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Setting up Dimension (optional)

Dimension can only be installed after Matrix services are installed and running. If you're just installing Matrix services for the first time, please continue with the Configuration / Installation flow and come back here later.

Note: This playbook now supports running Dimension in both a federated and unfederated environments. This is handled automatically based on the value of matrix_synapse_federation_enabled. Enabling Dimension, means that the openid API endpoints will be exposed on the Matrix Federation port (usually 8448), even if federation is disabled. It's something to be aware of, especially in terms of firewall whitelisting (make sure port 8448 is accessible).


The dimension.<your-domain> DNS record must be created. See Configuring your DNS server on how to set up DNS record correctly.


Dimension integrations manager installation is disabled by default. You can enable it in your configuration file (inventory/host_vars/matrix.<your-domain>/vars.yml):

matrix_dimension_enabled: true

Define admin users

These users can modify the integrations this Dimension supports. Add this to your configuration file (inventory/host_vars/matrix.<your-domain>/vars.yml):

  - "@user1:{{ matrix_domain }}"
  - "@user2:{{ matrix_domain }}"

The admin interface is accessible within Element by accessing it in any room and clicking the cog wheel/settings icon in the top right. Currently, Dimension can be opened in Element by the "Add widgets, bridges, & bots" link in the room information.

Access token

We recommend that you create a dedicated Matrix user for Dimension (dimension is a good username). Follow our Registering users guide to learn how to register a regular (non-admin) user.

You are required to specify an access token (belonging to this new user) for Dimension to work. To get an access token for the Dimension user, you can follow one of two options:

Through an interactive login:

  1. In a private browsing session (incognito window), open Element.
  2. Log in with the dimension user and its password.
  3. Set the display name and avatar, if required.
  4. In the settings page choose "Help & About", scroll down to the bottom and expand the Access Token section.
  5. Copy the access token to your configuration.
  6. Close the private browsing session. Do not log out. Logging out will invalidate the token, making it not work.


curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
    "identifier": { "type": "m.id.user", "user": "YourDimensionUsername" },
    "password": "YourDimensionPassword",
    "type": "m.login.password"
}' 'https://matrix.YOURDOMAIN/_matrix/client/r0/login'

Change YourDimensionUsername, YourDimensionPassword, and YOURDOMAIN accordingly.

Access tokens are sensitive information. Do not include them in any bug reports, messages, or logs. Do not share the access token with anyone.

Add access token to your configuration file (inventory/host_vars/matrix.<your-domain>/vars.yml):

matrix_dimension_access_token: "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN HERE"

For more information on how to acquire an access token, visit https://t2bot.io/docs/access_tokens.


After these variables have been set, please run the following command to re-run setup and to restart Dimension:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=setup-all,start

After Dimension has been installed you may need to log out and log back in for it to pick up the new integrations manager. Then you can access integrations in Element by opening a room, clicking the Room info button (i) button in the top right corner of the screen, and then clicking Add widgets, bridges & bots.

Jitsi domain

By default Dimension will use jitsi.riot.im as the conferenceDomain of Jitsi audio/video conference widgets. For users running a self-hosted Jitsi instance, you will likely want the widget to use your own Jitsi instance. Currently there is no way to configure this via the playbook, see this issue for details.

In the interim until the above limitation is resolved, an admin user needs to configure the domain via the admin ui once dimension is running. In Element, go to Manage IntegrationsSettingsWidgetsJitsi Conference Settings and set Jitsi Domain and Jitsi Script URL appropriately.

Additional features

To use a more custom configuration, you can define a matrix_dimension_configuration_extension_yaml string variable and put your configuration in it. To learn more about how to do this, refer to the information about matrix_dimension_configuration_extension_yaml in the default variables file of the Dimension component.

You can find all configuration options on GitHub page of Dimension project.