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namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Mail\UserNotification;
use App\SendLog;
use App\Thread;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Mail;
class SendNotificationToUsers implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $users;
public $conversation;
public $threads;
// Max retries + 1
public $tries = 168; // One per hour
* The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.
* fwrite() function in /vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php
* in some cases may stuck and continue infinitely. This blocks queue:work and no other jobs are processed.
* So we need to set the timeout. On timeout the whole queue:work process is being killed by Laravel.
public $timeout = 120;
* Create a new job instance.
* @return void
public function __construct($users, $conversation, $threads)
$this->users = $users;
$this->conversation = $conversation;
$this->threads = $threads;
* Execute the job.
* @return void
public function handle()
$mailbox = $this->conversation->mailbox;
// Configure mail driver according to Mailbox settings
\App\Misc\Mail::setMailDriver($mailbox, null, $this->conversation);
// Threads has to be sorted here, if sorted before, they come here in wrong order
$this->threads = Thread::sortThreads($this->threads);
$headers = [];
$last_thread = $this->threads->first();
if (!$last_thread) {
// If thread is draft, it means it has been undone
if ($last_thread->isDraft()) {
// Limit conversation history
if (config('app.email_user_history') == 'last') {
$this->threads = $this->threads->slice(0, 2);
if (config('app.email_user_history') == 'none') {
$this->threads = $this->threads->slice(0, 1);
// All notification for the same conversation has same dummy Message-ID
$prev_message_id = \App\Misc\Mail::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_NOTIFICATION_IN_REPLY.'-'.$this->conversation->id.'-'.md5($this->conversation->id).'@'.$mailbox->getEmailDomain();
$headers['In-Reply-To'] = '<'.$prev_message_id.'>';
$headers['References'] = '<'.$prev_message_id.'>';
// https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout/issues/2488
$headers['X-Auto-Response-Suppress'] = 'All';
// We throw an exception if any of the send attempts throws an exception (connection error, etc)
$global_exception = null;
foreach ($this->users as $user) {
// User can ne deleted from DB.
if (!isset($user->id)) {
if ($user->isDeleted()) {
// If for one user sending fails the job is marked as failed and retried after some time.
// So we have to check if notification email has already been successfully sent to this user.
if ($this->attempts() > 1) {
// Maybe add indexes to the table.
$already_sent = SendLog::where('thread_id', $last_thread->id)
->where('mail_type', SendLog::MAIL_TYPE_USER_NOTIFICATION)
->where('user_id', $user->id)
->whereIn('status', SendLog::$sent_success)
if ($already_sent) {
$message_id = \App\Misc\Mail::MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_NOTIFICATION.'-'.$last_thread->id.'-'.$user->id.'-'.time().'@'.$mailbox->getEmailDomain();
$headers['Message-ID'] = $message_id;
// If this is notification on message from customer, set customer as sender name
$from_name = '';
if ($last_thread->type == Thread::TYPE_CUSTOMER) {
$from_name = '';
if ($last_thread->customer) {
$from_name = $last_thread->customer->getFullName(true, true);
if ($from_name) {
$from_name = $from_name.' '.__('via').' '.$mailbox->name;
if (!$from_name) {
$from_name = $mailbox->name;
$from = ['address' => $mailbox->email, 'name' => $from_name];
// Set user language
$headers['X-FreeScout-Mail-Type'] = 'user.notification';
$headers = \Eventy::filter('jobs.send_reply_to_customer.headers', $headers, $user, $mailbox, $this->conversation, $this->threads, $from);
$exception = null;
try {
Mail::to([['name' => $user->getFullName(), 'email' => $user->email]])
->send(new UserNotification($user, $this->conversation, $this->threads, $headers, $from, $mailbox));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// We come here in case SMTP server unavailable for example
'error' => $e->getMessage().'; File: '.$e->getFile().' ('.$e->getLine().')',
$exception = $e;
$global_exception = $e;
$status_message = '';
if ($exception) {
$status = SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR;
$status_message = $exception->getMessage();
} else {
$failures = Mail::failures();
// Save to send log
if (!empty($failures) && in_array($user->email, $failures)) {
$status = SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR;
} else {
$status = SendLog::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
SendLog::log($last_thread->id, $message_id, $user->email, SendLog::MAIL_TYPE_USER_NOTIFICATION, $status, null, $user->id, $status_message);
if ($global_exception) {
// Retry job with delay.
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35258175/how-can-i-create-delays-between-failed-queued-job-attempts-in-laravel
// We do not try to resend Bounce messages: https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout/issues/3156
if ($this->attempts() < $this->tries && !$last_thread->isBounce()) {
if ($this->attempts() == 1) {
// Second attempt after 5 min.
} else {
// Others - after 1 hour.
throw $global_exception;
} else {
* The job failed to process.
* This method is called after attempts had finished.
* At this stage method has access only to variables passed in constructor.
* @param Exception $exception
* @return void
public function failed(\Exception $e)
// Write to activity log
'error' => $e->getMessage().'; File: '.$e->getFile().' ('.$e->getLine().')',