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ANSOL -- Associa<69><61>o Nacional para o Software Livre
Board 2022-2024:
\item{} Tiago Carrondo -- Chair
\item{} R<>ben Mendes -- Vice-Chair
\item{} Oct<63>vio Gon<6F>alves -- Treasurer
\item{} Andr<64> Esteves -- Member
\item{} Hugo Peixoto -- Secretary
% TODO - ter um .tex para cada um destes cap<61>tulos (Software Livre, ANSOL, SFD,
% etc.), para que depois possam ser inclu<6C>dos independentemente nas v<>rias
% Apresenta<74><61>es
The Free Software Movement
\item{} Created in 1983, by Richard Stallman
\item{} Free Software Foundation founded in 1985
\item{} Free Software Foundation Europe founded in 2001
% \begin{slide}
% \center{\Huge{ANSOL\\Associa<69><61>o Nacional para o Software Livre}}
% \end{slide}
ANSOL -- Associa<69><61>o Nacional para o Software Livre
\emph{Official launch in October 2001, during Porto Cidade Tecnol<6F>gica}
\item{} Portuguese non-profit association
\item{} propagation, promotion, development, research and study of Free Computing\ldots
\item{} \ldots and its social, political, filosophical, cultural, technical and scientific repercussions
\item{} Based at House of Associations in Oporto, but with a national scope
% \item{} conta com cerca de 80 s<>cios
% \item{} quota anual 30 euros (12 euros no caso de estudantes, desempregados e reformados)
% Software Livre
% \begin{slide}
% \center{\Huge{O Software Livre}}
% \end{slide}
% \begin{slide}
% \emph{Software}
% \begin{quote}
% \emph{software} | s. m.
% \emph{software} |softu<74>re|\\
% (palavra inglesa, de soft, mole + ware, mercadoria)\\
% \emph{substantivo masculino}
% $[$Inform<72>tica$]$ Conjunto de programas, processos, regras e, eventualmente,
% documenta<74><61>o, relativos ao funcionamento de um conjunto de tratamento de
% informa<6D><61>o (por oposi<73><69>o a hardware).
% Plural: softwares.
% \end{quote}
% \hfill \emph{in} \url{}
% \end{slide}
% \begin{slide}
% \emph{Software} -- defini<6E><69>o legal
% \begin{itemize}
% \item{} Lei do Cibercrime refere a exist<73>ncia de ``programas'', mas n<>o produz uma defini<6E><69>o
% \item{} Lei da Criminalidade Inform<72>tica (revogada pelo Lei do Cibercrime) definia:
% \begin{quote}
% Programas de computador -- ``Conjunto de instru<72><75>es capazes, quando inseridas
% num suporte explor<6F>vel em m<>quina, de permitir <20> m<>quina, que tem por fun<75><6E>es o
% tratamento de informa<6D><61>es indicar, executar ou produzir determinada fun<75><6E>o,
% tarefa ou resultado''
% \end{quote}
% \item{} Lei da Criminalidade Inform<72>tica explicitava ainda a exist<73>ncia de
% ``C<>digo objecto'' (0s e 1s) e ``C<>digo fonte'', ambos considerados programas
% de computador
% \item{} programas de computador exclu<6C>dos do cat<61>logo das inven<65><6E>es protegidas
% nos termos da Conven<65><6E>o de Munique sobre a Patente Europeia de 1973
% \item{} Programas de computador considerados como ``obra protegida'' no C<>digo
% do Direito de Autor e dos Direitos Conexos
% \end{itemize}
% \end{slide}
Free Software
\item{} \emph{Free} as in \emph{Freedom}, not gratis
Which Freedoms?
Free Software
At the begining of the 80s, \emph{Richard M. Stallman} was the first to formalize a way of thinking about software in the form of four freedoms:
\item{1st freedom:} The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose
\item{2nd freedom:} The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
\item{3rd freedom:} The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
\item{4th freedom:} The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others, giving the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes
The software following these four principles is called ``Free Software''.
% TODO: GNU's websie has an updated version of this, we should start using that
\input{category.latex} \\
\hfill -- \emph{in} \url{}, CC-SA
\item{} GNU/Linux Operating System
\item{} Android Operating System Project
\item{} OpenOffice -- LibreOffice
\item{} Firefox
\item{} Wordpress
\item{} Apache Web Server
\item{} Blender
\item{} Moodle
\item{} \emph{many others...}
Software Licenses
\item{} Copyleft Licenses -- forks cannot add any restrictions to the license
\item{} GPL (GNU General Public License)
\item{} Mozilla Public License (MPL)
\item{} Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL)
\item{} Non-Copyleft
\item{} Modified BSD License
\item{} Expat License (MIT)
\item{} Apache License
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Association's activities
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\item{} Political and legislative intervention
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\item{} interventions and reports to the Portuguese Parliament
\item{} Coordination with \emph{Free Software Foundation Europe} in European-wide projects, including presence in the European Parliament
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\item{} Participation in the transposition of the European Directive InfoSoc into Portuguese Law
% \begin{itemize}
% \item{} Directiva Europeia que implementa, pela primeira vez, restri<72><69>es de acesso no Direito de Autor
% \item{} Criminaliza neutraliza<7A><61>o de DRM
% \item{} Criminaliza qualquer discuss<73>o que possa facilitar essa neutraliza<7A><61>o
% \item{} Interfere no desenvolvimento de Software Livre
% \item{} Contributo inicial enviado em 2002, acompanhamento da proposta at<61> <20> sua aprova<76><61>o em 2004
% \item{} Mais info: \url{}
% \end{itemize}
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\item{} Campaign against Software Patents, that ended up with its rejection by the European Parliament
\item{} Portugal is the first country to have an Open Standards Law
\item{} Participation in the international campaign against ACTA
\item{} Fight against the Private Copy Law
\item{} Portugal in the frontline in the defense of consumers against DRM
The Law against DRM -- what is it?
\item{} Extension of the definition of DRM
\item{} Clarification of that definition
\item{} Clarification about the illegality of applying DRM in Public Domain works
\item{} Making using DRM on works by public entities or public money ilegal
The Law against DRM -- how did we manage to get it?
\item{} Testing the Law
\item{} Education about the topic
\item{} Persistence
\item{} Working within the scope
\item{} Mathe the (apparent) opposition talk
\item{} Present an alternative
\item{} Launch of the ``Transparency in Public Administration'' in 2009
\\ \includegraphics{transparencia.png}
\item{} Sun and ANSOL got together in creating a CD ``Free Software in School'', spread to the schools by the Ministry of Education
\\ \includegraphics{CD.png}
\item{} Event organization
\item{} Porto 2002, Cidade Tecnol<6F>gica - Sistemas Livres % \includegraphics{porto2002.png}
\item{} Richard Stallman in Portugal % \includegraphics{stallman-2003.png}
\item{} Software Freedom Day %
\item{} Document Freedom Day % \includegraphics{DFD.png}
\item{} I $<3$ Free Software
% \item{} OOXML publicado como norma ECMA em 2006, distin<69><6E>o entre ``norma'' e ``normas abertas''
% \\ \includegraphics{OOXML.png}
% \item{} ANSOL recebe pr<70>mio ``Software'' dos Pr<50>mios Exame Inform<72>tica 2006, em nome da Mozilla Foundation
% \item{} Campanha para o uso de Software Livre na Administra<72><61>o P<>blica em 2010, poupan<61>a estimada em 121 milh<6C>es
% \\ \includegraphics{AP.png}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item{} Em 2013 a ANSOL junta-se a outras entidades no apelo <20> AR para a correc<65><63>o da legisla<6C><61>o relativa ao DRM
% \\ \includegraphics{DRM.png}
% \item{} Lei da C<>pia Privada volta <20> agenda Pol<6F>tica Portuguesa em 2014, ANSOL organiza peti<74><69>o
% \\ \includegraphics{PL118.png}
%A ANSOL em 2015:
% \item{} Celebra<72><61>o do ``Eu $<3$ Software Livre 2015''
% \item{} Esclarecimento sobre o WMV n<>o ser uma norma aberta
% \item{} Celebra<72><61>o do Education Freedom Day 2015, em Lisboa
% \item{} Apelo <20> participa<70><61>o no Dia de Ac<41><63>o Global contra os Tratados Transatl<74>nticos
% \item{} Dar a conhecer a Liberdade que vem do Software Livre, no Dia da Liberdade
% \item{} Contesta<74><61>o contra os tratados TTIP e CETA nas manifesta<74><61>es do $1^o$ de Maio
% \item{} Press Release sobre a aprova<76><61>o da Lei da C<>pia Privada
% \item{} co-organiza<7A><61>o do evento ``Workshop de Direitos de Autor e DRM''
% \item{} Assembleia Geral Eleitoral
% \item{} Plano de regulariza<7A><61>o da situa<75><61>o dos s<>cios com quotas em atraso
% \item{} Regulariza<7A><61>o da situa<75><61>o dos certificados https dos v<>rios sites da ANSOL
% \item{} Forma<6D><61>o do novo Grupo de Trabalho sobre Normas Abertas
% \item{} Forma<6D><61>o do novo Grupo de Trabalho de WebMasters
% \item{} Apoio na organiza<7A><61>o do Software Freedom Day 2015, no Porto
% \item{} Regulariza<7A><61>o da situa<75><61>o de associados da EDRi
% \item{} Press release sobre o t<>rmino da campanha sobre leitores de PDF da FSFE
% \item{} Assembleia Geral, para altera<72><61>o dos estatutos e regulamento interno
% \item{} Escritura<72><61>o nos novos estatutos da ANSOL
% \item{} Assinatura de protocolo com a Casa das Associa<69><61>es, formalizando a sedia<69><61>o da ANSOL naquele espa<70>o
% \item{} Participa<70><61>o no semin<69>rio ``O Regulamento Nacional de Interoperabilidade Digital e a ado<64><6F>o de Normas Abertas pela Administra<72><61>o P<>blica''
% \item{} Participa<70><61>o na consulta p<>blica sobre normas abertas
% \item{} Manuten<65><6E>o da lista de incumprimentos do RNID
%A ANSOL em 2016\ldots depende de todos!
The current Copyright reform
% \begin{slide}
% \includegraphics{eventos.png}
% \end{slide}
% % O SFD
% \begin{slide}
% \center{\Huge{O Software Freedom Day}}
% \end{slide}
% \begin{slide}
% O Software Freedom Day
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics{sfd-2015.png}
% \end{center}
% \emph{Mapa de Eventos SFD 2015 registados a 17 de Agosto} % TODO - actualizar
% \include{sfd-teams}
% \emph{Vis<69>o:} Potenciar todos a ligar, criar e partilhar livremente num mundo digital participat<61>rio, transparente e sustent<6E>vel.
% Objectivos
% \begin{itemize}
% \item{} Celebrar o Software Livre e as pessoas por detr<74>s dele
% \item{} Promover o conhecimento geral sobre Software Livre, e encorajar a adop<6F><70>o de Software Livre e Normas Abertas
% \item{} Criar igualidade de acesso a oportunidades atrav<61>s do uso de tecnologias participat<61>rias
% \end{itemize}
% \end{slide}
% \begin{slide}
% O Software Freedom Day -- Objectivos \emph{(continua<75><61>o)}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item{} Promover um di<64>logo construtivo sobre as responsabilidades e os direitos na Sociedade de Informa<6D><61>o
% \item{} Ser inclusivo de organiza<7A><61>es e indiv<69>duos que partilham a nossa Vis<69>o
% \item{} Ser pragm<67>tico, transparente e respons<6E>vel enquanto organiza<7A><61>o
% \end{itemize}
% \end{slide}
% % Normas Abertas
% \begin{slide}
% \center{\Huge{Normas Abertas}}
% \end{slide}
% \input{rnid.tex}
% % Teoria e pr<70>tica de m<>os dadas - o exemplo do leftpad
% \begin{slide}
% Filosofia e c<>digo -- duas faces da mesma moeda
% \begin{verbatim}
% // "license": "WTFPL"
% module.exports = leftpad;
% function leftpad (str, len, ch) {
% str = String(str);
% var i = -1;
% if (!ch && ch !== 0) ch = ' ';
% len = len - str.length;
% while (++i < len) {
% str = ch + str;
% }
% return str;
% }
% \end{verbatim}
% \begin{tiny}\url{}\end{tiny}
% \end{slide}
% \begin{slide}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item{} trademark
% \item{} patentes de software
% \item{} npm takedown
% \item{} remo<6D><6F>o de todos os m<>dulos
% \item{} npm?
% \item{} WTFPL (vs. Apache 2.0, que protege os utilizadores de eventuais patentes de software)
% \end{itemize}
% \end{slide}
% FIXME: De futuro, quereremos ter a nossa pr<70>pria lista de vantagens, de acordo com os nossos crit<69>rios. Algumas notas que ficaram da <20>ltima reuni<6E>o sobre o tema:
% * poss<73>vel modifica<63><61>o permitiu muita gente a modificar e a distribuir modifica<63><61>es o que melhorou muito o software muito mais rapidamente do que se nao fosse SL
% * Migra<72><61>o da Tranquilidade?
% At<41> l<>, a lista de vantagens aqui apresentadas <20> inspirada em
Advantages of Free Software
\item{} Flexibility and Freedom
\item{} Reliability
\item{} Stability
\item{} Auditability
\item{} Support and Responsability
\item{} Cost
Advantages of Free Software -- Flexibility and Freedom
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\item{} Flexibility -- the capacity to choose solutions fit to the users needs
\item{} If the business requirements change, the solutions should not be constrainted by software
\item{} The use of open standards for interoperability
\item{} the best solutions can be chosen for particular components in the architecture
\item{} if the solutions have good interoperability, the business can avoid lock-in to a particular supplier, avoiding dependency
\item{} Free Software models do not promote vendor lock-in, so open standards adoption is usually high
\item{} In cases where open standards do not exist, source code audit stops the use of proprietary formats as a means to lock-in
\item{} Competition focused on functionality quality
\item{} Freedom by not having only one supplier
\item{} Freedom to modify your software
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Advantages of Free Software -- Reliability
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\item{} Reliability -- the lack of defects causing wrong operation
\item{} performance failures; lack of standards compliance; security issues
\item{} Severe issues tend to be fixed hours after being found, much due to source code access
\item{} \emph{patch} vs. new version
\item{} bug lifecycle is different between free and proprietary software
\item{} \emph{early adopters}' impact, both in fixes as well as in new versions
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Advantages of Free Software -- Stability
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\item{} Stability vs. Updates
\item{} \emph{vendor push}: Format changes, end of support, lack of software fixes
\item{} Warranty on the possibility of data migration
\item{} Source code access provides a way to extend software lifetime
\item{} When to update is chosen by the user, not the vendor
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Advantages of Free Software -- Auditability
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\item{} Security, lack of backdoors, standards compliance and flexibility in future changes: they can be promised in proprietary software, but only an assurance with the access to source code
\item{} punctual and informal inspection vs. rigorous audits
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\item{} InterBase case: 7 years old backdoor found and fixed half-year after free software version release
\item{} The backdoor had been introduced by Borland engineers on purpose
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\item{} third-party inspection and certification
\item{} the falacy of \emph{security through obscurity}
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Advantages of Free Software -- Support and Responsability
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\item{} Support contracts: from generic to personalized
\item{} Internal or external support, tailored (and Ada's example)
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\item{} Ada is language for military, industrial and areospace industries that are
\emph{mission-critical} and \emph{safety-critical}
\item{} ``ACT Europe'' was created in 1996 to provide commercial support to military and industrial uses of Ada
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\item{} Several business models around Support
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\item{} Zope -- Free Software Production; most profit comes from support and services
\item{} Free Software consultancy services
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\item{} The real need of support, when the code is from the user
\item{} The myth of responsability in proprietary software \\ (read EULAs)
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Advantages of Free Software -- Cost
\item{} libre vs. gratis
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\item{} Price vs. TCO
\item{} Aspects about Free Software's TCO
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\item{} Possibility of zero price
\item{} Possibility of not needing to count the number of copies in use
\item{} Probable small need of updates
\item{} almost-zero virus vulnerability
\item{} Supposed less security vulnerabilities
\item{} Alleged possibility of longer lifecycle due to low hardware requirements
\item{} A better compliance to open standards allows competition, reducing the lock-in to monopolist prices
\item{} Source code availability makes the software resilient to product discontinuation or vendor extintion
\item{} Finance strategy ruled by the user and not the vendor
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Free Software Business Models
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\item Offer the software to sell hardware (IBM, ...)
\item Licensing allows inclusion in non-free software (MySQL)
\item Publish the software without source, releasing it only after some time
\item Base software is free, but extras aren't
\item Sharing development costs
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Free Software Business Models (cont.)
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\item Technical assistence contracts
\item Development of new features
\item Training
\item Consulting and software adaptation
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\center{\Huge{Get involved!}}
% link to the site where the video is
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% embed movie link (doesn't work in many PDF readers)
% embed movie inside the PDF - works in even less PDF readers, so I didn't even bothered with the code for that
ANSOL-geral -- \url{}
\url{} or \url{}
\includegraphics{ansol-matrix.png} \includegraphics{ansol-telegram.png}