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# Display name
title: ANSOL
# Username (this should match the folder name)
- ansol
# Is this the primary user of the site?
superuser: true
# Role/position
role: Associação Nacional para o Software Livre
# Organizations/Affiliations
# organizations:
# - name: Stanford University
# url: ""
# Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts)
# bio: My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.
# interests:
# - Artificial Intelligence
# - Computational Linguistics
# - Information Retrieval
# education:
# courses:
# - course: PhD in Artificial Intelligence
# institution: Stanford University
# year: 2012
# - course: MEng in Artificial Intelligence
# institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# year: 2009
# - course: BSc in Artificial Intelligence
# institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
# year: 2008
# Social/Academic Networking
# For available icons, see: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/page-builder/#icons
# For an email link, use "fas" icon pack, "envelope" icon, and a link in the
# form "mailto:your-email@example.com" or "#contact" for contact widget.
- icon: envelope
icon_pack: fas
link: 'mailto:contacto@ansol.org'
- icon: twitter
icon_pack: fab
link: https://twitter.com/ansol
- icon: telegram
icon_pack: fab
link: https://t.me/ansolgeral
# - icon: github
# icon_pack: fab
# link: https://github.com/gcushen
# Link to a PDF of your resume/CV from the About widget.
# To enable, copy your resume/CV to `static/files/cv.pdf` and uncomment the lines below.
# - icon: cv
# icon_pack: ai
# link: files/cv.pdf
# Enter email to display Gravatar (if Gravatar enabled in Config)
email: "contacto@ansol.org"
# Organizational groups that you belong to (for People widget)
# Set this to `[]` or comment out if you are not using People widget.
# user_groups:
# - Researchers
# - Visitors
A "ANSOL - Associação Nacional para o Software Livre" é uma associação portuguesa sem fins lucrativos que tem como fim a divulgação, promoção, desenvolvimento, investigação e estudo da Informática Livre e das suas repercussões sociais, políticas, filosóficas, culturais, técnicas e científicas.
A ANSOL é associada da [FSFE](https://fsfe.org/).