# Project source code URL: https://github.com/nginx/nginx
matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled: true
# renovate: datasource=docker depName=nginx
matrix_nginx_proxy_version: 1.25.3-alpine

# We use an official nginx image, which we fix-up to run unprivileged.
# An alternative would be an `nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged` image, but
# that is frequently out of date.
matrix_nginx_proxy_docker_image: "{{ matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}nginx:{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_version }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"

matrix_nginx_proxy_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/nginx-proxy"
matrix_nginx_proxy_data_path: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_base_path }}/data"
matrix_nginx_proxy_data_path_in_container: "/nginx-data"
matrix_nginx_proxy_data_path_extension: "/matrix-domain"
matrix_nginx_proxy_confd_path: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_base_path }}/conf.d"

# List of systemd services that matrix-nginx-proxy.service depends on
matrix_nginx_proxy_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service']

# List of systemd services that matrix-nginx-proxy.service wants
matrix_nginx_proxy_systemd_wanted_services_list: []

# The base container network.
# Also see: matrix_nginx_proxy_container_additional_networks
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_network: "{{ matrix_docker_network }}"

# A list of additional container networks that matrix-nginx-proxy would be connected to.
# The playbook does not create these networks, so make sure they already exist.
# Use this to expose matrix-nginx-proxy to another reverse proxy, which runs in a different container network,
# without exposing all other Matrix services to that other reverse-proxy.
# For background, see: https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy/issues/1498
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_additional_networks: []

# A list of additional "volumes" to mount in the container.
# This list gets populated dynamically at runtime. You can provide a different default value,
# if you wish to mount your own files into the container.
# Contains definition objects like this: `{"src": "/outside", "dst": "/inside", "options": "rw|ro|slave|.."}
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_additional_volumes: []

# matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_enabled controls whether labels to assist a Traefik reverse-proxy will be attached to the container.
# See `../templates/labels.j2` for details.
# To inject your own other container labels, see `matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_additional_labels`.
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_docker_network: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_container_network }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_entrypoints: web-secure
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_tls_certResolver: default  # noqa var-naming

matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_tls: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_entrypoints != 'web' }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_client_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_client_rule: "Host(`{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_client_hostname }}`)"
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_federation_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_federation_rule: "Host(`{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_federation_hostname }}`)"
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_federation_entrypoint: "{{ matrix_federation_traefik_entrypoint }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_federation_entrypoints: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_traefik_proxy_matrix_federation_entrypoint }}"

# matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_additional_labels contains a multiline string with additional labels to add to the container label file.
# See `../templates/labels.j2` for details.
# Example:
# matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_additional_labels: |
#   my.label=1
#   another.label="here"
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_labels_additional_labels: ''

# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_extra_arguments: []

# Controls whether matrix-nginx-proxy serves its vhosts over HTTPS or HTTP.
# If enabled:
# - SSL certificates would be expected to be available (see `matrix_ssl_retrieval_method`)
# - the HTTP vhost would be made a redirect to the HTTPS vhost
# If not enabled:
# - you don't need any SSL certificates (you can set `matrix_ssl_retrieval_method: none`)
# - naturally, there's no HTTPS vhost
# - services are served directly from the HTTP vhost
matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled: true

# Controls whether matrix-nginx-proxy trusts an upstream server's X-Forwarded-Proto header
# Required if you disable HTTPS for the container (see `matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled`) and have an upstream server handle it instead.
matrix_nginx_proxy_trust_forwarded_proto: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_x_forwarded_proto_value: "{{ '$http_x_forwarded_proto' if matrix_nginx_proxy_trust_forwarded_proto else '$scheme' }}"

# Controls whether the matrix-nginx-proxy container exposes its HTTP port (tcp/8080 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port: '80'

# Controls whether the matrix-nginx-proxy container exposes its HTTPS port (tcp/8443 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
# This only makes sense and applies if `matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled` is set to `true`.
# Otherwise, there are no HTTPS vhosts to expose.
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_https_host_bind_port: '443'

# Controls whether the matrix-nginx-proxy container exposes the Matrix Federation port (tcp/8448 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
# This only makes sense and applies if `matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_enabled` is set to `true`.
# Otherwise, there is no Matrix Federation port to expose.
# This port can take HTTP or HTTPS traffic, depending on `matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled`.
# When HTTPS is disabled, you'd likely want to only expose the port locally, and front it with another HTTPS-enabled reverse-proxy.
matrix_nginx_proxy_container_federation_host_bind_port: '8448'

# Option to disable the access log
matrix_nginx_proxy_access_log_enabled: true

# Controls whether proxying the Element domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_element_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_element_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_element }}"

# Controls whether proxying the Hydrogen domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_hydrogen_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_hydrogen_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_hydrogen }}"

# Controls whether proxying the Cinny domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_cinny_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_cinny_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_cinny }}"

# Controls whether proxying the schildichat domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_schildichat_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_schildichat_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_schildichat }}"

# Controls whether proxying the buscarron domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_buscarron_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_buscarron_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_buscarron }}"

# Controls whether proxying the matrix domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_hostname: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_hostname }}"
# The port name used for federation in the nginx configuration.
# This is not necessarily the port that it's actually on,
# as port-mapping happens (`-p ..`) for the `matrix-nginx-proxy` container.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_port: 8448

# Controls whether proxying the dimension domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_dimension_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_dimension_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_dimension }}"

# Controls whether proxying the rageshake domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_rageshake_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_rageshake_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_rageshake }}"

# Controls whether proxying the etherpad domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_etherpad_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_etherpad_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_etherpad }}"

# Controls whether proxying the goneb domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_bot_go_neb_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_bot_go_neb_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_bot_go_neb }}"

# Controls whether proxying the jitsi domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_jitsi_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_jitsi_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_jitsi }}"

# Controls whether proxying the grafana domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_grafana_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_grafana_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_grafana }}"

# Controls whether proxying the sygnal domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_sygnal_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_sygnal_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_sygnal }}"

# Controls whether proxying the mautrix wsproxy should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_mautrix_wsproxy_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_mautrix_wsproxy_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_mautrix_wsproxy }}"

# Controls whether proxying the ntfy domain should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_ntfy }}"

# Controls whether proxying for the matrix-corporal API (`/_matrix/corporal`) should be done (on the matrix domain)
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_corporal_api_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_corporal_api_addr_with_container: "matrix-corporal:41081"
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_corporal_api_addr_sans_container: ""

# Controls whether proxying for the media repo (`/_matrix/media`) should be done (on the matrix domain)
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_media_repo_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_media_repo_addr_with_container: "matrix-media-repo:{{ matrix_media_repo_port }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_media_repo_addr_sans_container: "{{ matrix_media_repo_port }}"

# The addresses where the Matrix Client API is.
# Certain extensions (like matrix-corporal) may override this in order to capture all traffic.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_addr_with_container: "matrix-nginx-proxy:12080"
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_addr_sans_container: ""

# This needs to be equal or higher than the maximum upload size accepted by Synapse.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_client_max_body_size_mb: 50

# `matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_forwarded_location_prefixes` holds
# the location prefixes that get forwarded to the Matrix Client API server.
# These locations get combined into a regex like this `^(/_matrix|/_synapse/client)`.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_forwarded_location_prefix_regexes: |

# Controls whether proxying for the Matrix Federation API should be done.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_addr_with_container: "matrix-nginx-proxy:12088"
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_addr_sans_container: ""
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_client_max_body_size_mb: "{{ (matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_client_max_body_size_mb | int) * 3 }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_ssl_certificate: "{{ matrix_ssl_config_dir_path }}/live/{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_hostname }}/fullchain.pem"
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_ssl_certificate_key: "{{ matrix_ssl_config_dir_path }}/live/{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_hostname }}/privkey.pem"
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_ssl_trusted_certificate: "{{ matrix_ssl_config_dir_path }}/live/{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_hostname }}/chain.pem"

# The tmpfs at /tmp needs to be large enough to handle multiple concurrent file uploads.
matrix_nginx_proxy_tmp_directory_size_mb: "{{ (matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_client_max_body_size_mb | int) * 50 }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_tmp_cache_directory_size_mb: "{{ (matrix_nginx_proxy_synapse_cache_max_size_mb | int) * 2 }}"
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx server configuration (nginx.conf).
# for big matrixservers to enlarge the number of open files to prevent timeouts
# matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_additional_configuration_blocks:
#  - 'worker_rlimit_nofile 30000;'
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_additional_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx event server configuration (nginx.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_event_additional_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx http's server configuration (nginx-http.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_http_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the base matrix server configuration (matrix-domain.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Riot's server configuration (matrix-riot-web.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_riot_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Element's server configuration (matrix-client-element.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_element_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Hydrogen's server configuration (matrix-client-hydrogen.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_hydrogen_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Cinny's server configuration (matrix-client-cinny.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_cinny_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to schildichat's server configuration (matrix-client-schildichat.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_schildichat_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to buscarron's server configuration (matrix-bot-buscarron.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_buscarron_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Dimension's server configuration (matrix-dimension.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_dimension_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Rageshake's server configuration (matrix-rageshake.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_rageshake_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to etherpad's server configuration (matrix-etherpad.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_etherpad_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to GoNEB's server configuration (matrix-bot-go-neb.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_bot_go_neb_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Jitsi's server configuration (matrix-jitsi.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_jitsi_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Grafana's server configuration (matrix-grafana.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_grafana_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to Sygnal's server configuration (matrix-sygnal.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_sygnal_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to mautrix wsproxy server configuration (matrix-mautrix-wsproxy.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_mautrix_wsproxy_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to ntfy's server configuration (matrix-ntfy.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the base domain server configuration (matrix-base-domain.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_domain_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []

# To increase request timeout in NGINX using proxy_read_timeout, proxy_connect_timeout, proxy_send_timeout, send_timeout directives
# Nginx Default: proxy_connect_timeout 60s;   #Defines a timeout for establishing a connection with a proxied server
# Nginx Default: proxy_send_timeout 60s;      #Sets a timeout for transmitting a request to the proxied server.
# Nginx Default: proxy_read_timeout 60s;      #Defines a timeout for reading a response from the proxied server.
# Nginx Default: send_timeout 60s;            #Sets a timeout for transmitting a response to the client.
# For more information visit:
# http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html
# http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#send_timeout
# https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/fullexample2/
# Here we are sticking with nginx default values change this value carefully.
matrix_nginx_proxy_connect_timeout: 60
matrix_nginx_proxy_send_timeout: 60
matrix_nginx_proxy_read_timeout: 60
matrix_nginx_send_timeout: 60

# Controls whether to send a "Permissions-Policy interest-cohort=();" header along with all responses for all vhosts meant to be accessed by users.
# Learn more about what it is here:
# - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/03/googles-floc-terrible-idea
# - https://paramdeo.com/blog/opting-your-website-out-of-googles-floc-network
# - https://amifloced.org/
# Of course, a better solution is to just stop using browsers (like Chrome), which participate in such tracking practices.
matrix_nginx_proxy_floc_optout_enabled: true

# HSTS Preloading Enable
# In its strongest and recommended form, the [HSTS policy](https://www.chromium.org/hsts) includes all subdomains, and
# indicates a willingness to be “preloaded” into browsers:
# `Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload`
# For more information visit:
# - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security
# - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Strict-Transport-Security
# - https://hstspreload.org/#opt-in
matrix_nginx_proxy_hsts_preload_enabled: false

# X-XSS-Protection Enable
# Stops pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
# Note: Not applicable for grafana
# Learn more about it is here:
# - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-XSS-Protection
# - https://portswigger.net/web-security/cross-site-scripting/reflected
matrix_nginx_proxy_xss_protection: "1; mode=block"

# Specifies the SSL configuration that should be used for the SSL protocols and ciphers
# This is based on the Mozilla Server Side TLS Recommended configurations.
# The posible values are:
# - "modern" - For Modern clients that support TLS 1.3, with no need for backwards compatibility
# - "intermediate" - Recommended configuration for a general-purpose server
# - "old" - Services accessed by very old clients or libraries, such as Internet Explorer 8 (Windows XP), Java 6, or OpenSSL 0.9.8
# For more information visit:
# - https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS#Recommended_configurations
# - https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/#server=nginx
matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset: "intermediate"

# Presets are taken from Mozilla's Server Side TLS Recommended configurations
# DO NOT modify these values and use `matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_protocols`, `matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_ciphers` and `matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_ciphers`
# if you wish to use something more custom.
    protocols: TLSv1.3
    ciphers: ""
    prefer_server_ciphers: "off"
    protocols: TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
    prefer_server_ciphers: "off"
    protocols: TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
    prefer_server_ciphers: "on"

# Specifies which *SSL protocols* to use when serving all the various vhosts.
matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_protocols: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_presets[matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset]['protocols'] }}"

# Specifies whether to prefer *the client’s choice or the server’s choice* when negotiating ciphers.
matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_presets[matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset]['prefer_server_ciphers'] }}"

# Specifies which *SSL Cipher suites* to use when serving all the various vhosts.
# To see the full list for suportes ciphers run `openssl ciphers` on your server
matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_ciphers: "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_presets[matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset]['ciphers'] }}"

# Specifies what to use for the X-Forwarded-For variable.
# If you're fronting the nginx reverse-proxy with additional reverse-proxy servers,
# you may wish to set this to '$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for' instead.
matrix_nginx_proxy_x_forwarded_for: '$remote_addr'

# For OCSP purposes, we need to define a resolver at the `server{}` level or `http{}` level (we do the latter).
# Otherwise, we get warnings like this:
# > [warn] 22#22: no resolver defined to resolve r3.o.lencr.org while requesting certificate status, responder: r3.o.lencr.org, certificate: "/matrix/ssl/config/live/.../fullchain.pem"
# We point it to the internal Docker resolver, which likely delegates to nameservers defined in `/etc/resolv.conf`.
# When nginx proxy is disabled, our configuration is likely used by non-containerized nginx, so can't use the internal Docker resolver.
# Pointing `resolver` to some public DNS server might be an option, but for now we impose DNS servers on people.
# It might also be that no such warnings occur when not running in a container.
matrix_nginx_proxy_http_level_resolver: "{{ '' if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else '' }}"

# By default, this playbook automatically retrieves and auto-renews
# free SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt.
# The following retrieval methods are supported:
# - "lets-encrypt" - the playbook obtains free SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt
# - "self-signed" - the playbook generates and self-signs certificates
# - "manually-managed" - lets you manage certificates by yourself (manually; see below)
# - "none" - like "manually-managed", but doesn't care if you don't drop certificates in the location it expects
# If you decide to manage certificates by yourself (`matrix_ssl_retrieval_method: manually-managed`),
# you'd need to drop them into the directory specified by `matrix_ssl_config_dir_path`
# obeying the following hierarchy:
# - <matrix_ssl_config_dir_path>/live/<domain>/fullchain.pem
# - <matrix_ssl_config_dir_path>/live/<domain>/privkey.pem
# where <domain> refers to the domains that you need (usually `matrix_server_fqn_matrix` and `matrix_server_fqn_element`).
# The "none" type (`matrix_ssl_retrieval_method: none`), simply means that no certificate retrieval will happen.
# It's useful for when you've disabled the nginx proxy (`matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled: false`)
# and you'll be using another reverse-proxy server (like Apache) with your own certificates, managed by yourself.
# It's also useful if you're using `matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled: false` to make this nginx proxy serve
# plain HTTP traffic only (usually, on the loopback interface only) and you'd be terminating SSL using another reverse-proxy.
matrix_ssl_retrieval_method: "lets-encrypt"

matrix_ssl_architecture: "amd64"

# The full list of domains that this role will obtain certificates for.
# This variable is likely redefined outside of the role, to include the domains that are necessary (depending on the services that are enabled).
# To add additional domain names, consider using `matrix_ssl_additional_domains_to_obtain_certificates_for` instead.
matrix_ssl_domains_to_obtain_certificates_for: "{{ matrix_ssl_additional_domains_to_obtain_certificates_for }}"

# A list of additional domain names to obtain certificates for.
matrix_ssl_additional_domains_to_obtain_certificates_for: []

# Controls whether to obtain production or staging certificates from Let's Encrypt.
# If you'd like to use another ACME Certificate Authority server (not Let's Encrypt), use `matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_server`
matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_staging: false

# Controls from which Certificate Authority server to retrieve the SSL certificates (passed as a `--server` flag to Certbot).
# By default, we use the Let's Encrypt production environment (use `matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_staging` for using the staging environment).
# Learn more here: https://eff-certbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/using.html#changing-the-acme-server
matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_server: ''

matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_docker_image: "{{ matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}certbot/certbot:{{ matrix_ssl_architecture }}-v2.0.0"
matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_standalone_http_port: 2402
matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email: ~

# Tells which interface and port the Let's Encrypt (certbot) container should try to bind to
# when it tries to obtain initial certificates in standalone mode.
# This should normally be a public interface and port.
# If you'd like to not bind on all IP addresses, specify one explicitly (e.g. `a.b.c.d:80`)
matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_container_standalone_http_host_bind_port: '80'

# Specify key type of the private key algorithm.
# Learn more here: https://eff-certbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/using.html#rsa-and-ecdsa-keys
matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_key_type: ecdsa

matrix_ssl_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/ssl"
matrix_ssl_config_dir_path: "{{ matrix_ssl_base_path }}/config"
matrix_ssl_log_dir_path: "{{ matrix_ssl_base_path }}/log"
matrix_ssl_bin_dir_path: "{{ matrix_ssl_base_path }}/bin"

# If you'd like to start some service before a certificate is obtained, specify it here.
# This could be something like `matrix-dynamic-dns`, etc.
matrix_ssl_pre_obtaining_required_service_name: ~
matrix_ssl_pre_obtaining_required_service_start_wait_time_seconds: 60

# matrix_ssl_orphaned_renewal_configs_purging_enabled controls whether the playbook will delete Let's Encryption renewal configuration files (`/matrix/ssl/config/renewal/*.conf)
# for domains that are not part of the `matrix_ssl_domains_to_obtain_certificates_for` list.
# As the `matrix_ssl_domains_to_obtain_certificates_for` list changes over time, the playbook obtains certificates for various domains
# and sets up "renewal" configuration files to keep these certificates fresh.
# When a domain disappears from the `matrix_ssl_domains_to_obtain_certificates_for` list (because its associated service had gotten disabled),
# the certificate files and renewal configuration still remain in the filesystem and certbot may try to renewal the certificate for this domain.
# If there's no DNS record for this domain or it doesn't point to this server anymore, the `matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-certificates-renew.service` systemd service
# won't be able to renew the certificate and will generate an error.
# With `matrix_ssl_orphaned_renewal_configs_purging_enabled` enabled, orphaned renewal configurations will be purged on each playbook run.
# Some other leftover files will still remain, but we don't bother purging them because they don't cause troubles.
matrix_ssl_orphaned_renewal_configs_purging_enabled: true

# Nginx Optimize SSL Session
# ssl_session_cache:
# - Creating a cache of TLS connection parameters reduces the number of handshakes
#   and thus can improve the performance of application.
# - Default session cache is not optimal as it can be used by only one worker process
#   and can cause memory fragmentation. It is much better to use shared cache.
# - Learn More: https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_ssl_module.html
# ssl_session_timeout:
# - Nginx by default it is set to 5 minutes which is very low.
#   should be like 4h or 1d but will require you to increase the size of cache.
# - Learn More:
#     https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/6903
#     https://github.com/mozilla/server-side-tls/issues/198
# ssl_session_tickets:
# - In case of session tickets, information about session is given to the client.
#   Enabling this improve performance also make Perfect Forward Secrecy useless.
# - If you would instead like to use ssl_session_tickets by yourself, you can set
#   matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_session_tickets_off false.
# - Learn More: https://github.com/mozilla/server-side-tls/issues/135
# Presets are taken from Mozilla's Server Side TLS Recommended configurations
matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_session_cache: "shared:MozSSL:10m"
matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_session_timeout: "1d"
matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_session_tickets_off: true

# OCSP Stapling eliminating the need for clients to contact the CA, with the aim of improving both security and performance.
# OCSP stapling can provide a performance boost of up to 30%
# nginx web server supports OCSP stapling since version 1.3.7.
# *warning* Nginx is lazy loading OCSP responses, which means that for the first few web requests it is unable to add the OCSP response.
# set matrix_nginx_proxy_ocsp_stapling_enabled false to disable OCSP Stapling
# Learn more about what it is here:
# - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCSP_stapling
# - https://blog.cloudflare.com/high-reliability-ocsp-stapling/
# - https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2013/07/29/ocsp-stapling-in-firefox/
matrix_nginx_proxy_ocsp_stapling_enabled: true

# nginx status page configurations.
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_nginx_status_enabled: false
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_nginx_status_allowed_addresses: ['{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}']

# The amount of worker processes and connections
# Consider increasing these when you are expecting high amounts of traffic
# http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#worker_connections
matrix_nginx_proxy_worker_processes: auto
matrix_nginx_proxy_worker_connections: 1024