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2023-12-22 19:40:32 +00:00
namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Mail\ReplyToCustomer;
use App\SendLog;
use App\Thread;
use App\Misc\SwiftGetSmtpQueueId;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Mail;
use Webklex\IMAP\Client;
class SendReplyToCustomer implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $conversation;
public $threads;
public $customer;
private $failures = [];
private $recipients = [];
private $last_thread = null;
private $message_id = '';
private $customer_email = '';
// Number of retries + 1
public $tries = 168; // one per hour
* The number of seconds the job can run before timing out.
* fwrite() function in /vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php
* in some cases may stuck and continue infinitely. This blocks queue:work and no other jobs are processed.
* So we need to set the timeout. On timeout the whole queue:work process is being killed by Laravel.
public $timeout = 120;
* Create a new job instance.
* @return void
public function __construct($conversation, $threads, $customer)
$this->conversation = $conversation;
$this->threads = $threads;
$this->customer = $customer;
* Execute the job.
* @return void
public function handle()
$send_previous_messages = false;
$is_forward = false;
// When forwarding conversation is undone, new conversation is deleted.
if (!$this->conversation) {
$mailbox = $this->conversation->mailbox;
// Mailbox may be deleted.
if (!$mailbox) {
// Add forwarded conversation replies.
if ($this->conversation->threads_count == 1 && count($this->threads) == 1) {
$forward_child_thread = $this->threads[0];
if ($forward_child_thread->isForwarded() && $forward_child_thread->getForwardParentConversation()) {
// Add replies from original conversation.
$forwarded_replies = $forward_child_thread->getForwardParentConversation()->getReplies();
$forwarded_replies = Thread::sortThreads($forwarded_replies);
$forward_parent_thread = Thread::find($forward_child_thread->getMetaFw(Thread::META_FORWARD_PARENT_THREAD_ID));
if ($forward_parent_thread) {
// Remove threads created after forwarding.
foreach ($forwarded_replies as $i => $thread) {
if ($thread->created_at > $forward_parent_thread->created_at) {
$this->threads = $this->threads->merge($forwarded_replies);
$is_forward = true;
// Threads has to be sorted here, if sorted before, they come here in wrong order
$this->threads = Thread::sortThreads($this->threads);
$new = false;
$headers = [];
$this->last_thread = $this->threads->first();
if ($this->last_thread === null) {
$last_customer_thread = null;
// If thread is draft, it means it has been undone
if ($this->last_thread->isDraft()) {
if (count($this->threads) == 1) {
$new = true;
if (!$new) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->threads as $thread) {
if ($i > 0 && $thread->type == Thread::TYPE_CUSTOMER) {
$last_customer_thread = $thread;
// In-Reply-To and References headers.
$references = '';
if (!$new && !empty($last_customer_thread) && $last_customer_thread->message_id) {
$headers['In-Reply-To'] = '<'.$last_customer_thread->message_id.'>';
//$headers['References'] = '<'.$last_customer_thread->message_id.'>';
$i = 0;
$references_array = [];
foreach ($this->threads as $thread) {
if ($i > 0) {
$reference = $thread->getMessageId();
if ($reference) {
$references_array[] = $reference;
if ($references_array) {
$references = '<'.implode('> <', array_reverse($references_array)).'>';
if ($references) {
$headers['References'] = $references;
// Conversation history.
$email_conv_history = config('app.email_conv_history');
$threads_count = count($this->threads);
$meta_conv_history = $this->last_thread->getMeta(Thread::META_CONVERSATION_HISTORY);
if (!empty($meta_conv_history)) {
$email_conv_history = $meta_conv_history;
if ($is_forward && $email_conv_history == 'global') {
$email_conv_history = 'full';
if ($is_forward && $email_conv_history == 'none') {
$email_conv_history = 'full';
if ($email_conv_history == 'full') {
$send_previous_messages = true;
if ($email_conv_history == 'last') {
$send_previous_messages = true;
$this->threads = $this->threads->slice(0, 2);
if ($email_conv_history == 'none') {
$send_previous_messages = false;
if (!$is_forward) {
$send_previous_messages = \Eventy::filter('jobs.send_reply_to_customer.send_previous_messages', $send_previous_messages, $this->last_thread, $this->threads, $this->conversation, $this->customer);
// Remove previous messages.
if (!$send_previous_messages) {
$this->threads = $this->threads->slice(0, 1);
// Configure mail driver according to Mailbox settings
\MailHelper::setMailDriver($mailbox, $this->last_thread->created_by_user, $this->conversation);
if (!\MailHelper::$smtp_queue_id_plugin_registered) {
\Mail::getSwiftMailer()->registerPlugin(new SwiftGetSmtpQueueId());
\MailHelper::$smtp_queue_id_plugin_registered = true;
$this->message_id = $this->last_thread->getMessageId($mailbox);
$headers['Message-ID'] = $this->message_id;
$this->customer_email = $this->conversation->customer_email;
// For phone conversations we may need to get customer email.
if (!$this->customer_email && $this->conversation->isPhone()) {
$this->customer_email = $this->conversation->customer->getMainEmail();
if (!$this->customer_email) {
$to_array = $mailbox->removeMailboxEmailsFromList($this->last_thread->getToArray());
$cc_array = $mailbox->removeMailboxEmailsFromList($this->last_thread->getCcArray());
$bcc_array = $mailbox->removeMailboxEmailsFromList($this->last_thread->getBccArray());
// Remove customer email from CC and BCC
$cc_array = \App\Misc\Mail::removeEmailFromArray($cc_array, $this->customer_email);
$bcc_array = \App\Misc\Mail::removeEmailFromArray($bcc_array, $this->customer_email);
// Auto Bcc.
if ($mailbox->auto_bcc) {
$auto_bcc = \MailHelper::sanitizeEmails($mailbox->auto_bcc);
if ($auto_bcc) {
$bcc_array = array_merge($bcc_array, $auto_bcc);
// Remove from BCC emails which are present in CC
foreach ($cc_array as $cc_email) {
$bcc_array = \App\Misc\Mail::removeEmailFromArray($bcc_array, $cc_email);
$this->recipients = array_merge($to_array, $cc_array, $bcc_array);
$to = [];
if (count($to_array) > 1) {
$to = $to_array;
} else {
$to = [['name' => $this->customer->getFullName(), 'email' => $this->customer_email]];
// If sending fails, all recipiens fail.
// if ($this->attempts() > 1) {
// $cc_array = [];
// $bcc_array = [];
// }
$subject = $this->conversation->subject;
if (!$new && !$is_forward) {
$subject = 'Re: '.$subject;
$subject = \Eventy::filter('email.reply_to_customer.subject', $subject, $this->conversation, $this->last_thread);
$this->threads = \Eventy::filter('email.reply_to_customer.threads', $this->threads, $this->conversation, $mailbox);
$headers['X-FreeScout-Mail-Type'] = 'customer.message';
$reply_mail = new ReplyToCustomer($this->conversation, $this->threads, $headers, $mailbox, $subject, $threads_count);
$smtp_queue_id = null;
try {
$smtp_queue_id = SwiftGetSmtpQueueId::$last_smtp_queue_id;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// We come here in case SMTP server unavailable for example
if ($this->attempts() == 1) {
'error' => $e->getMessage().'; File: '.$e->getFile().' ('.$e->getLine().')',
// Failures will be saved to send log when retry attempts will finish
// Mail::failures() is empty in case of connection error.
$this->failures = $this->recipients;
// Save to send log (only first attempt).
if ($this->attempts() == 1) {
$error_message = $e->getMessage();
// Remove stack trace from error message.
$error_message = preg_replace('#[\r\n]*" in /.*#s', '"', $error_message);
// SMTP response code is stored in the exception message:
// Expected response code 235 but got code "535", with message...
preg_match('#but got code "(\d+)",#', $error_message, $response_m);
$response_code = (int)($response_m[1] ?? 0);
// Retry job with delay.
if ($this->attempts() < $this->tries && !preg_match("/".config("app.no_retry_mail_errors")."/i", $error_message)) {
if ($this->attempts() == 1) {
// Second attempt after 5 min.
} else {
// Others - after 1 hour.
// If an email has not been sent after 1 hour - show an error message to support agent.
if ($this->attempts() >= 3 || $response_code >= 500) {
$this->last_thread->send_status = SendLog::STATUS_SEND_INTERMEDIATE_ERROR;
$this->last_thread->updateSendStatusData(['msg' => $error_message]);
throw $e;
} else {
$this->last_thread->send_status = SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR;
$this->last_thread->updateSendStatusData(['msg' => $error_message]);
// This executes $this->failed().
SwiftGetSmtpQueueId::$last_smtp_queue_id = null;
// Clean error message if email finally has been sent.
if ($this->last_thread->send_status == SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR) {
$this->last_thread->send_status = null;
$this->last_thread->updateSendStatusData(['msg' => '']);
$imap_sent_folder = $mailbox->imap_sent_folder;
if ($imap_sent_folder) {
try {
$client = \MailHelper::getMailboxClient($mailbox);
$envelope['from'] = $mailbox->getMailFrom(null, $this->conversation)['address'];
$envelope['to'] = $this->customer_email;
$envelope['subject'] = $subject;
$envelope['date'] = now()->toRfc2822String();
$envelope['message_id'] = $this->message_id;
// CC.
if (count($cc_array)) {
$envelope['cc'] = implode(',', $cc_array);
// Get penultimate email Message-Id if reply
if (!$new && !empty($last_customer_thread) && $last_customer_thread->message_id) {
$envelope['custom_headers'] = [
'In-Reply-To: <'.$last_customer_thread->message_id.'>',
'References: '.$references,
// Remove new lines to avoid "imap_mail_compose(): header injection attempt in subject".
foreach ($envelope as $i => $envelope_value) {
$envelope[$i] = preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", '', $envelope_value);
$parts = [];
// Multipart flag.
if ($this->last_thread->has_attachments) {
$multipart = [];
$multipart["type"] = TYPEMULTIPART;
$multipart["subtype"] = "alternative";
$parts[] = $multipart;
// Body.
$part_body['type'] = TYPETEXT;
$part_body['subtype'] = 'html';
$part_body[''] = $reply_mail->render();
$part_body['charset'] = 'utf-8';
$parts[] = $part_body;
// Add attachments.
if ($this->last_thread->has_attachments) {
foreach ($this->last_thread->attachments as $attachment) {
if ($attachment->embedded) {
if ($attachment->fileExists()) {
$part = [];
$part["type"] = 'APPLICATION';
$part["encoding"] = ENCBASE64;
$part["subtype"] = "octet-stream";
$part["description"] = $attachment->file_name;
$part['disposition.type'] = 'attachment';
$part['disposition'] = array('filename' => $attachment->file_name);
$part['type.parameters'] = array('name' => $attachment->file_name);
$part["description"] = '';
$part[""] = base64_encode($attachment->getFileContents());
$parts[] = $part;
} else {
\Log::error('[IMAP Folder To Save Outgoing Replies] Thread: '.$this->last_thread->id.'. Attachment file not find on disk: '.$attachment->getLocalFilePath());
try {
$imap_sent_folder = mb_convert_encoding($imap_sent_folder, "UTF7-IMAP","UTF-8");
if (method_exists($client, 'getFolderByPath')) {
$folder = $client->getFolderByPath($imap_sent_folder);
} else {
$folder = $client->getFolder($imap_sent_folder);
// Get folder method does not work if sent folder has spaces.
if ($folder) {
try {
$save_result = $this->saveEmailToFolder($client, $folder, $envelope, $parts, $bcc_array);
// Sometimes emails with attachments by some reason are not saved.
if (!$save_result) {
// Save without attachments.
$save_result = $this->saveEmailToFolder($client, $folder, $envelope, [$part_body], $bcc_array);
if (!$save_result) {
\Log::error($this->getImapSaveErrorPrefix($mailbox).'Could not save outgoing reply to the IMAP folder (check folder name and make sure IMAP folder does not have spaces - folders with spaces do not work): '.$imap_sent_folder);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Just log error and continue.
\Helper::logException($e, $this->getImapSaveErrorPrefix($mailbox).'Could not save outgoing reply to the IMAP folder: ');
} else {
\Log::error($this->getImapSaveErrorPrefix($mailbox).'Could not save outgoing reply to the IMAP folder (check folder name and make sure IMAP folder does not have spaces - folders with spaces do not work): '.$imap_sent_folder);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Just log error and continue.
\Helper::logException($e, $this->getImapSaveErrorPrefix($mailbox).'Could not save outgoing reply to the IMAP folder, IMAP folder not found: '.$imap_sent_folder.' - ');
//$this->saveToSendLog('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Could not save outgoing reply to the IMAP folder: '.$imap_sent_folder);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Just log error and continue.
//$this->saveToSendLog('['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'] Could not get mailbox IMAP folder: '.$imap_sent_folder);
\Helper::logException($e, $this->getImapSaveErrorPrefix($mailbox).'Could not save outgoing reply to the IMAP folder: '.$imap_sent_folder.' - ');
// In message_id we are storing Message-ID of the incoming email which created the thread
// Outcoming message_id can be generated for each thread by thread->id
// $this->last_thread->message_id = $message_id;
// $this->last_thread->save();
// Laravel tells us exactly what email addresses failed
$this->failures = Mail::failures();
// Save to send log
$this->saveToSendLog('', $smtp_queue_id);
public function getImapSaveErrorPrefix($mailbox)
return '['.$mailbox->name.' » Connection Settings » Fetching Emails » IMAP Folder To Save Outgoing Replies] ';
// Save an email to IMAP folder.
public function saveEmailToFolder($client, $folder, $envelope, $parts, $bcc = [])
$envelope_str = imap_mail_compose($envelope, $parts);
// Add BCC.
if (!empty($bcc)) {
// There will be a "To:" parameter for sure.
$to_pos = strpos($envelope_str , "To:");
if ($to_pos !== false) {
$bcc_str = "Bcc: " . implode(',', $bcc) . "\r\n";
$envelope_str = substr_replace($envelope_str , $bcc_str, $to_pos, 0);
if (get_class($client) == 'Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client') {
return $folder->appendMessage($envelope_str, ['\Seen'], now()->format('d-M-Y H:i:s O'));
} else {
return $folder->appendMessage($envelope_str, '\Seen', now()->format('d-M-Y H:i:s O'));
* The job failed to process.
* This method is called after attempts had finished.
* At this stage method has access only to variables passed in constructor.
* @param Exception $exception
* @return void
public function failed(\Exception $e)
'error' => $e->getMessage().'; File: '.$e->getFile().' ('.$e->getLine().')',
'to' => $this->customer_email,
* Save emails to send log.
public function saveToSendLog($error_message = '', $smtp_queue_id = '')
foreach ($this->recipients as $recipient) {
if (in_array($recipient, $this->failures)) {
$status = SendLog::STATUS_SEND_ERROR;
$status_message = $error_message;
} else {
$status = SendLog::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
$status_message = '';
if ($this->customer_email == $recipient) {
$customer_id = $this->customer->id;
} else {
$customer_id = null;
SendLog::log($this->last_thread->id, $this->message_id, $recipient, SendLog::MAIL_TYPE_EMAIL_TO_CUSTOMER, $status, $customer_id, null, $status_message, $smtp_queue_id);