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2020-06-11 11:50:54 +00:00
# A "Meet the Team" section created with the People widget.
# This section displays people from `content/authors/` which belong to the `user_groups` below.
widget = "people" # See https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/page-builder/
headless = true # This file represents a page section.
active = false # Activate this widget? true/false
weight = 68 # Order that this section will appear.
title = "Meet the Team"
subtitle = ""
# Choose which groups/teams of users to display.
# Edit `user_groups` in each user's profile to add them to one or more of these groups.
user_groups = ["Principal Investigators",
"Grad Students",
# Show user's social networking links? (true/false)
show_social = false
# Show user's interests? (true/false)
show_interests = true
# Apply a background color, gradient, or image.
# Uncomment (by removing `#`) an option to apply it.
# Choose a light or dark text color by setting `text_color_light`.
# Any HTML color name or Hex value is valid.
# Background color.
# color = "navy"
# Background gradient.
# gradient_start = "DeepSkyBlue"
# gradient_end = "SkyBlue"
# Background image.
# image = "background.jpg" # Name of image in `static/img/`.
# image_darken = 0.6 # Darken the image? Range 0-1 where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque.
# Text color (true=light or false=dark).
# text_color_light = true
# Custom CSS.
css_style = ""
# CSS class.
css_class = ""