{{- define "main" -}} {{ $image := (.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "*cover*" }}

{{ .Title }}

{{ if and $image (not (eq .Params.showcover false)) }} {{ end }}
{{ .Content }}

Informação do evento

{{ with .Params.metadata.event.date }}

Data: {{ if eq (time.Format "2 January 2006" .start) (time.Format "2 January 2006" .finish) }} {{ if eq (time.Format "15:04" .start) (time.Format "15:04" .finish) }} {{ time.Format "2 de January de 2006" .start }} {{ else }} {{ time.Format "2 de January de 2006" .start }} das {{ time.Format "15:04" .start }} às {{ time.Format "15:04" .finish }} {{ end }} {{ else if eq (time.Format "January 2006" .start) (time.Format "January 2006" .finish) }} De {{ time.Format "2" .start }} a {{ time.Format "2 de January de 2006" .finish }} {{ else }} De {{ time.Format "2 de January de 2006" .start }} até {{ time.Format "2 de January de 2006" .finish }} {{ end }}

{{ end }} {{ with .Params.metadata.event.site }}

Website: {{ .title | or .url }}

{{ end }} {{ with .Params.metadata.event.location }}

Local: {{ . }}

{{ end }}
{{ partial "page_footer" . }}
{{- end -}}