--- # The bare domain name which represents your Matrix identity. # Matrix user ids for your server will be of the form (`@user:`). # # Note: this playbook does not touch the server referenced here. # Installation happens on another server ("matrix.", see `matrix_server_fqn_matrix`). # # Example value: example.com matrix_domain: ~ # The optional matrix admin MXID, used in bridges' configs to set bridge admin user # Example value: "@someone:{{ matrix_domain }}" matrix_admin: '' # Global var to enable/disable encryption across all bridges with encryption support matrix_bridges_encryption_enabled: false # Global var to make encryption default/optional across all bridges with encryption support matrix_bridges_encryption_default: "{{ matrix_bridges_encryption_enabled }}" # Global var to enable/disable relay mode across all bridges with relay mode support matrix_bridges_relay_enabled: false # A container network where all addon services (bridges, bots, etc.) would live. matrix_addons_container_network: matrix-addons # The container network that the homeserver lives on and addon services (bridges, bots, etc.) should be connected to matrix_addons_homeserver_container_network: "{{ matrix_homeserver_container_network }}" # The URL where addon services (bridges, bots, etc.) can reach the homeserver. # By default, this is configured to go directly to the homeserver, but the playbook may # override it to go through an intermediary service. matrix_addons_homeserver_client_api_url: "{{ matrix_homeserver_container_url }}" # The systemd services (representing the homeserver) that addon services (bridges, bots, etc.) should depend on matrix_addons_homeserver_systemd_services_list: "{{ matrix_homeserver_systemd_services_list }}" # A container network where all monitoring services would live. matrix_monitoring_container_network: matrix-monitoring # matrix_homeserver_enabled controls whether to enable the homeserver systemd service, etc. # # Unless you're wrapping this playbook in another one # where you optionally wish to disable homeserver integration, you don't need to use this. # # Note: disabling this does not mean that a homeserver won't get installed. # Whether homeserver software is installed depends on other (`matrix_HOMESERVER_enabled`) variables - see `group_vars/matrix_servers`. matrix_homeserver_enabled: true # This will contain the homeserver implementation that is in use. # Valid values: synapse, dendrite, conduit # # By default, we use Synapse, because it's the only full-featured Matrix server at the moment. # # This value automatically influences other variables (`matrix_synapse_enabled`, `matrix_dendrite_enabled`, etc.). # The homeserver implementation of an existing server cannot be changed without data loss. matrix_homeserver_implementation: synapse # This contains a secret, which is used for generating various other secrets later on. matrix_homeserver_generic_secret_key: '' # This is where your data lives and what we set up. # This and the Element FQN (see below) are expected to be on the same server. matrix_server_fqn_matrix: "matrix.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access federation API. matrix_server_fqn_matrix_federation: '{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}' # This is where you access the Element web UI from (if enabled via matrix_client_element_enabled; enabled by default). # This and the Matrix FQN (see above) are expected to be on the same server. matrix_server_fqn_element: "element.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the Hydrogen web client from (if enabled via matrix_client_hydrogen_enabled; disabled by default). matrix_server_fqn_hydrogen: "hydrogen.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the Cinny web client from (if enabled via matrix_client_cinny_enabled; disabled by default). matrix_server_fqn_cinny: "cinny.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the SchildiChat web client from (if enabled via matrix_client_schildichat_enabled; disabled by default). matrix_server_fqn_schildichat: "schildichat.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the buscarron bot from (if enabled via matrix_bot_buscarron_enabled; disabled by default). matrix_server_fqn_buscarron: "buscarron.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the Dimension. matrix_server_fqn_dimension: "dimension.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the etherpad (if enabled via etherpad_enabled; disabled by default). matrix_server_fqn_etherpad: "etherpad.{{ matrix_domain }}" # For use with Go-NEB! (github callback url for example) matrix_server_fqn_bot_go_neb: "goneb.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access Jitsi. matrix_server_fqn_jitsi: "jitsi.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access Grafana. matrix_server_fqn_grafana: "stats.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the Sygnal push gateway. matrix_server_fqn_sygnal: "sygnal.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the mautrix wsproxy push gateway. matrix_server_fqn_mautrix_wsproxy: "wsproxy.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access the ntfy push notification service. matrix_server_fqn_ntfy: "ntfy.{{ matrix_domain }}" # This is where you access rageshake. matrix_server_fqn_rageshake: "rageshake.{{ matrix_domain }}" matrix_federation_public_port: 8448 # The name of the Traefik entrypoint for handling Matrix Federation # Also see the `matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_*` variables. matrix_federation_traefik_entrypoint_name: matrix-federation # Controls whether the federation entrypoint supports TLS. # TLS is force-enabled here, because the spec (https://spec.matrix.org/v1.9/server-server-api/#tls) says that the federation API must use HTTPS. # This may be changed at the playbook level for setups explicitly disabling TLS. # `matrix_playbook_ssl_enabled` has no influence over this. matrix_federation_traefik_entrypoint_tls: true # The architecture that your server runs. # Recognized values by us are 'amd64', 'arm32' and 'arm64'. # Not all architectures support all services, so your experience (on non-amd64) may vary. # See docs/alternative-architectures.md matrix_architecture: "{{ 'amd64' if ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' else ('arm64' if ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' else ('arm32' if ansible_architecture.startswith('armv') else '')) }}" # The architecture for Debian packages. # See: https://wiki.debian.org/SupportedArchitectures # We just remap from our `matrix_architecture` values to what Debian and possibly other distros call things. matrix_debian_arch: "{{ 'armhf' if matrix_architecture == 'arm32' else matrix_architecture }}" matrix_container_global_registry_prefix: "docker.io/" matrix_user_username: "matrix" matrix_user_groupname: "matrix" # By default, the playbook creates the user (`matrix_user_username`) # and group (`matrix_user_groupname`) with a random ID. # To use a specific user/group ID, override these variables. matrix_user_uid: ~ matrix_user_gid: ~ matrix_base_data_path: "/matrix" matrix_base_data_path_mode: "750" matrix_bin_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/bin" matrix_host_command_sleep: "/usr/bin/env sleep" matrix_host_command_chown: "/usr/bin/env chown" matrix_host_command_fusermount: "/usr/bin/env fusermount" matrix_host_command_openssl: "/usr/bin/env openssl" matrix_homeserver_url: "{{ ('https' if matrix_playbook_ssl_enabled else 'http') }}://{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}" # Specifies on which container network the homeserver is. matrix_homeserver_container_network: "matrix-homeserver" # Specifies whether the homeserver will federate at all. # Disable this to completely isolate your server from the rest of the Matrix network. matrix_homeserver_federation_enabled: true # Specifies which systemd services are responsible for the homeserver matrix_homeserver_systemd_services_list: [] # Specifies where the homeserver's Client-Server API is on the container network (matrix_homeserver_container_network). # Most services that need to reach the homeserver do not use `matrix_homeserver_container_url`, but # rather `matrix_addons_homeserver_client_api_url`. matrix_homeserver_container_url: "http://{{ matrix_homeserver_container_client_api_endpoint }}" # Specifies where the homeserver's Client-Server API is on the container network (matrix_homeserver_container_network). # Where this is depends on whether there's a reverse-proxy in front of the homeserver, which homeserver it is, etc. # This likely gets overriden elsewhere. matrix_homeserver_container_client_api_endpoint: "" # Specifies where the homeserver's Federation API is on the container network (matrix_homeserver_container_network). matrix_homeserver_container_federation_url: "http://{{ matrix_homeserver_container_federation_api_endpoint }}" # Specifies where the homeserver's Federation API is on the container network (matrix_homeserver_container_network). # Where this is depends on whether there's a reverse-proxy in front of the homeserver, which homeserver it is, etc. # This likely gets overriden elsewhere. matrix_homeserver_container_federation_api_endpoint: "" # Specifies the public url of the Sync v3 (sliding-sync) API. # This will be used to set the `org.matrix.msc3575.proxy` property in `/.well-known/matrix/client`. # Once the API is stabilized, this will no longer be required. # See MSC3575: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/blob/kegan/sync-v3/proposals/3575-sync.md matrix_homeserver_sliding_sync_url: "" matrix_identity_server_url: ~ matrix_integration_manager_rest_url: ~ matrix_integration_manager_ui_url: ~ matrix_homeserver_container_extra_arguments_auto: [] matrix_homeserver_app_service_config_files_auto: [] # Controls whether various services should expose metrics publicly. # If Prometheus is operating on the same machine, exposing metrics publicly is not necessary. matrix_metrics_exposure_enabled: false matrix_metrics_exposure_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}" matrix_metrics_exposure_path_prefix: /metrics matrix_metrics_exposure_http_basic_auth_enabled: false # See https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/middlewares/http/basicauth/#users matrix_metrics_exposure_http_basic_auth_users: '' # Specifies the type of reverse-proxy used by the playbook. # # Changing this has an effect on whether a reverse-proxy is installed at all and what its type is, # as well as how all other services are configured. # # Valid options and a description of their behavior: # # - `playbook-managed-traefik` # - the playbook will run a managed Traefik instance (matrix-traefik) # - Traefik will do SSL termination, unless you disable it (e.g. `traefik_config_entrypoint_web_secure_enabled: false`) # - if SSL termination is enabled (as it is by default), you need to populate: `traefik_config_certificatesResolvers_acme_email` # # - `other-traefik-container` # - this playbook will not install Traefik # - nevertheless, the playbook expects that you would install Traefik yourself via other means # - you should make sure your Traefik configuration is compatible with what the playbook would have configured (web, web-secure, matrix-federation entrypoints, etc.) # - you need to set `matrix_playbook_reverse_proxyable_services_additional_network` to the name of your Traefik network # - Traefik certs dumper will be enabled by default (`traefik_certs_dumper_enabled`). You need to point it to your Traefik's SSL certificates (`traefik_certs_dumper_ssl_dir_path`) # # - `none` # - no reverse-proxy will be installed # - no port exposure will be done for any of the container services # - it's up to you to expose the ports you want, etc. # - this is unlikely to work well (if at all) matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_type: '' # Specifies the network that the reverse-proxy is operating at matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_container_network: 'traefik' # Specifies the hostname that the reverse-proxy is available at matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_hostname: 'matrix-traefik' # Controls the additional network that reverse-proxyable services will be connected to. matrix_playbook_reverse_proxyable_services_additional_network: "{{ matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_container_network }}" # Controls if various services think if SSL is enabled or not. # Disabling this does not actually disable Treafik's web-secure entrypoint and TLS termination settings. # For that, you'd need to use another variable (`traefik_config_entrypoint_web_secure_enabled`). # This variable merely serves as an indicator if SSL is used or not. matrix_playbook_ssl_enabled: true # Controls on which network interface services are exposed. # You can use this to tell all services to expose themselves on the loopback interface, on a local network IP or or publicly. # Possibly not all services support exposure via this variable. # We recommend not using it. # # Example value: `` (note the trailing `:`). matrix_playbook_service_host_bind_interface_prefix: "" # Controls whether to enable an additional Traefik entrypoint for the purpose of serving Matrix Federation. # By default, federation is served on a special port (8448), so a separate entrypoint is necessary. # Group variables may influence whether this is enabled based on the port number and on the default entrypoints of the Traefik reverse-proxy. matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_enabled: true matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_name: "{{ matrix_federation_traefik_entrypoint_name }}" matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_port: "{{ matrix_federation_public_port }}" matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_host_bind_port: "{{ matrix_federation_public_port }}" matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_host_bind_port_udp: "{{ matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_http3_advertisedPort if matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_http3_enabled else '' }}" matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config: "{{ (matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_default | combine (matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_auto)) | combine(matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_custom, recursive=True) }}" matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_http3_enabled: true matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_http3_advertisedPort: "{{ matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_port }}" # noqa var-naming matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_default: | {{ ({'http3': {'advertisedPort': matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_http3_advertisedPort | int}}) if matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_http3_enabled else {} }} matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_auto: {} matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_custom: {} matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_definition: name: "{{ matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_name }}" port: "{{ matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_port }}" host_bind_port: "{{ matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_host_bind_port }}" host_bind_port_udp: "{{ matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_host_bind_port_udp }}" config: "{{ matrix_playbook_public_matrix_federation_api_traefik_entrypoint_config }}" # Controls whether to enable an additional Traefik entrypoint for the purpose of serving the homeserver's Client-Server API internally. # # Homeserver software and other core components which are part of the homeserver's Client-Server API # may wish to register their routes with this additional entrypoint and provide their services on it for internal (no-public-network and non-TLS) use. # # This entrypoint provides local addons (e.g. bridges, bots, etc.) with the ability to easily & quickly communicate with the homeserver and/or related software. # Such services can reach the homeserver over the public internet (e.g. https://matrix.DOMAIN), but this is slow due to networking and SSL-termination. # Talking directly to the homeserver (e.g. `http://matrix-synapse:8008`) is another option, but does not allow other homeserver-related software # (e.g. identity servers like ma1sd, media repository servers like matrix-media-repo, firewalls like matrix-corporal) # to register itself for certain homeserver routes. # # For example: when matrix-media-repo is enabled, it wishes to handle `/_matrix/media` both publicly and internally. # Bots/bridges that try to upload media should not hit `/_matrix/media` on the homeserver directly, but actually go through matrix-media-repo. # # This entrypoint gives us a layer of indirection, so that all these homeserver-related services can register themselves on this entrypoint # the same way they register themselves for the public (e.g. `web-secure`) entrypoint. # # Routers enabled on this entrypoint should use Traefik rules which do NOT do Host-matching (Host/HostRegexp), # because addon services (e.g. bridges, bots) cannot properly pass a `Host` HTTP header when making # requests to the endpoint's address (e.g. `http://matrix-traefik:8008/`). # This entrypoint only aims to handle a single "virtual host" - one dealing with the homeserver's Client-Server API. matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_enabled: "{{ matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_type in ['playbook-managed-traefik', 'other-traefik-container'] }}" matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_name: matrix-internal-matrix-client-api matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_port: 8008 matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_host_bind_port: '' matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_auto | combine(matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_custom, recursive=True) }}" matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_auto: {} matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_custom: {} matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_definition: name: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_name }}" port: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_port }}" host_bind_port: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_host_bind_port }}" config: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config }}" # Variables to Control which parts of our roles run. run_postgres_import: true run_postgres_upgrade: true run_postgres_import_sqlite_db: true run_postgres_vacuum: true run_synapse_register_user: true run_synapse_update_user_password: true run_synapse_import_media_store: true run_synapse_rust_synapse_compress_state: true run_dendrite_register_user: true run_setup: true run_self_check: true run_start: true run_stop: true