<p>TheFOSS4G-EuropeConferencewillbeheldin<ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guimar%C3%A3es"target="_blank"rel="noopener">Guimarães</a>, Portugal, from July 17 to 19th, 2018. Two days for workshops are scheduled. On 16th, just before the conference and on 20th, after the conference. We also support a code sprint for two days, 20 and 21th of July.</p><p>The Conference aims to bring together the European FOSS4G community. It is not an academic neither a business event. It is a community event, to support face to face meetings and discussions, to foster interactions, to share knowledge and passion.</p><p>The Conference is organized by <ahref="http://osgeopt.pt/"target="_blank"rel="noopener">Portugal OSGeo Chapter</a>, on behalf of the <ahref="https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Europe"target="_blank"rel="noopener">Europe OSGeo Chapter</a>.</p><p>We will be publishing as many information as possible in the next few days. Meanwhile, if you have some urgent question, please email our local team using the address: <ahref="mailto:foss4g-europe@osgeopt.pt">foss4g-europe@osgeopt.pt</a>.</p>