--- categories: - security - libre software metadata: event_location: - event_location_value: Polytech Lille, Lille, France event_site: - event_site_url: https://2019.pass-the-salt.org event_site_title: Pass the Salt event_site_attributes: a:0:{} event_start: - event_start_value: 2019-06-30 23:00:00.000000000 +01:00 event_start_value2: 2019-07-02 23:00:00.000000000 +01:00 mapa: - mapa_geom: !binary |- AQEAAAABAACATxcJQHDwGj7ITUlA mapa_geo_type: point mapa_lat: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 27:0.50607673419145e2 mapa_lon: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 27:0.3136382102966e1 mapa_left: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 27:0.3136382102966e1 mapa_top: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 27:0.50607673419145e2 mapa_right: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 27:0.3136382102966e1 mapa_bottom: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 27:0.50607673419145e2 mapa_geohash: u0fpzkgg5404bj2j slide: - slide_value: 0 tags: - tags_tid: 276 - tags_tid: 316 node_id: 658 layout: evento title: Pass the SALT 2019 created: 1552180511 date: 2019-03-10 ---

This conference hosts Security and Libre Talks (SALT), workshops, and networking opportunities for professionals in hacking Free Software, as well as in security. The themes of the conference also include Free Hardware, Open Formats, and research projects. The conference language is English and talks can either be long or short.