--- categories: [] metadata: event_location: - event_location_value: University of Cape Town Breakwater Campus, Cape Town, South Africa event_site: - event_site_url: http://debconf16.debconf.org/ event_site_title: Debconf 16 event_site_attributes: a:0:{} event_start: - event_start_value: 2016-06-22 23:00:00.000000000 +01:00 event_start_value2: 2016-06-30 23:00:00.000000000 +01:00 slide: - slide_value: 0 node_id: 389 layout: evento title: Debconf 16 created: 1453065049 date: 2016-01-17 ---

Advancement of Debian

With more than 350 participants projected, we expect that the first DebConf in Africa will provide an intense working environment, and will lead to major advances for Debian and for Free Software in general.

We invite you to join and support this effort!

