
A role to install the ntfy push-notification server.

The ntfy server and clients implement self-hosted support push notifications from Matrix (and other) servers to Android (and other) clients, using the UnifiedPush standard.

This role installs ntfy server in Docker. It is intended to support push notifications, via UnifiedPush, from the Matrix and Matrix-related services that are installed alongside it to any clients that support UnifiedPush.

This role is not intended to support other features of the ntfy server and clients.

Using the ntfy role

Configure the role by adding settings in your Ansible inventory.

The only required setting is to enable ntfy:

matrix_ntfy_enabled: true

The default domain for ntfy is ntfy.<matrix_domain>. This can be changed with the matrix_server_fqn_ntfy variable:

matrix_server_fqn_ntfy: "my-ntfy.{{ matrix_domain }}"

Other ntfy settings can be configured by adding extra arguments to the docker run command, e.g.:



  • Documentation.
  • Self-check.
  • Mount the ntfy database to disk so subscriptions persist across restarts.
  • Authentication?