PDO\MySQL\Driver::class, 'pdo_sqlite' => PDO\SQLite\Driver::class, 'pdo_pgsql' => PDO\PgSQL\Driver::class, 'pdo_oci' => PDO\OCI\Driver::class, 'oci8' => OCI8\Driver::class, 'ibm_db2' => IBMDB2\Driver::class, 'pdo_sqlsrv' => PDO\SQLSrv\Driver::class, 'mysqli' => Mysqli\Driver::class, 'drizzle_pdo_mysql' => DrizzlePDOMySql\Driver::class, 'sqlanywhere' => SQLAnywhere\Driver::class, 'sqlsrv' => SQLSrv\Driver::class, ]; /** * List of URL schemes from a database URL and their mappings to driver. * * @var string[] */ private static $driverSchemeAliases = [ 'db2' => 'ibm_db2', 'mssql' => 'pdo_sqlsrv', 'mysql' => 'pdo_mysql', 'mysql2' => 'pdo_mysql', // Amazon RDS, for some weird reason 'postgres' => 'pdo_pgsql', 'postgresql' => 'pdo_pgsql', 'pgsql' => 'pdo_pgsql', 'sqlite' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'sqlite3' => 'pdo_sqlite', ]; /** * Private constructor. This class cannot be instantiated. * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ private function __construct() { } /** * Creates a connection object based on the specified parameters. * This method returns a Doctrine\DBAL\Connection which wraps the underlying * driver connection. * * $params must contain at least one of the following. * * Either 'driver' with one of the array keys of {@link $_driverMap}, * OR 'driverClass' that contains the full class name (with namespace) of the * driver class to instantiate. * * Other (optional) parameters: * * user (string): * The username to use when connecting. * * password (string): * The password to use when connecting. * * driverOptions (array): * Any additional driver-specific options for the driver. These are just passed * through to the driver. * * pdo: * You can pass an existing PDO instance through this parameter. The PDO * instance will be wrapped in a Doctrine\DBAL\Connection. * * wrapperClass: * You may specify a custom wrapper class through the 'wrapperClass' * parameter but this class MUST inherit from Doctrine\DBAL\Connection. * * driverClass: * The driver class to use. * * @param array{wrapperClass?: class-string} $params * @param Configuration|null $config The configuration to use. * @param EventManager|null $eventManager The event manager to use. * * @throws Exception * * @psalm-return ($params is array{wrapperClass:mixed} ? T : Connection) * @template T of Connection */ public static function getConnection( array $params, ?Configuration $config = null, ?EventManager $eventManager = null ): Connection { // create default config and event manager, if not set if (! $config) { $config = new Configuration(); } if (! $eventManager) { $eventManager = new EventManager(); } $params = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params); // @todo: deprecated, notice thrown by connection constructor if (isset($params['master'])) { $params['master'] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params['master']); } // @todo: deprecated, notice thrown by connection constructor if (isset($params['slaves'])) { foreach ($params['slaves'] as $key => $slaveParams) { $params['slaves'][$key] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($slaveParams); } } // URL support for PrimaryReplicaConnection if (isset($params['primary'])) { $params['primary'] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params['primary']); } if (isset($params['replica'])) { foreach ($params['replica'] as $key => $replicaParams) { $params['replica'][$key] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($replicaParams); } } // URL support for PoolingShardConnection if (isset($params['global'])) { $params['global'] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params['global']); } if (isset($params['shards'])) { foreach ($params['shards'] as $key => $shardParams) { $params['shards'][$key] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($shardParams); } } // check for existing pdo object if (isset($params['pdo']) && ! $params['pdo'] instanceof \PDO) { throw Exception::invalidPdoInstance(); } if (isset($params['pdo'])) { $params['pdo']->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $params['driver'] = 'pdo_' . $params['pdo']->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); } else { self::_checkParams($params); } $className = $params['driverClass'] ?? self::$_driverMap[$params['driver']]; $driver = new $className(); $wrapperClass = Connection::class; if (isset($params['wrapperClass'])) { if (! is_subclass_of($params['wrapperClass'], $wrapperClass)) { throw Exception::invalidWrapperClass($params['wrapperClass']); } /** @var class-string $wrapperClass */ $wrapperClass = $params['wrapperClass']; } return new $wrapperClass($params, $driver, $config, $eventManager); } /** * Returns the list of supported drivers. * * @return string[] */ public static function getAvailableDrivers(): array { return array_keys(self::$_driverMap); } /** * Checks the list of parameters. * * @param mixed[] $params The list of parameters. * * @throws Exception */ private static function _checkParams(array $params): void { // check existence of mandatory parameters // driver if (! isset($params['driver']) && ! isset($params['driverClass'])) { throw Exception::driverRequired(); } // check validity of parameters // driver if (isset($params['driver']) && ! isset(self::$_driverMap[$params['driver']])) { throw Exception::unknownDriver($params['driver'], array_keys(self::$_driverMap)); } if ( isset($params['driverClass']) && ! in_array(Driver::class, class_implements($params['driverClass'], true)) ) { throw Exception::invalidDriverClass($params['driverClass']); } } /** * Normalizes the given connection URL path. * * @return string The normalized connection URL path */ private static function normalizeDatabaseUrlPath(string $urlPath): string { // Trim leading slash from URL path. return substr($urlPath, 1); } /** * Extracts parts from a database URL, if present, and returns an * updated list of parameters. * * @param mixed[] $params The list of parameters. * * @return mixed[] A modified list of parameters with info from a database * URL extracted into indidivual parameter parts. * * @throws Exception */ private static function parseDatabaseUrl(array $params): array { if (! isset($params['url'])) { return $params; } // (pdo_)?sqlite3?:///... => (pdo_)?sqlite3?://localhost/... or else the URL will be invalid $url = preg_replace('#^((?:pdo_)?sqlite3?):///#', '$1://localhost/', $params['url']); assert(is_string($url)); $url = parse_url($url); if ($url === false) { throw new Exception('Malformed parameter "url".'); } foreach ($url as $param => $value) { if (! is_string($value)) { continue; } $url[$param] = rawurldecode($value); } // If we have a connection URL, we have to unset the default PDO instance connection parameter (if any) // as we cannot merge connection details from the URL into the PDO instance (URL takes precedence). unset($params['pdo']); $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlScheme($url['scheme'] ?? null, $params); if (isset($url['host'])) { $params['host'] = $url['host']; } if (isset($url['port'])) { $params['port'] = $url['port']; } if (isset($url['user'])) { $params['user'] = $url['user']; } if (isset($url['pass'])) { $params['password'] = $url['pass']; } $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params); $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlQuery($url, $params); return $params; } /** * Parses the given connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters. * * Assumes that the connection URL scheme is already parsed and resolved into the given connection parameters * via {@link parseDatabaseUrlScheme}. * * @see parseDatabaseUrlScheme * * @param mixed[] $url The URL parts to evaluate. * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve. * * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters. */ private static function parseDatabaseUrlPath(array $url, array $params): array { if (! isset($url['path'])) { return $params; } $url['path'] = self::normalizeDatabaseUrlPath($url['path']); // If we do not have a known DBAL driver, we do not know any connection URL path semantics to evaluate // and therefore treat the path as regular DBAL connection URL path. if (! isset($params['driver'])) { return self::parseRegularDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params); } if (strpos($params['driver'], 'sqlite') !== false) { return self::parseSqliteDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params); } return self::parseRegularDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params); } /** * Parses the query part of the given connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters. * * @param mixed[] $url The connection URL parts to evaluate. * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve. * * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters. */ private static function parseDatabaseUrlQuery(array $url, array $params): array { if (! isset($url['query'])) { return $params; } $query = []; parse_str($url['query'], $query); // simply ingest query as extra params, e.g. charset or sslmode return array_merge($params, $query); // parse_str wipes existing array elements } /** * Parses the given regular connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters. * * Assumes that the "path" URL part is already normalized via {@link normalizeDatabaseUrlPath}. * * @see normalizeDatabaseUrlPath * * @param mixed[] $url The regular connection URL parts to evaluate. * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve. * * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters. */ private static function parseRegularDatabaseUrlPath(array $url, array $params): array { $params['dbname'] = $url['path']; return $params; } /** * Parses the given SQLite connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters. * * Assumes that the "path" URL part is already normalized via {@link normalizeDatabaseUrlPath}. * * @see normalizeDatabaseUrlPath * * @param mixed[] $url The SQLite connection URL parts to evaluate. * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve. * * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters. */ private static function parseSqliteDatabaseUrlPath(array $url, array $params): array { if ($url['path'] === ':memory:') { $params['memory'] = true; return $params; } $params['path'] = $url['path']; // pdo_sqlite driver uses 'path' instead of 'dbname' key return $params; } /** * Parses the scheme part from given connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters. * * @param string|null $scheme The connection URL scheme, if available * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve. * * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters. * * @throws Exception If parsing failed or resolution is not possible. */ private static function parseDatabaseUrlScheme($scheme, array $params): array { if ($scheme !== null) { // The requested driver from the URL scheme takes precedence // over the default custom driver from the connection parameters (if any). unset($params['driverClass']); // URL schemes must not contain underscores, but dashes are ok $driver = str_replace('-', '_', $scheme); // The requested driver from the URL scheme takes precedence over the // default driver from the connection parameters. If the driver is // an alias (e.g. "postgres"), map it to the actual name ("pdo-pgsql"). // Otherwise, let checkParams decide later if the driver exists. $params['driver'] = self::$driverSchemeAliases[$driver] ?? $driver; return $params; } // If a schemeless connection URL is given, we require a default driver or default custom driver // as connection parameter. if (! isset($params['driverClass']) && ! isset($params['driver'])) { throw Exception::driverRequired($params['url']); } return $params; } }