# Configuring service discovery via .well-known ## Introduction Service discovery lets various client programs which support it, to receive a full user id (e.g. `@username:example.com`) and determine where the Matrix server is automatically (e.g. `https://matrix.example.com`). This lets your users easily connect to your Matrix server without having to customize connection URLs. As [per the specification](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.4.0.html#server-discovery) Matrix does service discovery using a `/.well-known/matrix/client` file hosted on the base domain (e.g. `example.com`). However, this playbook installs your Matrix server on another domain (e.g. `matrix.example.com`) and not on the base domain (e.g. `example.com`), so it takes a little extra manual effort to set up the file. ## Prerequisites To implement service discovery, your base domain's server (e.g. `example.com`) needs to support HTTPS. ## Setting it up To make things easy for you to set up, this playbook generates and hosts the well-known file on the Matrix domain's server (e.g. `https://matrix.example.com/.well-known/matrix/client`), even though this is the wrong place to host it. You have 2 options when it comes to installing the file on the base domain's server: 1) (Option 1): **Copying the file manually** to your base domain's server All it takes is copying the `/.well-known/matrix/client` from the Matrix server (e.g. `matrix.example.com`) to your base domain's server (`example.com`). This is easy to do and possibly your only choice if you can only host static files from the base domain's server. It is, however, a little fragile, as future updates performed by this playbook may regenerate the well-known file and you may need to notice that and copy it again. 2) (Option 2): **Setting up reverse-proxying** of the well-known file from the base domain's server to the Matrix server. This option is less fragile and generally better. On the base domain's server (e.g. `example.com`), you can set up reverse-proxying, so that any access for the `/.well-known/matrix` location prefix is forwarded to the Matrix domain's server (e.g. `matrix.example.com`). **For nginx**, it would be something like this: ```nginx # This is your HTTPS-enabled server for DOMAIN. server { server_name DOMAIN; location /.well-known/matrix { proxy_pass https://matrix.DOMAIN/.well-known/matrix; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } # other configuration } ``` **For Apache**, it would be something like this: ```apache ServerName DOMAIN SSLProxyEngine on ProxyPass "https://matrix.DOMAIN/.well-known/matrix" # other configuration ``` **For Caddy**, it would be something like this: ```caddy proxy /.well-known/matrix https://matrix.DOMAIN ``` Make sure to: - **replace `DOMAIN`** in the server configuration with your actual domain name - and: to **do this for the HTTPS-enabled server block**, as that's where Matrix expects the file to be ## Confirming it works No matter which method you've used to set up the well-known file, if you've done it correctly you should be able to see a JSON file at a URL like this: `https:///.well-known/matrix/client`. You can also check if everything is configured correctly, by [checking if services work](maintenance-checking-services.md).