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<dt>Workshop secretariat:</dt>
<dd><strong>Rita Farinha</strong> ·
  <a href="mailto:rita.farinha@ansol.org">rita.farinha@ansol.org</a></dd>

<dd><strong>João Neves</strong> ·
  <a href="mailto:joao.neves@ansol.org">joao.neves@ansol.org</a> ·
  +351 93 325 2302</dd>
<dd><strong>Rui Seabra</strong> ·
  <a href="mailto:rms@ansol.org">rms@ansol.org</a> ·
  +351 93 325 5619</dd>


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    Last modified
  2005-02-11 16:35



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	Please keep the Plone Powered button (or a textual link to us) if you use
	Plone on your site. It's a nice token of gratitude, and we appreciate your
	help in promoting the Plone name.

	Plone is powered by the combined forces of Zope and CMF, two absolutely
	great systems made by Zope Corporation (http://zope.com) and they in turn
	are based on the best programming language in the world - Python
	(http://www.python.org). We owe these guys a lot, thanks for making Plone





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