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2021-09-18 02:21:31 +00:00
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node_id: 452
layout: article
title: ANSOL, AEL to lead demonstration against digital handcuffs at World Wide Web
Consortium meeting
created: 1473707744
date: 2016-09-12
- "/DRM-no-HTML-EN/"
- "/article/452/"
- "/node/452/"
2021-09-18 02:21:31 +00:00
<p>(Due to several requests, ANSOL is providing the English version of this Press Release. The original, in Portuguese, can be found&nbsp;<a href="https://ansol.org/DRM-no-HTML" title="Portuguese version">here</a>)</p><hr><div id="magicdomid122" class="ace-line"><span class="author-a-fqz69zz73zhz71zz72zz86zz76zz84zz65zpz122zz72zxz79z b"><strong>LISBON, Portugal -- Thursday, September 8th, 2016 --</strong></span><span class="author-a-fqz69zz73zhz71zz72zz86zz76zz84zz65zpz122zz72zxz79z">&nbsp;ANSOL (Associação Nacional para o Software Livre) and AEL (Associação Ensino Livre) will demonstrate against the incorporation of <a href="https://www.defectivebydesign.org/what_is_drm_digital_restrictions_management">Digital Restrictions Management (DRM)</a>&nbsp;</span><span class="author-a-fqz69zz73zhz71zz72zz86zz76zz84zz65zpz122zz72zxz79z">into HTML, the technical standard that defines the Web</span><span class="author-a-z84zmz90zkz81zz80zplqz81zz65zb6z67zyc">. ANSOL and AEL</span><span class="author-a-fqz69zz73zhz71zz72zz86zz76zz84zz65zpz122zz72zxz79z">&nbsp;invit</span><span class="author-a-z84zmz90zkz81zz80zplqz81zz65zb6z67zyc">e</span><span class="author-a-fqz69zz73zhz71zz72zz86zz76zz84zz65zpz122zz72zxz79z">&nbsp;anyone interested to join them on September 21st at 18:00 at Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, during a meeting of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which sets Web standards like HTML and CSS. W3C members such as Microsoft, Google, and Netflix have been pushing forward the incorporation of Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) into HTML. This would make it no longer an open standard, according to national law. EME in HTML would make it fail three of five criteria in the portuguese law for open standards (36/2011) and would unjustifiably sacrifice freedom on the Web.</span></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div id="magicdomid56">&nbsp;<img src="https://ansol.org/sites/ansol.org/files/Protest_Exterior_03.medium.png" alt="Demonstration against DRM on HTML earlier this year" title="Demonstration against DRM on HTML earlier this year" width="640" height="578"></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div id="magicdomid57"><span class="author-a-3z79zz84zz67zz122z2z89zwvcz73zmz66zz78ztz122z">"One major issue in having DRM inserted into the HTML standard, is that the DRM itself is composed of undocumented actions and processes, which means that HTML5 will not be an open standard according to national law 36/2011", says Marcos Marado, president of ANSOL, adding, "this alone would make HTML5 unviable for use by portuguese Public Administration, and other countries that, like Portugal, rightfully mandate that only Open Standards can be used."</span></div><div id="magicdomid58">&nbsp;</div><div id="magicdomid59"><span class="author-a-3z79zz84zz67zz122z2z89zwvcz73zmz66zz78ztz122z">Streaming companies like Netflix require users to run DRM -- also known as "digital handcuffs" -- on their own devices, to prevent them from performing operations those companies don't allow on digital media, even if permitted by law. "DRM is known to surveil users, endanger them by worsening security vulnerabilities, and disempower them by locking them out of their own computers", said Paula Simões, AEL president. DRM already exists on the Web, but not in a form that is formally blessed by the W3C. Technologists and digital freedom activists warn that DRM in Web standards would make it cheaper and less politically costly to impose restrictions on users, precipitating an increase in DRM on the Web.</span></div><div id="magicdomid60">&nbsp;</div><div id="magicdomid61"><span class="author-a-ocz84zjz122z3ipz85zmoz71ze7z89zf">Th</span><span class="author-a-3z79zz84zz67zz122z2z89zwvcz73zmz66zz78ztz122z">is</span><span class="author-a-ocz84zjz122z3ipz85zmoz71ze7z89zf">&nbsp;protest</span><span class="author-a-3z79zz84zz67zz122z2z89zwvcz73zmz66zz78ztz122z">, with the support of the Free Software Foundation,&nbsp;</span><span class="author-a-ocz84zjz122z3ipz85zmoz71ze7z89zf">will take place on September</span><span class="author-a-3z79zz84zz67zz122z2z89zwvcz73zmz66zz78ztz122z">&nbsp;21st</