<p>Richard Stallman, criador do movimento do Software Livre, está de volta a Portugal, e irá falar-nos sobre vigilância:</p><p><imgsrc="https://ansol.org/sites/ansol.org/files/RMS2016.jpg"alt="poster of the event"title="poster of the event"style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"height="960"width="602"></p><p><strong>Should We Have More Surveillance Than the USSR?</strong></p><p>Digital technology has enabled governments to impose surveillance that Stalin could only dream of, making it next to impossible to talk with a reporter undetected. This puts democracy in danger. Stallman will present the absolute limit on general surveillance in a democracy, and suggest ways to design systems not to collect dossiers on all citizens.</p><hr><p><ahref="http://iscte-iul.pt/quem_somos/localizacao.aspx">Localização: ISCTE</a></p><p>Presente no local do evento, irá estar uma banca com vários <ahref="https://shop.fsf.org/">items da FSF</a>.</p>