
- name: Fail if playbook called incorrectly
    msg: "The `server_path_homeserver_db` variable needs to be provided to this playbook, via --extra-vars"
  when: "server_path_homeserver_db is not defined or server_path_homeserver_db.startswith('<')"

- name: Check if the provided SQLite homeserver.db file exists
    path: "{{ server_path_homeserver_db }}"
  register: result_server_path_homeserver_db_stat

- name: Fail if provided SQLite homeserver.db file doesn't exist
    msg: "File cannot be found on the server at {{ server_path_homeserver_db }}"
  when: "not result_server_path_homeserver_db_stat.stat.exists"

# We don't use the `docker_container` module, because using it with `cap_drop` requires
# a very recent version, which is not available for a lot of people yet.
# Also, some old `docker_container` versions were buggy and would leave containers behind
# on failure, which we had to work around to allow retries (by re-running the playbook).
- name: Import SQLite database into Postgres
    cmd: |
      docker run
      --user={{ matrix_user_uid }}:{{ matrix_user_gid }}
      --network={{ matrix_synapse_container_network }}
      --mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_synapse_config_dir_path }},dst=/data
      --mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_synapse_config_dir_path }},dst=/matrix-media-store-parent/media-store
      --mount type=bind,src={{ server_path_homeserver_db }},dst=/{{ server_path_homeserver_db | basename }}
      {{ matrix_synapse_docker_image_final }}
      /usr/local/bin/synapse_port_db --sqlite-database /{{ server_path_homeserver_db | basename }} --postgres-config /data/homeserver.yaml
  register: matrix_postgres_import_synapse_sqlite_db_result
  changed_when: matrix_postgres_import_synapse_sqlite_db_result.rc == 0