mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 15:20:04 +00:00

Media didn't work before this patch, likely because this feature is broken:
> N.B. Discord now requires signed expiring download links, which means this solution no longer works. In the future, a more dynamic solution may be implemented where requests go to the bridge and the bridge and the bridge refetches the message if necessary.
Source: https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/go/discord/direct-media.html
Moreover, most users more likely don't want this behavior and would
prefer to keep a complete mirror of the media on Matrix, instead of
going through two 3rd party servers to fetch the media on demand.
The default config for the bridge
actually does not enable it.
It seems like 4ed522e8fe
lied to us as to what upstream does. Poor PR review lead to this
anti-feature making it into the playbook.
303 lines
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303 lines
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#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True"
# Homeserver details.
# The address that this appservice can use to connect to the homeserver.
address: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_homeserver_address | to_json }}
# Publicly accessible base URL for media, used for avatars in relay mode.
# If not set, the connection address above will be used.
public_address: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_homeserver_public_address | to_json }}
# The domain of the homeserver (for MXIDs, etc).
domain: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_homeserver_domain | to_json }}
# Is the homeserver actually mautrix-asmux?
asmux: false
# The URL to push real-time bridge status to.
# If set, the bridge will make POST requests to this URL whenever a user's discord connection state changes.
# The bridge will use the appservice as_token to authorize requests.
status_endpoint: null
# Endpoint for reporting per-message status.
message_send_checkpoint_endpoint: null
# Does the homeserver support https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/2246?
async_media: false
# Application service host/registration related details.
# Changing these values requires regeneration of the registration.
# The address that the homeserver can use to connect to this appservice.
address: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_appservice_address | to_json }}
# The hostname and port where this appservice should listen.
port: 8080
# Database config.
# The database type. "sqlite3" and "postgres" are supported.
type: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_appservice_database_type|to_json }}
# The database URI.
# SQLite: File name is enough. https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3#connection-string
# Postgres: Connection string. For example, postgres://user:password@host/database?sslmode=disable
# To connect via Unix socket, use something like postgres:///dbname?host=/var/run/postgresql
uri: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_appservice_database_uri|to_json }}
# Maximum number of connections. Mostly relevant for Postgres.
max_open_conns: 20
max_idle_conns: 2
# Maximum connection idle time and lifetime before they're closed. Disabled if null.
# Parsed with https://pkg.go.dev/time#ParseDuration
max_conn_idle_time: null
max_conn_lifetime: null
# The unique ID of this appservice.
id: discord
# Appservice bot details.
# Username of the appservice bot.
username: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_appservice_bot_username|to_json }}
# Display name and avatar for bot. Set to "remove" to remove display name/avatar, leave empty
# to leave display name/avatar as-is.
displayname: Discord bridge bot
avatar: mxc://maunium.net/nIdEykemnwdisvHbpxflpDlC
# Whether or not to receive ephemeral events via appservice transactions.
# Requires MSC2409 support (i.e. Synapse 1.22+).
ephemeral_events: true
# Authentication tokens for AS <-> HS communication. Autogenerated; do not modify.
as_token: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_appservice_token | to_json }}
hs_token: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_homeserver_token | to_json }}
# Bridge config
# Localpart template of MXIDs for Discord users.
# {{ '{{.}}' }} is replaced with the internal ID of the Discord user.
username_template: "{{ 'discord_{{.}}' }}"
# Displayname template for Discord users. This is also used as the room name in DMs if private_chat_portal_meta is enabled.
# Available variables:
# {{ '{{.ID}}' }} - Internal user ID
# {{ '{{.Username}}' }} - Legacy display/username on Discord
# {{ '{{.GlobalName}}' }} - New displayname on Discord
# {{ '{{.Discriminator}}' }} - The 4 numbers after the name on Discord
# {{ '{{.Bot}}' }} - Whether the user is a bot
# {{ '{{.System}}' }} - Whether the user is an official system user
# {{ '{{.Webhook}}' }} - Whether the user is a webhook and is not an application
# {{ '{{.Application}}' }} - Whether the user is an application
displayname_template: "{{ '{{or .GlobalName .Username}}{{if .Bot}} (bot){{end}}' }}"
# Displayname template for Discord channels (bridged as rooms, or spaces when type=4).
# Available variables:
# {{ '{{.Name}}' }} - Channel name, or user displayname (pre-formatted with displayname_template) in DMs.
# {{ '{{.ParentName}}' }} - Parent channel name (used for categories).
# {{ '{{.GuildName}}' }} - Guild name.
# {{ '{{.NSFW}}' }} - Whether the channel is marked as NSFW.
# {{ '{{.Type}}' }} - Channel type (see values at https://github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo/blob/v0.25.0/structs.go#L251-L267)
channel_name_template: "{{ '{{if or (eq .Type 3) (eq .Type 4)}}{{.Name}}{{else}}#{{.Name}}{{end}}' }}"
# Displayname template for Discord guilds (bridged as spaces).
# Available variables:
# {{ '{{.Name}}' }} - Guild name
guild_name_template: "{{ '{{.Name}}' }}"
# Should the bridge explicitly set the avatar and room name for DM portal rooms?
# This is implicitly enabled in encrypted rooms.
# Whether to explicitly set the avatar and room name for private chat portal rooms.
# If set to `default`, this will be enabled in encrypted rooms and disabled in unencrypted rooms.
# If set to `always`, all DM rooms will have explicit names and avatars set.
# If set to `never`, DM rooms will never have names and avatars set.
private_chat_portal_meta: default
portal_message_buffer: 128
# Number of private channel portals to create on bridge startup.
# Other portals will be created when receiving messages.
startup_private_channel_create_limit: 5
# Should the bridge send a read receipt from the bridge bot when a message has been sent to Discord?
delivery_receipts: false
# Whether the bridge should send the message status as a custom com.beeper.message_send_status event.
message_status_events: true
# Whether the bridge should send error notices via m.notice events when a message fails to bridge.
message_error_notices: true
# Should the bridge use space-restricted join rules instead of invite-only for guild rooms?
# This can avoid unnecessary invite events in guild rooms when members are synced in.
restricted_rooms: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_bridge_restricted_rooms|to_json }}
# Should the bridge update the m.direct account data event when double puppeting is enabled.
# Note that updating the m.direct event is not atomic (except with mautrix-asmux)
# and is therefore prone to race conditions.
sync_direct_chat_list: false
# Set this to true to tell the bridge to re-send m.bridge events to all rooms on the next run.
# This field will automatically be changed back to false after it, except if the config file is not writable.
resend_bridge_info: false
# Should incoming custom emoji reactions be bridged as mxc:// URIs?
# If set to false, custom emoji reactions will be bridged as the shortcode instead, and the image wont be available.
custom_emoji_reactions: true
# Should the bridge attempt to completely delete portal rooms when a channel is deleted on Discord?
# If true, the bridge will try to kick Matrix users from the room. Otherwise, the bridge only makes ghosts leave.
delete_portal_on_channel_delete: false
# Should the bridge delete all portal rooms when you leave a guild on Discord?
# This only applies if the guild has no other Matrix users on this bridge instance.
delete_guild_on_leave: true
# Whether or not created rooms should have federation enabled.
# If false, created portal rooms will never be federated.
federate_rooms: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_federate_rooms|to_json }}
# Prefix messages from webhooks with the profile info? This can be used along with a custom displayname_template
# to better handle webhooks that change their name all the time (like ones used by bridges).
prefix_webhook_messages: false
# Bridge webhook avatars?
enable_webhook_avatars: true
# Should the bridge upload media to the Discord CDN directly before sending the message when using a user token,
# like the official client does? The other option is sending the media in the message send request as a form part
# (which is always used by bots and webhooks).
use_discord_cdn_upload: true
# Should mxc uris copied from Discord be cached?
# This can be `never` to never cache, `unencrypted` to only cache unencrypted mxc uris, or `always` to cache everything.
# If you have a media repo that generates non-unique mxc uris, you should set this to never.
cache_media: unencrypted
# Patterns for converting Discord media to custom mxc:// URIs instead of reuploading.
# Each of the patterns can be set to null to disable custom URIs for that type of media.
# More details can be found at https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/go/discord/direct-media.html
# Should custom mxc:// URIs be used instead of reuploading media?
enabled: false
# Pattern for normal message attachments.
attachments: {% raw %}mxc://discord-media.mau.dev/attachments|{{.ChannelID}}|{{.AttachmentID}}|{{.FileName}}{% endraw %}
# Pattern for custom emojis.
emojis: {% raw %}mxc://discord-media.mau.dev/emojis|{{.ID}}.{{.Ext}}{% endraw %}
# Pattern for stickers. Note that animated lottie stickers will not be converted if this is enabled.
stickers: {% raw %}mxc://discord-media.mau.dev/stickers|{{.ID}}.{{.Ext}}{% endraw %}
# Pattern for static user avatars.
avatars: {% raw %}mxc://discord-media.mau.dev/avatars|{{.UserID}}|{{.AvatarID}}.{{.Ext}}{% endraw %}
# Settings for converting animated stickers.
# Format to which animated stickers should be converted.
# disable - No conversion, send as-is (lottie JSON)
# png - converts to non-animated png (fastest)
# gif - converts to animated gif
# webm - converts to webm video, requires ffmpeg executable with vp9 codec and webm container support
# webp - converts to animated webp, requires ffmpeg executable with webp codec/container support
target: webp
# Arguments for converter. All converters take width and height.
width: 320
height: 320
fps: 25 # only for webm, webp and gif (2, 5, 10, 20 or 25 recommended)
# Servers to always allow double puppeting from
"{{ matrix_mautrix_discord_homeserver_domain }}": {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_homeserver_address }}
# Allow using double puppeting from any server with a valid client .well-known file.
double_puppet_allow_discovery: false
# Shared secrets for https://github.com/devture/matrix-synapse-shared-secret-auth
# If set, double puppeting will be enabled automatically for local users
# instead of users having to find an access token and run `login-matrix`
# manually.
login_shared_secret_map: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_bridge_login_shared_secret_map|to_json }}
# The prefix for commands. Only required in non-management rooms.
command_prefix: "{{ matrix_mautrix_discord_command_prefix }}"
# Messages sent upon joining a management room.
# Markdown is supported. The defaults are listed below.
# Sent when joining a room.
welcome: "Hello, I'm a Discord bridge bot."
# Sent when joining a management room and the user is already logged in.
welcome_connected: "Use `help` for help."
# Sent when joining a management room and the user is not logged in.
welcome_unconnected: "Use `help` for help or `login` to log in."
# Optional extra text sent when joining a management room.
additional_help: ""
# Settings for backfilling messages.
# Limits for forward backfilling.
# Initial backfill (when creating portal). 0 means backfill is disabled.
# A special unlimited value is not supported, you must set a limit. Initial backfill will
# fetch all messages first before backfilling anything, so high limits can take a lot of time.
dm: 0
channel: 0
thread: 0
# Missed message backfill (on startup).
# 0 means backfill is disabled, -1 means fetch all messages since last bridged message.
# When using unlimited backfill (-1), messages are backfilled as they are fetched.
# With limits, all messages up to the limit are fetched first and backfilled afterwards.
dm: 0
channel: 0
thread: 0
# Maximum members in a guild to enable backfilling. Set to -1 to disable limit.
# This can be used as a rough heuristic to disable backfilling in channels that are too active.
# Currently only applies to missed message backfill.
max_guild_members: -1
# End-to-bridge encryption support options.
# See https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/general/end-to-bridge-encryption.html for more info.
# Allow encryption, work in group chat rooms with e2ee enabled
allow: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_bridge_encryption_allow|to_json }}
# Default to encryption, force-enable encryption in all portals the bridge creates
# This will cause the bridge bot to be in private chats for the encryption to work properly.
default: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_bridge_encryption_default|to_json }}
# Require encryption, drop any unencrypted messages.
require: false
# Enable key sharing? If enabled, key requests for rooms where users are in will be fulfilled.
# You must use a client that supports requesting keys from other users to use this feature.
allow_key_sharing: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_bridge_encryption_key_sharing_allow|to_json }}
# What level of device verification should be required from users?
# Valid levels:
# unverified - Send keys to all device in the room.
# cross-signed-untrusted - Require valid cross-signing, but trust all cross-signing keys.
# cross-signed-tofu - Require valid cross-signing, trust cross-signing keys on first use (and reject changes).
# cross-signed-verified - Require valid cross-signing, plus a valid user signature from the bridge bot.
# Note that creating user signatures from the bridge bot is not currently possible.
# verified - Require manual per-device verification
# (currently only possible by modifying the `trust` column in the `crypto_device` database table).
# Minimum level for which the bridge should send keys to when bridging messages from WhatsApp to Matrix.
receive: unverified
# Minimum level that the bridge should accept for incoming Matrix messages.
send: unverified
# Minimum level that the bridge should require for accepting key requests.
share: cross-signed-tofu
# Options for Megolm room key rotation. These options allow you to
# configure the m.room.encryption event content. See:
# https://spec.matrix.org/v1.3/client-server-api/#mroomencryption for
# more information about that event.
# Enable custom Megolm room key rotation settings. Note that these
# settings will only apply to rooms created after this option is
# set.
enable_custom: false
# The maximum number of milliseconds a session should be used
# before changing it. The Matrix spec recommends 604800000 (a week)
# as the default.
milliseconds: 604800000
# The maximum number of messages that should be sent with a given a
# session before changing it. The Matrix spec recommends 100 as the
# default.
messages: 100
# Settings for provisioning API
# Prefix for the provisioning API paths.
prefix: /_matrix/provision
# Shared secret for authentication. If set to "generate", a random secret will be generated,
# or if set to "disable", the provisioning API will be disabled.
shared_secret: generate
# Permissions for using the bridge.
# Permitted values:
# relay - Talk through the relaybot (if enabled), no access otherwise
# user - Access to use the bridge to chat with a Discord account.
# admin - User level and some additional administration tools
# Permitted keys:
# * - All Matrix users
# domain - All users on that homeserver
# mxid - Specific user
permissions: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_bridge_permissions|to_json }}
directory: ./logs
file_name_format: ''
file_date_format: "2006-01-02"
file_mode: 384
timestamp_format: Jan _2, 2006 15:04:05
print_level: {{ matrix_mautrix_discord_logging_level | to_json }}
print_json: false
file_json: false