"use strict"; (function () { // Global variables let userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), isIE = userAgent.indexOf("msie") !== -1 ? parseInt(userAgent.split("msie")[1], 10) : userAgent.indexOf("trident") !== -1 ? 11 : userAgent.indexOf("edge") !== -1 ? 12 : false; // Unsupported browsers if (isIE !== false && isIE < 12) { console.warn("[Core] detected IE" + isIE + ", load alert"); var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = "./js/support.js"; document.querySelector("head").appendChild(script); } let initialDate = new Date(), $document = $(document), $window = $(window), $html = $("html"), $body = $("body"), isDesktop = $html.hasClass("desktop"), isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent), windowReady = false, isNoviBuilder = false, livedemo = false, plugins = { bootstrapTooltip: $('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]'), bootstrapModal: $('.modal'), bootstrapTabs: $('.tabs-custom'), bootstrapCards: $(".card-group-custom"), customToggle: $('[data-custom-toggle]'), captcha: $('.recaptcha'), campaignMonitor: $('.campaign-mailform'), copyrightYear: $('.copyright-year'), checkbox: $('input[type="checkbox"]'), isotope: $('.isotope-wrap'), lightGallery: $('[data-lightgallery="group"]'), lightGalleryItem: $('[data-lightgallery="item"]'), lightDynamicGalleryItem: $('[data-lightgallery="dynamic"]'), materialParallax: $('.parallax-container'), mailchimp: $('.mailchimp-mailform'), owl: $('.owl-carousel'), popover: $('[data-bs-toggle="popover"]'), preloader: $('.preloader'), rdNavbar: $('.rd-navbar'), rdMailForm: $('.rd-mailform'), rdInputLabel: $('.form-label'), regula: $('[data-constraints]'), radio: $('input[type="radio"]'), swiper: $('.swiper-container'), search: $('.rd-search'), searchResults: $('.rd-search-results'), statefulButton: $('.btn-stateful'), viewAnimate: $('.view-animate'), wow: $('.wow'), maps: $('.google-map-container'), onReadyActive: $('.on-ready-active'), parallaxJs: document.querySelectorAll('.parallax-scene-js'), particles: document.querySelectorAll('.particles-js'), counter: document.querySelectorAll('.counter'), progressLinear: document.querySelectorAll('.progress-linear'), progressCircle: document.querySelectorAll('.progress-circle'), countdown: document.querySelectorAll('.countdown'), svgAnimation: document.querySelectorAll( '.svg-animation' ), letterToSpan: document.querySelectorAll( '.letter-to-span' ), }; /** * @desc Check the element was been scrolled into the view * @param {object} elem - jQuery object * @return {boolean} */ function isScrolledIntoView(elem) { if (isNoviBuilder) return true; return elem.offset().top + elem.outerHeight() >= $window.scrollTop() && elem.offset().top <= $window.scrollTop() + $window.height(); } /** * @desc Calls a function when element has been scrolled into the view * @param {object} element - jQuery object * @param {function} func - init function */ function lazyInit(element, func) { let scrollHandler = function () { if ((!element.hasClass('lazy-loaded') && (isScrolledIntoView(element)))) { func.call(element); element.addClass('lazy-loaded'); } }; scrollHandler(); $window.on('scroll', scrollHandler); } // Initialize scripts that require a loaded window $window.on('load', function () { // Page loader & Page transition if (plugins.preloader.length && !isNoviBuilder) { pageTransition({ target: document.querySelector('.page'), delay: 0, duration: 500, classIn: 'fadeIn', classOut: 'fadeOut', classActive: 'animated', conditions: function (event, link) { return link && !/(\#|javascript:void\(0\)|callto:|tel:|mailto:|:\/\/)/.test(link) && !event.currentTarget.hasAttribute('data-lightgallery') && !event.currentTarget.matches('[target="_blank"]'); }, onTransitionStart: function (options) { setTimeout(function () { plugins.preloader.removeClass('loaded'); }, options.duration * .75); }, onReady: function () { plugins.preloader.addClass('loaded'); windowReady = true; } }); } // Counter if (plugins.counter) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.counter.length; i++) { let node = plugins.counter[i], counter = aCounter({ node: node, duration: node.getAttribute('data-duration') || 1000 }), scrollHandler = (function () { if (Util.inViewport(this) && !this.classList.contains('animated-first')) { this.counter.run(); this.classList.add('animated-first'); } }).bind(node), blurHandler = (function () { this.counter.params.to = parseInt(this.textContent, 10); this.counter.run(); }).bind(node); if (isNoviBuilder) { node.counter.run(); node.addEventListener('blur', blurHandler); } else { scrollHandler(); window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler); } } } // Progress Bar if (plugins.progressLinear) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.progressLinear.length; i++) { let container = plugins.progressLinear[i], counter = aCounter({ node: container.querySelector('.progress-linear-counter'), duration: container.getAttribute('data-duration') || 1000, onStart: function () { this.custom.bar.style.width = this.params.to + '%'; } }); counter.custom = { container: container, bar: container.querySelector('.progress-linear-bar'), onScroll: (function () { if ((Util.inViewport(this.custom.container) && !this.custom.container.classList.contains('animated')) || isNoviBuilder) { this.run(); this.custom.container.classList.add('animated'); } }).bind(counter), onBlur: (function () { this.params.to = parseInt(this.params.node.textContent, 10); this.run(); }).bind(counter) }; if (isNoviBuilder) { counter.run(); counter.params.node.addEventListener('blur', counter.custom.onBlur); } else { counter.custom.onScroll(); document.addEventListener('scroll', counter.custom.onScroll); } } } // Progress Circle if (plugins.progressCircle) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.progressCircle.length; 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i++) { let wrap = plugins.isotope[i], filterHandler = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); for (let n = 0; n < this.isoGroup.filters.length; n++) this.isoGroup.filters[n].classList.remove('active'); this.classList.add('active'); this.isoGroup.isotope.arrange({filter: this.getAttribute("data-isotope-filter") !== '*' ? '[data-filter*="' + this.getAttribute("data-isotope-filter") + '"]' : '*'}); }, resizeHandler = function () { this.isoGroup.isotope.layout(); }; wrap.isoGroup = {}; wrap.isoGroup.filters = wrap.querySelectorAll('[data-isotope-filter]'); wrap.isoGroup.node = wrap.querySelector('.isotope'); wrap.isoGroup.layout = wrap.isoGroup.node.getAttribute('data-isotope-layout') ? wrap.isoGroup.node.getAttribute('data-isotope-layout') : 'masonry'; wrap.isoGroup.isotope = new Isotope(wrap.isoGroup.node, { itemSelector: '.isotope-item', layoutMode: wrap.isoGroup.layout, filter: wrap.isoGroup.node.hasAttribute( 'data-isotope-filter-active' ) ? '[data-filter*="' + wrap.isoGroup.node.getAttribute( 'data-isotope-filter-active' ) + '"]' : '*', columnWidth: (function () { if (wrap.isoGroup.node.hasAttribute('data-column-class')) return wrap.isoGroup.node.getAttribute('data-column-class'); if (wrap.isoGroup.node.hasAttribute('data-column-width')) return parseFloat(wrap.isoGroup.node.getAttribute('data-column-width')); }()) }); for (let n = 0; n < wrap.isoGroup.filters.length; n++) { let filter = wrap.isoGroup.filters[n]; filter.isoGroup = wrap.isoGroup; filter.addEventListener('click', filterHandler); } window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler.bind(wrap)); if (!isIE) { let imgs = document.querySelectorAll('img[loading="lazy"]') for (let i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { let img = imgs[i] img.addEventListener('load', function (e) { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }) } } } } // Material Parallax if (plugins.materialParallax.length) { if (!isNoviBuilder && !isIE && !isMobile) { plugins.materialParallax.parallax(); } else { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.materialParallax.length; i++) { let $parallax = $(plugins.materialParallax[i]); $parallax.addClass('parallax-disabled'); $parallax.css({"background-image": 'url(' + $parallax.data("parallax-img") + ')'}); } } } }); // Initialize scripts that require a finished document $(function () { isNoviBuilder = window.xMode; /** * Wrapper to eliminate json errors * @param {string} str - JSON string * @returns {object} - parsed or empty object */ function parseJSON(str) { try { if (str) return JSON.parse(str); else return {}; } catch (error) { //{DEL DIST BUILDER} console.warn(error); //{DEL} return {}; } } /** * @desc Sets the actual previous index based on the position of the slide in the markup. Should be the most recent action. * @param {object} swiper - swiper instance */ function setRealPrevious(swiper) { let element = swiper.$wrapperEl[0].children[swiper.activeIndex]; swiper.realPrevious = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(element.parentNode.children, element); } /** * @desc Sets slides background images from attribute 'data-slide-bg' * @param {object} swiper - swiper instance */ function setBackgrounds(swiper) { let swipersBg = swiper.el.querySelectorAll('[data-slide-bg]'); for (let i = 0; i < swipersBg.length; i++) { let swiperBg = swipersBg[i]; swiperBg.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + swiperBg.getAttribute('data-slide-bg') + ')'; } } /** * @desc Animate captions on active slides * @param {object} swiper - swiper instance */ function initCaptionAnimate(swiper) { let animate = function (caption) { return function () { let duration; if (duration = caption.getAttribute('data-caption-duration')) caption.style.animationDuration = duration + 'ms'; caption.classList.remove('not-animated'); caption.classList.add(caption.getAttribute('data-caption-animate')); caption.classList.add('animated'); }; }, initializeAnimation = function (captions) { for (let i = 0; i < captions.length; i++) { let caption = captions[i]; caption.classList.remove('animated'); caption.classList.remove(caption.getAttribute('data-caption-animate')); caption.classList.add('not-animated'); } }, finalizeAnimation = function (captions) { for (let i = 0; i < captions.length; i++) { let caption = captions[i]; if (caption.getAttribute('data-caption-delay')) { setTimeout(animate(caption), Number(caption.getAttribute('data-caption-delay'))); } else { animate(caption)(); } } }; // Caption parameters swiper.params.caption = { animationEvent: 'slideChangeTransitionEnd' }; initializeAnimation(swiper.$wrapperEl[0].querySelectorAll('[data-caption-animate]')); finalizeAnimation(swiper.$wrapperEl[0].children[swiper.activeIndex].querySelectorAll('[data-caption-animate]')); if (swiper.params.caption.animationEvent === 'slideChangeTransitionEnd') { swiper.on(swiper.params.caption.animationEvent, function () { initializeAnimation(swiper.$wrapperEl[0].children[swiper.previousIndex].querySelectorAll('[data-caption-animate]')); finalizeAnimation(swiper.$wrapperEl[0].children[swiper.activeIndex].querySelectorAll('[data-caption-animate]')); }); } else { swiper.on('slideChangeTransitionEnd', function () { initializeAnimation(swiper.$wrapperEl[0].children[swiper.previousIndex].querySelectorAll('[data-caption-animate]')); }); swiper.on(swiper.params.caption.animationEvent, function () { finalizeAnimation(swiper.$wrapperEl[0].children[swiper.activeIndex].querySelectorAll('[data-caption-animate]')); }); } } /** * @desc Create live search results * @param {object} options */ function liveSearch(options, handler) { $('#' + options.live).removeClass('cleared').html(); options.current++; options.spin.addClass('loading'); $.get(handler, { s: decodeURI(options.term), liveSearch: options.live, dataType: "html", liveCount: options.liveCount, filter: options.filter, template: options.template }, function (data) { options.processed++; let live = $('#' + options.live); if ((options.processed === options.current) && !live.hasClass('cleared')) { live.find('> #search-results').removeClass('active'); live.html(data); setTimeout(function () { live.find('> #search-results').addClass('active'); }, 50); } options.spin.parents('.rd-search').find('.input-group-addon').removeClass('loading'); }) } /** * @desc Attach form validation to elements * @param {object} elements - jQuery object */ function attachFormValidator(elements) { // Custom validator - phone number regula.custom({ name: 'PhoneNumber', defaultMessage: 'Invalid phone number format', validator: function () { if (this.value === '') return true; else return /^(\+\d)?[0-9\-\(\) ]{5,}$/i.test(this.value); } }); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { let o = $(elements[i]), v; o.addClass("form-control-has-validation").after("<span class='form-validation'></span>"); v = o.parent().find(".form-validation"); if (v.is(":last-child")) o.addClass("form-control-last-child"); } elements.on('input change propertychange blur', function (e) { let $this = $(this), results; if (e.type !== "blur") if (!$this.parent().hasClass("has-error")) return; if ($this.parents('.rd-mailform').hasClass('success')) return; if ((results = $this.regula('validate')).length) { for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { $this.siblings(".form-validation").text(results[i].message).parent().addClass("has-error"); } } else { $this.siblings(".form-validation").text("").parent().removeClass("has-error") } }).regula('bind'); let regularConstraintsMessages = [ { type: regula.Constraint.Required, newMessage: "The text field is required." }, { type: regula.Constraint.Email, newMessage: "The email is not a valid email." }, { type: regula.Constraint.Numeric, newMessage: "Only numbers are required" }, { type: regula.Constraint.Selected, newMessage: "Please choose an option." } ]; for (let i = 0; i < regularConstraintsMessages.length; i++) { let regularConstraint = regularConstraintsMessages[i]; regula.override({ constraintType: regularConstraint.type, defaultMessage: regularConstraint.newMessage }); } } /** * @desc Check if all elements pass validation * @param {object} elements - object of items for validation * @param {object} captcha - captcha object for validation * @return {boolean} */ function isValidated(elements, captcha) { let results, errors = 0; if (elements.length) { for (let j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { let $input = $(elements[j]); if ((results = $input.regula('validate')).length) { for (let k = 0; k < results.length; k++) { errors++; $input.siblings(".form-validation").text(results[k].message).parent().addClass("has-error"); } } else { $input.siblings(".form-validation").text("").parent().removeClass("has-error") } } if (captcha) { if (captcha.length) { return validateReCaptcha(captcha) && errors === 0 } } return errors === 0; } return true; } /** * @desc Validate google reCaptcha * @param {object} captcha - captcha object for validation * @return {boolean} */ function validateReCaptcha(captcha) { let captchaToken = captcha.find('.g-recaptcha-response').val(); if (captchaToken.length === 0) { captcha .siblings('.form-validation') .html('Please, prove that you are not robot.') .addClass('active'); captcha .closest('.form-wrap') .addClass('has-error'); captcha.on('propertychange', function () { let $this = $(this), captchaToken = $this.find('.g-recaptcha-response').val(); if (captchaToken.length > 0) { $this .closest('.form-wrap') .removeClass('has-error'); $this .siblings('.form-validation') .removeClass('active') .html(''); $this.off('propertychange'); } }); return false; } return true; } /** * @desc Initialize Google reCaptcha */ window.onloadCaptchaCallback = function () { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.captcha.length; i++) { let $captcha = $(plugins.captcha[i]), resizeHandler = (function () { let frame = this.querySelector('iframe'), inner = this.firstElementChild, inner2 = inner.firstElementChild, containerRect = null, frameRect = null, scale = null; inner2.style.transform = ''; inner.style.height = 'auto'; inner.style.width = 'auto'; containerRect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); frameRect = frame.getBoundingClientRect(); scale = containerRect.width / frameRect.width; if (scale < 1) { inner2.style.transform = 'scale(' + scale + ')'; inner.style.height = (frameRect.height * scale) + 'px'; inner.style.width = (frameRect.width * scale) + 'px'; } }).bind(plugins.captcha[i]); grecaptcha.render( $captcha.attr('id'), { sitekey: $captcha.attr('data-sitekey'), size: $captcha.attr('data-size') ? $captcha.attr('data-size') : 'normal', theme: $captcha.attr('data-theme') ? $captcha.attr('data-theme') : 'light', callback: function () { $('.recaptcha').trigger('propertychange'); } } ); $captcha.after("<span class='form-validation'></span>"); if (plugins.captcha[i].hasAttribute('data-auto-size')) { resizeHandler(); window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler); } } }; /** * @desc Initialize Bootstrap tooltip with required placement * @param {string} tooltipPlacement */ function initBootstrapTooltip(tooltipPlacement) { plugins.bootstrapTooltip.tooltip('dispose'); if (window.innerWidth < 576) { plugins.bootstrapTooltip.tooltip({placement: 'bottom'}); } else { plugins.bootstrapTooltip.tooltip({placement: tooltipPlacement}); } } /** * @desc Initialize the gallery with set of images * @param {object} itemsToInit - jQuery object * @param {string} [addClass] - additional gallery class */ function initLightGallery(itemsToInit, addClass) { if (!isNoviBuilder) { $(itemsToInit).lightGallery({ thumbnail: $(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-thumbnail") !== "false", selector: "[data-lightgallery='item']", autoplay: $(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-autoplay") === "true", pause: parseInt($(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-autoplay-delay")) || 5000, addClass: addClass, mode: $(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-animation") || "lg-slide", loop: $(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-loop") !== "false" }); } } /** * @desc Initialize the gallery with dynamic addition of images * @param {object} itemsToInit - jQuery object * @param {string} [addClass] - additional gallery class */ function initDynamicLightGallery(itemsToInit, addClass) { if (!isNoviBuilder) { $(itemsToInit).on("click", function () { $(itemsToInit).lightGallery({ thumbnail: $(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-thumbnail") !== "false", selector: "[data-lightgallery='item']", autoplay: $(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-autoplay") === "true", pause: parseInt($(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-autoplay-delay")) || 5000, addClass: addClass, mode: $(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-animation") || "lg-slide", loop: $(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-loop") !== "false", dynamic: true, dynamicEl: JSON.parse($(itemsToInit).attr("data-lg-dynamic-elements")) || [] }); }); } } /** * @desc Initialize the gallery with one image * @param {object} itemToInit - jQuery object * @param {string} [addClass] - additional gallery class */ function initLightGalleryItem(itemToInit, addClass) { if (!isNoviBuilder) { $(itemToInit).lightGallery({ selector: "this", addClass: addClass, counter: false, youtubePlayerParams: { modestbranding: 1, showinfo: 0, rel: 0, controls: 0 }, vimeoPlayerParams: { byline: 0, portrait: 0 } }); } } /** * @desc Google map function for getting latitude and longitude */ function getLatLngObject(str, marker, map, callback) { let coordinates = {}; try { coordinates = JSON.parse(str); callback(new google.maps.LatLng( coordinates.lat, coordinates.lng ), marker, map) } catch (e) { map.geocoder.geocode({'address': str}, function (results, status) { if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { let latitude = results[0].geometry.location.lat(); let longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng(); callback(new google.maps.LatLng( parseFloat(latitude), parseFloat(longitude) ), marker, map) } }) } } /** * @desc Initialize Google maps */ function initMaps() { let key; for (let i = 0; i < plugins.maps.length; i++) { if (plugins.maps[i].hasAttribute("data-key")) { key = plugins.maps[i].getAttribute("data-key"); break; } } $.getScript('//maps.google.com/maps/api/js?' + (key ? 'key=' + key + '&' : '') + 'libraries=geometry,places&v=quarterly', function () { let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], insertBefore = head.insertBefore; head.insertBefore = function (newElement, referenceElement) { if (newElement.href && newElement.href.indexOf('//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto') !== -1 || newElement.innerHTML.indexOf('gm-style') !== -1) { return; } insertBefore.call(head, newElement, referenceElement); }; let geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder; for (let i = 0; i < plugins.maps.length; i++) { let zoom = parseInt(plugins.maps[i].getAttribute("data-zoom"), 10) || 11; let styles = plugins.maps[i].hasAttribute('data-styles') ? JSON.parse(plugins.maps[i].getAttribute("data-styles")) : []; let center = plugins.maps[i].getAttribute("data-center") || "New York"; // Initialize map let map = new google.maps.Map(plugins.maps[i].querySelectorAll(".google-map")[0], { zoom: zoom, styles: styles, scrollwheel: false, center: { lat: 0, lng: 0 } }); // Add map object to map node plugins.maps[i].map = map; plugins.maps[i].geocoder = geocoder; plugins.maps[i].keySupported = true; plugins.maps[i].google = google; // Get Center coordinates from attribute getLatLngObject(center, null, plugins.maps[i], function (location, markerElement, mapElement) { mapElement.map.setCenter(location); }); // Add markers from google-map-markers array let markerItems = plugins.maps[i].querySelectorAll(".google-map-markers li"); if (markerItems.length) { let markers = []; for (let j = 0; j < markerItems.length; j++) { let markerElement = markerItems[j]; getLatLngObject(markerElement.getAttribute("data-location"), markerElement, plugins.maps[i], function (location, markerElement, mapElement) { let icon = markerElement.getAttribute("data-icon") || mapElement.getAttribute("data-icon"); let activeIcon = markerElement.getAttribute("data-icon-active") || mapElement.getAttribute("data-icon-active"); let info = markerElement.getAttribute("data-description") || ""; let infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: info }); markerElement.infoWindow = infoWindow; let markerData = { position: location, map: mapElement.map } if (icon) { markerData.icon = icon; } let marker = new google.maps.Marker(markerData); markerElement.gmarker = marker; markers.push({ markerElement: markerElement, infoWindow: infoWindow }); marker.isActive = false; // Handle infoWindow close click google.maps.event.addListener(infoWindow, 'closeclick', (function (markerElement, mapElement) { let markerIcon = null; markerElement.gmarker.isActive = false; markerIcon = markerElement.getAttribute("data-icon") || mapElement.getAttribute("data-icon"); markerElement.gmarker.setIcon(markerIcon); }).bind(this, markerElement, mapElement)); // Set marker active on Click and open infoWindow google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function (markerElement, mapElement) { let markerIcon; if (markerElement.infoWindow.getContent().length === 0) return; let gMarker, currentMarker = markerElement.gmarker, currentInfoWindow; for (let k = 0; k < markers.length; k++) { if (markers[k].markerElement === markerElement) { currentInfoWindow = markers[k].infoWindow; } gMarker = markers[k].markerElement.gmarker; if (gMarker.isActive && markers[k].markerElement !== markerElement) { gMarker.isActive = false; markerIcon = markers[k].markerElement.getAttribute("data-icon") || mapElement.getAttribute("data-icon") gMarker.setIcon(markerIcon); markers[k].infoWindow.close(); } } currentMarker.isActive = !currentMarker.isActive; if (currentMarker.isActive) { if (markerIcon = markerElement.getAttribute("data-icon-active") || mapElement.getAttribute("data-icon-active")) { currentMarker.setIcon(markerIcon); } currentInfoWindow.open(map, marker); } else { if (markerIcon = markerElement.getAttribute("data-icon") || mapElement.getAttribute("data-icon")) { currentMarker.setIcon(markerIcon); } currentInfoWindow.close(); } }).bind(this, markerElement, mapElement)) }) } } } }); } // Google ReCaptcha if (plugins.captcha.length) { $.getScript("//www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCaptchaCallback&render=explicit&hl=en"); } // Additional class on html if mac os. if (navigator.platform.match(/(Mac)/i)) { $html.addClass("mac-os"); } // Adds some loosing functionality to IE browsers (IE Polyfills) if (isIE) { if (isIE === 12) $html.addClass("ie-edge"); if (isIE === 11) $html.addClass("ie-11"); if (isIE < 10) $html.addClass("lt-ie-10"); if (isIE < 11) $html.addClass("ie-10"); } // Bootstrap Tooltips if (plugins.bootstrapTooltip.length) { let tooltipPlacement = plugins.bootstrapTooltip.attr('data-bs-placement'); initBootstrapTooltip(tooltipPlacement); $window.on('resize orientationchange', function () { initBootstrapTooltip(tooltipPlacement); }) } // Bootstrap Modal if (plugins.bootstrapModal.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.bootstrapModal.length; i++) { let modalItem = $(plugins.bootstrapModal[i]); modalItem.on('hidden.bs.modal', $.proxy(function () { let activeModal = $(this), rdVideoInside = activeModal.find('video'), youTubeVideoInside = activeModal.find('iframe'); if (rdVideoInside.length) { rdVideoInside[0].pause(); } if (youTubeVideoInside.length) { let videoUrl = youTubeVideoInside.attr('src'); youTubeVideoInside .attr('src', '') .attr('src', videoUrl); } }, modalItem)) } } // Popovers if (plugins.popover.length) { if (window.innerWidth < 767) { plugins.popover.attr('data-bs-placement', 'bottom'); plugins.popover.popover(); } else { plugins.popover.popover(); } } // Bootstrap Buttons if (plugins.statefulButton.length) { $(plugins.statefulButton).on('click', function () { let statefulButtonLoading = $(this).button('loading'); setTimeout(function () { statefulButtonLoading.button('reset') }, 2000); }) } // Bootstrap Tabs if (plugins.bootstrapTabs.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.bootstrapTabs.length; i++) { let bootstrapTab = $(plugins.bootstrapTabs[i]); //If have slick carousel inside tab - resize slick carousel on click if (bootstrapTab.find('.slick-slider').length) { bootstrapTab.find('.tabs-custom-list > li > a').on('click', $.proxy(function () { let $this = $(this); let setTimeOutTime = isNoviBuilder ? 1500 : 300; setTimeout(function () { $this.find('.tab-content .tab-pane.active .slick-slider').slick('setPosition'); }, setTimeOutTime); }, bootstrapTab)); } let tabs = plugins.bootstrapTabs[i].querySelectorAll('.nav li a'); for (var t = 0; t < tabs.length; t++) { var tab = tabs[t], target = document.querySelector(tabs[t].getAttribute('href')); tab.classList.remove('active', 'show'); target.classList.remove('active', 'show'); if (t === 0) { tab.classList.add('active', 'show'); target.classList.add('active', 'show'); } } } } // Bootstrap Card if (plugins.bootstrapCards.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.bootstrapCards.length; i++) { let bootstrapCard = plugins.bootstrapCards[i]; let cardHeads = bootstrapCard.querySelectorAll('.card-header a'); for (let t = 0; t < cardHeads.length; t++) { let cardHead = cardHeads[t]; cardHead.classList.add('collapsed'); cardHead.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false') if (t === 0) { cardHead.classList.remove('collapsed'); cardHead.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true') } } } } // Copyright Year (Evaluates correct copyright year) if (plugins.copyrightYear.length) { plugins.copyrightYear.text(initialDate.getFullYear()); } // Google maps if (plugins.maps.length) { lazyInit(plugins.maps, initMaps); } // Add custom styling options for input[type="radio"] if (plugins.radio.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.radio.length; i++) { $(plugins.radio[i]).addClass("radio-custom").after("<span class='radio-custom-dummy'></span>") } } // Add custom styling options for input[type="checkbox"] if (plugins.checkbox.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.checkbox.length; i++) { $(plugins.checkbox[i]).addClass("checkbox-custom").after("<span class='checkbox-custom-dummy'></span>") } } // UI To Top if (isDesktop && !isNoviBuilder) { $().UItoTop({ easingType: 'easeOutQuad', containerClass: 'ui-to-top fa fa-angle-up' }); } // RD Navbar if (plugins.rdNavbar.length) { let navbar = plugins.rdNavbar, aliases = { '-': 0, '-sm-': 576, '-md-': 768, '-lg-': 992, '-xl-': 1200, '-xxl-': 1600 }, responsive = {}, navItems = $('.rd-nav-item'); for (let i = 0; i < navItems.length; i++) { let node = navItems[i]; if (node.classList.contains('opened')) { node.classList.remove('opened') } } for (let alias in aliases) { let link = responsive[aliases[alias]] = {}; if (navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'layout')) link.layout = navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'layout'); if (navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'device-layout')) link.deviceLayout = navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'device-layout'); if (navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'hover-on')) link.focusOnHover = navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'hover-on') === 'true'; if (navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'auto-height')) link.autoHeight = navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'auto-height') === 'true'; if (navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'stick-up-offset')) link.stickUpOffset = navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'stick-up-offset'); if (navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'stick-up')) link.stickUp = navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'stick-up') === 'true'; if (isNoviBuilder) link.stickUp = false; else if (navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'stick-up')) link.stickUp = navbar.attr('data' + alias + 'stick-up') === 'true'; } plugins.rdNavbar.RDNavbar({ anchorNav: !isNoviBuilder, stickUpClone: (plugins.rdNavbar.attr("data-stick-up-clone") && !isNoviBuilder) ? plugins.rdNavbar.attr("data-stick-up-clone") === 'true' : false, responsive: responsive, callbacks: { onStuck: function () { let navbarSearch = this.$element.find('.rd-search input'); if (navbarSearch) { navbarSearch.val('').trigger('propertychange'); } }, onDropdownOver: function () { return !isNoviBuilder; }, onUnstuck: function () { if (this.$clone === null) return; let navbarSearch = this.$clone.find('.rd-search input'); if (navbarSearch) { navbarSearch.val('').trigger('propertychange'); navbarSearch.trigger('blur'); } } } }); } // RD Search if (plugins.search.length || plugins.searchResults) { let handler = "bat/rd-search.php"; let defaultTemplate = '<h5 class="search-title"><a target="_top" href="#{href}" class="search-link">#{title}</a></h5>' + '<p>...#{token}...</p>' + '<p class="match"><em>Terms matched: #{count} - URL: #{href}</em></p>'; let defaultFilter = '*.html'; if (plugins.search.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.search.length; i++) { let searchItem = $(plugins.search[i]), options = { element: searchItem, filter: (searchItem.attr('data-search-filter')) ? searchItem.attr('data-search-filter') : defaultFilter, template: (searchItem.attr('data-search-template')) ? searchItem.attr('data-search-template') : defaultTemplate, live: (searchItem.attr('data-search-live')) ? searchItem.attr('data-search-live') : false, liveCount: (searchItem.attr('data-search-live-count')) ? parseInt(searchItem.attr('data-search-live'), 10) : 4, current: 0, processed: 0, timer: {} }; let $toggle = $('.rd-navbar-search-toggle'); if ($toggle.length) { $toggle.on('click', (function (searchItem) { return function () { if (!($(this).hasClass('active'))) { searchItem.find('input').val('').trigger('propertychange'); } } })(searchItem)); } if (options.live) { let clearHandler = false; searchItem.find('input').on("input propertychange", $.proxy(function () { this.term = this.element.find('input').val().trim(); this.spin = this.element.find('.input-group-addon'); clearTimeout(this.timer); if (this.term.length > 2) { this.timer = setTimeout(liveSearch(this, handler), 200); if (clearHandler === false) { clearHandler = true; $body.on("click", function (e) { if ($(e.toElement).parents('.rd-search').length === 0) { $('#rd-search-results-live').addClass('cleared').html(''); } }) } } else if (this.term.length === 0) { $('#' + this.live).addClass('cleared').html(''); } }, options, this)); } searchItem.submit($.proxy(function () { $('<input />').attr('type', 'hidden') .attr('name', "filter") .attr('value', this.filter) .appendTo(this.element); return true; }, options, this)) } } if (plugins.searchResults.length) { let regExp = /\?.*s=([^&]+)\&filter=([^&]+)/g; let match = regExp.exec(location.search); if (match !== null) { $.get(handler, { s: decodeURI(match[1]), dataType: "html", filter: match[2], template: defaultTemplate, live: '' }, function (data) { plugins.searchResults.html(data); }) } } } // Add class in viewport if (plugins.viewAnimate.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.viewAnimate.length; i++) { let $view = $(plugins.viewAnimate[i]).not('.active'); $document.on("scroll", $.proxy(function () { if (isScrolledIntoView(this)) { this.addClass("active"); } }, $view)) .trigger("scroll"); } } // Swiper if (plugins.swiper.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.swiper.length; i++) { let node = plugins.swiper[i], params = parseJSON(node.getAttribute('data-swiper')), defaults = { speed: 1000, loop: true, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', clickable: true }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev' }, autoplay: { delay: 5000 } }, xMode = { autoplay: false, loop: false, simulateTouch: false }; params.on = { init: function () { setBackgrounds(this); setRealPrevious(this); initCaptionAnimate(this); // Real Previous Index must be set recent this.on('slideChangeTransitionEnd', function () { setRealPrevious(this); }); } }; new Swiper(node, Util.merge(isNoviBuilder ? [defaults, params, xMode] : [defaults, params])); } } // Owl carousel if (plugins.owl.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.owl.length; i++) { let node = plugins.owl[i], params = parseJSON(node.getAttribute('data-owl')), defaults = { items: 1, margin: 30, loop: true, mouseDrag: true, stagePadding: 0, nav: false, navText: [], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 3000, autoplayHoverPause: true }, xMode = { autoplay: false, loop: false, mouseDrag: false }, generated = { autoplay: node.getAttribute('data-autoplay') === 'true', loop: node.getAttribute('data-loop') !== 'false', mouseDrag: node.getAttribute('data-mouse-drag') !== 'false', responsive: {} }, aliases = ['-', '-sm-', '-md-', '-lg-', '-xl-', '-xxl-'], values = [0, 576, 768, 992, 1200, 1600], responsive = generated.responsive; for (let j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { responsive[values[j]] = {}; for (let k = j; k >= -1; k--) { if (!responsive[values[j]]['items'] && node.getAttribute('data' + aliases[k] + 'items')) { responsive[values[j]]['items'] = k < 0 ? 1 : parseInt(node.getAttribute('data' + aliases[k] + 'items'), 10); } if (!responsive[values[j]]['stagePadding'] && responsive[values[j]]['stagePadding'] !== 0 && node.getAttribute('data' + aliases[k] + 'stage-padding')) { responsive[values[j]]['stagePadding'] = k < 0 ? 0 : parseInt(node.getAttribute('data' + aliases[k] + 'stage-padding'), 10); } if (!responsive[values[j]]['margin'] && responsive[values[j]]['margin'] !== 0 && node.getAttribute('data' + aliases[k] + 'margin')) { responsive[values[j]]['margin'] = k < 0 ? 30 : parseInt(node.getAttribute('data' + aliases[k] + 'margin'), 10); } } } // Initialize lightgallery items in cloned owl items $(node).on('initialized.owl.carousel', function () { initLightGalleryItem($(node).find('[data-lightgallery="item"]'), 'lightGallery-in-carousel'); }); node.owl = $(node); $(node).owlCarousel(Util.merge(isNoviBuilder ? [defaults, params, generated, xMode] : [defaults, params, generated])); } } // WOW if ($html.hasClass("wow-animation") && plugins.wow.length && !isNoviBuilder && isDesktop) { new WOW().init(); } // RD Input Label if (plugins.rdInputLabel.length) { plugins.rdInputLabel.RDInputLabel(); } // Regula if (plugins.regula.length) { attachFormValidator(plugins.regula); } // MailChimp Ajax subscription if (plugins.mailchimp.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.mailchimp.length; i++) { let $mailchimpItem = $(plugins.mailchimp[i]), $email = $mailchimpItem.find('input[type="email"]'); // Required by MailChimp $mailchimpItem.attr('novalidate', 'true'); $email.attr('name', 'EMAIL'); $mailchimpItem.on('submit', $.proxy(function ($email, event) { event.preventDefault(); let $this = this; let data = {}, url = $this.attr('action').replace('/post?', '/post-json?').concat('&c=?'), dataArray = $this.serializeArray(), $output = $("#" + $this.attr("data-form-output")); for (i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) { data[dataArray[i].name] = dataArray[i].value; } $.ajax({ data: data, url: url, dataType: 'jsonp', error: function (resp, text) { $output.html('Server error: ' + text); setTimeout(function () { $output.removeClass("active"); }, 4000); }, success: function (resp) { $output.html(resp.msg).addClass('active'); $email[0].value = ''; let $label = $('[for="' + $email.attr('id') + '"]'); if ($label.length) $label.removeClass('focus not-empty'); setTimeout(function () { $output.removeClass("active"); }, 6000); }, beforeSend: function (data) { let isNoviBuilder = window.xMode; let isValidated = (function () { let results, errors = 0; let elements = $this.find('[data-constraints]'); let captcha = null; if (elements.length) { for (let j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { let $input = $(elements[j]); if ((results = $input.regula('validate')).length) { for (let k = 0; k < results.length; k++) { errors++; $input.siblings(".form-validation").text(results[k].message).parent().addClass("has-error"); } } else { $input.siblings(".form-validation").text("").parent().removeClass("has-error") } } if (captcha) { if (captcha.length) { return validateReCaptcha(captcha) && errors === 0 } } return errors === 0; } return true; })(); // Stop request if builder or inputs are invalide if (isNoviBuilder || !isValidated) return false; $output.html('Submitting...').addClass('active'); } }); return false; }, $mailchimpItem, $email)); } } // Campaign Monitor ajax subscription if (plugins.campaignMonitor.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.campaignMonitor.length; i++) { let $campaignItem = $(plugins.campaignMonitor[i]); $campaignItem.on('submit', $.proxy(function (e) { let data = {}, url = this.attr('action'), dataArray = this.serializeArray(), $output = $("#" + plugins.campaignMonitor.attr("data-form-output")), $this = $(this); for (i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) { data[dataArray[i].name] = dataArray[i].value; } $.ajax({ data: data, url: url, dataType: 'jsonp', error: function (resp, text) { $output.html('Server error: ' + text); setTimeout(function () { $output.removeClass("active"); }, 4000); }, success: function (resp) { $output.html(resp.Message).addClass('active'); setTimeout(function () { $output.removeClass("active"); }, 6000); }, beforeSend: function (data) { // Stop request if builder or inputs are invalide if (isNoviBuilder || !isValidated($this.find('[data-constraints]'))) return false; $output.html('Submitting...').addClass('active'); } }); // Clear inputs after submit let inputs = $this[0].getElementsByTagName('input'); for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { inputs[i].value = ''; let label = document.querySelector('[for="' + inputs[i].getAttribute('id') + '"]'); if (label) label.classList.remove('focus', 'not-empty'); } return false; }, $campaignItem)); } } // RD Mailform if (plugins.rdMailForm.length) { let i, j, k, msg = { 'MF000': 'Successfully sent!', 'MF001': 'Recipients are not set!', 'MF002': 'Form will not work locally!', 'MF003': 'Please, define email field in your form!', 'MF004': 'Please, define type of your form!', 'MF254': 'Something went wrong with PHPMailer!', 'MF255': 'Aw, snap! Something went wrong.' }; for (i = 0; i < plugins.rdMailForm.length; i++) { let $form = $(plugins.rdMailForm[i]), formHasCaptcha = false; $form.attr('novalidate', 'novalidate').ajaxForm({ data: { "form-type": $form.attr("data-form-type") || "contact", "counter": i }, beforeSubmit: function (arr, $form, options) { if (isNoviBuilder) return; let form = $(plugins.rdMailForm[this.extraData.counter]), inputs = form.find("[data-constraints]"), output = $("#" + form.attr("data-form-output")), captcha = form.find('.recaptcha'), captchaFlag = true; output.removeClass("active error success"); if (isValidated(inputs, captcha)) { // veify reCaptcha if (captcha.length) { let captchaToken = captcha.find('.g-recaptcha-response').val(), captchaMsg = { 'CPT001': 'Please, setup you "site key" and "secret key" of reCaptcha', 'CPT002': 'Something wrong with google reCaptcha' }; formHasCaptcha = true; $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "bat/reCaptcha.php", data: {'g-recaptcha-response': captchaToken}, async: false }) .done(function (responceCode) { if (responceCode !== 'CPT000') { if (output.hasClass("snackbars")) { output.html('<p><span class="icon text-middle mdi mdi-check icon-xxs"></span><span>' + captchaMsg[responceCode] + '</span></p>') setTimeout(function () { output.removeClass("active"); }, 3500); captchaFlag = false; } else { output.html(captchaMsg[responceCode]); } output.addClass("active"); } }); } if (!captchaFlag) { return false; } form.addClass('form-in-process'); if (output.hasClass("snackbars")) { output.html('<p><span class="icon text-middle fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin icon-xxs"></span><span>Sending</span></p>'); output.addClass("active"); } } else { return false; } }, error: function (result) { if (isNoviBuilder) return; let output = $("#" + $(plugins.rdMailForm[this.extraData.counter]).attr("data-form-output")), form = $(plugins.rdMailForm[this.extraData.counter]); output.text(msg[result]); form.removeClass('form-in-process'); if (formHasCaptcha) { grecaptcha.reset(); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } }, success: function (result) { if (isNoviBuilder) return; let form = $(plugins.rdMailForm[this.extraData.counter]), output = $("#" + form.attr("data-form-output")), select = form.find('select'); form .addClass('success') .removeClass('form-in-process'); if (formHasCaptcha) { grecaptcha.reset(); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); } result = result.length === 5 ? result : 'MF255'; output.text(msg[result]); if (result === "MF000") { if (output.hasClass("snackbars")) { output.html('<p><span class="icon text-middle mdi mdi-check icon-xxs"></span><span>' + msg[result] + '</span></p>'); } else { output.addClass("active success"); } } else { if (output.hasClass("snackbars")) { output.html(' <p class="snackbars-left"><span class="icon icon-xxs mdi mdi-alert-outline text-middle"></span><span>' + msg[result] + '</span></p>'); } else { output.addClass("active error"); } } form.clearForm(); if (select.length) { select.select2("val", ""); } form.find('input, textarea').trigger('blur'); setTimeout(function () { output.removeClass("active error success"); form.removeClass('success'); }, 3500); } }); } } // lightGallery if (plugins.lightGallery.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.lightGallery.length; i++) { initLightGallery(plugins.lightGallery[i]); } } // lightGallery item if (plugins.lightGalleryItem.length) { // Filter carousel items let notCarouselItems = []; for (let z = 0; z < plugins.lightGalleryItem.length; z++) { if (!$(plugins.lightGalleryItem[z]).parents('.owl-carousel').length && !$(plugins.lightGalleryItem[z]).parents('.swiper-slider').length && !$(plugins.lightGalleryItem[z]).parents('.slick-slider').length) { notCarouselItems.push(plugins.lightGalleryItem[z]); } } plugins.lightGalleryItem = notCarouselItems; for (let i = 0; i < plugins.lightGalleryItem.length; i++) { initLightGalleryItem(plugins.lightGalleryItem[i]); } } // Dynamic lightGallery if (plugins.lightDynamicGalleryItem.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.lightDynamicGalleryItem.length; i++) { initDynamicLightGallery(plugins.lightDynamicGalleryItem[i]); } } // Custom Toggles if (plugins.customToggle.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.customToggle.length; i++) { let $this = $(plugins.customToggle[i]); $this.on('click', $.proxy(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); let $ctx = $(this); $($ctx.attr('data-custom-toggle')).add(this).toggleClass('active'); }, $this)); if ($this.attr("data-custom-toggle-hide-on-blur") === "true") { $body.on("click", $this, function (e) { if (e.target !== e.data[0] && $(e.data.attr('data-custom-toggle')).find($(e.target)).length && e.data.find($(e.target)).length === 0) { $(e.data.attr('data-custom-toggle')).add(e.data[0]).removeClass('active'); } }) } if ($this.attr("data-custom-toggle-disable-on-blur") === "true") { $body.on("click", $this, function (e) { if (e.target !== e.data[0] && $(e.data.attr('data-custom-toggle')).find($(e.target)).length === 0 && e.data.find($(e.target)).length === 0) { $(e.data.attr('data-custom-toggle')).add(e.data[0]).removeClass('active'); } }) } } } // Countdown if (plugins.countdown.length) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.countdown.length; i++) { let node = plugins.countdown[i], countdown = aCountdown({ node: node, from: node.getAttribute('data-from'), to: node.getAttribute('data-to'), count: node.getAttribute('data-count'), tick: 100, }); } } // Particles if ( plugins.particles.length ) { for (let i = 0; i < plugins.particles.length; i++) { let options = plugins.particles[i].getAttribute( 'data-particles-json' ) || {}; particlesJS.load( plugins.particles[i].id, options ); } } // Parallax JS let screenLg = window.innerWidth; if ( plugins.parallaxJs.length && !isNoviBuilder && screenLg > 992 && !isMobile ) { for ( let i = 0; i < plugins.parallaxJs.length; i++ ) { let parallaxJS = new Parallax( plugins.parallaxJs[i], { selector: '.layer', } ); $window.on('resize', function () { screenLg = window.innerWidth; if ( screenLg < 992 ) { parallaxJS.disable(); parallaxJS.layers.forEach( function ( item ) { item.style.position = 'relative'; item.style.transform = 'none'; } ); } else if ( screenLg > 992 ) { parallaxJS.enable(); } }) } } // Active class on window ready if ( plugins.onReadyActive.length ) { for ( let i = 0; i < plugins.onReadyActive.length; i++ ) { setTimeout( function () { plugins.onReadyActive[i].classList.add( 'active' ); }, 1000 ) } } // SVG Animation if ( plugins.svgAnimation.length ) { for ( let i = 0; i < plugins.svgAnimation.length; i++ ) { let progressPath = plugins.svgAnimation[i].querySelectorAll( '.svg-animation-path' ); progressPath.forEach( function ( item ) { item.style.strokeDasharray = item.getTotalLength(); item.style.strokeDashoffset = item.getTotalLength(); } ); } } // Letter to span if ( plugins.letterToSpan.length ) { for ( let i = 0; i < plugins.letterToSpan.length; i++ ) { plugins.letterToSpan[i].innerHTML = plugins.letterToSpan[i].innerHTML.split( '' ).map(v=>`<span>${v}</span>`).join(""); } } }); }());