500); } // Are we editing a note function isNote() { return $(".form-reply:first :input[name='is_note']:first").val(); } // Is it a new phone conversation draft function isPhone() { return $("#form-create :input[name='is_phone']:first").val(); } // Generate random unique ID function generateDummyId() { // Math.random should be unique because of its seeding algorithm. // Convert it to base 36 (numbers + letters), and grab the first 9 characters // after the decimal. return '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); } // Save file uploaded in editor function editorSendFile(file, attach, is_conv, editor_id, container) { if (!file || typeof(file.type) == "undefined") { return false; } if (typeof(container) == "undefined") { container = $(".attachments-upload:first"); } var attachments_container = container; var attachment_dummy_id = generateDummyId(); var route = ''; if (is_conv) { route = 'conversations.upload'; editor_id = '#body'; } else { route = 'uploads.upload'; if (typeof(editor_id) == "undefined" || !editor_id) { editor_id = '#signature'; } } ajaxSetup(); if (typeof(attach) == "undefined") { attach = false; } // Images are embedded by default, other files attached if (file.type.indexOf('image/') == -1) { attach = true; } // Show loader if (attach) { var attachment_html = '
  • '' ('+formatBytes(file.size)+')
  • '; attachments_container.children('ul:first').append(attachment_html); // Delete attachment $('li.atachment-upload-'+attachment_dummy_id+' .glyphicon-remove:first').click(function(e) { removeAttachment($(this).attr('data-attachment-id')); });; } else { loaderShow(); } data = new FormData(); data.append("file", file); if (attach) { data.append("attach", 1); } else { data.append("attach", 0); } $.ajax({ url: laroute.route(route), data: data, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', success: function(response){ if (typeof(response.url) == "undefined" || !response.url) { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.error_occurred")); loaderHide(); removeAttachment(attachment_dummy_id); return; } // Finish loading if (attach) { $('li.atachment-upload-'+attachment_dummy_id+':first').addClass('attachment-loaded'); $('li.atachment-upload-'+attachment_dummy_id+':first a').removeClass('disabled').attr('href', response.url); } else { loaderHide(); } if (typeof(response.status) == "undefined" || response.status != "success") { showAjaxError(response); removeAttachment(attachment_dummy_id); return; } if (attach) { fs_reply_changed = true; if (typeof(response.attachment_id) == "undefined" && typeof(response.url) != "undefined" && response.url) { // Insert link to uploaded file into the editor $(editor_id).summernote('pasteHTML', ''''); } } else { // Embed image $(editor_id).summernote('insertImage', response.url, function (image) { var editor_width = $('.note-editable:first:visible').width(); if (image.width() > editor_width-85) { image.css('width', editor_width-85); } image.attr('width', image.css('width').replace('px', '')); }); } if (typeof(response.attachment_id) != "undefined" || response.attachment_id) { var input_html = ''; input_html += ''; if (!attach) { input_html += ''; } attachments_container.prepend(input_html); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (attach) { removeAttachment(attachment_dummy_id); } else { loaderHide(); } console.log(textStatus+": "+errorThrown); showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.error_occurred")); } }); } function removeAttachment(attachment_id) { $('.atachment-upload-'+attachment_id).remove(); //attachment.parent().parent().children(":input[value='"+attachment_id+"']"); } function formatBytes(size) { precision = 2; size = parseInt(size); if (!isNaN(size) && size > 0) { base = Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024); suffixes = [' b', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB']; return Math.round(Math.pow(1024, base - Math.floor(base)), precision)+''+suffixes[Math.floor(base)]; } else { return size; } } // New conversation page function initNewConversation(is_phone) { $(document).ready(function() { if (typeof(is_phone) != "undefined") { switchToNewPhoneConversation(); } $('#toggle-email').click(function(e) { $('#field-to_email').show(); $(this).hide(); e.preventDefault(); }); $('#email-conv-switch').click(function() { switchToNewEmailConversation(); }); $('#phone-conv-switch').click(function() { switchToNewPhoneConversation(); }); }); } // To, Cc, Bcc selector function initRecipientSelector(custom_options, selector) { var options = { editable: true, use_id: false, containerCssClass: 'select2-recipient', //selectOnClose: true, // For hidden inputs width: '100%' }; if (typeof(custom_options) == "undefined") { custom_options = {}; } $.extend(options, custom_options); if (typeof(selector) == "undefined") { selector = $('.recipient-select:visible:not(.select2-hidden-accessible)'); } var result = initCustomerSelector(selector, options); result = fsApplyFilter('conversation.recipient_selector', result, {selector:selector}); if (options.editable) { result.on('select2:closing', function(e) { var params = e.params; var select = $(; var value ='.select2:first').children().find('.select2-search__field:first').val(); value = value.trim(); if (!value) { return; } // Don't allow to create a tag if there is no @ symbol if (typeof(custom_options.allow_non_emails) == "undefined") { if (!/^.+@.+$/.test(value)) { // Return null to disable tag creation return null; } } // Don't select an item if the close event was triggered from a select or // unselect event if (params && params.args && params.args.originalSelect2Event != null) { var event = params.args.originalSelect2Event; if (event._type === 'select' || event._type === 'unselect') { return; } } var data = select.select2('data'); // Check if select already has such option for (i in data) { if (data[i].id == value) { return; } } addSelect2Option(select, { id: value, text: value, selected: true }); }); } fsDoAction('conversation.recipient_selector_initialized', {selector:selector}); return result; } function initReplyForm(load_attachments, init_customer_selector, is_new_conv) { $(document).ready(function() { convEditorInit(); if (typeof(load_attachments) != "undefined") { loadAttachments(); } // Customer selector if (typeof(init_customer_selector) != "undefined") { initRecipientSelector(); } // New conversation if (typeof(is_new_conv) != "undefined") { $('#to').on('select2:closing', function(e) { var select = $(; if (select.val().length > 1) { $('#multiple-conversations-wrap').removeClass('hidden'); } else { $('#multiple-conversations-wrap').addClass('hidden'); } }); } // Show CC $('#toggle-cc').click(function(e) { $('.field-cc').removeClass('hidden'); $(this).parent().remove(); initRecipientSelector(); e.preventDefault(); }); // After send $('.dropdown-after-send a:lt(3)').click(function(e) { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('active')) { $("#after_send").val($(this).attr('data-after-send')); $('.dropdown-after-send li').removeClass('active'); $(this).parent().addClass('active'); } e.preventDefault(); }); // After send $('.after-send-change').click(function(e) { triggerModal($(this)); }); // Send reply, new conversation or note $(".btn-reply-submit").click(function(e) { // This is extra protection from double click on Send button // DOM operation are slow sometimes if (fs_processing_send_reply) { return; } fs_processing_send_reply = true; var button = $(this); // Validate before sending form = $(".form-reply:first"); if (!form.parsley().validate()) { fs_processing_send_reply = false; return; } // If draft is being sent, we need to wait and send reply after draft has been saved. if (fs_processing_save_draft) { fs_send_reply_after_draft = true; return; } if (!fsApplyFilter('conversation.can_submit', true, {trigger: button, form: form})) { fs_processing_send_reply = false; return; } // For previous filter if (!fs_send_reply_allowed) { fs_processing_send_reply = false; return; } data = form.serialize(); data += '&action=send_reply'; button.button('loading'); var is_note = isNote(); var is_chat = isChatMode(); var disable_editor = isChatMode() && !is_note; if (disable_editor) { $('#body').summernote('disable'); } fsAjax(data, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { // Forget note if (is_note) { fs_autosave_note = false; forgetNote(getGlobalAttr('conversation_id')); } if (typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined" && !is_chat) { window.location.href = response.redirect_url; } else { window.location.href = ''; } } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); if (disable_editor) { $('#body').summernote('enable'); } } loaderHide(); fs_processing_send_reply = false; }, true, function() { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.ajax_error")); loaderHide(); button.button('reset'); if (disable_editor) { $('#body').summernote('enable'); } fs_processing_send_reply = false; }); e.preventDefault(); }); $('#conv-subject .switch-to-note').click(function(e) { switchToNote(); e.preventDefault(); }); }); } function notificationsInit() { $(document).ready(function() { $('.sel-all').click(function(event) { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { if ($(this).val() == 'browser' && !Push.Permission.has()) { return; } $(".subscriptions-"+$(this).val()+" input").attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { $(".subscriptions-"+$(this).val()+" input").removeAttr('checked'); } }); // Browser push-notifications permissions if (getGlobalAttr('own_profile')) { $('.sel-all[value="browser"], .subscriptions-browser input').click(function(event) { var checkbox = $(this); if ($(this).is(':checked')) { // Check protocol if (location.protocol != 'https:') { var alert_html = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '; showModalDialog(alert_html); checkbox.prop('checked', false); return; } if (!Push.Permission.has()) { Push.Permission.request(function() {}, function() { $.featherlight($(''), {}); checkbox.prop('checked', false); }); } } }); } }); } function getQueryParam(name, qs) { var arrays_without_indexes = {}; if (typeof(qs) == "undefined") { qs =; } qs = qs.split('+').join(' '); var params = {}, tokens, re = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g; while (tokens = re.exec(qs)) { key = decodeURIComponent(tokens[1]); // Arrays without indexes - [] if (/\[\]$/.test(key)) { if (typeof(arrays_without_indexes[key]) == "undefined") { arrays_without_indexes[key] = 0; } else { arrays_without_indexes[key]++; } parsed_key = /(.*)\[\]$/.exec(key); if (typeof(parsed_key[1]) != "undefined") { key = parsed_key[1]+'['+arrays_without_indexes[key]+']'; } } params[key] = decodeURIComponent(tokens[2]); } // Process arrays for (var param in params) { // Two dimentional var m = param.match(/^([^\[]+)\[([^\[]+)\]$/i); if (m && m.length) { if (typeof(params[m[1]]) == "undefined") { params[m[1]] = {}; } if (typeof(params[m[1]]) == "object") { params[m[1]][m[2]] = params[param]; } } // Three dimentional var m = param.match(/^([^\[]+)\[([^\[]+)\]\[([^\[]+)\]$/i); if (m && m.length) { if (typeof(params[m[1]]) == "undefined") { params[m[1]] = {}; } if (typeof(params[m[1]]) == "object") { if (typeof(params[m[1]][m[2]]) == "undefined") { params[m[1]][m[2]] = {}; } params[m[1]][m[2]][m[3]] = params[param]; } } } if (typeof(params[name]) != "undefined") { return params[name]; } else { return ''; } } function addQueryParam(name, value, url) { var search = url.substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1); if (search != url) { return url + '&' + encodeURIComponent(name)+'=' + encodeURIComponent(value); } else { return url + '?' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); } } // Show bootstrap modal function showModal(params) { triggerModal(null, params); } // Show bootstrap modal from link // Use showModal instead of this function triggerModal(a, params) { if (typeof(params) == "undefined") { params = {}; } if (typeof(params.options) == "undefined") { params.options = {}; } if (typeof(a) == "undefined" || !a) { // Create dummy link a = $(document.createElement('a')); } // Title var title = a.attr('data-modal-title'); if (typeof(params.title) != "undefined") { title = params.title; } if (title && title.charAt(0) == '#') { title = $(title).html(); } if (!title) { title = a.text(); } // Remote var remote = a.attr('data-remote'); if (!remote) { remote = a.attr('href'); } if (typeof(params.remote) != "undefined") { remote = params.remote; } var body = a.attr('data-modal-body'); if (typeof(params.body) != "undefined") { body = params.body; } var footer = a.attr('data-modal-footer'); if (typeof(params.footer) != "undefined") { footer = params.footer; } if (typeof(params.no_close_btn) == "undefined") { params.no_close_btn = a.attr('data-no-close-btn'); } if (typeof(params.no_footer) == "undefined") { params.no_footer = a.attr('data-modal-no-footer'); } if (typeof(params.no_header) == "undefined") { params.no_header = a.attr('data-modal-no-header'); } if (typeof(params.no_fade) == "undefined") { params.no_fade = a.attr('data-modal-no-fade'); } var modal_class = a.attr('data-modal-class'); if (typeof(modal_class) == "undefined") { modal_class = ''; } var on_show = a.attr('data-modal-on-show'); if (typeof(params.on_show) != "undefined") { on_show = params.on_show; } // Size: lg or sm if (typeof(params.size) == "undefined") { params.size = a.attr('data-modal-size'); } if (typeof(params.width_auto) == "undefined") { params.width_auto = a.attr('data-modal-width-auto'); } // Fit modal body into the screen var fit = a.attr('data-modal-fit'); var modal; if (params.size) { modal_class += ' modal-'+params.size; } if (params.width_auto) { modal_class += ' modal-width-auto'; } if (typeof(modal_class) == "undefined") { modal_class = ''; } // Convert bool to string for (param in params) { if (params[param] === true) { params[param] = 'true'; } else if (params[param] === false) { params[param] = 'false'; } } var html = [ ''].join(''); modal = $(html); // if (typeof(onshow) !== "undefined") { // modal.on('', onshow); // } modal.modal(params.options); modal.on('', function () { $(this).remove(); }); if (body) { var body_html = $(body).html(); if (!body_html) { body_html = $('
    ').html() } modal.children().find(".modal-body").html(body_html); if (on_show) { if (typeof(window[on_show]) == "function") { window[on_show](modal); } else if (typeof(on_show) == "function") { on_show(modal, a); } } } else { setTimeout(function(){ $.ajax({ url: remote, success: function(html) { modal.children().find(".modal-body").html(html); if (on_show) { if (typeof(window[on_show]) == "function") { window[on_show](modal, a); } else if (typeof(on_show) == "function") { on_show(modal, a); } } }, error: function(data) { modal.children().find(".modal-body").html('


    '); } }); }, 500); } } // Show floating error message on ajax error function showAjaxError(response, no_autohide) { var msg = ''; if (typeof(response.msg) != "undefined") { msg = response.msg; } else if (typeof(response.message) != "undefined") { // Standard Laravel error message is returned in [message] msg = response.message; } if (msg) { showFloatingAlert('error', response.msg, no_autohide); } else { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.error_occurred"), no_autohide); } } function initAfterSendModal(modal) { $(document).ready(function() { modal.children().find(".after-send-save:first").click(function(e) { saveAfterSend(; }); }); } // Save default redirect function saveAfterSend(el) { var button = $(el); button.button('loading'); var value = $(el).parents('.modal-body:first').children().find('[name="after_send_default"]:first').val(); var mailbox_id = getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id'); if (!mailbox_id) { mailbox_id = $(el).parents('.modal-body:first').children().find('[name="default_redirect_mailbox_id"]:first').val() } data = { value: value, mailbox_id: mailbox_id, action: 'save_after_send' }; fsAjax(data, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { // Show selected option in the dropdown $('.dropdown-after-send [data-after-send='+value+']:first').click(); showFloatingAlert('success', Lang.get("messages.settings_saved")); $('.modal').modal('hide'); } else { showAjaxError(response); } button.button('reset'); }, true); } function viewMailboxInit() { conversationPagination(); starConversationInit(); initMailboxToolbar(); } function initMailboxToolbar() { $(document).ready(function() { // Empty trash $(".mailbox-empty-folder").click(function(e) { showModalDialog('#conversations-bulk-actions-delete-modal', { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.delete-conversation-ok:first').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'empty_folder', folder_id: getGlobalAttr('folder_id'), mailbox_id: getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { location.reload(); } else { modal.modal('hide'); showAjaxError(response); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); } }); e.preventDefault(); }); }); } function searchInit() { $(document).ready(function() { // Open all links in new window //$(".conv-row a").attr('target', '_blank'); conversationPagination(); starConversationInit(); customersPagination(); $(".sidebar-menu .menu-link a").filter('[data-filter]').click(function(e){ var trigger = $(this); var filter = trigger.attr('data-filter'); if (!trigger.parent().hasClass('active')) { // Show $('#search-filters div[data-filter="'+filter+'"]:first').addClass('active') .find(':input:first').removeAttr('disabled'); trigger.parent().addClass('active'); } else { // Hide $('#search-filters div[data-filter="'+filter+'"]:first').removeClass('active') .find(':input:first').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); trigger.parent().removeClass('active'); } $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 600, 'swing'); e.preventDefault(); }); $("#search-filters .remove").click(function(e){ var container = $(this).parents('.form-group:first'); var filter = container.attr('data-filter'); // Hide $('#search-filters div[data-filter="'+filter+'"]:first').removeClass('active') .find(':input:first').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $('.sidebar-menu a[data-filter="'+filter+'"]:first').parent().removeClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); }); initCustomerSelector($('#search-filter-customer'), {width: '100%'}); // Dates $('#search-filters .input-date').flatpickr({allowInput: true}); $('#search-filters .filter-multiple').select2({ multiple: true, tags: true // Causes JS error on clear //allowClear: true }); }); } function loadConversations(page, table, no_loader) { var filter = null; var params = {}; var sorting = {}; if ($('body:first').hasClass('body-search')) { filter = { q: getQueryParam('q'), // For search f: getQueryParam('f') // For search }; } //var table = $(this).parents('.table-conversations:first'); if (typeof(table) == "undefined" || table === '') { table = $(".table-conversations:first"); } if (typeof(page) == "undefined" || page === '') { page = table.attr('data-page'); } if (typeof(no_loader) == "undefined") { no_loader = false; } var datas =; for (data_name in datas) { if (/^filter_/.test(data_name)) { if (filter == null) { filter = {}; } filter[data_name.replace(/^filter_/, '')] = datas[data_name]; } } // Params for (data_name in datas) { if (/^param_/.test(data_name)) { params[data_name.replace(/^param_/, '')] = datas[data_name]; } } // Sorting for (data_name in datas) { if (/^sorting_/.test(data_name)) { sorting[data_name.replace(/^sorting_/, '')] = datas[data_name]; } } if (typeof(URL) != "undefined") { const url = new URL(window.location); url.searchParams.set('page', page); window.history.replaceState({}, '', url); } fsAjax( { action: 'conversations_pagination', mailbox_id: getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id'), folder_id: getGlobalAttr('folder_id'), filter: filter, params: params, page: page, sorting: sorting }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { if (typeof(response.html) != "undefined") { $(".table-conversations:first").replaceWith(response.html); conversationPagination(); starConversationInit(); converstationBulkActionsInit(); convListSortingInit(); triggersInit(); } } else { showAjaxError(response); } loaderHide(); }, no_loader ); } function loadCustomers(page, table) { var filter = null; //var params = {}; if ($('body:first').hasClass('body-search')) { filter = { q: getQueryParam('q'), // For search f: getQueryParam('f') // For search }; } if (typeof(table) == "undefined" || table === '') { table = $(".table-customers:first"); } if (typeof(page) == "undefined" || page === '') { page = table.attr('data-page'); } /*var datas =; for (data_name in datas) { if (/^filter_/.test(data_name)) { filter[data_name.replace(/^filter_/, '')] = datas[data_name]; } }*/ fsAjax( { action: 'customers_pagination', filter: filter, //params: params, page: page }, laroute.route('customers.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { if (typeof(response.html) != "undefined") { table.replaceWith(response.html); customersPagination(); initModals(); } } else { showAjaxError(response); } loaderHide(); } ); } function conversationPagination() { $(".table-conversations .pager-nav").click(function(e){ loadConversations($(this).attr('data-page'), $(this).parents('.table-conversations:first')); e.preventDefault(); }); } function customersPagination() { $(".table-customers .pager-nav").click(function(e){ loadCustomers($(this).attr('data-page'), $(this).parents('.table-customers:first')); e.preventDefault(); }); } // Change customer modal function changeCustomerInit() { $(document).ready(function() { var input = $(".change-customer-input"); initCustomerSelector(input, { dropdownParent: $('.modal-dialog:visible:first'), multiple: true, placeholder: input.attr('placeholder'), maximumSelectionLength: 1, ajax: { url: laroute.route('customers.ajax_search'), dataType: 'json', delay: 250, cache: true, data: function (params) { return { q: params.term, exclude_email: input.attr('data-customer_email'), search_by: 'all', page: //use_id: true }; } } }); // Show confirmation dialog on customer select input.on('select2:selecting', function (e) { if (typeof(e.params) == "undefined" || typeof( == "undefined") { console.log(e); return; } var data =; //el.select2('close'); var confirm_html = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+Lang.get("messages.confirm_change_customer", {customer_email:})+'
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '; triggerModal(null, { body: confirm_html, width_auto: 'true', no_header: 'true', no_footer: 'true', no_fade: 'true', size: 'sm', on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.change-customer-ok:first').click(function(e) { conversationChangeCustomer($(this).attr('data-customer_email')); }); } }); e.preventDefault(); }); $("#change-customer-create-trigger a:first").click(function(e){ $('#change-customer-create').removeClass('hidden'); $(this).hide(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("#change-customer-create form:first").submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); $("#change-customer-create button:first").click(function(e){ var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); var data = button.parents('form:first').serialize(); data += '&action=create'; fsAjax(data, laroute.route('customers.ajax'), function(response) { showAjaxResult(response); if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { conversationChangeCustomer(; } ajaxFinish(); } ); }); }); } function conversationChangeCustomer(email) { fsAjax({ action: 'conversation_change_customer', customer_email: email, conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { if (typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined") { window.location.href = response.redirect_url; } else { window.location.href = ''; } } else { showAjaxError(response); loaderHide(); } } ); } // Move conversation modal function initMoveConv() { $(document).ready(function() { $(".btn-move-conv:visible:first").click(function(e){ var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax({ action: 'conversation_move', mailbox_id: $('.move-conv-mailbox-id:visible:first').val(), mailbox_email: $('.move-conv-mailbox-email:visible:first').val(), conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'), folder_id: getQueryParam('folder_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { showAjaxResult(response); if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { if (typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined" && response.redirect_url) { window.location.href = response.redirect_url; } else { window.location.href = ''; } } ajaxFinish(); } ); }); $(".move-conv-mailbox-email:first").on('keyup keypress', function(e){ if ($(this).val()) { $(".move-conv-mailbox-id:first").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $(".move-conv-mailbox-id:first").removeAttr('disabled'); } }); }); } // Move conversation modal function initMergeConv() { $(document).ready(function() { initTooltips(); initMergeConvSelect(); $(".btn-merge-conv:visible:first").click(function(e){ var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); var conv_ids = []; $('.conv-merge-selected:visible:first .conv-merge-id:checked').each(function() { conv_ids.push($(this).val()); }); if (!conv_ids.length) { return; } fsAjax({ action: 'conversation_merge', merge_conversation_id: conv_ids, conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { showAjaxResult(response); if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } ajaxFinish(); } ); e.preventDefault(); }); $(".btn-merge-search:visible:first").click(function(e){ var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax({ action: 'merge_search', number: $('.merge-conv-number:visible:first').val(), }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { showAjaxResult(response); if (isAjaxSuccess(response) && response.html) { $('.conv-merge-search-result:first td:first').html(response.html); $('.conv-merge-search-result:first').removeClass('hidden'); initTooltips(); initMergeConvSelect(); } else { if ($('.conv-merge-search-result:first .conv-merge-id').is(':checked')) { $('.btn-merge-conv:visible:first').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } $('.conv-merge-search-result:first td:first').html(response.html); $('.conv-merge-search-result:first').addClass('hidden'); } ajaxFinish(); } ); }); }); } function initMergeConvSelect() { $('.conv-merge-id').click(function() { $('.btn-merge-conv:visible:first').removeAttr('disabled'); var checkbox_container = $(this).parent(); var selected_list = $('.conv-merge-selected:visible:first'); var clicked_conv_id = parseInt($(this).val()); // Do not add same conversation twice if (!isNaN(clicked_conv_id) && !selected_list.children().find('.conv-merge-id[value="'+parseInt($(this).val())+'"]').length) { var html = '
    ' +checkbox_container[0].outerHTML +'
    '; selected_list.append(html); // Remove conv from selected list selected_list.children().find('.conv-merge-id:last').attr('checked', 'checked').click(function(e){ $('.conv-merge-list:visible:first').children() .find('.conv-merge-id[value="'+parseInt($(this).val())+'"]:first') .parents('tr:first').show(); $(this).parent().parent().remove(); if (!selected_list.children().find('.conv-merge-id').length) { $('.btn-merge-conv:visible:first').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); } if ($(this).hasClass('conv-merge-searched')) { $('.conv-merge-search-result:first').addClass('hidden'); } else { checkbox_container.parents('tr:first').hide(); } $(this).prop("checked", false); }); } // Check if ajax request was successfull function isAjaxSuccess(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { return true; } else { return false; } } // Initialize customer select2 function initCustomerSelector(input, custom_options) { var use_id = true; if (typeof(custom_options.use_id) != "undefined") { use_id = custom_options.use_id; if (!use_id) { use_id = null; } } var search_by = 'all'; if (typeof(custom_options.search_by) != "undefined") { search_by = custom_options.search_by; } var show_fields = 'all'; if (typeof(custom_options.show_fields) != "undefined") { show_fields = custom_options.show_fields; } var allow_non_emails = null; if (typeof(custom_options.allow_non_emails) != "undefined") { allow_non_emails = true; } var options = { ajax: { url: laroute.route('customers.ajax_search'), dataType: 'json', delay: 250, cache: true, data: function (params) { return { q: params.term, exclude_email: input.attr('data-customer_email'), use_id: use_id, search_by: search_by, show_fields: show_fields, allow_non_emails: allow_non_emails, page: }; }/*, beforeSend: function(){ showSelect2Loader(input); }, complete: function(){ hideSelect2Loader(input); }*/ }, containerCssClass: "select2-multi-container", // select2-with-loader dropdownCssClass: "select2-multi-dropdown", minimumInputLength: 2 }; // When placeholder is set on invisible input, it breaks input // todo: fix this if (input.length == 1 &&':visible')) { options.placeholder = input.attr('placeholder'); } if (typeof(custom_options.editable) != "undefined" && custom_options.editable) { var token_separators = [",", ", ", " "]; if (typeof(custom_options.maximumSelectionLength) != "undefined" && custom_options.maximumSelectionLength == 1) { token_separators = []; } $.extend(options, { multiple: true, tags: true, tokenSeparators: token_separators, createTag: function (params) { // Don't allow to create a tag if there is no @ symbol if (typeof(custom_options.allow_non_emails) == "undefined") { if (!/^.+@.+$/.test(params.term)) { // Return null to disable tag creation return null; } } // Check if select already has such option var data = this.select2('data'); for (i in data) { if (data[i].id == params.term) { return null; } } return { id: params.term, text: params.term, newOption: true } }.bind(input), templateResult: function (data) { var $result = $(""); $result.text(data.text); if (data.newOption) { $result.append(" ("+Lang.get("messages.add_lower")+")"); } return $result; } }); } if (typeof(custom_options) != 'undefined') { $.extend(options, custom_options); } return input.select2(options); } // Show confirmation dialog function showModalConfirm(text, ok_class, options, ok_text) { if (typeof(ok_text) == "undefined") { ok_text = 'OK'; } var confirm_html = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '; showModalDialog(confirm_html, options); } // Show modal dialog function showModalDialog(body, options) { var standard_options = { body: body, width_auto: 'true', no_header: 'true', no_footer: 'true', no_fade: 'true' //size: 'sm' }; if (typeof(options) == "undefined") { options = {}; } options = Object.assign(standard_options, options); triggerModal(null, options); } /*function showSelect2Loader(input) { input.closest('.select2-with-loader:first').addClass('loading'); } function hideSelect2Loader(input) { input.closest('.select2-with-loader:first').removeClass('loading'); }*/ function userProfileInit() { // Send or re-send invite $(".send-invite-trigger, .resend-invite-trigger").click(function(e){ var button = $(this); var is_resend = false; button.button('loading'); if (button.hasClass('resend-invite-trigger')) { is_resend = true; } fsAjax( { action: 'send_invite', user_id: getGlobalAttr('user_id') }, laroute.route('users.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { if (is_resend) { showFloatingAlert('success', Lang.get("messages.invite_resent")); } else { showFloatingAlert('success', Lang.get("messages.invite_sent")); } } else { showAjaxError(response, true); } button.button('reset'); }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); // Reset password $(".reset-password-trigger").click(function(e){ var button = $(this); var confirm_html = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '; showModalDialog(confirm_html, { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.reset-password-ok:first').click(function(e) { button.button('loading'); modal.modal('hide'); fsAjax( { action: 'reset_password', user_id: getGlobalAttr('user_id') }, laroute.route('users.ajax'), function(response) { showAjaxResult(response); button.button('reset'); } ); }); } }); e.preventDefault(); }); // Delete profile photo $("#user-photo-delete").click(function(e) { var button = $(this); var confirm_html = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '; showModalDialog(confirm_html, { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.reset-password-ok:first').click(function(e) { button.button('loading'); modal.modal('hide'); fsAjax( { action: 'delete_photo', user_id: getGlobalAttr('user_id') }, laroute.route('users.ajax'), function(response) { $('#user-profile-photo').remove(); button.button('reset'); }, true ); }); } }); e.preventDefault(); }); // Delete user jQuery("#delete-user-trigger").click(function(e){ var confirm_html = $('#delete_user_modal').html(); showModalDialog(confirm_html, { width_auto: false, on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.input-delete-user:first').on('keyup keypress', function(e) { if ($(this).val() == 'DELETE') { modal.children().find('.button-delete-user:first').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { modal.children().find('.button-delete-user:first').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); modal.children().find('.button-delete-user:first').click(function(e) { var data = $('.assign_form:visible:first').serialize(); if (data) { data += '&'; } data += 'action=delete_user'; data += '&user_id='+getGlobalAttr('user_id'); modal.modal('hide'); fsAjax( data, laroute.route('users.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = laroute.route('users'); return; } else { showAjaxError(response); } loaderHide(); } ); e.preventDefault(); }); } }); }); } function showAjaxResult(response) { loaderHide(); if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { if (typeof(response['msg_success']) != "undefined") { showFloatingAlert('success', response['msg_success']); } } else { showAjaxError(response); } } function getCsrfToken() { return $('meta[name="csrf-token"]:first').attr('content'); } // Real-time website notifications in the menu and browser push notifications function polycastInit() { var auth_user_id = getGlobalAttr('auth_user_id'); if (!auth_user_id) { return; } if (getGlobalAttr('conversation_id')) { poly_data_closures.push(function(data) { if (getReplyFormMode() == 'reply') { data.replying = 1; } else { data.replying = 0; } if (!fs_prev_focus && document.hasFocus()) { data.conversation_view_focus = 1; } fs_prev_focus = document.hasFocus(); // If conversation_id is passed it means that user is viewing the converation if (document.hasFocus() || data.replying) { data.conversation_id = getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'); } return data; }); } // create the connection poly = new Polycast(Vars.public_url+'/polycast', { token: getCsrfToken(), data: poly_data_closures }); // register callbacks for connection events // poly.on('connect', function(obj){ // console.log('connect event fired!'); // console.log(obj); // }); // poly.on('disconnect', function(obj){ // console.log('disconnect event fired!'); // console.log(obj); // }); // subscribe to channel(s) var channel = poly.subscribe('private-App.User.'+auth_user_id); // fired when event on channel is received channel.on('App\\Events\\RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated', function(data, event){ /* = mysql id event.channels = array of channels event.event = event name event.payload = object containing event data (same as the first data argument) event.created_at = timestamp from mysql event.requested_at = when the ajax request was performed event.delay = the delay in seconds from when the request was made and when the event happened (used internally to delay callbacks) */ // console.log(data); // console.log(event); if (typeof( != "undefined") { // Show notification in the menu if (typeof( != "undefined" && typeof( != "undefined" && ) { showMenuNotification(; } // Browser push-notification if (typeof( != "undefined" && typeof( != "undefined" && ) { showBrowserNotification(,; } } }); var channel = poly.subscribe('conv'); // Show who is viewing a conversation or replying. channel.on('App\\Events\\RealtimeConvView', function(data, event){ if (!data || data.conversation_id != getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') // Skip own notifications || data.user_id == getGlobalAttr('auth_user_id') ) { return; } // Show user avatar in conversation if (data.replying) { title = Lang.get("messages.user_replying", {'user': data.user_name}); } else { title = Lang.get("messages.user_viewing", {'user': data.user_name}); } var item = $('#conv-viewers .viewer-'+data.user_id+':first'); var sorting_required = false; var change_title = false; var is_new = false; if (item.length) { // Existing if (!':visible')) { item.fadeIn(); } // Add/remove replying class if needed if (data.replying && !item.hasClass('viewer-replying')) { item.addClass('viewer-replying'); change_title = true; sorting_required = true; } if (!data.replying && item.hasClass('viewer-replying')) { item.removeClass('viewer-replying'); change_title = true; sorting_required = true; } } else { // New var item_class = 'viewer-'+data.user_id; if (data.replying) { item_class += ' viewer-replying'; sorting_required = true; } var html = personPhotoHtml(data.user_initials, data.user_photo_url, 'data-toggle="tooltip" title="'+title+'" style="display:none"', item_class, 'xs'); $('#conv-viewers').prepend(html); is_new = true; } // Move replying viewers to the left if (change_title) { // Change tooltip item.attr('data-original-title', title); //initTooltip('#conv-viewers .viewer-'+data.user_id+':first'); } if (sorting_required) { var html_replying = ''; var html_other = ''; $('#conv-viewers > span').each(function(i, el) { if ($(el).hasClass('viewer-replying')) { html_replying += el.outerHTML; } else { html_other += el.outerHTML; } }); $('#conv-viewers').html(html_replying+html_other); initTooltip('#conv-viewers > span'); } if (is_new) { $('#conv-viewers > span').fadeIn(); initTooltip('#conv-viewers .viewer-'+data.user_id+':first'); } }); // User finished viewing conversation. channel.on('App\\Events\\RealtimeConvViewFinish', function(data, event) { if (!data || data.conversation_id != getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') // Skip own notifications || data.user_id == getGlobalAttr('auth_user_id') ) { return; } // Remove user avatar $('#conv-viewers .viewer-'+data.user_id+':first').fadeOut(); }); // Show new conversation threads var conversation_id = getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'); if (conversation_id) { var channel = poly.subscribe('conv.'+conversation_id); channel.on('App\\Events\\RealtimeConvNewThread', function(data, event){ if (!data || typeof(data.conversation_id) == "undefined" || data.conversation_id != getGlobalAttr('conversation_id') // Skip own notifications || data.user_id == getGlobalAttr('auth_user_id') ) { return; } if (typeof(data.thread_html) != "undefined" && data.thread_html && !$('#thread-'+data.thread_id).length) { var container = $('#conv-layout-main .thread-type-new'); if (container.length) { container.prepend(data.thread_html); $('#conv-layout-main .thread-type-new:first .view-new-trigger').text(Lang.get("messages.view_new_messages", {'count': $('#conv-layout-main .thread-type-new .thread').length })); } else { $('#conv-layout-main').prepend('
    '); $('#conv-layout-main .thread-type-new:first .view-new-trigger').click(function(e) { var container = $(this).parent(); $(this).remove(); $('#conv-layout-main').prepend(container.html()); container.remove(); e.preventDefault(); }); flashElement($('#conv-layout-main .thread-type-new:first')); $.titleAlert('✉ '+Lang.get("messages.new_message"), { requireBlur: true, stopOnFocus: true, interval: 600 }); if (convIsChat()) { setTimeout(function() { $('#conv-layout-main .thread-type-new:first .view-new-trigger').click(); }, 3000); } } } // Update assignee if needed if (typeof(data.conversation_user_id) != "undefined" && data.conversation_user_id && parseInt(data.conversation_user_id) != convGetUserId() ) { $('#conv-assignee .conv-user').removeClass('active'); var a = $("#conv-assignee .conv-user li a[data-user_id='"+data.conversation_user_id+"']"); a.parent().addClass('active'); $('#conv-assignee .conv-info-val span:first').text(a.text()); flashElement($('#conv-assignee')); } // Update status if needed if (typeof(data.conversation_status) != "undefined" && data.conversation_status && parseInt(data.conversation_status) != convGetStatus() ) { $('#conv-status .conv-status').removeClass('active'); var a = $("#conv-status .conv-status li a[data-status='"+data.conversation_status+"']"); a.parent().addClass('active'); $('#conv-status .conv-info-val span:first').text(a.text()); // Update class if (data.conversation_status_class) { $.each($('#conv-status .btn'), function(index, btn) { var classes = $(btn).attr('class').split(/\s+/); $.each(classes, function(index, item_class) { if (item_class.indexOf('btn-') != -1 && item_class != 'btn-light') { $(btn).removeClass(item_class); } }); }); $('#conv-status .btn').addClass('btn-'+data.conversation_status_class); } // Update icon if (data.conversation_status_icon) { $('#conv-status .btn:first .glyphicon').attr('class', 'glyphicon').addClass('glyphicon-'+data.conversation_status_icon); } flashElement($('#conv-status')); } }); } // Refresh folders and conversations list var mailbox_id = getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id'); var el_folders = $('#folders'); if (mailbox_id && el_folders.length && !isChatMode()) { var channel = poly.subscribe('mailbox.'+mailbox_id); channel.on('App\\Events\\RealtimeMailboxNewThread', function(data, event){ if (!data || typeof(data.mailbox_id) == "undefined" || data.mailbox_id != mailbox_id) { return; } if (typeof(data.folders_html) != "undefined" && data.folders_html) { var folder_id = el_folders.children('').attr('data-folder_id'); el_folders.html(data.folders_html); var active_folder = el_folders.children('li[data-folder_id="'+folder_id+'"]'); active_folder.addClass('active'); // Update number of active conversations in the page title if (!getGlobalAttr('conversation_id')) { var new_count = parseInt(active_folder.attr('data-active-count')); if (!isNaN(new_count) && new_count > 0) { new_count = '('+new_count+') '; } else { new_count = ''; } document.title = new_count+document.title.replace(/^\(\d+\) /, ""); } } // If there are no conversations selected refresh conversations table if ($(".table-conversations:first").length && !getSelectedConversations().length) { loadConversations('', '', true); } }); } var chats = $('#folders.chats:first'); if (mailbox_id && chats.length) { var channel = poly.subscribe('chat.'+mailbox_id); channel.on('App\\Events\\RealtimeChat', function(data, event){ if (!data || typeof(data.mailbox_id) == "undefined" || data.mailbox_id != mailbox_id) { return; } if (typeof(data.chats_html) != "undefined" && data.chats_html) { var chat_id = chats.children('').attr('data-chat_id'); var header_html = chats.children('li:first').prop('outerHTML'); chats.html(header_html+data.chats_html); var active_chat = chats.children('li[data-chat_id="'+chat_id+'"]'); active_chat.addClass('active'); initChats(); } }); initChats(); } // at any point you can disconnect //poly.disconnect(); // and when you disconnect, you can again at any point reconnect //poly.reconnect(); } function initChats() { $('.chats-load-more').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'chats_load_more', mailbox_id: getGlobalAttr('mailbox_id'), offset: $('#folders .chat-item').length - 1, }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { button.parent().before(response.html); button.parent().remove(); initChats(); } else { showAjaxResult(response); } button.button('reset'); }, true ); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); } function convIsChat() { return $('#conv-layout').hasClass('conv-type-chat'); } function convGetUserId() { return parseInt($('#conv-assignee .conv-user a:first').attr('data-user_id')); } function convGetStatus() { return parseInt($('#conv-status .conv-status a:first').attr('data-status')); } function flashElement(el) { el.fadeOut(0).fadeIn(2000); } // Show notification in the menu function showMenuNotification(html) { $(html).prependTo($(".web-notifications-list:first")); var counter = $('.web-notifications-count:first'); if (counter) { var count = parseInt($('.web-notifications-count:first').text()); if (isNaN(count)) { count = 0; } count++; counter.text(count).removeClass('hidden'); } $('.web-notifications-mark-read:first').removeClass('hidden'); // Remove double TODAY var first_date = $('.web-notification-date:first'); $('.web-notification-date[data-date="'+first_date.attr('data-date')+'"]:gt(0)').remove(); $('.web-notifications .dropdown-toggle:first').addClass('has-unread'); } // Show browser push-notification function showBrowserNotification(text, url) { // Push notification body limits: // If we place text into the body and keep title empty, it is being cropped in Chrome Push.create(text, { body: "", icon: Vars.public_url+'/img/logo-icon-white-300.png', tag: url, timeout: 5000, //requireInteraction: true onClick: function () { if (url) { var win =, '_blank'); win.focus(); this.close(); //Push.close(url); } } }); } // Take notifications bell out of the dropdown menu function takeNotificationsOut() { if ($(window).width() >= 768) { // Move to the menu var container = $('.navbar-header .web-notifications:first'); if (container) { container.prependTo(".navbar-right:first"); } } else { // Move to the header var container = $('.navbar-right .web-notifications:first'); if (container) { container.prependTo(".navbar-header:first"); } } } // Display notification in the menu function webNotificationsInit() { // Take notifications bell out of the dropdown menu takeNotificationsOut(); $(window).on('resize', function(){ takeNotificationsOut(); }); // Load more var button = $('.web-notification-more:first .btn:first'); { button.button('loading'); var wn_page = parseInt(button.attr('data-wn_page')); if (isNaN(wn_page)) { wn_page = 2; } fsAjax( { action: 'web_notifications', wn_page: wn_page }, laroute.route('users.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { $(response.html).insertBefore(button.parent()); } else { showAjaxError(response); } if (typeof(response.has_more_pages) == "undefined" || !response.has_more_pages) { button.parent().hide(); } button.button('reset'); button.attr('data-wn_page', wn_page+1); }, true ); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Mark all as read $('.web-notifications-mark-read:first').click(function(e) { var mark_button = $(this); if (mark_button.hasClass('disabled')) { return; } mark_button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'mark_notifications_as_read' }, laroute.route('users.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { mark_button.remove(); $('.web-notifications-count:first').addClass('hidden'); $('').removeClass('is-unread'); $('.web-notifications .dropdown-toggle.has-unread:first').removeClass('has-unread'); } else { showAjaxError(response); } mark_button.button('reset'); }, true ); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Mark notification as read on click // $('.web-notifications:first .web-notification a').click(function(e) { // $(this).parent().removeClass('is-unread'); // }); } function initSystemStatus() { if (location.protocol == 'https:') { $('#system-app-protocol').text('HTTPS'); } else { var html = 'HTTP'+ '
    '; $('#system-app-protocol').html(html); } $('.update-trigger').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); showModalConfirm(' '+Lang.get("messages.confirm_update")+'', 'confirm-update', { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.confirm-update:first').click(function(e) { button.button('loading'); modal.modal('hide'); // Disable Polycast not to receive 'Internet connection broken' messages poly.disconnect(); fsAjax( { action: 'update' }, laroute.route('system.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { showAjaxResult(response); window.location.href = ''; } else if (response.msg) { showAjaxError({msg: response.msg}, true); button.button('reset'); } else { showAjaxError({msg: htmlDecode(Lang.get("messages.error_occurred_updating"))}, true); button.button('reset'); } }, true, function() { showFloatingAlert('error', htmlDecode(Lang.get("messages.error_occurred_updating")), true); ajaxFinish(); } ); }); } }, Lang.get("messages.update")); }); $('.check-updates-trigger').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: 'check_updates' }, laroute.route('system.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { if (typeof(response.new_version_available) != "undefined" && response.new_version_available) { // There are updates window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxResult(response); button.button('reset'); } } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); } // Finishe ajax request by hiding loader, etc. function ajaxFinish() { loaderHide(); // Buttons $(".btn[data-loading-text!='']:disabled").button('reset'); // Links $(".btn.disabled[data-loading-text!='']").button('reset'); } // Called from polycast function maybeShowConnectionError() { fs_connection_errors++; if (fs_connection_errors == 3) { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.lost_connection")); } } function maybeShowConnectionRestored() { if (fs_connection_errors >= 3) { showFloatingAlert('success', Lang.get("messages.connection_restored")); } fs_connection_errors = 0; } function isNewConversation() { if ($('#conv-layout-main .thread:first').length == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Save draft automatically, on reply change or on click. * Validation is not needed. */ function saveDraft(reload_page, no_loader, do_not_save_empty) { if (!reload_page && fs_processing_save_draft) { return; } // User clicked Send Reply button if (fs_processing_send_reply) { return; } fs_processing_save_draft = true; // Do not autosave draft if reply form has been closed var form = $(".form-reply:visible:first"); if (!form || !form.length) { finishSaveDraft(); return; } // Do not auto-save draft is there is no thread_id, body and attachments. if (typeof(do_not_save_empty) != "undefined") { if (!$('.form-reply:visible:first :input[name="thread_id"]:first').val() && !$('#body').val() && !$('.form-reply:visible:first .thread-attachments li.attachment-loaded:first').length && !$('#to').val() ) { fs_processing_save_draft = false; return; } } var button = form.children().find('.note-actions .note-btn:first'); // Are we saving a draft of a new conversation var new_conversation = isNewConversation(); if (typeof(no_loader) == "undefined") { no_loader = false; } // Do not save unchanged draft // When replying click on Save draft always reloads conversation if ((new_conversation || !reload_page) && !fs_reply_changed) { fs_processing_save_draft = false; return; } // Make save draft button green when user clicks on it. if (reload_page) { button.addClass('text-success'); } data = form.serialize(); data += '&action=save_draft'; fsAjax(data, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { if (reload_page && !new_conversation) { // Reload the conversation window.location.href = ''; } else { button.addClass('text-success'); fs_reply_changed = false; // Show Saved var saved_text = form.children().find('.draft-saved:first'); if (!saved_text.length || !':visible')) { if (!saved_text.length) { saved_text = $(''+Lang.get("messages.saved")+''); saved_text.insertBefore(button); } else {; } setTimeout(function() { saved_text.fadeOut(1000); }, 4000); } // If conversation returned, set conversation info if (typeof(response.conversation_id) != "undefined" && response.conversation_id) { form.children(':input[name="conversation_id"][value=""]').val(response.conversation_id); form.children(':input[name="thread_id"]').val(response.thread_id); form.children(':input[name="customer_id"]').val(response.customer_id); $('.conv-new-number:first').text(response.number); $('body:first').attr('data-conversation_id', response.conversation_id); // Set URL if this is a new conversation if (new_conversation) { setUrl(laroute.route('conversations.view', {id: response.conversation_id})); } } } } else { showAjaxError(response); } loaderHide(); finishSaveDraft(); }, no_loader, function() { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.ajax_error")); loaderHide(); finishSaveDraft(); }); } // If draft is being sent and user clicks Send reply, // we need to wait and send reply after draft has been saved. function finishSaveDraft() { fs_processing_save_draft = false; if (fs_send_reply_after_draft) { fs_processing_send_reply = false; $(".btn-reply-submit:first").button('reset').click(); } } function setUrl(url) { if (window.history && typeof(window.history.replaceState) != "undefined") { try { // Catch an error if by some reason current protocol and protocol in url are different window.history.replaceState({isMine:true}, 'title', url); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } } } function goBack() { window.history.go(-1); } // Show forward conversation form function forwardConversation(e) { var reply_block = $(".conv-reply-block"); // We don't allow to switch, as it creates multiple drafts if (!reply_block.hasClass('hidden')) { return false; } prepareReplyForm(); showReplyForm(); showForwardForm({}, reply_block); // Load attachments loadAttachments(true); } // Follow / unfollow conversation function followConversation(action) { var conversation_id = getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'); fsAjax( { action: action, conversation_id: conversation_id, }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { var opposite = ''; if (action == 'follow') { opposite = 'unfollow'; $('#conv-layout').addClass('conv-following'); } else { opposite = 'follow'; $('#conv-layout').removeClass('conv-following'); } $('.conv-follow[data-follow-action="'+action+'"]').addClass('hidden'); $('.conv-follow[data-follow-action="'+opposite+'"]').removeClass('hidden'); fsDoAction('conversation.'+action, { user_id: getGlobalAttr('auth_user_id'), conversation_id: conversation_id }); } showAjaxResult(response); }, true ); } // Load attachments for the draft of a new conversation or draft of the forward function loadAttachments(is_forwarding) { var attachments_container = $(".attachments-upload:first"); var conversation_id = getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'); if (typeof(is_forwarding) == "undefined") { is_forwarding = false; } if (!attachments_container.hasClass('forward-attachments-loaded') && conversation_id) { fsAjax({ action: 'load_attachments', conversation_id: conversation_id, is_forwarding: is_forwarding }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success' && typeof( != "undefined" ) { attachments_container.addClass('forward-attachments-loaded'); showAttachments(; // Auto save draft to avoid multiplying attachments if (is_forwarding) { saveDraft(false, true); } } else { // Do nothing //showAjaxError(response); } }, true ); } } // Turn reply form into forward form. function showForwardForm(data, reply_block) { if (typeof(reply_block) == "undefined" || !reply_block) { reply_block = $(".conv-reply-block:first"); } reply_block.children().find(":input[name='subtype']:first").val(Vars.subtype_forward); reply_block.children().find(":input[name='to']:first").addClass('hidden'); reply_block.children().find("#cc").val('').trigger('change'); reply_block.children().find("#bcc").val('').trigger('change'); reply_block.children().find(":input[name='to_email']:first").removeClass('hidden').removeClass('parsley-exclude').next('.select2:first').show(); reply_block.addClass('inactive'); reply_block.addClass('conv-forward-block'); $(".conv-actions .conv-reply:first").addClass('inactive'); if (data && typeof( != "undefined") { addSelect2Option($("#to_email"), { id:, text: }); } else { $("#to_email").children('option:first').removeAttr('selected'); } // Show recipient selector initRecipientSelector({ //maximumSelectionLength: 1 }, $('#to_email:not(.select2-hidden-accessible)')); } // Edit draft function editDraft(button) { var thread_container = button.parents('.thread:first'); fsAjax({ action: 'load_draft', thread_id: thread_container.attr('data-thread_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { loaderHide(); if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { // = ''; showReplyForm(, -50); if ( == '1') { showForwardForm(; } // Show all drafts $('.thread.thread-type-draft').show(); // Hide current draft thread_container.hide(); //$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('.navbar:first').height() }, "slow"); } else { showAjaxError(response); } } ); } // Discards: // - draft of an old reply // - current reply // - current note // // If thread_id is passed, it means we are discarding an old reply draft function discardDraft(thread_id) { var confirm_html = '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ ''+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '; // Discard note if (typeof(thread_id) == "undefined" && isNote() && !isNewConversation()) { showModalDialog(confirm_html, { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.discard-draft-confirm:first').click(function(e) { hideReplyEditor(); setReplyBody(''); forgetNote(); modal.modal('hide'); $('#conv-subject').removeClass('action-visible'); }); } }); return; } if (typeof(thread_id) == "undefined" || !thread_id) { thread_id = $('.form-reply :input[name="thread_id"]').val(); } // We are creating a conversation from thread var from_thread_id = ''; if (!thread_id && getQueryParam('from_thread_id')) { from_thread_id = getQueryParam('from_thread_id'); } showModalDialog(confirm_html, { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.discard-draft-confirm:first').click(function(e) { fsAjax( { action: 'discard_draft', thread_id: thread_id, from_thread_id: from_thread_id }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { modal.modal('hide'); if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { if (typeof(response.redirect_url) != "undefined" && response.redirect_url) { window.location.href = response.redirect_url; return; } var thread_container = $('#thread-'+thread_id+':visible'); if (thread_container.length) { // Remove draft from conversation thread_container.remove(); } else { // Hide editor hideReplyEditor(); $("#to").val( $("#to option:first").val() ); $(".conv-reply-block :input[name='cc']:first").val(''); $(".conv-reply-block :input[name='bcc']:first").val(''); setReplyBody(''); $('#conv-subject').removeClass('action-visible'); } } else { showAjaxError(response); } loaderHide(); } ); }); } }); } // Show edit thread textarea function editThread(button) { var thread_container = button.parents('.thread:first'); fsAjax({ action: 'load_edit_thread', thread_id: thread_container.attr('data-thread_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { loaderHide(); if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { // Hide all elements in thread container. thread_container.children().hide(); thread_container.prepend(response.html); summernoteInit(thread_container.find('.thread-editor:first')); thread_container.children().find('.thread-editor-cancel:first').click(function(e) { cancelThreadEdit(; e.preventDefault(); }); thread_container.children().find('.thread-editor-save:first').click(function(e) { saveThreadEdit(; e.preventDefault(); }); } else { showAjaxError(response); } } ); } // Delete thread (note) function deleteThread(button) { var thread_container = button.parents('.thread:first'); button.button('loading'); fsAjax({ action: 'delete_thread', thread_id: thread_container.attr('data-thread_id') }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { loaderHide(); button.button('reset'); if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { thread_container.remove(); } else { showAjaxError(response); } } ); } // Cancel thread editing function cancelThreadEdit(trigger, thread_container) { if (typeof(thread_container) == "undefined" || !thread_container) { thread_container = $(trigger).parents('.thread:first'); } thread_container.find('.thread-editor-container').remove(); thread_container.children().show(); } // Cancel thread editing function saveThreadEdit(trigger) { var button = $(trigger); var thread_container = $(trigger).parents('.thread:first'); button.button('loading'); fsAjax({ action: 'save_edit_thread', thread_id: thread_container.attr('data-thread_id'), body: thread_container.find('.thread-editor:first').val() }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { loaderHide(); button.button('reset'); if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { // Show new body thread_container.find('.thread-body:first').html(response.body); cancelThreadEdit(trigger, thread_container); } else { showAjaxError(response); } } ); } // Show original thread function threadShowOriginal(trigger) { var container = trigger.parent(); var original = container.find('.thread-original:first'); original.removeClass('hidden'); container.find('.thread-original-hide:first').removeClass('hidden'); trigger.addClass('hidden'); } // Hide original thread function threadHideOriginal(trigger) { var container = trigger.parent(); var original = container.find('.thread-original:first'); original.addClass('hidden'); container.find('.thread-original-show:first').removeClass('hidden'); trigger.addClass('hidden'); } function hideReplyEditor() { $(".conv-action-block").addClass('hidden'); $(".conv-action").removeClass('inactive'); } function hideActionBlocks() { $(".conv-action-block").addClass('hidden'); $("#conv-subject").removeClass('action-visible'); } function getReplyBody() { return $("#body").val(); } function setReplyBody(text) { $('#body').summernote("code", text); if (text == fs_body_default) { text = ''; } $(".conv-reply-block :input[name='body']:first").val(text); } // Set text in summernote editor function setSummernoteText(jtextarea, text) { jtextarea.summernote("code", text); } function convListSortingInit() { $('.conv-col-sort').click(function(event) { var table = $(this).parents('.table-conversations:first'); table.attr('data-sorting_sort_by', $(this).attr('data-sort-by')); var order = $(this).attr('data-order'); if (order == 'asc') { order = 'desc'; } else { order = 'asc'; } table.attr('data-sorting_order', order); loadConversations('', '', true); }); } // Star/unstar processing from the list or conversation function starConversationInit() { $('.conv-star').click(function(event) { var trigger = $(this); var conversation_id = getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'); if (!conversation_id) { // In the list conversation_id = trigger.parents('.conv-row:first').attr('data-conversation_id'); } if (!conversation_id) { // Something went wrong return false; } var sub_action = 'star'; if (trigger.hasClass('glyphicon-star')) { sub_action = 'unstar'; } fsAjax( { action: 'star_conversation', conversation_id: conversation_id, sub_action: sub_action }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { // In the list there are two stars for desktop and monile if (trigger.parents('.conv-row:first').length) { trigger = trigger.parents('.conv-row:first').children().find('.conv-star'); } if (sub_action == 'star') { trigger.addClass('glyphicon-star'); trigger.removeClass('glyphicon-star-empty'); } else { trigger.addClass('glyphicon-star-empty'); trigger.removeClass('glyphicon-star'); } } else { showAjaxError(response); } }, true ); }); } function conversationsTableInit() { converstationBulkActionsInit(); convListSortingInit(); // When checking "ontouchstart" it does not work in the mobile app // if ("ontouchstart" in window) // { $(document).ready(function() { $('.conv-row').on('contextmenu', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }); $('.conv-row').on('taphold', {duration: 700}, function(event) { var row = $('.conv-row'); var checkbox = $(row).find('input.conv-checkbox'); $(checkbox).prop('checked', !checkbox.prop('checked')); $(checkbox).trigger('change'); $(row).toggleClass('selected'); }); }); //} } // Get ids of the selected conversations function getSelectedConversations(checkboxes) { if (typeof(checkboxes) == "undefined") { checkboxes = $('.conv-checkbox'); } var conv_ids = []; checkboxes.each(function() { if ($(this).prop('checked')) { conv_ids.push($(this).val()); } }); return conv_ids; } function converstationBulkActionsInit() { $(document).ready(function() { var checkboxes = $('.conv-checkbox'); var bulk_buttons = $('#conversations-bulk-actions'); $(bulk_buttons).show(); if ($(bulk_buttons).offset()) { $(bulk_buttons).affix({ offset: { top: $(bulk_buttons).offset().top, } }); } $(bulk_buttons).hide(); //fix for bootstrap bug: $(bulk_buttons).on( '', function() { if(!$(window).scrollTop()) return false; } ); var resizeFn = function () { $(bulk_buttons).css('width', $('.content-2col').width()); }; resizeFn(); $(window).resize(resizeFn); checkboxes.change(function(event) { if (':checked')) { $(bulk_buttons).fadeIn(); } else { $(bulk_buttons).fadeOut(); } }); // Change conversation assignee $(".conv-user li > a", bulk_buttons).click(function(e) { if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) { return; } var user_id = $(this).data('user_id'); var conv_ids = getSelectedConversations(checkboxes); fsAjax( { action: 'bulk_conversation_change_user', conversation_id: conv_ids, user_id: user_id }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { location.reload(); } else { showAjaxError(response); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); // Change conversation status $(".conv-status li > a", bulk_buttons).click(function(e) { var status = $(this).data('status'); var conv_ids = getSelectedConversations(checkboxes); fsAjax( { action: 'bulk_conversation_change_status', conversation_id: conv_ids, status: status }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { location.reload(); } else { showAjaxError(response); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); // Delete conversation $(".conv-delete", bulk_buttons).click(function(e) { showModalDialog('#conversations-bulk-actions-delete-modal', { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.delete-conversation-ok:first').click(function(e) { modal.modal('hide'); var conv_ids = getSelectedConversations(checkboxes); fsAjax( { action: 'bulk_delete_conversation', conversation_id: conv_ids, }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { location.reload(); } else { showAjaxError(response); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); } }); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.conv-checkbox-clear', bulk_buttons).click(function(e) { $(checkboxes).trigger('change'); $(checkboxes).prop('checked', false); $(checkboxes).trigger('change'); $('table.table-conversations tr').removeClass('selected'); }); $('.toggle-all:checkbox').on('click', function () { $('.conv-checkbox:checkbox').prop('checked', this.checked).trigger('change'); }); $('.conv-cb label').on( 'click', function(e){ var all_checkboxes = $('input.conv-checkbox'); var this_input = $( this ).parent('td').find('input.conv-checkbox' )[0]; // Remove the selection of text that happens. document.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); if (!fs_checkbox_shift_last_checked) { fs_checkbox_shift_last_checked = this_input; return; } if (e.shiftKey) { var start = all_checkboxes.index( this_input ); var end = all_checkboxes.index(fs_checkbox_shift_last_checked); all_checkboxes.slice(Math.min(start,end), Math.max(start,end)+ 1).prop('checked', fs_checkbox_shift_last_checked.checked); // When removing the selected text using getSelection(), the last click gets nullified. Let's re-do it. $( this_input ).trigger('click'); } fs_checkbox_shift_last_checked = this_input; }); }); } function switchToNote() { $(".conv-reply-block").addClass('hidden'); $('.conv-add-note:first').click(); } function rememberNote() { if (!fs_autosave_note) { return; } var conversation_id = getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'); if (!conversation_id) { return; } var note = $('#body').val(); var note_plain = stripTags(note); var conversation_notes = loadNotesFromStorage(conversation_id); // Remove old items from browser storage for (var i in conversation_notes) { if (conversation_notes[i].time) { if (conversation_notes[i].time < (new Date()).getTime() - fs_keep_conversation_notes*24*60*60*1000) { delete conversation_notes[i]; } } } if (!note || !note_plain.trim()) { delete conversation_notes[conversation_id]; } else { // Remember current note conversation_notes[conversation_id] = { note: note, time: (new Date()).getTime() }; } saveNoteToStorage(conversation_notes); } function maybeShowStoredNote() { var conversation_id = getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'); if (!conversation_id) { return; } // Get stored note fom browser storage var conversation_notes = loadNotesFromStorage(conversation_id); if (conversation_notes) { if (typeof(conversation_notes[conversation_id]) != 'undefined' && typeof(conversation_notes[conversation_id].note) != 'undefined' && conversation_notes[conversation_id].note.trim() ) { setReplyBody(conversation_notes[conversation_id].note); showNoteForm(); } } } // Happens after Undo function maybeShowDraft() { var thread_id = getQueryParam('show_draft'); if (!thread_id) { return; } fsAjax({ action: 'load_draft', thread_id: thread_id }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { loaderHide(); if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status == 'success') { // = ''; showReplyForm(; if ( == '1') { showForwardForm(; } $('#thread-'+thread_id).hide(); } else { showAjaxError(response); } } ); } function forgetNote(conversation_id) { var conversation_id = getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'); var conversation_notes = loadNotesFromStorage(conversation_id); if (conversation_notes && typeof(conversation_notes[conversation_id]) != 'undefined') { delete conversation_notes[conversation_id]; saveNoteToStorage(conversation_notes); } } function saveNoteToStorage(conversation_notes) { localStorageSetObject('conversation_notes', conversation_notes); } function localStorageSetObject(key, obj) { localStorageSet(key, JSON.stringify(obj)); } function loadNotesFromStorage(conversation_id) { return localStorageGetObject('conversation_notes'); } function localStorageGetObject(key) { var json = localStorageGet(key); if (json) { var obj = {}; try { obj = JSON.parse(json); } catch (e) {} if (obj && typeof(obj) == 'object') { return obj; } else { return {}; } } else { return {}; } } function localStorageSet(key, value) { if (typeof(localStorage) != "undefined") { localStorage.setItem(key, value); } else { return false; } } function localStorageGet(key) { if (typeof(localStorage) != "undefined") { return localStorage.getItem(key); } else { return false; } } function localStorageRemove(key) { if (typeof(localStorage) != "undefined") { localStorage.removeItem(key); } else { return false; } } function stripTags(html) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = html; var text = div.textContent || div.innerText || ""; return text; } function htmlEscape(text) { return text .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); } function htmlDecode(input) { var e = document.createElement('div'); e.innerHTML = input; // handle case of empty input return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue; } // Change accordion heading background color on open function initAccordionHeading() { $(".panel-default .collapse").on('', function(e){ // change heading background when expanded $('.panel-heading:first').css('background-color', '#f1f3f5'); }); $(".collapse").on('', function(e){ // change heading background when hide $('.panel-heading:first').css('background-color', ''); }); } function initModulesList() { $(document).ready(function(){ $('.activate-trigger').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); var alias = button.parents('.module-card:first').attr('data-alias'); fsAjax( { action: 'activate', alias: alias }, laroute.route('modules.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); }); $('.deactivate-trigger').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); var alias = button.parents('.module-card:first').attr('data-alias'); fsAjax( { action: 'deactivate', alias: alias }, laroute.route('modules.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); }); $('.delete-module-trigger').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); showModalConfirm(Lang.get("messages.confirm_delete_module"), 'confirm-delete-module', { on_show: function(modal) { modal.children().find('.confirm-delete-module:first').click(function(e) { button.button('loading'); modal.modal('hide'); var alias = button.parents('.module-card:first').attr('data-alias'); fsAjax( { action: 'delete', alias: alias }, laroute.route('modules.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); }); } }, Lang.get("messages.delete")); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.update-module-trigger').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); var alias = button.parents('.module-card:first').attr('data-alias'); fsAjax( { action: 'update', alias: alias }, laroute.route('modules.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.update-all-trigger').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); button.button('loading'); var aliases = $.map($("#new_versions_list a[data-module-alias]"), function(el) { return $(el).attr("data-module-alias"); }); fsAjax( { action: 'update_all', aliases: aliases }, laroute.route('modules.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); e.preventDefault(); }); $('.deactivate-license-trigger').click(function(e) { var button = $(this); var alias = button.parents('.module-card:first').attr('data-alias'); loaderShow(); fsAjax( { action: 'deactivate_license', alias: alias, license: $('#module-'+alias).children().find('.license-key-text:first').text() }, laroute.route('modules.ajax'), function(response) { if (isAjaxSuccess(response)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxError(response); loaderHide(); } }, true ); }); $('.install-module-form').submit(function(e) { installModule($(this).attr('data-module-alias')); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); }); } function installModule(alias) { var button = $('#module-'+alias).children().find('.install-trigger:first'); button.button('loading'); fsAjax( { action: button.attr('data-action'), alias: alias, license: $('#module-'+alias).children().find('.license-key:first').val() }, laroute.route('modules.ajax'), function(response) { if ((isAjaxSuccess(response)) || (typeof(response.reload) != "undefined" && response.reload)) { window.location.href = ''; } else { showAjaxError(response); button.button('reset'); } }, true ); } // Scroll to function scrollTo(el, selector, speed, offset) { if (typeof(offset) == "undefined") { offset = 0; } if (typeof(speed) == "undefined" || !speed) { speed = 600; } var eljq = null; if (el) { eljq = $(el); } else { eljq = $(selector); } $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: (eljq.offset().top+offset)}, speed); } // Is user replying to the conversation function getReplyFormMode() { var block = $(".conv-reply-block"); if (block.hasClass('hidden')) { return ''; } else if (block.hasClass('conv-forward-block')) { return 'forward'; } else if (block.hasClass('conv-note-block')) { return 'note'; } else { return 'reply'; } } // Get HTML of the person avatar function personPhotoHtml(initials, photo_url, attrs, photo_class, size) { if (typeof(size) == "undefined") { size = 'sm'; } if (typeof(photo_class) == "undefined") { photo_class = ''; } var html = ''; if (photo_url) { html += ''; } else { html += ''; } html += ''; return html; } function switchHelpdeskUrl() { var url = window.location.href.replace(/#.*/, ''); if (url.indexOf('?') == -1) { url = url+'?'; } else { url = url+'&'; } url = url + 'nc='"#in-app-close"; window.location.href = url; } function inAppPostMessage(data) { if (typeof(webkit) != "undefined" && typeof(webkit.messageHandlers) != "undefined" && typeof(webkit.messageHandlers.cordova_iab) != "undefined" && typeof(webkit.messageHandlers.cordova_iab.postMessage) != "undefined" ) { webkit.messageHandlers.cordova_iab.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data)); 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" + propName; var propValue = props[propName]; if (propValue !== true) { updatedCookie += "=" + propValue; } } document.cookie = updatedCookie; } function getCookie(name) { var matches = document.cookie.match(new RegExp( "(?:^|; )" + name.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g, '\\$1') + "=([^;]*)" )); return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : undefined } function deleteCookie(name) { document.cookie = name+'=;path=/;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;'; } function fsAddAction(action, callback, priority) { if (typeof(priority) == "undefined") { priority = 20; } if (typeof(fs_actions[action]) == "undefined") { fs_actions[action] = []; } fs_actions[action].push({ callback: callback, priority: priority }); } function fsDoAction(action, params) { if (typeof(fs_actions[action]) != "undefined") { if (typeof(params) == "undefined") { params = {}; } for (var i in fs_actions[action]) { fs_actions[action][i].callback(params); } return true; } else { return false; } } function fsAddFilter(filter, callback, priority) { if (typeof(priority) == "undefined") { priority = 20; } if (typeof(fs_filters[filter]) == "undefined") { fs_filters[filter] = []; } fs_filters[filter].push({ callback: callback, priority: priority }); } function fsApplyFilter(filter, value, params) { if (typeof(fs_filters[filter]) != "undefined") { if (typeof(params) == "undefined") { params = {}; } for (var i in fs_filters[filter]) { value = fs_filters[filter][i].callback(value, params); } } return value; } function maybeScrollToReplyBlock(offset) { var reply_block = $('.conv-reply-block:visible:first'); var block_top = reply_block.position().top; if (block_top > $(window).height() / 2 || block_top < $(window).scrollTop() ) { if (typeof(offset) == "undefined") { offset = -20; } scrollTo(reply_block, '', null, offset); } } function initConvSettings() { var settings_modal = jQuery('#conv-settings-modal'); var history_select = jQuery('#email_history', settings_modal); $('#conv-settings-modal').on('', function (e) { var is_forward = $(".conv-reply-block.conv-forward-block").length; if (is_forward) { $('#email_history option[value="global"]').hide(); $('#email_history option[value="none"]').hide(); if ($('#email_history').val() == 'global') { $('#email_history').val('full'); } } else { $('#email_history option[value="global"]').show(); $('#email_history option[value="none"]').show(); } }) $('.button-save-settings:first', settings_modal).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); settings_modal.modal('hide'); $(".conv-reply-block").children().find(":input[name='conv_history']:first").val(history_select.val()); /*fsAjax( { action: 'save_settings', conversation_id: getGlobalAttr('conversation_id'), email_history: history_select.val(), }, laroute.route('conversations.ajax'), function(response) { if (typeof(response.status) != "undefined" && response.status !== 'success') { if (typeof (response.msg) != "undefined") { showFloatingAlert('error', response.msg); } else { showFloatingAlert('error', Lang.get("messages.error_occurred")); } loaderHide(); } }, true );*/ }); $('.button-cancel-settings:first', settings_modal).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); settings_modal.modal('hide'); var value = $(".conv-reply-block").children().find(":input[name='conv_history']:first").val(); if (!value) { value = 'global'; } jQuery('#email_history', jQuery('#conv-settings-modal')).val(value); }); } function initUsers() { $('#search-users').on('keyup keypress', function(e) { var q = $(this).val().trim().toLowerCase(); var clear = $('#search-users-clear i:first'); if (q) { if (clear.hasClass('glyphicon-search')) { clear.removeClass('glyphicon-search').addClass('glyphicon-remove'); } $('#users-list .card').each(function(i, el) { var texts = ''; $(el).children('.user-q').each(function(i, el) { texts += $(el).text(); }); if (texts.toLowerCase().indexOf(q) != -1) { $(el).show(); } else { $(el).hide(); } }); } else { if (!clear.hasClass('glyphicon-search')) { clear.removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-search'); } $('#users-list .card').show(); } }); $('#search-users-clear').click(function(e) { $('#search-users').val('').keypress(); }); } function copyToClipboard(text) { var $temp = $(""); $("body").append($temp); $temp.val(text).select(); document.execCommand("copy"); $temp.remove(); } function adjustCustomerSidebarHeight() { var sidebar_h = $('#conv-layout-customer')[0].scrollHeight; if (sidebar_h > $('#conv-layout').height()) { $('#conv-layout').css('min-height', (sidebar_h+20)+'px'); } } function closeAllModals() { $('.modal').modal('hide'); } function replaceAll(text, search, replacement) { return text.split(search).join(replacement); } function initLogsTable() { $(document).ready(function () { $('.table-container tr').on('click', function () { $('#' + $(this).data('display')).toggle(); }); $('#table-log').DataTable({ "order": [$('#table-log').data('orderingIndex'), 'desc'], "stateSave": true, "stateSaveCallback": function (settings, data) { window.localStorage.setItem("datatable", JSON.stringify(data)); }, "stateLoadCallback": function (settings) { var data = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("datatable")); if (data) data.start = 0; return data; } }); $('#delete-log, #clean-log, #delete-all-log').click(function () { return confirm('Are you sure?'); 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