{{ $ := .root }} {{ $page := .page }} {{ $author := "" }} {{ if .author }} {{ $author = .author }} {{ else }} {{ $author = $page.Params.author }} {{end}} {{ $person_page_path := (printf "/authors/%s" $author) }} {{ $person_page := site.GetPage $person_page_path }} {{ if not $person_page }} {{ errorf "Could not find an author page at `%s`. Please check the value of `author` in your About widget and create an associated author page if one does not already exist. See https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/page-builder/#about " $person_page_path }} {{end}} {{ $person := $person_page.Params }} {{ $avatar := ($person_page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "*avatar*" }} {{ $avatar_shape := site.Params.avatar.shape | default "circle" }}
{{ if site.Params.avatar.gravatar }} {{$person_page.Title}} {{ else if $avatar }} {{ $avatar_image := $avatar.Fill "270x270 Center" }} {{$person_page.Title}} {{ end }}

{{ $person_page.Title }}

{{ with $person.role }}

{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}

{{ end }} {{ range $person.organizations }}

{{ with .url }}{{ end }} {{ .name }} {{ if .url }}{{ end }}

{{ end }}
{{/* Only display widget title in explicit instances of about widget, not in author pages. */}} {{ if and $page.Params.widget $page.Title }}

{{ $page.Title | markdownify | emojify }}

{{ end }} {{ $person_page.Content }}
{{ with $person.interests }}

{{ i18n "interests" | markdownify }}

    {{ range . }}
  • {{ . | markdownify | emojify }}
  • {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ with $person.education }}

{{ i18n "education" | markdownify }}

    {{ range .courses }}
  • {{ .course }}{{ with .year }}, {{ . }}{{ end }}

    {{ .institution }}

  • {{ end }}
{{ end }}