**Method 1:** [](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/hacs_repository/?owner=Andre0512&repository=hon&category=integration)
**Method 1**: [](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/config_flow_start/?domain=hon)
If you want to make a request for adding new appliances or additional attributes and don't want to use the command line, here is how you can read out your device data.
For every device exists a hidden button which can be used to log all info of your appliance.
1. Enable the "Log Device Info" button
_This button can be found in the diagnostic section of your device or in the entity overview if "show disabled entities" is enabled._
2. Press the button
3. Go to Settings > System > Logs, click _load full logs_ and scroll down
_The formatting is messy if you not load full logs_
4. Here you can find all data which can be read out via the api
- If you need to implement some more logic, create a pull request to the underlying library. There we collect special requirements in the `appliances` directory.