diff --git a/roles/matrix-nginx-proxy/defaults/main.yml b/roles/matrix-nginx-proxy/defaults/main.yml index 79211a233..cbde779f0 100644 --- a/roles/matrix-nginx-proxy/defaults/main.yml +++ b/roles/matrix-nginx-proxy/defaults/main.yml @@ -183,6 +183,10 @@ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_identity_api_addr_sans_container: " # Controls whether proxying for metrics (`/_synapse/metrics`) should be done (on the matrix domain) matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_metrics: false matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_metrics_basic_auth_enabled: false +# The following value will be written verbatim to the htpasswd file that stores the password for nginx to check against and needs to be encoded appropriately. +# Read the manpage at `man 1 htpasswd` to learn more, then encrypt your password, and paste the encrypted value here. +# e.g. `htpasswd -c mypass.htpasswd prometheus` and enter `mysecurepw` when prompted yields `prometheus:$apr1$wZhqsn.U$7LC3kMmjUbjNAZjyMyvYv/` +# The part after `prometheus:` is needed here. matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_metrics_basic_auth_key: "$apr1$wZhqsn.U$7LC3kMmjUbjNAZjyMyvYv/" matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_metrics_basic_auth_key: "" # The addresses where the Matrix Client API is.