port: 8080 bindAddress: "" # Information about the corresponding app appName: "{{ matrix_fluffygate_app_name }}" appWebsite: "{{ matrix_fluffygate_app_website }}" # (Optional) Display logs for debugging debugLogs: {{ matrix_fluffygate_debug_logs | to_json }} # The default notification title and body. {count} will be replaced by the unread # count of the push notification. Won't be set by default for clearing notifications. notificationTitle: "{{ matrix_fluffygate_notification_title }}" notificationBody: "{{ matrix_fluffygate_notification_body }}" # Add json keys to send to fcm for android and apns configurations androidNotificationOptions: {{ matrix_fluffygate_android_notification_options | to_json }} apnsNotificationOptions: {{ matrix_fluffygate_apns_notification_options | to_json }} # You firebase project ID and the path to the key file for your service account. {% if matrix_fluffygate_firebase_project %} projectId: "{{ matrix_fluffygate_firebase_project }}" {% endif %} {% if matrix_fluffygate_firebase_key %} fcmKeyFilePath: "/data/firebase-key.json" {% endif %}