diff --git a/docs/configuring-playbook-own-webserver.md b/docs/configuring-playbook-own-webserver.md index 2295ecb3a..74d0d06c6 100644 --- a/docs/configuring-playbook-own-webserver.md +++ b/docs/configuring-playbook-own-webserver.md @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_custom: Such a configuration would expose all services on a local port `81` and Matrix Federation on a local port `8449`. -Your reverse-proxy configuration needs to send traffic to these ports. The [`examples/reverse-proxies` directory](../examples/reverse-proxies/) contains sample configuration for various webservers (Apache2, Caddy, HAproxy, nginx). +Your reverse-proxy configuration needs to send traffic to these ports. The [`examples/reverse-proxies` directory](../examples/reverse-proxies/) contains sample configuration for various webservers (Apache2, Caddy, HAproxy, nginx, Nginx Proxy Manager). It's important that these webservers proxy-pass requests to the correct place and also set the `Host` HTTP header appropriately. If you don't pass the `Host` header correctly, you would get a 404 not found error from Traefik.