{{- define "main" -}} {{/* Check that user fully installed Academic. */}} {{ if not (isset site.Params "theme") }} {{ errorf "Please complete the installation of Academic by following the steps at https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/install/" }} {{ end }} {{/* Deprecation warnings */}} {{/* v4.5: Address changed from string to map. */}} {{ if isset site.Params "address" }} {{ if eq (reflect.IsMap site.Params.address) false }} {{ errorf "Please upgrade the `address` field in `config/_default/params.toml`. Refer to all of the Breaking Changes in v4.5 at https://sourcethemes.com/academic/updates/v4.5.0/" }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{/* Generate homepage. */}} {{ partial "widget_page.html" . }} {{- end -}}