Statement for the given SQL and Connection. * * @internal The statement can be only instantiated by {@link Connection}. * * @param string $sql The SQL of the statement. * @param Connection $conn The connection on which the statement should be executed. */ public function __construct($sql, Connection $conn) { $this->sql = $sql; $this->stmt = $conn->getWrappedConnection()->prepare($sql); $this->conn = $conn; $this->platform = $conn->getDatabasePlatform(); } /** * Binds a parameter value to the statement. * * The value can optionally be bound with a PDO binding type or a DBAL mapping type. * If bound with a DBAL mapping type, the binding type is derived from the mapping * type and the value undergoes the conversion routines of the mapping type before * being bound. * * @param string|int $param The name or position of the parameter. * @param mixed $value The value of the parameter. * @param mixed $type Either a PDO binding type or a DBAL mapping type name or instance. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ public function bindValue($param, $value, $type = ParameterType::STRING) { $this->params[$param] = $value; $this->types[$param] = $type; if ($type !== null) { if (is_string($type)) { $type = Type::getType($type); } if ($type instanceof Type) { $value = $type->convertToDatabaseValue($value, $this->platform); $bindingType = $type->getBindingType(); } else { $bindingType = $type; } return $this->stmt->bindValue($param, $value, $bindingType); } return $this->stmt->bindValue($param, $value); } /** * Binds a parameter to a value by reference. * * Binding a parameter by reference does not support DBAL mapping types. * * @param string|int $param The name or position of the parameter. * @param mixed $variable The reference to the variable to bind. * @param int $type The PDO binding type. * @param int|null $length Must be specified when using an OUT bind * so that PHP allocates enough memory to hold the returned value. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ public function bindParam($param, &$variable, $type = ParameterType::STRING, $length = null) { $this->params[$param] = $variable; $this->types[$param] = $type; if ($this->stmt instanceof PDOStatement) { $length = $length ?? 0; } return $this->stmt->bindParam($param, $variable, $type, $length); } /** * Executes the statement with the currently bound parameters. * * @param mixed[]|null $params * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. * * @throws Exception */ public function execute($params = null) { if (is_array($params)) { $this->params = $params; } $logger = $this->conn->getConfiguration()->getSQLLogger(); if ($logger) { $logger->startQuery($this->sql, $this->params, $this->types); } try { $stmt = $this->stmt->execute($params); } catch (Throwable $ex) { if ($logger) { $logger->stopQuery(); } $this->conn->handleExceptionDuringQuery($ex, $this->sql, $this->params, $this->types); } if ($logger) { $logger->stopQuery(); } return $stmt; } /** * Closes the cursor, freeing the database resources used by this statement. * * @deprecated Use Result::free() instead. * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ public function closeCursor() { return $this->stmt->closeCursor(); } /** * Returns the number of columns in the result set. * * @return int */ public function columnCount() { return $this->stmt->columnCount(); } /** * Fetches the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the statement. * * @deprecated The error information is available via exceptions. * * @return string|int|bool */ public function errorCode() { return $this->stmt->errorCode(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated The error information is available via exceptions. */ public function errorInfo() { return $this->stmt->errorInfo(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @deprecated Use one of the fetch- or iterate-related methods. */ public function setFetchMode($fetchMode, $arg2 = null, $arg3 = null) { if ($arg2 === null) { return $this->stmt->setFetchMode($fetchMode); } if ($arg3 === null) { return $this->stmt->setFetchMode($fetchMode, $arg2); } return $this->stmt->setFetchMode($fetchMode, $arg2, $arg3); } /** * Required by interface IteratorAggregate. * * @deprecated Use iterateNumeric(), iterateAssociative() or iterateColumn() instead. * * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIterator() { return $this->stmt; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @deprecated Use fetchNumeric(), fetchAssociative() or fetchOne() instead. */ public function fetch($fetchMode = null, $cursorOrientation = PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT, $cursorOffset = 0) { return $this->stmt->fetch($fetchMode); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @deprecated Use fetchAllNumeric(), fetchAllAssociative() or fetchFirstColumn() instead. */ public function fetchAll($fetchMode = null, $fetchArgument = null, $ctorArgs = null) { if ($ctorArgs !== null) { return $this->stmt->fetchAll($fetchMode, $fetchArgument, $ctorArgs); } if ($fetchArgument !== null) { return $this->stmt->fetchAll($fetchMode, $fetchArgument); } return $this->stmt->fetchAll($fetchMode); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated Use fetchOne() instead. */ public function fetchColumn($columnIndex = 0) { return $this->stmt->fetchColumn($columnIndex); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws Exception */ public function fetchNumeric() { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { return $this->stmt->fetchNumeric(); } return $this->stmt->fetch(FetchMode::NUMERIC); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws Exception */ public function fetchAssociative() { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { return $this->stmt->fetchAssociative(); } return $this->stmt->fetch(FetchMode::ASSOCIATIVE); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws Exception */ public function fetchOne() { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { return $this->stmt->fetchOne(); } return $this->stmt->fetch(FetchMode::COLUMN); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws Exception */ public function fetchAllNumeric(): array { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { return $this->stmt->fetchAllNumeric(); } return $this->stmt->fetchAll(FetchMode::NUMERIC); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws Exception */ public function fetchAllAssociative(): array { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { return $this->stmt->fetchAllAssociative(); } return $this->stmt->fetchAll(FetchMode::ASSOCIATIVE); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * Returns an associative array with the keys mapped to the first column and the values mapped to the second column. * * The result must contain at least two columns. * * @return array * * @throws Exception */ public function fetchAllKeyValue(): array { $this->ensureHasKeyValue(); $data = []; foreach ($this->fetchAllNumeric() as [$key, $value]) { $data[$key] = $value; } return $data; } /** * Returns an associative array with the keys mapped to the first column and the values being * an associative array representing the rest of the columns and their values. * * @return array> * * @throws Exception */ public function fetchAllAssociativeIndexed(): array { $data = []; foreach ($this->fetchAll(FetchMode::ASSOCIATIVE) as $row) { $data[array_shift($row)] = $row; } return $data; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws Exception */ public function fetchFirstColumn(): array { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { return $this->stmt->fetchFirstColumn(); } return $this->stmt->fetchAll(FetchMode::COLUMN); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return Traversable> * * @throws Exception */ public function iterateNumeric(): Traversable { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { while (($row = $this->stmt->fetchNumeric()) !== false) { yield $row; } } else { while (($row = $this->stmt->fetch(FetchMode::NUMERIC)) !== false) { yield $row; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return Traversable> * * @throws Exception */ public function iterateAssociative(): Traversable { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { while (($row = $this->stmt->fetchAssociative()) !== false) { yield $row; } } else { while (($row = $this->stmt->fetch(FetchMode::ASSOCIATIVE)) !== false) { yield $row; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * Returns an iterator over the result set with the keys mapped to the first column * and the values mapped to the second column. * * The result must contain at least two columns. * * @return Traversable * * @throws Exception */ public function iterateKeyValue(): Traversable { $this->ensureHasKeyValue(); foreach ($this->iterateNumeric() as [$key, $value]) { yield $key => $value; } } /** * Returns an iterator over the result set with the keys mapped to the first column and the values being * an associative array representing the rest of the columns and their values. * * @return Traversable> * * @throws Exception */ public function iterateAssociativeIndexed(): Traversable { while (($row = $this->stmt->fetch(FetchMode::ASSOCIATIVE)) !== false) { yield array_shift($row) => $row; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return Traversable * * @throws Exception */ public function iterateColumn(): Traversable { try { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { while (($value = $this->stmt->fetchOne()) !== false) { yield $value; } } else { while (($value = $this->stmt->fetch(FetchMode::COLUMN)) !== false) { yield $value; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->conn->handleDriverException($e); } } /** * Returns the number of rows affected by the last execution of this statement. * * @return int The number of affected rows. */ public function rowCount() { return $this->stmt->rowCount(); } public function free(): void { if ($this->stmt instanceof Result) { $this->stmt->free(); return; } $this->stmt->closeCursor(); } /** * Gets the wrapped driver statement. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement */ public function getWrappedStatement() { return $this->stmt; } private function ensureHasKeyValue(): void { $columnCount = $this->columnCount(); if ($columnCount < 2) { throw NoKeyValue::fromColumnCount($columnCount); } } }