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categories metadata layout title created date
event_location event_site event_start slide node_id
MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
event_site_url event_site_title event_site_attributes
https://libreplanet.org/2016/ LibrePlanet 2016 a:0:{}
event_start_value event_start_value2
2016-03-19 00:00:00.000000000 +00:00 2016-03-20 00:00:00.000000000 +00:00
evento LibrePlanet 2016 1453999407 2016-01-28

LibrePlanet is an annual conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation for people who care about their digital freedoms, bringing together software developers, policy experts, activists, and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments, and address challenges facing the free software movement. LibrePlanet 2016 will feature programming for a wide range of ages and experience levels.

Organized around the theme "Fork the System", the conference's sessions will examine how free software creates the opportunity of a new path for its users, allows developers to fight the restrictions of a system dominated by proprietary software by creating free replacements, and is the foundation of a philosophy of freedom, sharing, and change.