mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 22:21:34 +00:00
[compat] Clean-up
* make workaround_optparse_bug9161 private * add comments * avoid leaving test objects behind
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from .compat import (
from .utils import (
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def _real_main(argv=None):
# Compatibility fix for Windows
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import os
import platform
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import socket
import struct
import subprocess
@ -24,11 +23,15 @@ import sys
import types
import xml.etree.ElementTree
_IDENTITY = lambda x: x
# naming convention
# 'compat_' + Python3_name.replace('.', '_')
# other aliases exist for convenience and/or legacy
# wrap disposable test values in type() to reclaim storage
# deal with critical unicode/str things first
# deal with critical unicode/str things first:
# compat_str, compat_basestring, compat_chr
# Python 2
compat_str, compat_basestring, compat_chr = (
@ -39,18 +42,23 @@ except NameError:
str, (str, bytes), chr
# casefold
# compat_casefold
compat_casefold = lambda s: s.casefold()
except AttributeError:
from .casefold import _casefold as compat_casefold
# compat_collections_abc
import collections.abc as compat_collections_abc
except ImportError:
import collections as compat_collections_abc
# compat_urllib_request
import urllib.request as compat_urllib_request
except ImportError: # Python 2
@ -79,11 +87,15 @@ except TypeError:
del _add_init_method_arg
# compat_urllib_error
import urllib.error as compat_urllib_error
except ImportError: # Python 2
import urllib2 as compat_urllib_error
# compat_urllib_parse
import urllib.parse as compat_urllib_parse
except ImportError: # Python 2
@ -98,17 +110,23 @@ except ImportError: # Python 2
compat_urlparse = compat_urllib_parse
compat_urllib_parse_urlparse = compat_urllib_parse.urlparse
# compat_urllib_response
import urllib.response as compat_urllib_response
except ImportError: # Python 2
import urllib as compat_urllib_response
# compat_urllib_response.addinfourl
except AttributeError:
# .getcode() is deprecated in Py 3.
compat_urllib_response.addinfourl.status = property(lambda self: self.getcode())
# compat_http_cookiejar
import http.cookiejar as compat_cookiejar
except ImportError: # Python 2
@ -127,12 +145,16 @@ else:
compat_cookiejar_Cookie = compat_cookiejar.Cookie
compat_http_cookiejar_Cookie = compat_cookiejar_Cookie
# compat_http_cookies
import http.cookies as compat_cookies
except ImportError: # Python 2
import Cookie as compat_cookies
compat_http_cookies = compat_cookies
# compat_http_cookies_SimpleCookie
if sys.version_info[0] == 2 or sys.version_info < (3, 3):
class compat_cookies_SimpleCookie(compat_cookies.SimpleCookie):
def load(self, rawdata):
@ -155,11 +177,15 @@ else:
compat_cookies_SimpleCookie = compat_cookies.SimpleCookie
compat_http_cookies_SimpleCookie = compat_cookies_SimpleCookie
# compat_html_entities, probably useless now
import html.entities as compat_html_entities
except ImportError: # Python 2
import htmlentitydefs as compat_html_entities
# compat_html_entities_html5
try: # Python >= 3.3
compat_html_entities_html5 = compat_html_entities.html5
except AttributeError:
@ -2408,18 +2434,24 @@ except AttributeError:
# Py < 3.1
compat_http_client.HTTPResponse.getcode = lambda self: self.status
# compat_urllib_HTTPError
from urllib.error import HTTPError as compat_HTTPError
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urllib2 import HTTPError as compat_HTTPError
compat_urllib_HTTPError = compat_HTTPError
# compat_urllib_request_urlretrieve
from urllib.request import urlretrieve as compat_urlretrieve
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urllib import urlretrieve as compat_urlretrieve
compat_urllib_request_urlretrieve = compat_urlretrieve
# compat_html_parser_HTMLParser, compat_html_parser_HTMLParseError
from HTMLParser import (
HTMLParser as compat_HTMLParser,
@ -2432,22 +2464,33 @@ except ImportError: # Python 3
# HTMLParseError was deprecated in Python 3.3 and removed in
# Python 3.5. Introducing dummy exception for Python >3.5 for compatible
# and uniform cross-version exception handling
class compat_HTMLParseError(Exception):
compat_html_parser_HTMLParser = compat_HTMLParser
compat_html_parser_HTMLParseError = compat_HTMLParseError
# compat_subprocess_get_DEVNULL
_DEVNULL = subprocess.DEVNULL
compat_subprocess_get_DEVNULL = lambda: _DEVNULL
except AttributeError:
compat_subprocess_get_DEVNULL = lambda: open(os.path.devnull, 'w')
# compat_http_server
import http.server as compat_http_server
except ImportError:
import BaseHTTPServer as compat_http_server
# compat_urllib_parse_unquote_to_bytes,
# compat_urllib_parse_unquote, compat_urllib_parse_unquote_plus,
# compat_urllib_parse_urlencode,
# compat_urllib_parse_parse_qs
from urllib.parse import unquote_to_bytes as compat_urllib_parse_unquote_to_bytes
from urllib.parse import unquote as compat_urllib_parse_unquote
@ -2598,6 +2641,8 @@ except ImportError: # Python 2
compat_urllib_parse_parse_qs = compat_parse_qs
# compat_urllib_request_DataHandler
from urllib.request import DataHandler as compat_urllib_request_DataHandler
except ImportError: # Python < 3.4
@ -2632,16 +2677,20 @@ except ImportError: # Python < 3.4
return compat_urllib_response.addinfourl(io.BytesIO(data), headers, url)
# compat_xml_etree_ElementTree_ParseError
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError as compat_xml_parse_error
except ImportError: # Python 2.6
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError as compat_xml_parse_error
compat_xml_etree_ElementTree_ParseError = compat_xml_parse_error
etree = xml.etree.ElementTree
# compat_xml_etree_ElementTree_Element
_etree = xml.etree.ElementTree
class _TreeBuilder(etree.TreeBuilder):
class _TreeBuilder(_etree.TreeBuilder):
def doctype(self, name, pubid, system):
@ -2650,7 +2699,7 @@ try:
# xml.etree.ElementTree.Element is a method in Python <=2.6 and
# the following will crash with:
# TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and types
isinstance(None, etree.Element)
isinstance(None, _etree.Element)
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element as compat_etree_Element
except TypeError: # Python <=2.6
from xml.etree.ElementTree import _ElementInterface as compat_etree_Element
@ -2658,12 +2707,12 @@ compat_xml_etree_ElementTree_Element = compat_etree_Element
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
def compat_etree_fromstring(text):
return etree.XML(text, parser=etree.XMLParser(target=_TreeBuilder()))
return _etree.XML(text, parser=_etree.XMLParser(target=_TreeBuilder()))
# python 2.x tries to encode unicode strings with ascii (see the
# XMLParser._fixtext method)
_etree_iter = etree.Element.iter
_etree_iter = _etree.Element.iter
except AttributeError: # Python <=2.6
def _etree_iter(root):
for el in root.findall('*'):
@ -2675,27 +2724,29 @@ else:
# 2.7 source
def _XML(text, parser=None):
if not parser:
parser = etree.XMLParser(target=_TreeBuilder())
parser = _etree.XMLParser(target=_TreeBuilder())
return parser.close()
def _element_factory(*args, **kwargs):
el = etree.Element(*args, **kwargs)
el = _etree.Element(*args, **kwargs)
for k, v in el.items():
if isinstance(v, bytes):
el.set(k, v.decode('utf-8'))
return el
def compat_etree_fromstring(text):
doc = _XML(text, parser=etree.XMLParser(target=_TreeBuilder(element_factory=_element_factory)))
doc = _XML(text, parser=_etree.XMLParser(target=_TreeBuilder(element_factory=_element_factory)))
for el in _etree_iter(doc):
if el.text is not None and isinstance(el.text, bytes):
el.text = el.text.decode('utf-8')
return doc
if hasattr(etree, 'register_namespace'):
compat_etree_register_namespace = etree.register_namespace
# compat_xml_etree_register_namespace
compat_etree_register_namespace = _etree.register_namespace
except AttributeError:
def compat_etree_register_namespace(prefix, uri):
"""Register a namespace prefix.
The registry is global, and any existing mapping for either the
@ -2704,14 +2755,16 @@ else:
attributes in this namespace will be serialized with prefix if possible.
ValueError is raised if prefix is reserved or is invalid.
if re.match(r"ns\d+$", prefix):
raise ValueError("Prefix format reserved for internal use")
for k, v in list(etree._namespace_map.items()):
if re.match(r'ns\d+$', prefix):
raise ValueError('Prefix format reserved for internal use')
for k, v in list(_etree._namespace_map.items()):
if k == uri or v == prefix:
del etree._namespace_map[k]
etree._namespace_map[uri] = prefix
del _etree._namespace_map[k]
_etree._namespace_map[uri] = prefix
compat_xml_etree_register_namespace = compat_etree_register_namespace
# compat_xpath, compat_etree_iterfind
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
# Here comes the crazy part: In 2.6, if the xpath is a unicode,
# .//node does not match if a node is a direct child of . !
@ -2898,7 +2951,6 @@ if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
# Generate all matching objects.
def compat_etree_iterfind(elem, path, namespaces=None):
@ -2933,13 +2985,15 @@ if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
compat_xpath = lambda xpath: xpath
compat_etree_iterfind = lambda element, match: element.iterfind(match)
compat_xpath = _IDENTITY
# compat_os_name
compat_os_name = os._name if os.name == 'java' else os.name
# compat_shlex_quote
if compat_os_name == 'nt':
def compat_shlex_quote(s):
return s if re.match(r'^[-_\w./]+$', s) else '"%s"' % s.replace('"', '\\"')
@ -2954,6 +3008,7 @@ else:
return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'"
# compat_shlex.split
args = shlex.split('中文')
assert (isinstance(args, list)
@ -2969,6 +3024,7 @@ except (AssertionError, UnicodeEncodeError):
return list(map(lambda s: s.decode('utf-8'), shlex.split(s, comments, posix)))
# compat_ord
def compat_ord(c):
if isinstance(c, int):
return c
@ -2976,6 +3032,7 @@ def compat_ord(c):
return ord(c)
# compat_getenv, compat_os_path_expanduser, compat_setenv
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
compat_getenv = os.getenv
compat_expanduser = os.path.expanduser
@ -3063,6 +3120,7 @@ else:
compat_os_path_expanduser = compat_expanduser
# compat_os_path_realpath
if compat_os_name == 'nt' and sys.version_info < (3, 8):
# os.path.realpath on Windows does not follow symbolic links
# prior to Python 3.8 (see https://bugs.python.org/issue9949)
@ -3076,6 +3134,7 @@ else:
compat_os_path_realpath = compat_realpath
# compat_print
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
def compat_print(s):
from .utils import preferredencoding
@ -3086,6 +3145,7 @@ else:
# compat_getpass_getpass
if sys.version_info < (3, 0) and sys.platform == 'win32':
def compat_getpass(prompt, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(prompt, compat_str):
@ -3098,22 +3158,22 @@ else:
compat_getpass_getpass = compat_getpass
# compat_input
compat_input = raw_input
except NameError: # Python 3
compat_input = input
# compat_kwargs
# Python < 2.6.5 require kwargs to be bytes
def _testfunc(x):
_testfunc(**{'x': 0})
(lambda x: x)(**{'x': 0})
except TypeError:
def compat_kwargs(kwargs):
return dict((bytes(k), v) for k, v in kwargs.items())
compat_kwargs = lambda kwargs: kwargs
compat_kwargs = _IDENTITY
# compat_numeric_types
@ -3132,6 +3192,8 @@ except NameError: # Python 3
# compat_int
compat_int = compat_integer_types[-1]
# compat_socket_create_connection
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
def compat_socket_create_connection(address, timeout, source_address=None):
host, port = address
@ -3158,6 +3220,7 @@ else:
compat_socket_create_connection = socket.create_connection
# compat_contextlib_suppress
from contextlib import suppress as compat_contextlib_suppress
except ImportError:
@ -3200,12 +3263,12 @@ except AttributeError:
# repeated .close() is OK, but just in case
with compat_contextlib_suppress(EnvironmentError):
# Fix https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/4223
# See http://bugs.python.org/issue9161 for what is broken
def workaround_optparse_bug9161():
def _workaround_optparse_bug9161():
op = optparse.OptionParser()
og = optparse.OptionGroup(op, 'foo')
@ -3224,9 +3287,10 @@ def workaround_optparse_bug9161():
optparse.OptionGroup.add_option = _compat_add_option
if hasattr(shutil, 'get_terminal_size'): # Python >= 3.3
compat_get_terminal_size = shutil.get_terminal_size
# compat_shutil_get_terminal_size
from shutil import get_terminal_size as compat_get_terminal_size # Python >= 3.3
except ImportError:
_terminal_size = collections.namedtuple('terminal_size', ['columns', 'lines'])
def compat_get_terminal_size(fallback=(80, 24)):
@ -3256,27 +3320,33 @@ else:
columns = _columns
if lines is None or lines <= 0:
lines = _lines
return _terminal_size(columns, lines)
compat_shutil_get_terminal_size = compat_get_terminal_size
# compat_itertools_count
itertools.count(start=0, step=1)
type(itertools.count(start=0, step=1))
compat_itertools_count = itertools.count
except TypeError: # Python 2.6
except TypeError: # Python 2.6 lacks step
def compat_itertools_count(start=0, step=1):
while True:
yield start
start += step
# compat_tokenize_tokenize
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
from tokenize import tokenize as compat_tokenize_tokenize
from tokenize import generate_tokens as compat_tokenize_tokenize
# compat_struct_pack, compat_struct_unpack, compat_Struct
struct.pack('!I', 0)
type(struct.pack('!I', 0))
except TypeError:
# In Python 2.6 and 2.7.x < 2.7.7, struct requires a bytes argument
# See https://bugs.python.org/issue19099
@ -3308,8 +3378,10 @@ else:
compat_Struct = struct.Struct
# compat_map/filter() returning an iterator, supposedly the
# same versioning as for zip below
# builtins returning an iterator
# compat_map, compat_filter
# supposedly the same versioning as for zip below
from future_builtins import map as compat_map
except ImportError:
@ -3326,6 +3398,7 @@ except ImportError:
except ImportError:
compat_filter = filter
# compat_zip
from future_builtins import zip as compat_zip
except ImportError: # not 2.6+ or is 3.x
@ -3335,6 +3408,7 @@ except ImportError: # not 2.6+ or is 3.x
compat_zip = zip
# compat_itertools_zip_longest
# method renamed between Py2/3
from itertools import zip_longest as compat_itertools_zip_longest
@ -3342,7 +3416,8 @@ except ImportError:
from itertools import izip_longest as compat_itertools_zip_longest
# new class in collections
# compat_collections_chain_map
# collections.ChainMap: new class
from collections import ChainMap as compat_collections_chain_map
# Py3.3's ChainMap is deficient
@ -3405,12 +3480,14 @@ except ImportError:
return compat_collections_chain_map(*(self.maps[1:]))
# compat_re_Pattern, compat_re_Match
# Pythons disagree on the type of a pattern (RegexObject, _sre.SRE_Pattern, Pattern, ...?)
compat_re_Pattern = type(re.compile(''))
# and on the type of a match
compat_re_Match = type(re.match('a', 'a'))
# compat_base64_b64decode
if sys.version_info < (3, 3):
def compat_b64decode(s, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(s, compat_str):
@ -3422,6 +3499,7 @@ else:
compat_base64_b64decode = compat_b64decode
# compat_ctypes_WINFUNCTYPE
if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' and sys.pypy_version_info < (5, 4, 0):
# PyPy2 prior to version 5.4.0 expects byte strings as Windows function
# names, see the original PyPy issue [1] and the youtube-dl one [2].
@ -3440,6 +3518,7 @@ else:
return ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(*args, **kwargs)
# compat_open
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
# open(file, mode='r', buffering=- 1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True) not: opener=None
def compat_open(file_, *args, **kwargs):
@ -3467,12 +3546,15 @@ except AttributeError:
def compat_datetime_timedelta_total_seconds(td):
return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6
# optional decompression packages
# compat_brotli
# PyPi brotli package implements 'br' Content-Encoding
import brotli as compat_brotli
except ImportError:
compat_brotli = None
# compat_ncompress
# PyPi ncompress package implements 'compress' Content-Encoding
import ncompress as compat_ncompress
@ -3495,6 +3577,7 @@ legacy = [
@ -3508,8 +3591,6 @@ legacy = [
__all__ = [
@ -3518,13 +3599,9 @@ __all__ = [
@ -3533,6 +3610,12 @@ __all__ = [
@ -3555,7 +3638,7 @@ __all__ = [
@ -3575,5 +3658,4 @@ __all__ = [
Reference in New Issue
Block a user