{{/* Display copyright license. */}}

{{ $copyright_license := .Params.copyright_license | default site.Params.copyright_license }}

{{ if and $copyright_license $copyright_license.enable }}

  {{ $notice := .Params.copyright_license.notice | default site.Params.copyright_license.notice }}
  {{ $allow_commercial := .Params.copyright_license.allow_commercial | default site.Params.copyright_license.allow_commercial }}
  {{ $allow_derivatives := .Params.copyright_license.allow_derivatives | default site.Params.copyright_license.allow_derivatives }}
  {{ $share_alike := .Params.copyright_license.share_alike | default site.Params.copyright_license.share_alike }}

  {{ $cc_code := "by" }}
  {{ if not $allow_commercial }}
    {{ $cc_code = printf "%s-nc" $cc_code }}
  {{ if and $allow_derivatives $share_alike }}
    {{ $cc_code = printf "%s-sa" $cc_code }}
  {{ else if not $allow_derivatives }}
    {{ $cc_code = printf "%s-nd" $cc_code }}

  {{ $license_url := printf "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/%s/4.0" ($cc_code | urlize) }}

  {{ with $notice }}
  <p class="powered-by copyright-license-text">
    {{ replace . "{license}" (printf "<a href=\"%s\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">CC %s 4.0</a>" $license_url (replace $cc_code "-" " " | upper)) | markdownify }}
  {{ end }}

  <p class="powered-by footer-license-icons">
    <a href="{{$license_url}}" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">
      <img src="https://search.creativecommons.org/static/img/cc_icon.svg" alt="CC icon">
      <img src="https://search.creativecommons.org/static/img/cc-by_icon.svg" alt="CC by icon">
      {{ if not $allow_commercial }}
        <img src="https://search.creativecommons.org/static/img/cc-nc_icon.svg" alt="CC NC icon">
      {{ if and $allow_derivatives $share_alike }}
        <img src="https://search.creativecommons.org/static/img/cc-sa_icon.svg" alt="CC SA icon">
      {{ else if not $allow_derivatives }}
        <img src="https://search.creativecommons.org/static/img/cc-nd_icon.svg" alt="CC ND icon">

{{ end }}