en: navigation: members: "Member list" board: "Board" notifications: "Notificações" contributions: "Contributions" members: index: title: "Members" actions: new: "New member" clear_search: "Clear search" show: "Show" edit: "Edit" new_contribution: "Register contribution" show: title: "Member details" actions: edit: "Edit" edit: title: "Edit member details" actions: back_to_show: "Show this member" edit_dates_warning: "Warning: changing the join/expiration date may trigger the delivery of email notifications regarding pending payments." new: title: "Register new member" attributes: number: "#" status: "Status" email: "Email address" display_name: "Display name" joined_on: "Joined on" expires_on: "Expires on" category: "Category" identification_number: "ID number" address: "Postal address" status: any: "Any" active: "Active" passive: "Passive" pending: "Pending" expired: "Expired" cancelled: "Cancelled" category: any: "Any" employed: "Employed" unemployed: "Unemployed" student: "Student" retired: "Retired" contributions: new: expires_on_warning: | Adding a contribution will automatically bump the membership expiration date by one year. If it's the first contribution for this member, the join date will be set to the payment date and the expiration date one year after that. You can override the expiration date by setting a date below. notification_mailer: expiration_in_60d: subject: "ANSOL - Pagamento anual de quotas" title: "Pagamento anual de quotas" expiration_in_30d: subject: "ANSOL - Prazo para pagamento de quotas vence em 30 dias" expired: subject: "ANSOL - Pagamento de quotas pendente" expired_30d_ago: subject: "ANSOL - Pagamento de quotas em atraso" expired_60d_ago: subject: "ANSOL - Suspensão de inscrição iminente" cancelled: subject: "ANSOL - Inscrição cancelada"