
- name: Fail if Macaroon key is missing
    msg: "You need to set a secret in the matrix_synapse_macaroon_secret_key variable"
  when: "matrix_synapse_macaroon_secret_key == ''"

- name: Fail if Coturn Auth secret is missing
    msg: "You need to set a secret in the matrix_coturn_turn_static_auth_secret variable"
  when: "matrix_coturn_turn_static_auth_secret == ''"

# This sanity check is only used to detect uppercase when people override these specific variables.
# If people set `host_specific_hostname_identity` without overriding other variables (the general use-case),
# we take care to lower-case it automatically and it won't cause trouble anyway.
- name: Fail if uppercase domain used
    msg: "Detected that you're using an uppercase domain name - `{{ item }}`. This will cause trouble. Please use all-lowercase!"
  when: "item != item|lower"
    - "{{ hostname_identity }}"
    - "{{ hostname_matrix }}"
    - "{{ hostname_riot }}"