// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #pragma once #include #include "common/common_types.h" #include "common/literals.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/file_sys/common_funcs.h" #include "core/file_sys/content_archive.h" #include "core/file_sys/mode.h" #include "core/file_sys/nca_metadata.h" #include "core/file_sys/patch_manager.h" #include "core/file_sys/registered_cache.h" #include "core/file_sys/submission_package.h" #include "core/hle/service/filesystem/filesystem.h" #include "core/loader/loader.h" #include "core/loader/nca.h" namespace ContentManager { enum class InstallResult { Success, Overwrite, Failure, BaseInstallAttempted, }; enum class GameVerificationResult { Success, Failed, NotImplemented, }; /** * \brief Removes a single installed DLC * \param fs_controller [FileSystemController] reference from the Core::System instance * \param title_id Unique title ID representing the DLC which will be removed * \return 'true' if successful */ inline bool RemoveDLC(const Service::FileSystem::FileSystemController& fs_controller, const u64 title_id) { return fs_controller.GetUserNANDContents()->RemoveExistingEntry(title_id) || fs_controller.GetSDMCContents()->RemoveExistingEntry(title_id); } /** * \brief Removes all DLC for a game * \param system Raw pointer to the system instance * \param program_id Program ID for the game that will have all of its DLC removed * \return Number of DLC removed */ inline size_t RemoveAllDLC(Core::System* system, const u64 program_id) { size_t count{}; const auto& fs_controller = system->GetFileSystemController(); const auto dlc_entries = system->GetContentProvider().ListEntriesFilter( FileSys::TitleType::AOC, FileSys::ContentRecordType::Data); std::vector program_dlc_entries; for (const auto& entry : dlc_entries) { if (FileSys::GetBaseTitleID(entry.title_id) == program_id) { program_dlc_entries.push_back(entry.title_id); } } for (const auto& entry : program_dlc_entries) { if (RemoveDLC(fs_controller, entry)) { ++count; } } return count; } /** * \brief Removes the installed update for a game * \param fs_controller [FileSystemController] reference from the Core::System instance * \param program_id Program ID for the game that will have its installed update removed * \return 'true' if successful */ inline bool RemoveUpdate(const Service::FileSystem::FileSystemController& fs_controller, const u64 program_id) { const auto update_id = program_id | 0x800; return fs_controller.GetUserNANDContents()->RemoveExistingEntry(update_id) || fs_controller.GetSDMCContents()->RemoveExistingEntry(update_id); } /** * \brief Removes the base content for a game * \param fs_controller [FileSystemController] reference from the Core::System instance * \param program_id Program ID for the game that will have its base content removed * \return 'true' if successful */ inline bool RemoveBaseContent(const Service::FileSystem::FileSystemController& fs_controller, const u64 program_id) { return fs_controller.GetUserNANDContents()->RemoveExistingEntry(program_id) || fs_controller.GetSDMCContents()->RemoveExistingEntry(program_id); } /** * \brief Removes a mod for a game * \param fs_controller [FileSystemController] reference from the Core::System instance * \param program_id Program ID for the game where [mod_name] will be removed * \param mod_name The name of a mod as given by FileSys::PatchManager::GetPatches. This corresponds * with the name of the mod's directory in a game's load folder. * \return 'true' if successful */ inline bool RemoveMod(const Service::FileSystem::FileSystemController& fs_controller, const u64 program_id, const std::string& mod_name) { // Check general Mods (LayeredFS and IPS) const auto mod_dir = fs_controller.GetModificationLoadRoot(program_id); if (mod_dir != nullptr) { return mod_dir->DeleteSubdirectoryRecursive(mod_name); } // Check SDMC mod directory (RomFS LayeredFS) const auto sdmc_mod_dir = fs_controller.GetSDMCModificationLoadRoot(program_id); if (sdmc_mod_dir != nullptr) { return sdmc_mod_dir->DeleteSubdirectoryRecursive(mod_name); } return false; } /** * \brief Installs an NSP * \param system Raw pointer to the system instance * \param vfs Raw pointer to the VfsFilesystem instance in Core::System * \param filename Path to the NSP file * \param callback Optional callback to report the progress of the installation. The first size_t * parameter is the total size of the virtual file and the second is the current progress. If you * return true to the callback, it will cancel the installation as soon as possible. * \return [InstallResult] representing how the installation finished */ inline InstallResult InstallNSP( Core::System* system, FileSys::VfsFilesystem* vfs, const std::string& filename, const std::function& callback = std::function()) { const auto copy = [callback](const FileSys::VirtualFile& src, const FileSys::VirtualFile& dest, std::size_t block_size) { if (src == nullptr || dest == nullptr) { return false; } if (!dest->Resize(src->GetSize())) { return false; } using namespace Common::Literals; std::vector buffer(1_MiB); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < src->GetSize(); i += buffer.size()) { if (callback(src->GetSize(), i)) { dest->Resize(0); return false; } const auto read = src->Read(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), i); dest->Write(buffer.data(), read, i); } return true; }; std::shared_ptr nsp; FileSys::VirtualFile file = vfs->OpenFile(filename, FileSys::Mode::Read); if (boost::to_lower_copy(file->GetName()).ends_with(std::string("nsp"))) { nsp = std::make_shared(file); if (nsp->IsExtractedType()) { return InstallResult::Failure; } } else { return InstallResult::Failure; } if (nsp->GetStatus() != Loader::ResultStatus::Success) { return InstallResult::Failure; } const auto res = system->GetFileSystemController().GetUserNANDContents()->InstallEntry(*nsp, true, copy); switch (res) { case FileSys::InstallResult::Success: return InstallResult::Success; case FileSys::InstallResult::OverwriteExisting: return InstallResult::Overwrite; case FileSys::InstallResult::ErrorBaseInstall: return InstallResult::BaseInstallAttempted; default: return InstallResult::Failure; } } /** * \brief Installs an NCA * \param vfs Raw pointer to the VfsFilesystem instance in Core::System * \param filename Path to the NCA file * \param registered_cache Raw pointer to the registered cache that the NCA will be installed to * \param title_type Type of NCA package to install * \param callback Optional callback to report the progress of the installation. The first size_t * parameter is the total size of the virtual file and the second is the current progress. If you * return true to the callback, it will cancel the installation as soon as possible. * \return [InstallResult] representing how the installation finished */ inline InstallResult InstallNCA( FileSys::VfsFilesystem* vfs, const std::string& filename, FileSys::RegisteredCache* registered_cache, const FileSys::TitleType title_type, const std::function& callback = std::function()) { const auto copy = [callback](const FileSys::VirtualFile& src, const FileSys::VirtualFile& dest, std::size_t block_size) { if (src == nullptr || dest == nullptr) { return false; } if (!dest->Resize(src->GetSize())) { return false; } using namespace Common::Literals; std::vector buffer(1_MiB); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < src->GetSize(); i += buffer.size()) { if (callback(src->GetSize(), i)) { dest->Resize(0); return false; } const auto read = src->Read(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), i); dest->Write(buffer.data(), read, i); } return true; }; const auto nca = std::make_shared(vfs->OpenFile(filename, FileSys::Mode::Read)); const auto id = nca->GetStatus(); // Game updates necessary are missing base RomFS if (id != Loader::ResultStatus::Success && id != Loader::ResultStatus::ErrorMissingBKTRBaseRomFS) { return InstallResult::Failure; } const auto res = registered_cache->InstallEntry(*nca, title_type, true, copy); if (res == FileSys::InstallResult::Success) { return InstallResult::Success; } else if (res == FileSys::InstallResult::OverwriteExisting) { return InstallResult::Overwrite; } else { return InstallResult::Failure; } } /** * \brief Verifies the installed contents for a given ManualContentProvider * \param system Raw pointer to the system instance * \param provider Raw pointer to the content provider that's tracking indexed games * \param callback Optional callback to report the progress of the installation. The first size_t * parameter is the total size of the installed contents and the second is the current progress. If * you return true to the callback, it will cancel the installation as soon as possible. * \return A list of entries that failed to install. Returns an empty vector if successful. */ inline std::vector VerifyInstalledContents( Core::System* system, FileSys::ManualContentProvider* provider, const std::function& callback = std::function()) { // Get content registries. auto bis_contents = system->GetFileSystemController().GetSystemNANDContents(); auto user_contents = system->GetFileSystemController().GetUserNANDContents(); std::vector content_providers; if (bis_contents) { content_providers.push_back(bis_contents); } if (user_contents) { content_providers.push_back(user_contents); } // Get associated NCA files. std::vector nca_files; // Get all installed IDs. size_t total_size = 0; for (auto nca_provider : content_providers) { const auto entries = nca_provider->ListEntriesFilter(); for (const auto& entry : entries) { auto nca_file = nca_provider->GetEntryRaw(entry.title_id, entry.type); if (!nca_file) { continue; } total_size += nca_file->GetSize(); nca_files.push_back(std::move(nca_file)); } } // Declare a list of file names which failed to verify. std::vector failed; size_t processed_size = 0; bool cancelled = false; auto nca_callback = [&](size_t nca_processed, size_t nca_total) { cancelled = callback(total_size, processed_size + nca_processed); return !cancelled; }; // Using the NCA loader, determine if all NCAs are valid. for (auto& nca_file : nca_files) { Loader::AppLoader_NCA nca_loader(nca_file); auto status = nca_loader.VerifyIntegrity(nca_callback); if (cancelled) { break; } if (status != Loader::ResultStatus::Success) { FileSys::NCA nca(nca_file); const auto title_id = nca.GetTitleId(); std::string title_name = "unknown"; const auto control = provider->GetEntry(FileSys::GetBaseTitleID(title_id), FileSys::ContentRecordType::Control); if (control && control->GetStatus() == Loader::ResultStatus::Success) { const FileSys::PatchManager pm{title_id, system->GetFileSystemController(), *provider}; const auto [nacp, logo] = pm.ParseControlNCA(*control); if (nacp) { title_name = nacp->GetApplicationName(); } } if (title_id > 0) { failed.push_back( fmt::format("{} ({:016X}) ({})", nca_file->GetName(), title_id, title_name)); } else { failed.push_back(fmt::format("{} (unknown)", nca_file->GetName())); } } processed_size += nca_file->GetSize(); } return failed; } /** * \brief Verifies the contents of a given game * \param system Raw pointer to the system instance * \param game_path Patch to the game file * \param callback Optional callback to report the progress of the installation. The first size_t * parameter is the total size of the installed contents and the second is the current progress. If * you return true to the callback, it will cancel the installation as soon as possible. * \return GameVerificationResult representing how the verification process finished */ inline GameVerificationResult VerifyGameContents( Core::System* system, const std::string& game_path, const std::function& callback = std::function()) { const auto loader = Loader::GetLoader( *system, system->GetFilesystem()->OpenFile(game_path, FileSys::Mode::Read)); if (loader == nullptr) { return GameVerificationResult::NotImplemented; } bool cancelled = false; auto loader_callback = [&](size_t processed, size_t total) { cancelled = callback(total, processed); return !cancelled; }; const auto status = loader->VerifyIntegrity(loader_callback); if (cancelled || status == Loader::ResultStatus::ErrorIntegrityVerificationNotImplemented) { return GameVerificationResult::NotImplemented; } if (status == Loader::ResultStatus::ErrorIntegrityVerificationFailed) { return GameVerificationResult::Failed; } return GameVerificationResult::Success; } } // namespace ContentManager