{ "name": "Configure Website Access Backup", "description": "Configure base domain website settings and access the services backup.", "spec": [ { "question_name": "Customise Base Domain Website", "question_description": "Set if you want to adjust the base domain website using SFTP.", "required": true, "min": null, "max": null, "default": "{{ customise_base_domain_website|string|lower }}", "choices": "true\nfalse", "new_question": true, "variable": "customise_base_domain_website", "type": "multiplechoice" }, { "question_name": "SFTP Password", "question_description": "Sets the password of the 'sftp' account, which allows you to upload a multi-file static website by SFTP, as well as download the latest copy of your services backup. If empty the password won't be updated. WARNING: You must set a strong and unique password here.", "required": false, "min": 0, "max": 64, "default": "{{ sftp_password }}", "choices": "", "new_question": true, "variable": "sftp_password", "type": "password" } ] }