{{ $page := . }} {{ $featured := (.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "*cover*" }} {{ $anchor := $page.Params.image.focal_point | default "Smart" }} {{/* Set default titles for node pages */}} {{ $title := .Title }} {{ if and (not $title) .IsNode }} {{ if eq .Type "post" }} {{ $title = i18n "posts" }} {{ else if eq .Type "talk" }} {{ $title = i18n "talks" }} {{ else if eq .Type "publication" }} {{ $title = i18n "publications" }} {{end}} {{end}} {{/* Header image */}} {{ if and .Params.header.image (not (and $featured (not .Params.image.preview_only))) }}
{{ $img_src := urls.Parse .Params.header.image }} {{ if $img_src.Scheme }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ with .Params.header.caption }}{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}{{ end }}
{{end}} {{/* Featured image layout */}} {{ if and $featured (not .Params.image.preview_only) }} {{/* Fit image within max size. */}} {{ $image := $featured }} {{/* Determine image placement. */}} {{ $placement := .Params.image.placement | default 1 }}{{/* Default to full column width. */}} {{ $image_container := "" }} {{ if eq $placement 2}} {{ $image_container = "container" }} {{ if gt $featured.Width 1200 }} {{ $image = $featured.Resize "1200x" }} {{ end }} {{else if eq $placement 3}} {{ $image_container = "container-fluid" }} {{ $image := $featured.Fit "2560x2560" }} {{else}} {{ $image_container = "article-container" }} {{ if gt $featured.Width 720 }} {{ $image = $featured.Resize "720x" }} {{ end }} {{end}}

{{ $title }}

{{ with $page.Params.subtitle }}

{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}

{{end}} {{ partial "page_metadata" (dict "page" $page "is_list" 0 "share" true) }} {{ partial "page_links_div.html" $page }}
{{/* Featured image */}}
{{ with $.Params.image.alt_text }}{{.}}{{ end }} {{ with $.Params.image.caption }}{{ end }}
{{else}} {{/* Case when page has no image */}} {{/* Wider container for nodes */}} {{ $ctnr := "article-container" }} {{ if $page.IsNode }} {{ $ctnr = "universal-wrapper body-width" }} {{end}}

{{ $title }}

{{ with $page.Params.subtitle }}

{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}

{{end}} {{ if not .IsNode }} {{ partial "page_metadata" (dict "page" $page "is_list" 0 "share" true) }} {{ partial "page_links_div.html" $page }} {{end}}