From dbaf6016467be635afd1660da3d90fb644a6058c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philipp Hagemeister <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 22:35:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [comedycentral/mtv] Add support for HLS videos (fixes #11600)

Currently, the HTTP files of the RTMP urls are not present for the The Daily Show.
Use HLS instead for now.
 youtube_dl/extractor/ |  3 +-
 youtube_dl/extractor/           | 55 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/ b/youtube_dl/extractor/
index 512f072f6..8bd589774 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/extractor/
+++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ class ComedyCentralFullEpisodesIE(MTVServicesInfoExtractor):
         feed = self._download_json(video_zone['feed'], playlist_id)
         mgid = feed['result']['data']['id']
-        videos_info = self._get_videos_info(mgid)
+        videos_info = self._get_videos_info(mgid, use_hls=True)
         return videos_info
diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/ b/youtube_dl/extractor/
index 03351917e..e1f1f8fa4 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/extractor/
+++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class MTVServicesInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
         url = re.sub(r'.+pxE=mp4', '', url, 1)
         return [{'url': url, 'ext': 'mp4'}]
-    def _extract_video_formats(self, mdoc, mtvn_id):
+    def _extract_video_formats(self, mdoc, mtvn_id, video_id):
         if re.match(r'.*/(error_country_block\.swf|geoblock\.mp4|copyright_error\.flv(?:\?geo\b.+?)?)$', mdoc.find('.//src').text) is not None:
             if mtvn_id is not None and self._MOBILE_TEMPLATE is not None:
                 self.to_screen('The normal version is not available from your '
@@ -88,21 +88,26 @@ class MTVServicesInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
         formats = []
         for rendition in mdoc.findall('.//rendition'):
-            try:
-                _, _, ext = rendition.attrib['type'].partition('/')
-                rtmp_video_url = rendition.find('./src').text
-                if rtmp_video_url.endswith('siteunavail.png'):
-                    continue
-                new_urls = self._transform_rtmp_url(rtmp_video_url)
-                formats.extend([{
-                    'ext': 'flv' if new_url.startswith('rtmp') else ext,
-                    'url': new_url,
-                    'format_id': '-'.join(filter(None, [kind, rendition.get('bitrate')])),
-                    'width': int(rendition.get('width')),
-                    'height': int(rendition.get('height')),
-                } for kind, new_url in new_urls.items()])
-            except (KeyError, TypeError):
-                raise ExtractorError('Invalid rendition field.')
+            if rendition.attrib['method'] == 'hls':
+                hls_url = rendition.find('./src').text
+                formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(hls_url, video_id, ext='mp4'))
+            else:
+                # fms
+                try:
+                    _, _, ext = rendition.attrib['type'].partition('/')
+                    rtmp_video_url = rendition.find('./src').text
+                    if rtmp_video_url.endswith('siteunavail.png'):
+                        continue
+                    new_urls = self._transform_rtmp_url(rtmp_video_url)
+                    formats.extend([{
+                        'ext': 'flv' if new_url.startswith('rtmp') else ext,
+                        'url': new_url,
+                        'format_id': '-'.join(filter(None, [kind, rendition.get('bitrate')])),
+                        'width': int(rendition.get('width')),
+                        'height': int(rendition.get('height')),
+                    } for kind, new_url in new_urls.items()])
+                except (KeyError, TypeError):
+                    raise ExtractorError('Invalid rendition field.')
         return formats
@@ -118,15 +123,17 @@ class MTVServicesInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
             } for typographic in transcript.findall('./typographic')]
         return subtitles
-    def _get_video_info(self, itemdoc):
+    def _get_video_info(self, itemdoc, use_hls):
         uri = itemdoc.find('guid').text
         video_id = self._id_from_uri(uri)
         content_el = itemdoc.find('%s/%s' % (_media_xml_tag('group'), _media_xml_tag('content')))
         mediagen_url = self._remove_template_parameter(content_el.attrib['url'])
+        mediagen_url = mediagen_url.replace('device={device}', '')
         if 'acceptMethods' not in mediagen_url:
             mediagen_url += '&' if '?' in mediagen_url else '?'
-            mediagen_url += 'acceptMethods=fms'
+            mediagen_url += 'acceptMethods='
+            mediagen_url += 'hls' if use_hls else 'fms'
         mediagen_doc = self._download_xml(mediagen_url, video_id,
                                           'Downloading video urls')
@@ -167,9 +174,11 @@ class MTVServicesInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
         if mtvn_id_node is not None:
             mtvn_id = mtvn_id_node.text
+        formats = self._extract_video_formats(mediagen_doc, mtvn_id, video_id)
         return {
             'title': title,
-            'formats': self._extract_video_formats(mediagen_doc, mtvn_id),
+            'formats': formats,
             'subtitles': self._extract_subtitles(mediagen_doc, mtvn_id),
             'id': video_id,
             'thumbnail': self._get_thumbnail_url(uri, itemdoc),
@@ -184,13 +193,13 @@ class MTVServicesInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
             data['lang'] = self._LANG
         return data
-    def _get_videos_info(self, uri):
+    def _get_videos_info(self, uri, use_hls=False):
         video_id = self._id_from_uri(uri)
         feed_url = self._get_feed_url(uri)
         info_url = update_url_query(feed_url, self._get_feed_query(uri))
-        return self._get_videos_info_from_url(info_url, video_id)
+        return self._get_videos_info_from_url(info_url, video_id, use_hls)
-    def _get_videos_info_from_url(self, url, video_id):
+    def _get_videos_info_from_url(self, url, video_id, use_hls):
         idoc = self._download_xml(
             url, video_id,
             'Downloading info', transform_source=fix_xml_ampersands)
@@ -199,7 +208,7 @@ class MTVServicesInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor):
         description = xpath_text(idoc, './channel/description')
         return self.playlist_result(
-            [self._get_video_info(item) for item in idoc.findall('.//item')],
+            [self._get_video_info(item, use_hls) for item in idoc.findall('.//item')],
             playlist_title=title, playlist_description=description)
     def _extract_mgid(self, webpage, default=NO_DEFAULT):